Hokage: I Use My Spiritual Power To Release Ninjutsu!

Chapter 88 Lin’S Prayer, Help Finally Arrived!

"No! Oh Bido!!"

Nohara Rin staggered, her body couldn't help but lean forward, looking at Obito's decisive back in front of her,

He stretched out his right hand vigorously, as if to pull Obito back, but in the end he was a step too late.

He could only let out a heart-rending roar, trying to get him back.

Rolling tears slid down his face, dripped on the tree trunk, and turned into countless teardrops, sputtering away.

She didn't know why things turned out the way they did;

Regarding the dispute between Kakashi and Obito, I don’t know who to agree with.

Determined to become a powerful female ninja like Tsunade-sama, she

Intellectually, it is natural to agree with Kakashi’s words:

Follow the ninja rules and put the mission first.

As a team member, all you have to do is obey the orders of the squad leader.

Even if Kakashi had just asked her to sacrifice her life to delay Obito's marriage, she had no problem with it.

In order to complete the mission, someone has to sacrifice, even if that person is yourself.

But seeing Obito rushing towards the enemy at this moment is really unacceptable emotionally.

The body moved faster than the brain could think, trying to stop Obito, but it was too late.

‘Does someone have to sacrifice? If possible, I would rather be myself. ’

‘Minato-sensei, can you come and save Obito? ’

Nohara Rin's body fell forward, but her eyes were always on Obito in the air.

I prayed in my heart that Teacher Minato could get here so that no one would have to die.

Suddenly an arm hugged her body, stopping her from falling further.

'It turns out to be Kakashi. I'm really sorry that I caused trouble for you at this time...'

Nohara Lin whispered in her heart, but before she could stand up straight,

Kakashi led her to quickly jump away from the tree trunk and quickly left in the direction away from Obito.

Then he felt a scroll being stuffed into his arms.

In addition to the whistling sound of airflow, Kakashi's calm voice also came to my ears:

“In order to complete the mission, someone needs to stay;

Now it’s Obito, and that’ll be me in a minute. "

“Lin, you must bring the mission scroll back to the village;

These are the rules that we, as ninjas, must abide by! "

Kakashi looked calm, as if he was not shaken by Obito's decision just now.

But there was a trace of struggle and waves deep in his eyes.

Obviously he was not as calm and unconcerned as his face showed.

Nohara Rin looked extremely anxious, she didn't want to leave Obito alone like this.

But there was no way to refute what Kakashi said;

Suddenly he was in a dilemma, feeling powerless and letting Kakashi lead him jumping in the woods.

It only lasted three seconds from when Obito took off and when Kakashi left with Nohara Rin in his arms.

At this time, the thick fog that originally enveloped the three people had been blown away.

The figures of the three people reappeared in front of Tutai and others.

Looking at Obito attacking from the sky,

And Kakashi and Nohara Rin who just ran a short distance away;

There was a look of contempt on Tutai's face. None of these three people could escape tonight.

Trying to use a Genin to buy time to escape, this is how much he looks down on the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja.

The ten Cloud Shinobi beside them all showed ferocious expressions, looking at this moment in the air,

The Konoha kid, who looked like a living target, quickly took out his kunai and shot at the opponent;

Dozens of kunai were densely packed, covering Obito's whole body.

The Cloud Shinobi had a ferocious smile on their lips, as if they had seen each other being pricked into hedgehogs by so many kunai.

Obito, who had already completed the hand seal in mid-air, looked at the kunai shooting from below.

His expression was extremely serious, with a sense of determination,

Let out a low drink:

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

A three-meter fireball sprayed towards the kunai shooting from below.

But I also knew in my heart that the fireball would definitely not be able to completely block so many kunai.

At this point, it was too late to form another seal, so he used the Body Replacement Technique to escape, and immediately used his arms to block the fatal parts of his body.

Praying that he would not be too seriously injured and that he would be able to continue fighting, even if it only delayed him for a second longer.

"Lin, I hope you can survive in the end..."

At the same time, Nohara Rin in Kakashi's arms looked at the trees on both sides that were retreating rapidly.

I also saw Obito, who was about to be pierced by dense kunai,

He immediately struggled to break free from Kakashi's arms and cried loudly towards Obito's back:

"Oh Bido!!!"

I was hoping and praying in my heart that Teacher Minato would arrive quickly and save Obidou.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped.

Obito was in mid-air, his serious expression showing concern for Nohara Rin;

The hot fire emitted from the giant Great Fireball below made his face turn red.

The Cloud Shinobi looked at them with malicious and ferocious expressions, as the nearly a hundred kunai covered a much larger area than the fireball.

Tudai's eyes were calm, and he obviously did not have any mood swings because he was about to kill a mere Genin.

But Kakashi was still facing forward and hurried seriously.

But it can still be seen from the corner of his eye that is slightly tilted to the back.

He has been paying attention to Obito's situation, and there seems to be a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Nohara Rin, on the other hand, kept crying, and countless teardrops seemed to condense into strings,

Under the bright moonlight, it looks extremely crystal clear;

He held his hands in front of his chest, as if praying for something.

Perhaps Nohara Rin’s prayers had an effect, or perhaps Obito’s life was not meant to be cut off.

At this time, time resumes flowing again and everything around returns to normal.

"Oh Bido!!!"

Nohara Rin’s cries continued;

Then a very reassuring voice sounded almost at the same time:

"Ninjutsu, Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

A shuriken shot appeared in front of Obito with lightning speed.

In an instant, tens of thousands of shurikens were transformed and shot towards Cloud Shinobi below.


This is extremely dense, tens of thousands of shurikens almost close together,

He instantly extinguished the fireballs along the way, and then knocked down nearly a hundred shurikens fired at him.

Without any pause, he continued shooting towards Cloud Shinobi below.

"Lava Style·Humobi!!"

Toshiro looked at the tens of thousands of shurikens that suddenly appeared above, almost covering the whole sky, and his expression changed greatly.

His hands quickly formed seals at a dizzying speed;

Instantly converts the Chakra in the body into rubber and sprays it from the mouth,

A flexible earth-colored protective film is formed, covering all Cloud Shinobi.

"Puff puff puff puff."

Tens of thousands of shuriken shots were fired continuously on the elastic and defensive protective film, making a continuous muffled sound.

Watching the protective film inward, the shapes of shurikens are constantly dented.

But it still looked like it had not been broken. Tutai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

But he also understood that although he had temporarily resisted the attack of tens of thousands of shurikens,

But as the attack continues, sooner or later this protective film will be shot through.

Now we must first get out of the attack range of these tens of thousands of shurikens.

Immediately, another protective film formed, leading more than a dozen Cloud Shinobi to retreat to the left.

At this time, a yellow stream of light also caught Obito, who was still stunned in the air.

In the blink of an eye, he was next to Nohara Rin and Kakashi who had not left far.

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