Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 68: Merciful Father, I have fallen into a kingdom where I cannot see sin.

Immortality, or immediate death?


"No..." Ron roared, he wanted to resist, but at this moment.

I'd rather die! ! !

A cold force swept through Ron's body.

Voldemort looked at Ron amusedly: "Are you here?"

"Yes, I'm here." Ron said calmly, showing a strange expression that was half a smile but not a smile.


Ron's face was very pale.

The Horcrux was perfectly completed.

And was taken away by Voldemort.

This represents...

Ron dies and will be resurrected at the hands of Voldemort.

This made him feel intimidated.

He couldn't imagine what the next days would be like.

When he returned to the dormitory, he pinched his neck.

It was so painful that I almost died.

But the pain of splitting his soul prevented him from thinking too much.

At the end, he let go.

Although he had long known that he could not strangle himself to death, Ron still felt desperate.

Plunged into endless darkness and pain.

He hates Climb immensely.

This parasite lives in your own body.

It only gets in your way when you don't need it.

Without the influence of nightmares these days, perhaps the Burke family would not have the intention to target a small Gryffindor.Perhaps after splitting his soul, Ron can no longer be affected by ordinary curses, because the wizard himself who made the Horcrux is the biggest curse in the world.


But even so, Ron felt less comfortable than the nightmare he had, because he only felt endless pain and darkness sweeping through his body.


the other side.

Vayne Nora Zwingli was also unconscious in pain.

A very interesting question arises at this time.

What is the foundation of being a human being?

In other words, what is the fundamental reason for a person to think that he is himself and not others?

In fact, there is a science fiction hypothesis. If all the memories of one person are transferred into the mind of another person, then who is that person?

Is it himself...or another person in his memory? …

And Vayne is in this strange state of science fiction hypothesis.

If it was normal, she would have no problem.

But as her soul split, she entered a strange state.

Plus the Pensieve and all the memories of that other person...

A perfect misunderstanding was born.


the next day.

To be honest, the sky full of fire is just like the description of the end of Revelation in the Bible.

Stars fall...

(Extracurricular development


6:12 When he opened the sixth seal, I saw a great earthquake. The sun became black like wool, and the full moon became red like blood.

6:13 The stars in heaven fell to the earth, just as the fig tree drops its unripe fruit when it is shaken by the strong wind.

6:14 And the heavens were moved away like a scroll; and the mountains and the islands were removed from their places.

6:15 The kings of the earth, their princes, their generals, their rich men, their mighty men, and every slave and every free man, hid themselves in caves and cavities in the rocks.)

Some people have speculated that the so-called falling stars in the Bible's Book of Revelation are not really stars falling... but missiles streaking across the night sky like meteors.

In an ordinary world, apocalyptic prophecies are not impossible to happen, let alone a world with real prophetic magic.

Both the Bible's Revelation and the Mayan prophecies seem to herald the end of mankind...

Maya predicted that the human era will end in...[-], and a new era will begin again.

And Voldemort also held high the banner of this prophecy.

We are the new civilization that is about to destroy mankind and grow completely new! ! !

Among the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, the prophecies about doomsday are indeed very consistent with what Voldemort is doing now.

He pulled all the flags.

So spread fear, plague and death during this time.

Crazy causes countries to hate each other, fight each other, and profit from this.

It's just that all this requires enduring ten years of full-scale Muggle exploration, finally finding out the true location of Voldemort, the mastermind behind the scenes, and launching a decisive battle with firepower attacks on the densely populated areas where wizards gather.

Watching the layers of defensive shields being shattered.

It seems very hopeless.

Despair is also an emotion.

Living toward death is the life that bursts out of despair.

Everyone burst out with extremely terrifying magic power.

The magic he cast was several times stronger.

The confrontation between technology and magic is constantly occurring.

Soon, Voldemort cast a spell.

Under the urging of all wizards, Hogwarts moved.

It was shaking constantly.

Then... it rose from the ground...

Under Voldemort's command, alchemy tools flew all over Hogwarts one after another.

