Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 15 The biggest danger is him!

Entering the Forbidden Forest from Hogwarts, Fenrir Greyback became obviously excited.

His voice gradually became weird.Or maybe it's because when you enter another area, it's normal for some changes in range and timbre to occur.

"Children, do you know how we should hunt for those materials? For example, the acromantula venom and porcupine quills needed for powerful potions. These can be obtained in the Forbidden Forest.

Today, I will lead you to... hunt these magical creatures.

Oh, the porcupine is not a magical creature, it is a kind of ordinary animal. "

As he spoke, he lowered his footsteps: "Children, when walking in the Forbidden Forest, if you encounter a creature you want to hunt, you'd better slow down and find the right moment to strike with a fatal blow!"

As he spoke, he took out his wand and pointed it at a place about ten meters away.

The rabbit is coming!

He caught the rabbit that was flying quickly in his hand and threw it into his bag.

"This is just an ordinary little animal. Maybe you can go back for a meal. Oh... this is really amazing. We encountered a poison horned beast. You may not know that even in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, you can encounter Poisonhorn is also a game of chance.”

Fenrir Greyback smiled lowly, with no surprise or nervousness in his voice.Looking at the hair remaining in a strange hoofprint-like area on the ground, I immediately understood what kind of creature was responsible.

Ron Weasley looked at the situation gradually entering the Forbidden Forest, feeling a lot of uneasiness in his heart, but he was not sure if it was his illusion.

The trees around me are one after another.

Fenrir Greyback led everyone to trace the poison horn beast.

This super dangerous magical creature has now made its home in the Forbidden Forest.

I don’t know whose masterpiece it was, but it was the Forbidden Forest that gradually gathered magical creatures from all over the world.

In fact, the scope of the Forbidden Forest expanded greatly with the rise of Voldemort.

Far away, various Death Eater families also have territories next to the Forbidden Forest, where they specialize in raising magical creatures that need materials.

The poison horn beast gradually revealed its footprints under the pursuit of Fenrir Greyback.

Looking at the huge creature from a distance, Fenrir Greyback roared with excitement.

Fenrir Greyback rushed out of the crowd of little wizards, chasing the unicorn, constantly chanting various black magic spells, and shooting out spells.

In desperation, the poisonous horned beast roared crazily and turned towards the many young wizards.

Looking at the Poison Horned Beast charging towards him, Ron Weasley's expression changed wildly: "Fuck, he really has no good intentions!" As he spoke, he waved his wand, and a ray of yellow light flew out.

A pit exploded in front of the Poison Horned Beast.

It is so huge that it has a tonnage of one and a half tons.

The charge was like a truck crashing into it.

It has extremely high magic resistance.

Facing the charging Poison Horned Beast, all the little wizards screamed.

They were surprised and frightened.


Harry Potter also waved his wand, and a stream of magic was released.

Ron Weasley drank the Fever Potion in his hand.

I feel a kind of hot blood burning from deep within my body.

"Harry, here you go!" Ron Weasley took out the fever potion from the package and began to chant a spell quickly.

He took a sip of wine and spat out a cloud of mist.

The terrifying mist quickly penetrated into the Poison Horned Beast's body.

The Poison Horn began to feel a little drunk and staggered.

At the same time, the terrifying poison is constantly stimulating, hurting the poisonous horned beast's body and stimulating the poisonous horned beast's nerves.

Black magic has many advantages, it is powerful and consumes little, but it will gradually affect people's minds.

When you rely on black magic, you start falling into an abyss.

Seeing the Poison Horned Beast starting to slow down, Ron Weasley gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of poisonous potion, and smashed it hard.

The highly toxic potion hit the flying poison horned beast, and a hissing sound instantly resounded throughout the area.

The roar of the Poison Horned Beast also echoed throughout this area.

"Damn it! Prefect, you wasted rare materials!" Fenrir Greyback's expression looked very angry.

Ron Weasley also looked very angry: "Professor, you pushed us to a dangerous place and almost caused casualties. I hope you can give me an explanation, otherwise I think you want to Kill us!"

Fenrir Greyback's expression turned cold.

He stared hard at the red-haired boy in front of him, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Why?" Fenrir Greyback smiled, stretched out his hands, and shrugged: "Why...should I kill you?...I am a loyal servant of my lord, Lord Voldemort..."

When he said Voldemort's name, Fenrir Greyback's expression became fanatical.

After a while, it changed back to its original appearance.

Ron Weasley noticed that the skull on Fenrir Greyback's arm seemed to come alive.

He understood... Voldemort had heard what they said and knew certain causes and consequences.

But Ron Weasley gradually understood the reason why Fenrir Greyback dared to be so wanton.

My heart gradually sank...

Want to... kill me and Harry Potter? !

What a calculation! ! !


I shouldn't...become a prefect...

Ron Weasley regretted it.

