Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 19 If you have any problem, come at me! ! !

The green skull in the sky kept spitting out snake qualities.

Such a look of forgiveness shines throughout the Forbidden Forest.

Fortunately, the Forbidden Forest itself is forgiving.

And under such green light, clouds of pitch-black smoke slowly fell from the sky.

Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and... Lucius Malfoy...

After landing, Lucius Malfoy, one of the three, quickly walked to Fenrir Greyback and touched him in anger.

He turned to look at Voldemort in shock: "Lord Voldemort...he...he...is dead..."

Voldemort was also a little surprised and looked at the corpse.

Nose sniffed.

"It's...Avada Kedavra..." Voldemort murmured, excitement flashing in his eyes.

Lucius Malfoy's expression changed wildly: "Who... killed Fenrir Greyback?..." and waved his wand.

Groups of light and shadow flashed by.

Looking at the crowd fighting in the light and shadow.

The smile on Voldemort's lips became more and more weird and exaggerated.

He looked at Ron Weasley who was kneeling on the ground, with ten fingers inserted into his scalp and tearing, and blood was flowing out.

Voldemort said: "Ronald...Weasley..."

He laughed wildly.

Bellatrix Lestrange looked at the laughing Voldemort and started laughing too.

Lucius looked at the two laughing people in confusion.

Should I smile too?

Your boss and colleagues are laughing. Are you still smiling because you want to be isolated?

Therefore, Lucius also smiled, very reluctantly and awkwardly.

I don’t know why I’m laughing, but Voldemort is laughing, so I have to laugh with him.

Voldemort had had enough laughter and looked at the light and shadow carrying Ron Weasley away, feeling a little impatient to wait.

Wave your magic wand.

Drops of blood-soaked soil floated in front of Voldemort.

Voldemort took a deep breath and seemed to be smelling something sweet.

Then a wave of the wand.

Search for spells

Nothing to hide!

The magic spread out, and almost instantly, Voldemort knew where Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger were.

"Let's go... meet... our cute little genius... it seems he will be your colleague..."

Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius were stunned for a moment.

Almost instantly, he understood what Voldemort meant.

Bellatrix Lestrange had no idea and nodded to express her understanding.

Lucius was a little in disbelief: "Lord Voldemort...he...he is just a child!"

Voldemort stared at Lucius from the corner of his eyes, and turned around after half a minute.

This weird feeling suddenly made Lucius feel chills all over his body.

"Don't...question...my...decision!!!..." One word popped out of the corner of his mouth, and the last word was pronounced very harshly: "My...friend..."

Hearing the word friend in Voldemort's mouth, Lucius's face twitched, and he nodded with a smile: "Yes, Lord Voldemort..."

After saying that, the three people immediately turned into a piece of black smoke and flew into the sky one after another.


In the constant rush, the three of them had begun to lose their way.

But in the process of constant movement, there are fewer and fewer people around.

Suddenly he saw a group of withered bones kneeling on the ground.

Skeleton, small, and clothed in cloth, at least not as poor as the corpse in Hodmod Square.

The sky is full of flies...

There are also wizards who are supervising and teaching young Muggles.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the three people, the wizard glanced at each other, and then walked over with a strange smile.

"Oh~ hello, hello, do you need help?"

As he spoke, he had already taken out his wand.

It seems that the three of them are already used to this situation.

When Ron Weasley saw this, his face was gloomy, and the Elder Wand in his hand was trembling.

It seemed like there were countless voices coming from my ears.

Go ahead and kill them...

kill them!

kill! ! !

His eyes were scarlet.

Just when he was about to wave his wand, the wizard in front of him suddenly held the Dark Mark in his right hand and knelt on the ground screaming, with a lot of sweat coming out of his head.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Ahhhh, Lord Voldemort, I'm sorry..."

After frantically kowtowing and apologizing, he calmed down, and then looked at the three little wizards in front of him with a pale face.

He showed a reluctant, respectful and flattering smile: "Lord Voldemort, please come with me..."

Ron Weasley waved his wand.

Avada Kedavra! ! !

Green light shines on the world.

The four adult wizards were shocked when they saw this.

Sudden transformation.

It was actually four werewolves!

Werewolf wizards kept coming out one after another behind them.

This is...the place where the werewolf teacher teaches the little Muggle slaves.

Ron Weasley's Avada Kedavra didn't kill the werewolf wizard, but he killed a shivering Muggle child.

"NO!..." Ron Weasley looked at the dead child in horror.