Stick to it tightly.

With the start.

The entire Hogwarts slowly shrank and turned into a small model. Then, like the palm of Tathagata, Voldemort put Hogwarts into his storage bag.

Then disappeared in place.

The real decisive battle begins...

This time the world war... will compete for who is the real master.

To be honest, even though the wizarding world has been preparing for a long time, this day still comes unprepared.They still have a lot of preparation to do.


Hogwarts was taken to a brand new place, and Muggle expulsions and hidden magic were quickly set up.


Ron looked desperately at Harry, who was looking at him with concern.

He is in pain, he is desperate, he is crazy.

All this was shown only to Harry.

What could Harry do?

He could only comfort Ron over and over again.

But the situation that made Ron desperate was not over, but just the beginning...

Voldemort gave Ron a great gift.

The Fire Curse.

Ron... learned it after reading this detailed explanation of magic.

Why so fast? !

Ron covered his eyes in pain.

Voldemort's laughter was so harsh.

"Sure enough, you are the most suitable, Fierce Fire Curse!"

I just don't know how to control it yet.

Voldemort smiled and said: "No need to control, come with me." After saying that, he took out the time turner and roped Ron and others in.

Watching him twist the pin of the time turner, Ron felt that the other person didn't twist it all the way.

They disappeared here.

Appeared here several days ago.

A very large number of wizards gathered in this place. When they saw Voldemort coming, they all saluted.

Vayne came to Ron's side.

"It's really...crazy..." she said softly.

Ron couldn't help but nodded.

These are Voldemort's elite troops.

It is also very powerful.

Voldemort divided them into two groups.

The young wizards and some elite wizards were engaged in harassment operations, while Voldemort and most of the wizards began to hunt and search for the location of the nuclear weapons.

Voldemort said coldly: "I thought... they didn't dare..." He was wrong.

But so what?

Since you were wrong...just accept the mistake.Correct it!

Everyone looked at the set door keys, stretched out their hands, and held hands.

disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Ron began to tremble.

He understood that this time it was no joke.

Voldemort was not on their side.

It's really possible... to die...

Although Horcruxes were made.

But when he thought that he would become neither human nor ghost after relying on the Horcrux to be resurrected, Ron felt extremely desperate.

What can he do?Did you come to this world just to die?

he does not know.

Crazy rage.

For Voldemort, for myself.

I shouldn't have come...

He shouldn’t be alive either…

He thought so.

A strange voice sounded in his mouth.

"Do you want to die?...Think about Harry, Hermione, and the other Weasleys...leave them behind and end it on your own?"

This is one of the reasons why Ron did not commit suicide.

He trembled with despair.

Why...do you want to bind me? …

He still has some nostalgia for this world, his family and friends...

No matter how scary and depressing this world is, thinking about these people I care about doesn't make me feel so hopeless.

"Despicable bug...you dare to talk to me?!" Ron's voice became extremely disgusted.

No sound.

It wasn't that he couldn't hear, but that he was disdainful. This emotion was passed on.

Ron clenched his right hand angrily.

If this guy can be beaten by himself, he must be beaten into a pig head!


Gryffindor, brave and fearless.

Looking at the crowd who stayed behind to attract the fire, almost all of them were Gryffindors.

Except for the three little Slytherins.

Ron took a deep breath.

His eyes darkened.

Suddenly, a girl's familiar singing voice came to my ears.

"The cool morning dew wets the black dress, the stone road is foggy, my father is whispering

The helpless realization can only become more cruel. Everything is for the road to the church.

The mist that never blows away disappears the intention, who walks softly and stops

The bullet that passed through took away the temperature before we could cry. Each of us is guilty.

Committing different crimes, I can decide who is right

The debate over who should be put to sleep cannot be resolved

Shut your mouth in the never-ending night

Anyone who stands in the way of the only favor is guilty.

Regret and no way out. Judgment in the name of the father.

