Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 306

Chapter 307 Saruman, We Need You (Subscribe)

“Mr Newt’s pet?

Hermione thought for a while and asked uncertainly:

“You mean, Mr. Newt brought a Mudfrey?35

Mudfrey is Sniff, and Hermione had seen Newt’s description of it in the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find It.

And Newt also said in the book that he likes to sniff and has raised many of them.

Sniff is covered in black fluff and has a long snout, and is fond of all things that sparkle.

This kind of magical animal is not uncommon, and the goblins like to keep the sniffles and use them to find underground treasures.

In the original book, the Weasley twins also had a pair of Sniffs, who were later left to Lee Jordan, who frequently visited Umbridge’s office to wreak havoc during her time at Hogwarts.

“If that’s the case, then I’m relieved.”

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. The ring was a birthday present from Artel the other day. She liked it very much. If she lost it, Hermione would be sad for the rest of her life.

After a quick breakfast, Hermione and a group of stolen little wizards from Gryffindor went to Professor McGonagall.

Hermione told Professor McGonagall about Artel’s guess, and Professor McGonagall suddenly remembered that Newt was going to do something with a sniff recently, so it seemed that he had been carrying a sniff all the time.

“Artel is really smart.

Professor McGonagall was relieved, she felt that Artel’s guess was inseparable, so she comforted the little wizards and went to Newt herself.

After about half an hour, Professor McGonagall and Newt came to the classroom together. She also carried a small package in her hand. After opening it, there were various sparkling things inside.

“Sure enough, it was stolen by Sniff!”

Hermione saw the ring that Artel gave her at a glance, and was completely relieved.

Artel sat on the seat and also glanced at the small package, only one glance, Artel was stunned for a moment.

“Gaunt ring?”

In the small package, Artel was amazed to see the Gaunt ring with the Resurrection Stone.

“Should Dumbledore hide this thing? Was it stolen by Sniff again?

Artel blinked, and he glanced at Harry without a trace, and saw that Harry was also staring at the ring.

“It seems that Voldemort has any way to perceive the situation in the outside world… It’s useless if I ask for it, but I can’t give it back to Voldemort.”

Artel thought silently, as the others brought their belongings back, but there were still some odds and ends in the small package.

“Take these things and ask other people, Sniff said, they were stolen from Hogwarts.

Newt was a little embarrassed. He was a ninety-five-year-old old man, and his pet was stealing from his alma mater. It was too shameful to say it.

“This thing belongs to Headmaster Dumbledore. Peter Pettigrew stole it and wanted to get revenge on me, but I caught it, so I remember it very clearly.

Artel stood up and pointed to the Gaunt ring.

“Professor stuff?

Newt picked up the ring curiously, looked at it carefully, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He should have recognized the resurrection stone on it.

“Your name is Artel? What a sweet kid.

Newt looked at Artel with a smile on his face, complimented Artel, and put the ring in his pocket.

He had to hand this ring to Dumbledore himself.

The reason why Newt brought Sniff during this time was also for a ring.

Dumbledore suspected that Minister of Magic Fudge had received the One Ring from Henry, otherwise he would not have been able to explain why Fudge had changed so much over time.

So, after discussing it with Newt, Dumbledore wanted to try and see if he could steal the ring through Sniff.

After all, the key item of Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s blood oath contract was also stolen by Sniff.

But unfortunately, Fudge was very vigilant, and Sniff never found a chance.

(cgab) Until yesterday, Grindelwald proposed the new wizarding school, and got the support of some people from the International Federation of Wizards, Newt came to Hogwarts and discussed it with Dumbledore.

Because the incident happened suddenly, he brought Sniffs with him. He didn’t expect Sniffs to steal so many things in one night.

After Professor McGonagall and Newt left, Artel and the others continued their classes.

This class is Nagini’s Defense Against the Dark Arts, because Artel wanted to study new dark magic, so he chatted with Nagini for a while.

Not listening to Nagini’s level is not enough, and it will not help Artel too much. If he can chat with Dumbledore, Artel thinks it should be more effective.

During the period, Artel also asked what happened after Nagini.

Nagini will leave after teaching this semester, take up a post as a school doctor at Hogwarts, and then go to work on the Order of the Phoenix.

This is also consistent with Artel’s expectations for her at the beginning. Artel first rescued Nagini, hoping to put a nail in the Order of the Phoenix.

Unfortunately, Quirrell ran away, and Nagini was temporarily arranged by Dumbledore as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Speaking of this, Nagini was quite nervous.

Because Saruman hasn’t shown up for months…

There are still some small newspapers in the wizarding world now running a speculation that Saruman may have been killed…

Otherwise, why did a great wizard who was so high-profile in the past hadn’t shown up for months?

Nagini had signed a magical contract with Artel. Although she could not perceive the specific situation of Artel, she could sense that Saruman was still alive.

But the other party hadn’t contacted him for so long, which made Nagini feel like he was abandoned…

Talking about this with Artel today, Nagini subconsciously thought of Saruman, wondering if he was looking for any opportunity to see if he could contact him.

Besides Nagini, there is another person who misses Saruman very much.

That was poor Quirrell.

Quirrell is now in England. He lives in Malfoy’s manor. Quirrell and Voldemort originally came to find Saruman, but recently, there has been no news from Saruman.

But they didn’t come in vain. The Malfoy family still had some energy. Lucius brought a lot of unicorn blood for Quirrell, so now Voldemort is in good shape.

The plot against Dumbledore to train Harry into a dark wizard was also discussed by Voldemort and Lucius.

It’s just that Voldemort doesn’t know that Dumbledore no longer regards Harry as his successor.

At this moment, in Malfoy Manor, Quirrell was looking at the dragon egg in front of him with a hopeful expression, and prayed silently:

“Great Mr. Saruman, all-knowing and all-wise, your faithful servant Quirrell prays to you, and if you can hear, come to poor Quirrell…”

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