Hokage: I crossed over and became a whirlpool blogger

Chapter 19 Meeting with the Snake

The sky is clear, the weather is suitable, neither warm nor cold, it is a good time to go out.

More than ten days have passed since the Nue incident, and the village is still as prosperous as ever. Konoha high-level officials suppressed all turmoil. In addition, there were no casualties of people or buildings, so the turmoil was easily suppressed on the surface.

But afterwards, all the high-level officials gathered together to start guessing about [Yue] and investigating Nue.

Paper cannot contain fire, so the day after Nue appeared, Jin Jin met Naruto accompanied by Boruto and explained the matter in detail.

As the high-level people saw, the leader of [Yue] successfully stopped everything, and after he got what he wanted, he left.

Kakashi: "Even we have no way of checking the level of the different space involved."

Shikamaru: "The opponent has used senjutsu in battle, will this provide us with enough information?"

Obviously, this question was asked of Naruto. The only person present who knew the art of immortality best was Naruto, and the only way to learn immortal art in the ninja world was the three major immortal lands.

At present, both Miaomu Mountain and Shibone Forest are vaguely partial to Konoha. Other than that, there is only Longdi Cave's fairy art, which has no restrictions on cultivation. The other party's rule is that as long as they pass the examination, they are eligible to learn.

Naruto: "The other party should be the fairy art learned in Ryuchi Cave. Miaomu Mountain didn't say that it has taught fairy art recently, let alone Shibone Forest. Granny Tsunade said: She is the last one in Shibone Forest. disciple."

At the same time, for Jin Jin, a 'rebellious' student, Konoha's high-level executives gave enough lenient, the original words were: forgive no casualties, no losses to the village, it is a criminal state of reining in the precipice.

And Jin Jin has enough repentance, and the threat of the Taurus King has been eliminated, so she resumes her ninja school student qualifications.

Afterwards, the two of them were relieved to sit in a hamburger restaurant for dinner, and after they finally settled down, Jin Jin regretted her previous recklessness and almost destroyed everything she once owned with her own hands. (friendship and companionship)

Regarding Boruto's celestial art, Jin Jin also asked curiously, but Boruto said frankly that his celestial art came from Mount Miaomu, but he reached an agreement with them, so before I was fully prepared, this Secrets are kept.

Jin Jin praised: He is really fulfilling his goal step by step.

Just when the two were immersed in the atmosphere of cheerful chatting, a discordant voice broke the tranquility, like a scream suddenly sounded in the music played by the sounds of nature, which was extremely harsh and annoying.

Zuo Liangna passed by the hamburger house, and because Boruto and Jian Jin were sitting by the window, she happened to meet her, and said loudly: "Boruto is really, he brings the girls to eat fried food early in the morning."

Blogger:  …

Jian Jin hurriedly explained: "No, I have something to ask him to go find Qidai together, and come over to have breakfast together when he comes back."

"Oh." Zuo Liangna hummed.

"Want to come in and have some food?" Bo Ren invited.

"No, I'm not as free as a certain prince. Right now I have to help my mother." Zuo Liangna said slightly sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, I am too idle, but at least I have learned another representative ninjutsu of my father. I don't know how powerful ninjutsu has been learned by Zuo Liangna, who is hard-working and intelligent since she was a child?" Boren retorted Taunt back.

"Eh..." Zuo Liangna had nothing to say.

The scene of Boren defeating the psychic monster with the spiral pill still echoed in her mind. Thinking of the scene at that time, especially Boren's wonderful performance as a solution to the crisis, it made her, who looked down upon Boren since childhood and was proud enough, feel ashamed To see people.

Self-proclaimed to be better than others, but in the end, even half-baked bloggers are one step ahead of her or their peers, just like runners and leaders. There is no doubt that in this competitive world, the leader will always run Running ahead.

The one who led the crowd should be the one who had been strict with herself since she was a child. She couldn't accept that a half-baked blogger who traveled around the mountains and rivers every day with the attitude of a son-in-law ended up becoming the pioneer.

Zuo Liangna was stunned for a while, hugged the doll (the doll is the content of the original book) she was about to return, and left silently but stubbornly.

She walked slowly, and said domineeringly: "Wait, I will show you how good I am in a short time!"

The blogger smiled slightly, and continued to taste the delicious hamburger noncommittally. Fried food and soda are always a kind of enjoyment. Conservative people will always live in self-righteous satisfaction, like a frog in a well.


At night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, the moonlight shines faintly, and the stars in the sky are hidden in the clouds, shyly covering up the dim starlight.

Boruto and Miyue gathered together. Of course, Boren came to Miyue’s house. With minimalist decoration and blue curtains, a bed was placed in the spacious house. The bedding and quilts were neatly folded, and the curtains were opened. You can enjoy the night sky.

Of course, there is still a photo of Bo Ren next to the bed cabinet.

"Has the preparation of Orochimaru been completed?" Boruto who came to Miyue's home asked.

"Father said that the experiment has been completed, it depends on when you go there." Miyue said.

Bo Ren nodded. After all, Orochimaru has mastered the technology of human cloning with great proficiency. Let alone genetic cultivation, for him, it is a matter of doing a math problem.

"Just do it now." The blogger said.

"Okay, how do I get to my father's place, on my way?" Miyue asked puzzled.


Siyue realized that although it was a stupid way, it was indeed the fastest and most convenient right now.

"However, are you sure you want to let yourself be swallowed into the snake's belly?" Siyue reminded kindly.

After all, in his cognition, if he wants to move in space through psychic beasts, he can only be wrapped in the whole body of psychic beasts, that is, swallowed by larger psychic beasts. (Refer to Hayate Sasuke)

"No, it's not that troublesome." Bo Ren declined with a smile, but asked him to summon the little white snake.

Miyue did so, and then Boruto lightly pressed on the snake's back, and a pattern was imprinted on its back, like a tattoo, except that the pattern was a flower from the other side.

"What kind of warlock is this?" Miyue was obviously full of curiosity.

"Flying Thunder God Warlock."

When he took Jin Jin to Hokage Tower together, Boruto let the shadow avatar go to the Forbidden Jutsu library by the way, and borrowed some interesting ninjutsu.

In another underground secret room, Dashemaru immediately reacted after seeing the little snake delivering the message, with excitement and anticipation on his face.

"So, Bo Ren, let me see how high this gust of wind will blow!"

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