There is no suitable word for that feeling, it's like laughing and crying at the same time

Staring at the complete blackness blocking the spread of tragedy makes me intoxicated

Lower your head and kiss my left hand in exchange for the promise of forgiveness

The old pipe organ plays music in the corner all the time

The black curtain was blown by the wind and the sun penetrated silently

Sprinkle it on the beasts that I have tamed, shout silently, shout silently

Loneliness begins to ferment and keeps laughing at me

Memories gradually burn the once innocent scenes

It’s time to be cruelly gentle and vulnerable

Let us pray together to the merciful Father. I have fallen into

In a country where sin is invisible, please forgive my arrogance.

No one can say no one can say it's so unbearable

There is a loneliness carved behind the glory. When I close my eyes, I see it again..." The girl sang slowly, and a strange smile appeared.

The wand waved in his hand.

Muggles died one by one.

she sang.

The lyrics are eerie and gloomy.

Ron held his head in pain...

He trembled and sang along: "The fragile time has come... Let's pray together, merciful Father, I have fallen into

In a country where sin is invisible, please forgive my arrogance.

No one can say no one can say it's so unbearable


The singing voice is trembling, but it also brings out the madness.

Yes, merciful Father...I have fallen into the kingdom where sin cannot be seen...

Everyone who stands in front of you is guilty!

Pull out the pistol from the storage bag.

The bullets kept pouring.

Someone raised a wand.

A green skull mark marked the sky.

Dark Mark!

Looking at the chaotic crowd.

Ron's expression was numb and he was chanting a spell.

A will-o'-the-wisp burned brightly.

The eternal devil's flame...

This is the detailed explanation of the literal meaning of the Lihuo Curse.

Feeling the pistol that was already burning, Ron took it back.

Then, a dazzling green light began to flash.

Every Muggle would die if touched.

Ron used the rarest magic power to kill Muggles one by one, and the green light led each soul into his body.

Gradually I became numb and felt...this is not bad...

The team led by Voldemort broke into the military base where the nuclear bomb was launched an hour later.

They are not trying to reverse history, on the contrary, this Voldemort from the future is promoting this step.

History cannot be reversed, they know this.

In the past ten years, we have learned this kind of thing through practice again and again.

The other Voldemort from the future is protecting Hogwarts.

At this time, Voldemort was solving problems in the direction of the Soviet Union.

At the first moment of success, the Dark Lord led all the wizards to use Dark Demon Stealth and turned into a black smoke flying into the sky.

They wreaked havoc, spreading plague and death.

Compared to Avada Kedavra, it is better to use the plague virus against Muggles.

Magically blessed viruses can quickly kill large numbers of Muggles.

The denser and more chaotic it is, the faster the virus spreads.


"The King's Treasure!!!..." Vayne Nora Zwingli roared loudly, and then the magic-breaking blade beside her began to fly crazily, flying in the air.

The figure flickers.

Countless skeletons flew out with weird laughter, flying out crazily, killing more Muggles.

Ron drank a powerful potion.

Lift a bus and start charging.

The bus in his hand was slashing at anything in front of him crazily.

Used as both a weapon and a shield.

He howled like a mini-Hulk descending.

All wizards are launching attacks in their respective directions, causing a lot of commotion.

"Hahahaha...burn...everything..." Ron laughed wildly, and the huge fire dragon behind him howled, flying in this chaotic world, spitting out huge dragon breath, leaving behind a bunch of The flames are burning brightly, and after burning for a period of time, the flames are burning like gasoline.

"What are you doing?! It's so dangerous!!!" A Death Eater was yelling angrily.

The fierce fire is burning crazily.

Even if it loses the supply of the summoner, it still exists!

It howled, cheering for its birth.

The arrival of the army was like adding a little refreshment to it.

Whether it's missiles, shells or bullets, it swallows them all in one gulp.

Crazy burning.

Never extinguishes...

Under Ron's vague control, Li Huo transformed into an existence with some impressions in his mind.


It raised its head, roared, then lowered its head, and spit out a breath of fierce fire.

The terrifying breath madly ignites everything in front of it.

It's like Superman's Cyclops, but the place it hits immediately burns with an unquenchable fire.

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