Hokage: I crossed over and became a whirlpool blogger

Chapter 14 Companion (2)

On the other side, the overwhelming bugs rolled towards Siyue, who was twirling and flashing on the tree, with a dexterous and agile figure.

After drawing half of the bugs to a sufficient distance, Miyue immediately threw out multiple shurikens, and quickly sealed: "Thunder Escape · Thunder!"

The shuriken shot into the swarm of bugs very quickly, and then the lightning strike struck the shuriken, like a chain reaction, countless arcs exploded in the swarm of bugs.

After cleaning up some of the bugs, the little ones that remain are no longer deterrent.

"Wind Escape · Itachi!"

Miyue swung her hands sideways vigorously, throwing out several knives like the blade of a knife, and the wind blade pierced sharply into the swarm of bugs. Without Shino's effective command, the bugs themselves were not a threat and were quickly eliminated by Miyue.

Miyue took a short breath and headed towards the lake that had been discussed in advance.

When Siyue came to the lake, he saw Boren sitting cross-legged in the middle of the lake, reading carefully with a fine scroll in his hand.

"Are you reviewing the ninjutsu you mastered last night?"

Miyue couldn't help thinking of Boruto's fanfare last night, using hundreds of shadow clones to practice ninjutsu.

Boruto, who was going to do it, continued to read the scroll in his hand after seeing that it was Miyue, and explained.

"No, I'm just learning ordinary water escape, and it just so happens that there is a terrain advantage here."

Miyue: Awesome!

At this time, Shino, who had been frantically looking for the two of them in the forest for a long time, finally learned that the two were hiding by the lake through the information obtained by the bug's body and the bug on the road.

After knowing the location of the two, Shino immediately rushed to the lake, and at the same time accumulated enough chakra to accelerate the reproduction of the parasites in the body.

When Shino arrived, he saw that Boruto and Mitsuki were studying diligently, and the two sides discussed ninjutsu from time to time.

Shino: "Study hard now, it's too late!"

Blogger: "What are you barking at?"

Miyue: "Bo Ren, it's time to start."

The two exchanged a look, staring at Zhi Nao who was standing in a daze with a smirk.

"It can't be repaired, it's too small to look down on Shinobu's strength!" Zhi Nai shouted angrily.

At the same time, insects with more visual impact than before flew out from behind Shino, like clouds drifting in the sky, suddenly descending from a high altitude, and the area covered by the shadow of the clouds was a terrifying number of insects!

Seeing this, Boruto let out a cold snort, and Zhi Nao's anger level rose sharply with his mocking face.

"Water Escape·Tide!"

"Lightning Snake Thunder!"

A large area of ​​lake water surged up under Boren's feet very quickly, like the waves of the undulating tide hitting the shore, one layer after another, sweeping one wave after another.

The snake thunder of Miyue also poured on Boren's tide, attaching a layer of golden arc to the clear lake water, lingering around the pool as if it was electrified.

Since the water escape directly draws from the lake here, the amount of water is particularly astonishing while not consuming much chakra!

The sweeping electric current intersected with the thick insects covering the ground, the sound of arcs and the sound of electric shocks played a symphony, and countless insects were drawn into the water.

Just when Boren thought his plan had succeeded, the 'corpses' that fell into the water suddenly came back to life and continued to rush towards Boren.

Zhi Nao smiled, and explained deeply with his eyes: "My worms will produce antibodies after intense stimulation, which is the enhanced version of parasites."

"After all, the environment during combat is not as quiet as it is now. The battlefield of ninjas is always accompanied by gunpowder and blood, and my bugs will continue to adapt and become stronger!"

"Nani!!!" The blogger said: "Then your bug's adaptability is too strong, right?"

Facing the swarm of bugs rushing towards his face, Bo Ren was extremely calm, and made a hand seal: "Water Escape·Waterspout."

The lake that had finally calmed down became restless again, like hot magma bubbling hot bubbles, it was the lake water that was rolling up the waves, like a tornado rolling with the water.

"Your bugs are very adaptable, but they can't resist the power and lethality of the waterspout. After all, bugs are bugs, and they are very fragile."

Shino: ...

This was something he didn't expect.

