Hollywood King

Chapter 305 | Found Michael-Michael

[Renner Studio]

The pre-production for The Godfather had finally started. It had been several days since Ian started the movie pre-production.

As the producer and a co-director, he had quite a lot of things in his hand to maintain.

"Did you send my request letter?" Ian asked Murphy who just walked inside the office.

Murphy nodded and showed his tablet. "Here's the confirmation email, I forwarded it to you too. And we have screening tests in the evening. Uh, Mr Joseph will be here at any moment."

Ian looked at Murphy after taking a look at his schedule.

"The only opening I see is from 11 am to 12.30, after that, we will head off to the screening test. So put him through during that time," Ian said to which Murphy agreed.

Working with Joseph was about to get much more exciting. He was a man in his late 40s. His white hair made him appear much older than he was. Yet, Ian had seen his works. Joseph had done twelve movies back to back and one short movie which won several awards for its cinematography and story.

It was a thriller/horror short movie, but it was everything that the thriller fans asked for. Everything was just right - the characters, the plot, the visuals, and the music. Ian couldn't help but feel even more confident in his decision because it all came together perfectly

Which was why Ian was excited to work with Joseph.

Even during the event, the other directors had a slight discussion with Ian about Joseph. At the moment the directors brought up the conversation and started talking about how there were many other directors present that had more experience than Joseph. And they went beyond to criticise how Ian had only one factor in choosing who to work with.

Nevertheless, the conversation went and ended with one of the directors explaining how it was Ian’s loss but not theirs. In other words, the ego of the experienced directors was slightly hurt.

“Murphy, can you send an email reminding all the managers about the screening test? And, bring me two coffees in the next two hours until I work on this,” Ian asked and looked at Murphy, who gave a brief nod and walked off to get Ian’s requests done.

The next few hours went by as Ian was absorbed in his work. And during the time slot he gave to meet Joseph, he successfully.

After that, the screening test began.


Ian had invited several actors to audition for the role of Michael Corleone in his upcoming adaptation of "The Godfather".

The buzz around the project had been palpable, and many top actors in the business had turned up for the screen test.

The screen test had been set up in a small studio with a simple backdrop and a camera set up to capture the actor's performance. Ian was seated beside the camera, intently watching each audition and taking notes.

The first actor's name was Michael, and he had been in several blockbuster hits over the years. He had features similar to Al Pacino, who played Michael Corleone in the film. He had a slim build, dark hair, sharp features, and a serious expression.

"Alright, Michael, you're up," Ian said, beckoning the actor to the stage. "Are you ready?"

Michael took a deep breath and nodded, before walking onto the stage and taking his place in front of the camera.

Ian had set up the scene for Michael, and the famous actor had given him the direction. Michael stood in front of the camera, looking tense and serious. The actor walked up to him and gave him a brief introduction.

Ian already felt better about Michael. 

"Okay, Michael, this is the scene where you have to confront your brother about betraying the family. You have to be angry, but controlled. Let's do this."

Michael nodded and took a deep breath, getting into character. The cameras started rolling, and Michael began his lines.

"Moe, you betrayed us. You went behind my back and tried to take the family down. I can't forgive that."

Moe, played by another actor, responded with a smirk, "You don't have the guts to do anything about it, Michael. You're not cut out for this life."

Michael's eyes flashed with anger, but he kept his voice low and controlled. "You're wrong. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family."

The scene continued, with Michael and Moe exchanging heated words. Michael's performance was intense, and he conveyed the complex emotions of his character perfectly.

After the scene was over, Ian walked up to Michael with a smile on his face. "That was amazing, Michael. You really nailed it."

Michael nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Thanks, Ian. It was a great scene to work on."

The famous actor approached them and added, "I have to say, Michael, you have a natural talent. Keep working on your craft, and you'll go far."

Michael's smile widened, and he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had always loved acting, and this screen test had just confirmed that he had what it took to be successful in the industry.

As the scene came to a close, Ian leaned over to Raelynn and whispered, "I think we might have found our Michael."

“Already? But are there more actors to do the screen test?” She asked, confused by his decision.

“Rae, I can’t believe you learnt nothing over the time. Ugh!” Niko whispered, gaining Raelynn’s attention. She saw how Ian ignored her remark.


“Lesson number one, never doubt Ian’s decisions. I mean, if he’s certain, he’s certain. Oh wait- Junior Richard is here!” Niko said, looking at the other actor who came through the door.

And Michael exited the stage, Ian couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. With a lead actor like Michael and a talented crew at his side, he knew that he was on the brink of something special.

And the special things out of it all were yet to come. He was about to make The Godfather one memorable movie.




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a/n: totally unrelated but add 'Forbidden Union: The Evil Prince's Temptations' by Walentine1 to your library! (on w*bnovel)


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