Hollywood King

Chapter 307 | Angelina, You got this!

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Ian and Joseph took to the seventh floor where the audition for The Godfather movie’s character Kay Addams was happening.

The former walked inside the studio with a hopeful heart. He was about to meet Angelina Jolie again, and hopefully, he would work with her too.

He felt a glimpse of happiness while walking mainly due to how he would get to see her. It was almost as if a dream had come true.

He walked inside the built-in set and saw people in different places.

Rae was near the cameras, and every other person on the set was doing their own thing.

“Where are the actors?” he asked a bit loudly. Loud enough to reverb through the walls of the set.

“Oh, they must be here already. Uh, let me call the managers and see,” Murphy replied.

Not long after a few minutes, three actresses including Angelina Jolie walked in. The three actresses were followed by Michael, who was invited to check the compatibility on screen. So, not only Ian decided to pick the perfect actor to fit the role of Kay Addams, but also he would screentest and finalise the actress.

“We’ll begin in a few minutes,” Joseph said and sat in his chair. He took the phone out of his pocket and started doing something with it.

Ian took a brief look over the set and walked towards Raelynn.


Ian motioned for Angelina and the other two actresses to take a seat, and they gracefully sat down. Ian began the audition by giving them a brief rundown of the character Kay Adams and what he was looking for in the performance.

"Kay is a strong and intelligent woman, but she also has a certain vulnerability about her," Ian explained. "She's the only person who can truly reach Michael and get through to him. So, when you're playing Kay, keep that in mind."

“Yeah, but what will you be looking for, Ian? Is there something essential? Because my manager said that I’d suit the role even by looks,” the first lady to Ian’s right said with a confident look on her face.

In front of Ian, there was the paper which had written every detail about the actresses.

He took a brief glance at it and looked at the woman once again.

“I look for the character inside you. I want to see Kay living inside your words, your actions… And it’s hard to do as this is just day one. But I need to see potential, which is something every director wants in actors…” Ian looked at the paper once again. “You acted in June.”

She smiled proudly. “Yes, I did.”

Ian nodded. “Alright, you go first, then you, and then Angelina. Be prepared. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”


The auditions started right away.

The first actress was someone who played a side character in the Oscar-winning movie, June.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

She whispered the dialogue back to herself over and over, then stood straight in front of the camera.

“Michael, are you ready?” she asked Micheal, who sat next to Ian.

He nodded and walked up to stand in front of her.

“Alright, action!” Joseph said and looked at the act.

“I guess you're taking over, huh?”

“Well, you know.”

“You're going to be the head of the family now, Michael.”

“My father's no different than any other powerful man. Any man who's responsible for other people. Like a senator or a president.”

“You know how naive you sound?”


“Senators and presidents don't have men killed.”

“Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?”

Kay looked at Michael. Her facial expressions showed how she realised the implication.

“Michael. Is it true?”

“Don't ask me about my business, Kay.”

“Is it true?”

“Don't ask me about my business.”

Kay turned to look at Michael one last time before walking away. She didn’t look back but continued to walk a few steps away.

“Cut! That was a great one!” Ian said, looking at both actors.

Surprisingly, they had the chemistry that Ian was looking forward to. Joseph, too, felt that both the actress and the actor had what they were looking forward to.

“Do you think this is the one?” he asked, looking at Ian.

“Let’s see the other performances as well. Uh, Miss, you can stay there and look at their performance if you want to,” Ian said kindly to the woman who was looking at him.

She nodded. “I’d love to. We’ll get to know who gets the role today itself right?” She asked back.

“Yes, I’ll need to check the on-camera chemistry too, so I’d let you know.”

“Alright, great!” she said, being pretty confident about her performance.


After the second actress’s performance, it was Angelina’s turn. By how she looked, it seemed as if she was already nervous after seeing two brilliant performances by two A-listers.

Yet, she had her polite smiley face on.

Ian gave her a small smile before turning to the script. "Alright, whenever you're ready, let's begin."

Angelina took a deep breath and started the scene. She spoke with a calm, confident tone, but Ian could tell she was really putting herself into the character. As the scene progressed, Ian saw the vulnerability he was looking for in Angelina's performance. He could see Kay's fear and desperation as she pleaded with Michael to change his ways.

Ian let the scene go on for a while before interrupting. "That was great, Angelina," he said. "But I'd like to see you take it a bit further. I want to see more of that vulnerability."

Angelina nodded and took a moment to compose herself before starting the scene again. This time, her performance was even more intense. Her eyes shone with tears, and her voice shook as she spoke to Michael. And in the end, an unexpected thing happened.

“It was business, Kay. I always thought that when I got older, I would become a kind of benevolent leader. A little charity work, maybe. But then one day, I realised I wanted to run things. And I wanted to run them my way. I wanted to make it so that nobody could ever tell me what to do again. Now I have what I always wanted. And I'm alone.”

“Michael, is it true?” she asked.

“Don't ask me about my business, Kay.”

“Is it true?”

“Don't ask me about my business.”

Angelina put away the script and looked at Michael with her eyes dead set on him. Everything around them seemed unimportant when Michael put away his script too.

“No. No, Michael. You're wrong.”

“Why do you say that?” He asked with much intensity in his voice.

“Because you're really good. You're not like everybody else. You're not like him.”

“Oh, Kay.”

“Oh, Michael.”

Angelina kissed Michael with emotions streaming down her face. She was in tears. Michael reciprocated the kiss with adoration.

“Cut!” Joseph yelled, making both the actors take a step back.

“I- I’m sorry,” Angelina whispered and looked at Michael, her fingers in her lips.

“It’s alright…”

Ian was moved by her performance. He knew that Angelina was perfect for the role of Kay Adams. "That was incredible," he said, his voice filled with awe. "You really captured the essence of the character. You're exactly what I'm looking for in Kay."

Angelina beamed with pride, feeling like she had truly nailed the audition. "Thank you," she said with a huge smile on her face.

Ian stood up from his chair and walked over to Angelina. "Congratulations, Angelina," he said. "You've got the part."

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