Seeing that all the bugs released were swallowed up by the waterspout and torn into pieces by the high-speed rotation, Zhi Nai couldn't help but burst into anger while feeling distressed!

He directly stabbed in an instant and came to the lake in a flash. Jōnin not only has the advantages of chakra and ninjutsu, but also has accumulated decades of actual combat experience and physical skills!

Boruto hastily pulled out his kunai to confront, the cold weapons of the three parties were ringing, Miyue and Boruto resisted Shino's attack together, at this time he was already filled with anger, disregarding his image like a starving animal for a long time wolf.

Seeing the fat and delicious prey again, the majesty of the king of the jungle was left behind early, because there is nothing more exciting than eating a feast right away.

Not long after the brief confrontation, both Boruto and Miyue were wounded. Although the wounds were relatively shallow, the exhaustion of their physical strength was far from keeping up with the fighting, and they were both out of breath right now.

Shino looked relaxed, and at the same time continued to wave the kunai, not giving the two Boruto a chance to breathe.

Seeing this, Boruto didn't try his body skills anymore, and rubbed a ball with his backhand to hit Zhi Nao directly, but the opponent obviously expected it, and the parasites flew out of his body and condensed into a wall to resist the attack.

"Damn it." Bo Ren gritted his teeth.

Shino obviously smiled, and while wielding the kunai attack, he used the bug as a 'shield' to resist ninjutsu. This wonderful coordination made it impossible for Boruto to make an effective attack.

But, it will stop here!

"Do it Miyue!" Boruto shouted.

Hearing the sound, Siyue touched the lake with both hands, and the lightning from Lei Dun wrapped around the lake like a spider web and quickly climbed to Zhi Nao's feet.

Zhi Nao's heart: that's it?

Immediately, he came directly behind the two of them in a blink of an eye. Since Siyue's thunder net was launched forward, it was fan-shaped, after all, Bo Ren was still by his side.

And Zhi Nai jumped directly behind the two of them, avoiding the possibility of the thunder net extending.I thought to myself, you are still too young!

Little did they know it was in his arms!

Zhi Nai, who jumped behind the two of them, quickly moved forward, holding Kunai in his hand, and quickly stabbed at Miyue's back. Bad bugs harass bloggers.

Getting close, Zhi Nai's kunai scratched Miyue's skirt and even his skin as he wished. When Zhi Nai looked proudly at Bo Ren's madly roaring expression, he saw a strange arc of Bo Ren's mouth, which was confident and playful smile.

what happened?Siyue is almost gone, how can you still laugh.


The familiar voice made Shino's face turn pale, and Masaka is a shadow clone again?But bloggers don't know how to escape thunder, and snake thunder is obviously Miyue's ninjutsu.

At first, Shino thought that Mitsuki was Boruto, but then Mitsuki used his signature ninjutsu to dispel Shino's guess.

At the moment when Zhi Nai's thoughts were flying, Bo Ren quickly pinched the seal, and the shadow clone hiding not far away dissipated, and a pair of big hands suddenly sprang out from the soles of Zhi Nai's feet, wrapping Zhi Nai tightly!

"It's now, Boruto!" Miyue shouted at Boruto by the lake.


Bo Ren responded, and then rushed forward, a big jade spiral pill in his hand condensed while running, reflected in Zhi Nai's eyes, making the latter stunned, this... how is it possible! ! !


Zhi Nai was directly swept into the lake by Helixwan, and Miyue retracted his arm when Dayu Heliwan got close, only Zhi Nao resisted the power of this blow. (The blogger stopped)

A huge pothole exploded on the surface of the water, and it took a long time to fill up the lake, and Zhi Nao also woke up in severe pain, looking around in confusion.

The endless lake water oppressed his body, and the bottom of the lake was so cold at this moment that Zhi Nao couldn't find the strength to swim to the surface of the lake.

Maybe it was because he knew he had made a big mistake, and he was ashamed to see Naruto and the students.

Just when Zhi Nai completely gave up trying to survive, Bo Ren jumped into the water and knocked Zhi Nai out of the lake with his young spiral pill!


Shino woke up suddenly, ready to save his student.But he was pulled up to the lake by Miyue on the shore, and said: "The one who jumped into the water just now is just a shadow clone. Boruto went back to the classroom first."

Shino: ...

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