Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 167 Phantom Magic

Seamus looked very proud to be a friend of the prefects.

From then on, he followed Ron selectively.

The six of them were inseparable.

Hermione also began to show her overwhelming ability as a top student.

Constantly teaching Draco Pansy and Seamus.

In fact, Ron and his team of prefects can be significantly strengthened mainly because of the human encyclopedia of Hermione.

About the casting of spells, about some alchemy, about the properties of various potions.

In short, you are right to find Hermione.

Even if she doesn't understand very much, she can still have a conversation.

It can even tell you which book you should look for to help you.

Ron Weasley was sitting on the sofa in the prefects' lounge, writing about his cultivation experience of mandrake and various knowledge taught by the Herbology class professor.

I was thinking about what kind of potion I could prepare.

They later went in to see the mandrake they obtained at the beginning.

Wild Mandela's vitality is tenacity.

Ron and the others gave him some light and have continued to live until now.

In addition to the dragon dung that I got later, I put some in it every few days so that it can absorb the nutrients in the dragon dung.

It seems to be at least relatively healthy now.


"Welcome back, dear children." Voldemort's voice was calm, with a hint of evil.

He glanced at Ron and the others.

Watch the number increase again.

It can be seen that in addition to Malfoy and the others, there are also beings like Seamus.

In addition to Seamus, there were actually a few Gryffindor little lions who made requests to Ron.

Hope to be his friend.

In fact, the friends mentioned here are similar to what Voldemort said to his Death Eaters, my friends.

and so……

Written as friend, pronounced as subordinate, meaning slave.

"Last class, we learned about phantom magic. Of course, the prefect was not here, so I briefly mentioned it. Now, let's learn about it." Voldemort waved his wand.

A special book appears on everyone's desk.

Book of Phantoms.

Looking at the magic projection projected in front of him.

Ron Weasley gasped.

Isn't this... holographic projection technology? !

Ron looked at the various messages that appeared in the book carefully.

He began to read hard about the information about phantom magic.

Voldemort also started walking and talking.

The author of Phantom Magic and its general abilities are introduced.

Finally, he began to teach everyone how to cast spells, and let everyone understand the emotions required for this spell as much as possible.

"This is not black magic, so what is needed is more than negative emotions such as hatred.

It's very difficult, and I don't expect you to learn it easily, but at least you have some understanding of it.

Ten years ago, this magic was not mainstream magic, so few people were proficient in it.

But in a war last year, this magic made a very important contribution, so I also hope that you can learn this magic well. "

he said, waving his wand.

Countless tentacle vines appeared, and madness filled the air.

This is a magic that is easier to master than Transfiguration, but much more difficult to get started with than Transfiguration.

The effects displayed by this magic all need to be based on your imagination. Although transformation also requires your imagination, and it is a real transformation, almost every transformation of transformation has its own characteristics, no For a true transformation master, it is really difficult to use transformation to achieve tricks.

This is not the case with phantom magic. As long as you learn phantom magic, it is only a matter of time until you become proficient in it, and it is only a matter of time until you become proficient.

Because of this magic.It's true, as long as you use it, you can create whatever you imagine in your mind. Although it has no entity, it is this kind of magic that is very scary to Muggles.

Especially if combined with the transformation technique, then you can achieve a seamless connection.

The real thing is the real thing, the real thing is the real thing.

Transfiguration is easier to master than Phantom Magic.

The two complement each other and can completely suppress Muggles.

Because the phantom created by phantom magic is not a false illusion, there will be no bugs that are visible to the naked eye but invisible to the machine.

It is to use magic to form the appearance of anything in your imagination.

Ron kept waving his wand, trying to use this magic.

Voldemort said softly beside him: "When reading Latin Europe, it should be like this, la, ding, oh~↑The movements are like this, and the final pronunciation is good." As he spoke, he waved his wand, and the magic power transformed into Got a Ron.

During the transformation, Ron chanted the magic spell and waved his wand.

Ron Weasley nodded.

Keep waving.

The thoughts in his mind appeared in front of him.

A guy with an octopus beard and wings appears.

Voldemort's expression was strange.

He looked at this small strange statue with some confusion: "What is this? A... birdman with tentacles and beards?"

To be more precise, he should be a man with bat wings.

Ron Weasley looked at the thing in front of him with some fun: "This thing? It's called Cthulhu, the evil god..."

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he had done. After all, this world was Harry Potter.The world view of Harry Potter is mainly based on it, so he only has some fun with things like Cthulhu, so he just fantasizes about them in his mind.

Voldemort nodded: "The evil gods... are really their style."

Ron was stunned after hearing Voldemort's words.

What's the meaning? !Is there really an evil god? !

Voldemort thought.

As he spoke, he also waved his wand: "Compared to this Cthulhu, look at this one, Beelzebub."

A terrifying and strange figure appeared.

Ron looked at this weird monster in surprise.

Is there really an evil god in this world? !

"What is the evil god?!" Ron couldn't help but asked curiously.

He wanted to corroborate the speculations he had in his mind. After all, if it was what he imagined, then this world might be really weird.

"The evil god?... Well... they are the souls of some creatures that are unwilling to leave after death. They have a certain amount of power, and then recruit believers to spread their evil and crazy thoughts." Voldemort said softly, as if to say What a little secret.

He murmured: "Generally, those who believe in them either become weird and crazy, or become irrational." He said: "But you can rest assured that for the past thousand years, the Holy See has been sealing and destroying those evil gods. Compared to the evil god, the Holy See is our biggest enemy."

"Tsk..." Ron Weasley gritted his teeth.

It always feels wrong.

Generally speaking, the impression of the Holy See is very evil.

But after coming to this world, I found that it was not like that.

Of course, the main reason is that those who have no faith may have defected from the Holy See.

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