But what we have to do now is to find a way to survive.

"So since there has been such a major teaching mistake, I think...you should be able to let us go back, right? After all, all of us have been hurt physically and mentally." Ron Weasley said quickly, while He said, reaching out his hand and pulling Harry Potter back step by step.

The young wizards of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor seemed to understand that something very serious was going on.

Although they also.I'm not sure whether the professor did it on purpose, but when the huge monster rushed over just now, it really made everyone feel extremely panicked.

The feeling of despair when facing a huge monster that is far larger than your own size and rushing towards you is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Almost everyone can know what that outcome will be like.

And Ron Weasley saved them.

Fenrir Greyback looked at the panicked crowd and smiled.

He seemed to be thinking about something and was silent for a while.

"Yeah..." Fenrir Greyback said with a smile: "In that case, let's... go back..."

Ron Weasley was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the other party would agree to his request so easily.Then he looked at the other party with some doubts, wondering whether the situation just now was done intentionally by the other party.

He took a deep breath, then turned around and said, "Everyone, let's go back to school quickly. It's too dangerous here. The monster just now..."

Just as Ron Weasley was speaking, he suddenly noticed that everyone in front of him had a somewhat panicked expression: "Professor... Professor, he is missing..."

what? ! ! !

Ron Weasley turned his head, his pupils almost shrinking to pinpricks.

Indeed, Fenrir Greyback was no longer there.

An extremely terrifying intuition rushed into his heart, causing his whole body to tremble uncontrollably.

He turned around and roared: "Let's go!!! Go quickly!!!"

Harry Potter looked at Ron Weasley's expression and understood that something was serious.

At the same time, he also remembered what Ron Weasley said to him just now.

Professor Fenrir Greyback is a notorious...evil werewolf! ! !

It is not clear how evil the other party is, but the legend about werewolves is almost universal in all worlds, and they all know the characteristics of werewolves.


And can infect others.

Turn around and run.

But after running for two steps, I looked at the figures passing by.

Harry Potter stopped and shouted, "Everyone, run!"

"Why?! The Forbidden Forest is so dangerous. If we didn't have a professor to lead us, I'm afraid..." Someone was shouting loudly.

Harry Potter couldn't help roaring: "Professor Fenrir Greyback is an evil werewolf!!! The biggest danger is him!!!"

Ron Weasley slapped his head hard.

Oh, I bought it...

it's over...

Although he didn't know how to persuade the little wizards around him to leave quickly if he didn't say so... However, Fenrir Greyback only left a distance.

Harry Potter's words directly attracted all the hatred! ! !

"Hahahahaha..." In the forest, laughter suddenly began to spread from nowhere.

The laughter was so free and weird.

And the sound kept getting weirder and weirder with the laughter, and finally turned into a wolf howl.

Almost everyone understood immediately that what Harry Potter said was indeed the truth.

Some of the smart people think even more.

Hermione's expression changed wildly: "Fuck! Almost all of us Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are Muggle wizards! Werewolves..."

I spent almost a month at the academy.Although no one knew what happened, some even didn't know what kind of creature a werewolf was.But after hearing such frightening words and the speculations of some smart people, I immediately started to panic.

Everyone began to run away in the direction from behind.

Ron Weasley looked at the woods behind him and saw endless darkness and terror.

He started chanting incantations.

A total of more than a dozen spells ended one by one.

He took a sudden sip of wine and held it back.

The magic power in the body continuously flows into the ball of wine in the mouth, changing the state of the wine industry.

Turns wine into a poison.

Ron Weasley felt short of breath as he ran.

Fortunately, Fenrir Greyback's patience is not that full.

Maybe he thought there was nothing to be afraid of when facing a group of 11-year-old wizards.So he didn't wait long. After he completed his transformation, he rushed over very quickly.Pounce in the direction of this group of little wizards.

Ron Weasley opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of mist.

With enough casting time, and the constant infusion of magic power into the wine, the poison of Burning Poison can be said to be the most injected and most successfully used in his history.

Fenrir Greyback rushed straight over, closed his eyes and held his breath, barely taking in the smoke, and then rushed straight over.

In fact, he felt that he didn't need to close his eyes and hold his breath, because these weak black magics were nothing compared to the magic resistance he had.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he realized that the little wizard in front of him hadn't finished spitting yet.

And to his surprise and horror.

Ron Weasley looked directly at him, constantly controlling the clumps of magic power that flew out. The smoke quickly returned and poured into the werewolf in front of him, pouring into the opponent's body crazily.

"How is that possible?!..." Fenrir Greyback howled in pain.

The extremely terrible pain made him feel like countless needlepoints piercing his body.It was burning from the inside out, and the whole body was suffering from extremely huge pain.

This kind of magic, this kind of magic power... is simply not something that ordinary little wizards can possess!

It has even vaguely reached the standard of an adult wizard.

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