Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Summoning The Ominous Blade, A Heaven Defying Artifact! (Subscribe)


Hearing this name, Dumbledore froze for a moment, followed Gandalf’s gaze, and then his face showed a dazed look.

“His name is Artel, he is the most talented little wizard in our school, and I have always believed that his future achievements will not be inferior to mine. 35

Dumbledore said to Gandalf.

Gandalf nodded and said solemnly:

“This little guy’s talent is very powerful and evil… I felt Maya’s potential in him, but…”

Gandalf shook his head again, and said:

“Maia is a spirit born from Iluvita’s thoughts, how could human beings have a talent comparable to that of Maya? This world is really wonderful.

Gandalf didn’t think much about it, he just thought it was because the world was different.

“It seems that Artel’s talent is stronger than I thought.”

Dumbledore looked at Artel with more surprise when he heard Gandalf say this.

“Actually, this kid is very kind, although he is in Slytherin Academy…”

Dumbledore told Gandalf about Artel, and Gandalf listened with a look of surprise on his face.

“What a good boy…”

Gandalf nodded, looking at Artel with a kinder look.

It doesn’t matter what a person’s strength is, it matters what kind of choice they make.

Gandalf agreed with this statement.

Sauron and he are both Maya, and their power is also Maya’s power, but because of their different choices, the two eventually went to completely different paths.

Thinking this way, Gandalf fell in love with Artel inexplicably.

He had thought that this child was very kind before, and now after listening to Dumbledore’s introduction to Artel, he felt even more fond of him.

Artel felt Gandalf’s gaze, and he raised his head and looked at Gandalf.

Seeing the appreciation and praise in Gandalf’s eyes, Artel knew that the favorability of the system reward should have taken effect.

At the same time, Artel was relieved.

After all, he obtained Sauron’s necromancer talent, and he also practiced Gandalf’s fine and mysterious method. He was afraid that Gandalf would doubt him because of this matter.

“Is that Mr. Gandalf? He looks a bit like the Headmaster…~.

Hermione whispered, Artel twitched the corners of his mouth and asked:

“Where is it like?”

“It’s all old men…”

All right.

It also makes sense.

After chatting for a while, Dumbledore clapped his hands, the auditorium became quiet, and Professor McGonagall walked in from outside the door, bringing the little wizards who just went to school this year.

There was surprise and excitement in their eyes, just like Artel them a year ago.

Everything that follows starts with the flow.

Ginny was assigned to Gryffindor, and the Weasleys were all Gryffindors.

And Luna was assigned to Ravenclaw, and everything went according to the original trajectory.

After the sorting was over, the dinner officially began with Dumbledore’s announcement.

Before the start, Dumbledore also introduced Gandalf to everyone. In the applause, Gandalf waved his hand with a smile, and two fire dragons appeared in the air of the auditorium, hovering in circles for a few times, and bursting with a bang.

The fireworks fell, but there was no temperature, and some sparks fell on the little wizard’s clothes and hair, and turned into glittering sequins.

The little wizards cheered, and the atmosphere in the auditorium instantly became lively.

After taking it at home for nearly three months, Artel still misses this feeling quite a bit. In the midst of the noise, the dinner was over, and the big guys sang the school song together, and then returned to their respective lounges under the leadership of the prefects.

After chatting with everyone in the common room for a while, Artel returned to the dormitory.

Malfoy and the others didn’t come back, and they were playing UNO with others in the common room, this Muggle card game, which is very popular at Hogwarts.

Artel went back to bed, closed his eyes, and turned on the system.

Today is August 31st. When I was having dinner in the auditorium just now, the summoning authority of the system was updated.

“System, extract items.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting [Gursang]!”


The sword recast by [Anglacher] is the sword of Turin, the hero of the first era, who used this sword to kill the ancestor of evil dragons, Glauron.

Note 1: Gulsan will bring unknown to the user.

Note 2: The blade of Gulsan is cursed for drinking the blood of its master, and anyone stabbed by this sword will surely die.

Note 3: There is a sword spirit in Gulsan, who can talk to the user.

Note 4: It is said that at the end of the world, Morgoth (Melko) will have a doomsday war with the free people, and Turin will use Gulsan to kill Morgoth and completely destroy the evil.

Artel was a little surprised. Judging from the introduction of the system, the blade of Gul’san was an uncompromising artifact, but at the same time it was also an ominous thing.

Turin’s tragic life was all because of this sword. In the end, he chose to commit suicide, and Gulsan was broken.

“” “The mortal sword that stabs… the sword that can completely kill Morgoth…”

Artel kept the Gul’san Blade in the system space.

This is a terrible weapon, Morgoth is the most powerful Valar, and this sword can kill it completely…

“So with this sword, you can also kill Sauron or other Maiya.”

Artel thought silently, but since it’s an ominous thing, it’s better to use it sparingly.

The system has already prompted him, and Artel will not use it unless it is a last resort.

“Huh, it seems that luck is not bad, let’s have another powerful character…”

Artel rubbed his hands and chose to summon the character.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning [Goth Mog]!”

“Who?! 35

Artel froze for a moment, his eyes widening.

Goth Mog, the Fire Lord of the First Era? One of the Maya, one of Morgoth’s most powerful servants?

Artel’s face showed bitterness, this game should be released now, and Gandalf may not be able to play it.

(Zhao Li Hao) After all, the descendant of Goth Mog, the nemesis of Durin and Gandalf the Grey died together.

Artel opened the system space and glanced at it, then froze for a moment.

Because it is not the Balrog sleeping in the system space, but a huge and ugly half-orc.

“Bah! Are you worthy of the name Gossmogg?!”

Artel’s mood was up and down, looking at the orc and checking its profile.

“Goth Mog… The same name as the Lord of the Fire Demons of the First Era, the deputy head of Morgul, the deputy of the Witch King of Angmar…”

“After the death of the Witch King of Angmar, the battle turned against Sauron’s side, and Gothmog took charge of the army, almost turning the tide…

“Tsk tsk tsk, looks stupid, but I didn’t expect to be a military division.

Artel smiled, he already had an idea in his mind.

This Goth Mog, of course, must be subdued, and then returned to the Witch King of Angmar, so that it can penetrate into the interior of Sauron’s side.

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