Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 74, Black Magic——Until Death——

The fire dragon Norbert didn't seem to know what the person in front of him was talking about, and he was shaking his head.

"Oh... damn, it must be hungry. Fortunately, I was prepared." Hermione said, taking out a pile of raw meat and reaching out to feed it to Norbert.

Ron stretched out his wand and tapped Hermione's right hand hard: "Don't use your hands! Use magic! Hermione, I don't think you want to see the hand bitten by it!"

Hermione was startled, nodded, then waved her wand, and chunks of meat were thrown out.

Charmander looks very peaceful.

There is no sense of activity like that of the Dragon Clan.

Open your mouth and bite into the raw meat.

Tear it apart and tear it into pieces.

Then, as if it had gained strength, Charmander tore into the raw meat faster and harder.

After eating it in one bite, it raised its head and neighed.

Ron was a little excited. He waved his wand and a piece of meat came to life. He twisted his legs and ran to Charmander.

After a few bites, the little fire dragon seemed very excited, then flapped its wings and spit out flames from its nose.

Harry exclaimed: "Wow..."

"Haha... then... offer me your loyalty!" Ron smiled, then stretched out his wand and pointed it at the dragon.

Hermione and Harry were stunned for a moment.

It feels like something is not quite right...

"What do you want to do?..." Hermione asked in surprise.

"Let it... be able to listen to us honestly. Don't worry, you will also use loyalty magic together, and we will... control it together!" Ron's expression was excited.

Harry hesitated: "Isn't this... bad?"

"Harry, you have to know that an uncontrolled dragon is very troublesome." Ron shook his head, whispered, and said as he walked: "Their teeth are poisonous, they grow very fast, and they consume food There are many...the important thing is...they are not very intelligent! So once we can't defeat it, then...we can only hope that it will not kill us..."

Although he said this, his expression was cold.

Harry and Hermione could also imagine that if the dragon got out of control, they would not show any mercy to their identities because of their past kindness.

Then he reached out and touched Norbert.

"But now we have a chance... to control it so that it will never resist or escape... We raise it with magic and food, and it provides dragon blood, cuticles, dragon dung, and necessary loyalty... Could it be Isn't that right?" His expression was excited.

Hermione also nodded: "Yes, I think there is no problem..."

She also had some excitement.

I agree with what Ron said.

Seeming to see Harry still having some hesitation and intolerance, Ron walked up to Harry and patted him gently on the shoulder: "We are wizards, we need sensibility, but we need rationality even more. I don't want to see a white-eyed wolf, and These magical creatures... I can only say that most of them are white-eyed wolves... especially when dragons are violent and almost irrational." He said calmly: "I understand your kindness, but more importantly Know that... they are not intelligent creatures. They will only obey the laws of nature... and we... do not need the laws of nature... We have the different characteristics, reason, and intelligence of transcendent beasts."

Harry looked at Ron who was calm and smiling, and the strange feeling in his heart could not be eliminated.

But what could he say after hearing what the other party said?He also believed that these words were indeed correct, so Harry Potter nodded.

"What magic are you going to use? The Imperius Curse? Will it be easy to lose control?" Hermione asked curiously.

While talking, he took out a huge book on the ground, "Detailed Explanation of Advanced Black Magic" and "Secrets of Advanced Black Magic"

Ron looked at the books on the floor and suddenly clicked on a page.

"What I want is, this page..."

The page stopped at the page where his wand had been.

The title slowly appeared in front of the three people.

——Until death do us part——

After casting this spell, the target will become irresistibly in love with the caster.

"What...is more loyal than love...?..." Ron's voice was ethereal and playful.

Hermione seemed a little confused: "But this black magic... seems to have some side effects..."

side effect.

Because it is black magic, the love generated by this magic will be uncontrollable, and will become more and more crazy, unreasonable, and strange.

Raise a yandere.

"If it doesn't work... just kill it... You can't let it kill us, right? Ha." Ron showed an indifferent smile, but he was just smiling.

It feels a bit sinister.

Harry felt something was very wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Hermione quite agreed with Ron's words.

He nodded and started practicing the spell.

Ron also began to chant, and suddenly waved his wand and pointed it at the fire dragon Norbert.

Fire Dragon Norbert was hit by the pink light and screamed, and then... his eyes revealed a pink light, and the light slowly dimmed.

But his pupils began to focus on Ron, and his lively look fell into calmness.

Hermione's expression fell into surprise: "Huh? How did you learn so fast? Have you... used it before?..."

I couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in my heart.

Then think about it.

Before this, Ron had already used this magic on others, uh, no, it must have been other creatures...

Huh, what a scumbag...

Hermione kept practicing and quickly learned it. She aimed at Norbert and released this magic.

Noble's eyes flashed pink, and Hermione's control was also planted.

Harry couldn't release it.

Maybe it was the strange feeling in his heart, or maybe he was... weak to black magic.

In the end, Ron shook his head helplessly, reached out and touched Xiaolong's head.

The fire dragon seemed to be enjoying himself very much.

"Can you understand me?" Ron asked.

The fire dragon looked at him blankly, without any reaction.

"How is that possible? This guy has just been born. Even a creature that can understand language cannot learn English so quickly..." Hermione shook her head and reached out to touch it.

Charmander seemed very comfortable, raising his head and exposing his belly.

I heard that such a creature is a sign of surrender.

Harry also wanted to touch the dragon.


The fire dragon's eyes widened and he was about to spit out fire.

Ron quickly stopped in front of Harry.

Harry was startled and quickly used his armor to protect Ron.

The fire dragon was also startled, then turned around and sprayed the fire away.

Ron's mouth twitched: "Look..."

Harry sighed, and he agreed with Ron's words.

Norbert the Fire Dragon was very close to Ron and rubbed Ron's little hand fondly.

Feeling that it was particularly rough due to the side effects of the resurrection ceremony, the thin little dragon's head was scratched in his palm.Ron's expression returned to calm.

It seemed that his behavior just now was a little strange, and his expression was indifferent with a hint of fear.

His pupils kept trembling.

The suppressed murderous intent and anger kept emerging.

The long red hair slowly fluttered with cold anger.

It was like a fire burning above the head.

Gently caress Charmander's body.

"Harry... I think you have understood what happened to me. This matter cannot be reversed... Remember our agreement..." He said calmly.

There was a certain coldness to the voice, a certain determination.

Hermione heard the conversation between the two people, but she had no intention of exploring what the two people were talking about.

"Oh, you ugly little lizard. It's really pitiful. Poor, you died before you were born. Life is too cheap, even for creatures like fire dragons... But is our magic really such a coincidence? ?" Hermione wondered.

Charmander didn't understand Hermione's words at all. He only felt that Hermione was looking at it with pity. It also stretched out its head and got closer to Hermione.

Hermione happily fed it more raw meat.

The three of them stayed for a while and felt tired of playing. Ron picked up Norbert and put him into an empty storage bag. There were some gold coins in the storage bag.

It can be seen that Charmander seemed to like the gold coins very much. He ran over and lay down on the hill made of gold coins.

"Okay, let's separate. I have to go back to sleep. Tomorrow is Transfiguration class...but...I seem to have heard..." Hermione said, hesitating a little, and then shook her head: "Forget it. , No matter, let’s go... have a good rest, after all, the transfiguration class is very difficult..."

Ron nodded.

Harry waved his hand: "baybay..."

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