Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 12 Wealth, Ambition, and Dignity

Prefects meeting room.

Voldemort returns with everyone.

The crazy people in the battle looked very tired.

"This mission... was very successful..." Voldemort's voice was calm, neither sad nor happy, but with a smile on his face, elegance and strangeness.

Everyone had ecstasy on their faces.

"I will distribute your rewards to your family and your hands respectively."

Ron Weasley was trembling, his eyes bloodshot: "Why?!"

Harry Potter was also very excited and painful, and his body was covered in blood.

Like Ron Weasley, he looked at the people in front of him a little wildly.

At the end of the battle, it was like being in hell.

The ground was full of corpses, and he accidentally rolled into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

He was dirty and smelly.

Voldemort looked over.

"I don't understand...your doubts?..." He said in surprise.

Ron Weasley didn't dare to look at him: "Why? Want to start a war?..."

"Hahahaha..." Voldemort laughed, laughing wildly.

seems very happy.

The prefects seemed to be laughing too.

It seemed like he heard a big joke.

Voldemort suddenly repeated Ron Weasley's question loudly: "Why?!" He spread his hands flat and turned his head and looked around: "Good question, who...can tell him...why, we want to start a war?!"

The voice sounded a little confused and helpless.

Clearly pretending to be the person asking the question, Ron Weasley.

This 'lifelike' performance only makes people laugh.

The fifth-grade senior sister had taken out a red wine glass at some point, and bright red wine appeared out of thin air and was poured into the glass.

"We need wealth."

Ron Weasley looked over: "Isn't that enough?"

"We need rights..." The third-year senior raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't it big enough?" Ron Weasley asked again.

The third-grade senior said: "Not enough!"

The sixth-grade senior showed a cruel smile: "We need slaves!"

"Why do we need slaves?! Isn't it easier for magic to do what we want than for slaves?" Ron Weasley asked excitedly.

"Wow... there is an honest man here!" the fourth-grade senior said sarcastically: "This honest man just killed more than 100 Muggles, and then he started questioning us from the Muggle perspective... …It’s really good, awesome, powerful, ah…”

One after another.

"Did anyone teach you what respect is?!" the sixth-grade senior asked indifferently: "Oh, yes, you are a bitch who has no father to teach you and no mother to raise you!"

The moment these words appeared, the expressions of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley changed wildly, becoming as gloomy as water, and terrifying magic spewed out.

Their identities overlapped to a certain extent, which is why they quickly became very good friends.

Voldemort didn't stop.

Oppression is the ladder of human progress.

Humans love to rebel.

"Wow, it's so scary... What, you are dissatisfied with me? Want to challenge me? OK, as long as you defeat me, you will be the first in the magic world, and I'm afraid you will be the first to defeat me in one month. You are a legend in the sixth grade! You are the prefect of the sixth grade! From the first grade to the sixth grade, no one dares to disobey you!" the sixth grade prefect sneered.

"Yes, in that case. On behalf of our seventh grade, I also surrender to you. Weasley, do you want to give it a try?" the seventh grade prefect said with a ferocious smile.

Of course, if such a situation actually arises, they may actually turn what they say into reality.

After all, the current wizarding world is a place where strength is paramount.

Ron Weasley can really do it, it simply subverts everyone's views.

Ron Weasley took a deep breath, his breath became more and more chaotic, and his magic became more and more violent.

Anger, endless anger seemed to burn his body and mind, making him almost want to burn everything in the world.

Voldemort looked at the angry Ron Weasley, and the ecstasy on his face almost overflowed: "Very...good." He stared at Ron Weasley: "I, said, you are very suitable, The Fierce Fire Curse. How about it? Do you want to learn it? This state is simply...born for the Fierce Fire Curse."

Ron Weasley took a deep breath, calmed down the riot in his heart, and forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Lord Voldemort, I think I am very much looking forward to learning this great spell. But now I am really too tired, I need to go back and get some rest.”

Yes, after the anger just now, Ron Weasley felt a little shaky and top-heavy.

Fighting itself consumes a lot of energy.

This was the first time I witnessed a battle between life and death.

Voldemort nodded, with a half-smile expression on his face: "Yes, you can see it." He looked at the two boys in front of him and said slowly: "I welcome your advice here at any time..."

Ron Weasley and Harry Potter left the Prefects' meeting room.

Hold for a while, the more you think, the more angry you become.

Taking a step back, the more you think about it, the more you lose.

"Fuck!" Ron Weasley kicked the wall next to him angrily, his eyes seeming to pop out.

Thinking back to everyone in the prefects' meeting room.

They hated Ron, so why didn't Ron hate them?

Harry Potter pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"Farke, Farke, Farke!" He punched and kicked the wall several times.

Harry Potter quickly came over to comfort him.

"Don't be angry, Ron, it's not worth it..."

Ron Weasley took a deep breath and suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart.

The terrifying murderous intention was vaguely revealed.

Ron Weasley felt his hands covered in blood.

Dirty and stinky.

There seemed to be invisible blood flowing faintly on his hands.

There was indeed blood flowing on his fist, which was the damage he had just caused.

Voldemort directly took all the outstanding young wizards to participate in the war.

This is simply...demonic...

They all had a hand in killing Muggles.

You can never consider yourself to be kind.

Ron Weasley closed his eyes, and screams of terror and pain seemed to still be heard in his ears.

"Who is walking at night?!" came a voice.

It seems to be charming like a girl, but the voice is a bit old.

A fat and bloated toad appeared at the end of the corridor and walked over gracefully.

Ron Weasley looked at her coldly.

"Isme" asked in a calm voice: "Any questions?"

There was impatience and some disgust in his voice.

Umbridge looked at Ron Weasley with a ferocious smile on her face: "Two little wizards stayed up in the middle of the night and went out to cause trouble. They got themselves dirty." Her nose twitched and her expression changed. : "What does this smell like?!"

Ron Weasley was too lazy to talk nonsense to her: "I am the prefect, Ron Weasley."

"Oh~" Umbridge's sinister expression softened: "That's great. If I guess correctly, you should have just come back from the prefects' conference room."

As he spoke, he waved his wand.Release and Cleanup, cleaning the blood and dirt off Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

The reply was as good as before and the two men's damaged wizard robes were repaired.

"Yes..." Ron Weasley nodded.

Umbridge's expression became extremely kind: "Oh~ In that case, then you two should go back and rest quickly... Good night..." After saying that, she walked past the two of them.

Walking slowly through the dark streets.

Harry Potter endured it for a while, but couldn't help but say: "She is so strange..."

"Yes." Ron Weasley nodded: "I think so too..."

At this moment, the two saw an exquisite little witch in front of them.

She seemed to be walking out of the library.

"You..." Ron Weasley said suddenly.

"ao!!!...whatfxxk..." The girl was obviously startled, and when she saw the two of them, she quickly covered her mouth.

She didn't want to offend either of these two people again.

After all, prefects have the right to manage the same grade in the school.

Ron Weasley had some curious inquiries: "Hermione, what are you doing?!"

"I want you to take care of it?!" Hermione snorted and quickly ran towards the Gryffindor lounge.

Ron Weasley was choked and his expression became very strange.

"I think maybe she is learning spells. After all, she is such a strong person." Harry Potter whispered.

"Maybe, come on, I'm almost exhausted." Ron Weasley sighed and complained.

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