Hollywood King

Chapter 22.

Ian thought through and through what his next movie should be. There were many options for him to select in his Memory Library. Different genres gave him different types of thoughts, but in the end, he went with ‘La La Land’ due to many reasons. 

La La Land was a magical and very nicely directed movie for starters. It was a classic musical, which in fact has the same importance in this universe just like his own world. 

In Ian’s previous world, the movie attracted millions of eyes due to how realistic the end of it was. Not every love story has a happy ending. And not every lover succeeds career-wise if they held onto the compromises of their relationships. 

According to the story, in Hollywood, Mia and Sebastian, the main characters are struggling to make it in their respective careers, for which each has extreme passion. Mia is an actress who dropped out of college and moved from small-town Nevada five years ago to pursue her dream. She is enamored with old-time Hollywood - the movies she grew up watching - but hates the cattle-herding feeling of going on auditions and her belief that she needs to schmooze at social events to get ahead in the business.

Sebastian is a jazz pianist, his style of jazz is in the vein of traditionalists Charlie Parker and Thelonious Monk, inspirational popular people from the previous world. Sebastian wants to do his part to preserve that tradition, especially as he knows that that style of music is dying. He has trouble emotionally playing music he doesn't like just to get a paying gig. He dreams of opening his own jazz club, most specifically in what used to be a famous jazz club that has since been converted into a tapas-bar-cum-salsa-dance-club. Partly because of their individual struggles and partly because of the situations, their first few chance meetings are antagonistic. 

But they eventually become attracted to each other largely because of the passion for their dreams that they see in each other. But there are many obstacles to a happily-ever-after. They may be able to endure the struggling-artist life for so long before those struggles take their toll. The pursuit of their individual dreams may take all their energies with nothing left for their relationship. And any compromise each may make in getting ahead may change the person with whom each has fallen in love.

Ian knew how ‘La La Land’ was a commercial success, grossing $448 million worldwide on a production budget of $30 million, and received widespread critical acclaim with praise directed at the screenplay and direction, the performances of the two main characters score, musical numbers, cinematography, and production design.

Also while Ian was researching ‘La La Land’ from his memory library, he came across what the critics have said about it in his world and how it nearly won the oscar and many other awards. He wanted La La Land to win something as great as an Oscar in this world because he believed if he took the bad reviews and create something that almost everyone can enjoy, La La Land could be a huge success. 

Among the critics' responses, Ian was surprised to find some reviews that were given out by famous people who he knew from his previous world for the immortal masterpieces they created through Hollywood. 

|| "La La Land breathes new life into a bygone genre with thrillingly assured direction, powerful performances, and an irresistible excess of heart."

|| A famous actor, described it as "a hot miracle" and complemented its musical numbers, particularly the opening scene. And went on to name it his favorite movie of the year

|| "the year's most seriously pleasurable entertainment"

|| "succeeds both as a fizzy fantasy and a hard-headed fable, a romantic comedy and a showbiz melodrama, a work of sublime artifice and touching authenticity"

||  "a sun-drenched musical masterpiece."

With a slight smile that crept onto his face unintentionally, Ian typed “THE END” of the script he has been writing, knowing it is going to be the next blockbuster of Hollywood by the new young director, Ian Renner. 


Ian was all set and ready for the interview with a reporter and some more interviewers who were more than ready to face the contriver behind Resident Evil. 

What possibly can bring more fame to a media other than what people crave with the current trends? In fact, it was all about who exactly is this new director?

“Can we start?” Eddie asked. 

[....] After three days, New York Times has already published the title, ‘Ian Renner, the director who writes’ on their front page. Ian who went to the studio during the morning to talk with Mason was welcomed with the paper in hand. He took it and started reading knowing Mason read it before him. 

_Ian Renner, The Director Who Writes_

Ian Renner talks to the New York Times’ Eddie Ortis about his latest literary masterpiece “Resident Evil” and how he has already started planning his future steps. 

‘Home Alone’ which hit the screens a while ago had its hype going around for more than several months which increased undiverted curiosity towards the new young director, Ian Renner. Without withdrawing any fame, he published ‘Resident Evil’ through Actus Books which also brought so much attention to him. 

Eddie: Did you think that Home Alone would bring you this much success? 

Ian: Yes, of course. As I have mentioned in a previous interview, the success of Home Alone was determined. More than that, I’m glad people enjoyed it. The positive response gave me so much motivation. 

Eddie: From a family comedy to a survival thriller, how did you manage along with those genres which are totally opposites?

Ian: Hmm… Not like I wrote both of them together. While writing, I had to live inside characters and act along all of it. I bet the majority doubted my skills in writing a horror story, but I’m glad readers loved Resident Evil, regardless. 

Eddie: What were some challenges you faced while writing Resident Evil?

Ian: At first, it was tough to relate and write a horror, but with time as I started growing inside the characters and feeling them, it became easier. 

Eddie: Wasn’t it difficult to manage the studio and writing as well? I mean, the timing?

Ian: It was… But I managed, somehow.

Eddie: You surely proved your success wasn’t just because of luck. But also because of talent and skills. Are there any projects you’ve been working on recently?

[...Back in time, during the interview]

Ian had practiced and thought of different situations and scenarios in his mind about what the reporters may ask. At a point, he knew his future goals, and what he wanted to achieve in Hollywood would be definitely asked. 

“Thank you for the compliment. And, yes. I have been working on a new project recently. Within an average time of two to three months, I’m sure the public would get to know.”

Eddie Ortis smiled as he expected something along those lines before asking the question. During his 10 years of worktime he has been interviewing different types of famous people, he knew many are not willing to share their next step without a surprise. 

“We are waiting for it. What about your dating life? As a young man… I’m sure there are many young girls lined up.”

“Haha… I bet. My relationship status is single currently, and I’m focused on the success I have aimed for. My dating life… Only time will tell.” 

Eddie smiled and played along with what the famous persona telling in front of him, although he knew this interview is going to attract so many people’s eyes. So he pulled his best shots. 

“Any advice for new young writers or directors?”

“Thinking about which, I think any writer out there who seeks for perfect timings or perfect situation to start writing… Should simply just start. Without starting, you wouldn’t know what you are capable of. Importantly, don’t let yourself judge your story or your writing skills. Let it reach some readers. And, last but not least… don’t let anything change your dream. Sometimes you won’t be able to achieve it, but it’ll leave you in the best possible position that even you wouldn’t have thought. 

I might be sounding like a young boy who is yet to experience the dark sides of my field, but from what I gathered… With the right amount of dedication and willpower, you can do anything you want. As there are so many opportunities out nowadays, if you want, you’ll get right what you deserve”

He said and smiled while a few members of the crew behind the cameras, nodded with smiles on their faces. 

“That was surprisingly motivational. Is there any special reason why you don’t face interviews? Don’t take any offenses, but many people assume you are egoistic, is it true?”

Ian let out a small chuckle thinking how he knew Eddie would ask that. 

“Of course not. I’m not egoistic. As a newbie to the field, I’ve yet to explore a lot. Logically, I’ve no room to be egoistic if I want to learn. But weirdly, all this time, I was busy with one thing or another. It’s just a matter of time, yet I hope to face more interviews and get close to the public in the future.” 

[Present moment - at Renners Studio]

“They’ve edited it nicely and made you unbelievably pleasant to the public,” Mason commented with a genuine smile. 

“I know right. Let’s talk about our next project now, shall we?” Ian asked while retreating the smile and keeping the paper on the table. 


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