Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 169 Phantom Activity

Prefects meeting room.

After the prefects' meeting, the rules for the next week were decided.

In fact, there are basically no new changes. Basically, the rules that everyone agrees on are maintained. There are basically no changes from the early days until now.

Of course, during this period, some directors actually made some invitations to activities for their classmates.

For example, applying for a tea party venue.

For example, applying for a travel permit.

For example, some funding applications for club activities.

The activity funds of some societies are more controversial.

For example, the funding of the Magic Painting Club feels a bit weird.

Generally speaking, no matter how powerful and advanced Mo Hua Hua is, it will not require much funds.

But now the budget has suddenly been increased.

Hope it gets passed.

This is undoubtedly a very surprising thing.

With the last topic over, everyone relaxed.

At this time, Voldemort talked about Cthulhu.

"Our junior prefect made a very interesting thing. It's called Cthulhu..."

He said, taking out the book called "Call of Cthulhu".

Then waved his wand.

The surroundings instantly turned into a world of darkness and silence.

Terrifying tentacles swim in the underwater city.

Vayne was startled, and then looked at Ron with a strange expression.

Voldemort loved sharing things he found interesting with his prefects.

This can be seen from the Death Eater rules.

In the movie, almost all of the Death Eaters have a spell created by Voldemort, and the Dark Lord stalks them.

And Voldemort is actually not the kind of person who has no purpose.

His goals are generally clear.


In other words, to be more precise, it is crazy for its own benefit.

Looking at the appearance of Cthulhu that Voldemort had added based on his fantasy, Ron felt speechless.

how to say……

Maybe it's because there are still too few weird patterns in the wizarding world's brain capacity.

And even with the countless eyeballs Ron added at the beginning to make it more intimidating, the impact is still not big enough.

You can feel it by watching the Cthulhu created by Voldemort.

"Too weak..." Ron couldn't help but say.

Voldemort showed a surprised expression: "What?!"

His eyes were fixed on Ron.

At the very beginning, Ron might have felt unspeakable fear at such an inquiry.

To be honest, until now, I'm actually used to it.

Or should I say...

Ron has joined Voldemort's ranks.

It can also be seen from his behavior that he gave up resistance.

Lying flat may be crappy, but it's really comfortable.

No more unreasonable fear.

After all, although Voldemort is very crazy, so crazy that he has reached a state that is difficult for humans to understand, he actually has some sense, at least for the Death Eaters, and he has no regard for other people. So special and crazy.

At least he can understand who is one of his own and who is an outsider.

Therefore, after Ron truly lies down, there is no need to fear him for no reason.

Ron showed a smile: "Lord Voldemort, this level of fantasy is not exciting and oppressive enough." He said.

There is no strong contrast.

For example, the shocking feeling of Cthulhu crawling out of the ocean during the tsunami.

It is best to draw a very small ship next to it, so that the people on the ship can be clearly seen, so as to contrast the huge size of Cthulhu to set off the hugeness and terror of the other party.

But all this is not the case!

Voldemort simply imagined a Cthulhu, and it was very obvious that he copied Ron Weasley's image.

He repeated what he was thinking, then looked at the people in front of him who didn't understand with a smile, and then turned to look at Vayne with a smile.

"I think... you should understand what I'm talking about..."

After the words fell, almost everyone's eyes turned to the fifth-grade prefect.

Vayne Nora Zwingli snorted and closed her eyes.

Wave your magic wand.

Another image eroded the image that Voldemort had transformed into.

It should be said that it covers the entire scene, as if slowly, another painting has been cleaned a little bit by the computer, and turned into a similar but completely different painting.

It's different from pure depression and terror.

Between the rough waves.

A Muggle ship rocked.

As Vayne raised her head.

Everyone raised their heads after him with some hesitation.

Amidst the rough seas in the distance.

A terrifying creature crawls out of the ocean floor.

The surge of sea water.


So realistic.

Falling down into the world like a waterfall.

The waves in the ocean are so rough that it makes people lose their balance just by looking at them.

Cthulhu looked desperate just standing there.

Everyone felt a chill spreading from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Some even felt weak at their feet.

He raised his head and couldn't help but feel extremely terrifying awe in his heart.

Ron's voice came slowly.

"The lowest level of torture is physical pain. The highest level of torture is to make people feel the fear deep in their hearts...that they can't place..." He whispered.

The voice was low, with a hint of whispering.

His eyes twinkled.

"What a... strange idea..." Voldemort's voice was calm, with a sigh that he could not recover from for a long time.

That kind of phantom, which just surrounds the surrounding area and has an effect similar to that of a small movie, is already deeply shocking, and the surprise and standing in the heart cannot stop appearing.

It was really hard for him to imagine that such a terrifying phantom could become a reality.

What a huge impact it will have on the world.

He looked at Vayne with some doubts.

There's something going on between you two...?

Although the pictures are different, Ron depicts the ancient city of R'lyeh and the giant monster falling from the sky, while Vayne depicts Cthulhu appearing on the sea, but the pictures and details have a very strange and similar feeling.

But I seem to have heard that the relationship between these two guys is very bad?

Voldemort thought in confusion.

After a long moment of quiet silence.

"I will give you a special assignment." Voldemort said softly.

He raised his hands and opened them casually: "Create a monster that you think is the most terrifying, perfect its settings and abilities, and make specific guesses on how to use magic to recreate it. It's up to me and you. The king will implement it."

His voice was full of temptation: "The person who can create the strongest monster will be rewarded by me.

Everyone looked at Voldemort.

But at this moment, the fear in my heart is quietly transforming into a fantasy of horrible things.

However, because the horrific images brought about by the phantom magic used by Vayne were too shocking, everyone could not recover for a long time.

But after coming back to their senses, they began to think wildly.

How should this be done.

How to create a monster?

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