The kid looked a few years older than Harry.

For a moment I felt so guilty.

Although he had killed many people before, some were enemy soldiers killed during the war, and one was an evil werewolf wizard.

But this time...

Accidentally killed an innocent Muggle child...

Several wizards looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect this little wizard who used Avada Kedavra to be so... fragile?Stupid kindness?timid?Then he continued to walk towards the three of them with a grin.

As they approached, Ron Weasley felt panic and waved his wand.

Avada Kedavra! ! ! X3

Three Avatars read out one after another and fired at the four werewolves who came.

Two were killed and one escaped.

The last remaining one roared in terror and threw down Ron Weasley, then grabbed Ron Weasley and turned into a black smoke flying into the sky.

"NO!!!" Harry Potter's expression was extremely angry. He raised his wand and pointed it in the air, but was caught by another werewolf and turned into black smoke and flew into the sky.

Hermione looked at the two people disappearing into the sky in disbelief.

Looking at the werewolves surrounding him, he showed a sinister expression: "Come on, Avada Avada Avada..." He was thinking wildly, and suddenly at a certain moment.

Avada Kedavra! ! !

A werewolf was hit and was so frightened that he jumped backwards for a distance...

Hey, are you okay? ! …

The werewolf showed a ferocious smile

Hermione Granger shook her head in annoyance, then turned around and ran away.


The black mist in the sky gathered together, and a voice seemed to be heard: "Ronald Weasley..." followed by weird endless laughter, and after a pause, clouds of black mist descended in the direction of Hogwarts.

Ron Weasley felt his headache and dizziness become more severe. He shook his head, roared in pain, and even vomited directly, spitting out a bunch of rainbow mosaic things.

Ron Weasley looked at the world in front of him getting bigger and bigger, his expression became very strange.

He was fearful, trembling, regretful, angry, in pain, and hating.


The first one threw Ron Weasley down, and the black smoke turned into a werewolf crawling on the ground.

Then came Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

The two were caught and flown to the lawns of Hogwarts.

Immediately... I found a lot of people surrounding me.

It was the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors who went back to call for help.

Seeing Voldemort, everyone stood there in silence, not daring to make a sound.

Hermione looked at such a scene and felt extremely scared, but the sudden courage in her heart made her want to do something.

She walked up to Ron Weasley with some fear: "Lord Voldemort...I'm sorry, it's me..."

Voldemort seemed to know what Hermione Granger wanted to say, and said with a look of disgust: "Shut up! Stupid Mudblood!"

The excited Hermione Granger felt as if a basin of cold water fell from the sky, covering her from head to toe.

Deep anger followed.

Ron Weasley stood up with a pale face, grabbing Harry Potter who stood up with a trembling hand.

Harry Potter hardly changed at all. When he saw Ron Weasley wanting to get up, he reached out to help him.

As expected, he has a good physique suitable for flying broomsticks.

Ron Weasley quickly stood up, pulled Hermione behind him, and his body softened and fell forward.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows and waved his wand.

Ron Weasley stood up again.

Then Voldemort took out a white pearl, waved his wand, and softly recited a spell.

Demonic possession

Ron Weasley screamed, feeling extremely painful and then extremely angry.

At last……

It's like waking up.

I feel less dizzy and less painful...

I just feel more and more angry and angrier.

Demonic possession

Quickly restore the magic power and injured areas of the human body, seduce the emotions in the human body, and put people under the influence of negative states.

Most of Gryffindor's emotions are rage.

In fact, the four major houses of Hogwarts have four qualities that actually correspond to the four deadly sins.

Gryffindor's bravery - rage

Ravenclaw Wisdom - Pride

Hufflepuff friendliness - laziness

The Glory of Slytherin - Greed

In times of peace, it is natural to develop towards humanism and pacifism, but now entering the period of Voldemort's rule, the dark shadow created after the disappearance of this light is directly visible.

Ron Weasley looked at the man in front of him angrily.

This man has flowing hair, handsome facial features, an evil temperament and... terrifying strength.

Ron Weasley swallowed: "Teach me... I am the one who killed them. If you have anything, come to me!!!" In the roar, his eyes turned blazing red.

As he spoke, his feet were like sieves, shaking back and forth and shaking back and forth.

There is obviously magic in it.

This magic directly increased his anger and his fear, leaving him in a state of both extreme anger and extreme fear.

To put it bluntly...it's just an anxious rabbit that's about to bite someone...

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