Hollywood King

Chapter 311 | The Launch

A few days passed as Feazel Gaming was preparing for the grand launch. After lots of debates and conversations, the entire team was left with not a single venue to pick.

At first, they had thought of launching a massive event, inviting famous video gamers, and celebrities… and basically an event that would capture the entire world. But then, different such ideas continuously kept incoming.

The team was left with multiple decisions which were then brought to Ian’s attention. As the team was not of Renner Studio, but of Feazel Gaming, Ian had given them the maximum freedom to do anything that would take for a better launch.

The discussion on the same day, just for the venue and launch went on for more than four hours.

But in the end, they agreed to launch on the 20th at the Gaming Esports.

Which was why they were now where they were.


[Feazel Gaming: Main Conference Room]

The team gathered in the bustling conference room, their excitement palpable.

It was the day before the highly anticipated launch of Resident Evil at the gaming esports event, and preparations were in full swing.

Ian, the mastermind behind the game, stood at the head of the table, his eyes shining with determination.

"Alright, team," Ian began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "We've come a long way, and tomorrow is the culmination of all our hard work. This gaming espo is our chance to make a big splash, so let's make sure we leave a lasting impression."

The room buzzed with activity as the team members exchanged ideas and discussed their roles.

Mark, the lead programmer, was busy fine-tuning the game mechanics, ensuring that every control and interaction was seamless. Michelle, the art director, meticulously reviewed the character designs and level layouts, making sure they were visually stunning and immersive.

“I think that is looking great. Uh, honestly, I can’t wait for people to see. It’s going to be ‘the event’ of 2022. For all we know, we will end up being the talk of the year. And when I say, what I mean is that Resident Evil truly has that potential. I didn't even know that we could make this a reality. Ian, thank you,” Jamie Campisi, who was the lead designer, said with tears in his eyes.

The team was shaken by his words. They all worked together with each for years, and for a member of their team to say something that deep yet true, they all felt what he felt.

“Thank you for sharing that, Jamie,” Ian said. “As true as it is, the effort was all yours. And I should be the one to break this emotional moment…” he paused before continuing.

“We’re still yet to launch. I’ve known Feazel Gaming as one of the best in the country, but I want more with the launch. So, bring me what more ideas you have?” he asked.

After his single question, everyone who was present started to discuss what would happen tomorrow. They all had different ideas in different areas to help the launch.

“Alright… How about the stage?”

Amidst the flurry of preparations, Lisa, the marketing guru, shared her strategy. "We've got a prime slot on the main stage tomorrow," she announced.

"We'll showcase an exclusive gameplay demo that will blow everyone away. Our social media campaign is already gaining traction, and we've got some surprise giveaways lined up."

The sound designer, Mike, chimed in. "The audio experience will be key in building tension and immersion. I've created some spine-chilling sound effects and a haunting score that will send shivers down players' spines. Trust me, they won't know what hit them."

Ian nodded, his mind brimming with anticipation. "We have an incredible game, a talented team, and a captive audience awaiting us at the gaming expo. Let's make sure we deliver an unforgettable experience. Tomorrow, we unleash Resident Evil onto the world!"

His voice made everyone applaud and agree with him.

The discussion brought all of them together. The working spirit was in the air. And since they were just a day before the launch, they knew they had a lot more to do.

While they were discussing in the conference room, extra things including the things that were supposed to happen in the venue were already happening.

“Talk me through the agenda for tomorrow,” Ian asked again.

One of the teammates started discussing tomorrow's event.

And as the day drew to a close, the team worked late into the night, putting the finishing touches on the game, rehearsing their presentations, and triple-checking every detail.

The conference room was abuzz with excitement, the air filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation.


[The next morning]

With the morning sun casting its first rays, the team reconvened, ready to face the day ahead.

They shared encouraging words, exchanged high-fives, and took a deep breath, knowing that their moment had arrived. The gaming espo awaited them, and Resident Evil was about to make its grand debut.

“This is going to be so good. Yesterday was tiring yet I feel accomplished,” one of the teammates said while they were still in the parking lot.

“Wow, look at everyone around here, ah, just the perfect number.”

“I’ll set the sounds as soon as we get in.”

“Let’s go!”

Together, they marched toward the venue, their spirits high, fueled by the collective passion and dedication that had brought them to this moment.

As they walked, they saw many faces that they had seen before. Famous video gamers, famous people, and people who they didn’t even know were at the venue.

The same excitement that they had the previous night was in the air.

Ian walked in front of them, smiling towards the cameras.

After being ready and walking inside, they got their positions and waited for their time to launch Resident Evil.


[The Launch]

As they stepped onto the stage, the cheers of the crowd enveloped them, and they knew that their hard work had paid off.

At that moment, the team was not just a group of individuals, but a force united by their love for gaming and their shared goal of delivering an unforgettable experience. With hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins, they were ready to unveil Resident Evil to the world.

Little did they know, this gaming espo would mark the beginning of a new era, cementing their names in gaming history and captivating players for years to come.

The countdown began, and the stage was set for Resident Evil to shine bright in the world of gaming.

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