Hollywood King

Chapter 33.

Alexa cleared her throat a little and started speaking her lines. 

“Well, Tommy has proposed to me again. Tommy really does nothing but propose to me. He proposed to me last night in the music room, when I was quite unprepared, as there was an elaborate trio going on. I didn't dare to make the smallest repartee, I need hardly tell you. If I had, it would have stopped the music at once. Musical people are so absurdly unreasonable.” The way her facial expressions change and she talks attract almost everyone.

“They always want one to be perfectly dumb at the very moment when one is longing to be absolutely deaf. Then Tommy proposed to me in broad daylight this morning, in front of that dreadful statue of Achilles. The things that go on in front of that work of art are quite appalling. The police should interfere. At luncheon, I saw by the glare in his eye that he was going to propose again, and I just managed to check him in time by assuring him that I was a bimetallist.” Ian’s eyes were locked on her when she kept going as if someone was listening to her.

“Fortunately, I don't know what bimetallism means. And I don't believe anybody else does either. But the observation crushed Tommy for ten minutes. He looked quite shocked. And then Tommy is so annoying in the way he proposes. If he proposed at the top of his voice, I should not mind so much. That might produce some effect on the public. But he does it in a horrid confidential way. When Tommy wants to be romantic, he talks to one just like a doctor. I am very fond of Tommy, but his methods of proposing are quite out of date. I wish, Gertrude, you would speak to him, and tell him that once a week is quite often enough to propose to anyone and that it should always be done in a manner that attracts some attention.”

She completed the practiced monologue, and everyone fell into a fit of laughter at how funny it was. The monologue commonly was told by directors to present when they wanted to see how they expressed themselves in their speeches. It was something every actor/actress rehearsed for ages to face an audition. However, many directors choose not to make them show a monologue due to ‘just’ how expressive they can be and especially when they want to see how the person can meet the role they expect. 

Since every other character is an extra in La La Land, Ian wanted to see if Alexa’s expressing style is enough or could be polished. 

“That was a good one, Ms. Carla. Can you dance?” Ian asked.

“Yes, I can,” She answered truthfully.

“This is the critical part of your audition, I want you to come through the stage curtains when we play the music, show some of your moves, then walk away as if you were talking and laughing to someone, got that, yeah? The character's specialty would be how outstanding her little performance in the entire movie and how much of an impact it can leave. The character would be someone so positive and bubbly, and I want you to show it when you laugh it off during the end of the performance,” Ian asked.

“Okay, I’m ready,”

Ian signaled to turn up the volume of the jazz music. Alexa, who was behind the curtain, came in with a smile and did some steps which almost felt planned while she swayed her hips from side to side, and at the end, she looked left to right as if the music faded and talked by herself while laughing as if it was almost tangible. Ian thought she was someone with different skills to be just an actress during her little dance movements. 

Mason clapped loudly, “That was a good one, Ms. Carla,” although the smile was still there on his face. Alexa Carla’s eyes were on Ian. She smirked as if knowing that she had achieved something during her performance, “We will call you; thank you so much for coming,” Mason said.

Ian didn’t utter a word but nodded his head with a slight smile. ‘She nailed it,’ he thought. But, of course, right after she was gone, everyone was discussing her.

“She nailed it. Is there something you wanna say, Ian?” Mason asked, looking at him.

“What do you think, uncle?” Ian asked with a smirk plastered on his lips.

“I saw her smirk; it seems you both did know each other. Am I right?” Mason asked out of curiosity and to make fun of him. 

“I just met her at the party, nothing else,” Everyone knew what those words meant. “I was going to make her act the part of the script, yet you dismissed it. So what will her role be?” 

“She was good, you know that, too. I think she will be good as Caitlin, Mia’s little supportive friend,” Ian acknowledged.


The auditions ended, and they already had almost every character they looked for. A few more people were needed to fill some spaces up, and Ian let Mason do the auditioning the next day because he knew Mason would do a good job, and he wasn’t ready to go through the same torture again. Of course, it was fun to watch people act, but after a certain point, it would be just the same scene over and over again. Not to mention, he knew he should write ‘Lucifer’ little by little since it had around six seasons. 

He got out of the theatre, hoping to go home and rest. But, thinking of the sweet bed, he kept walking towards his car. After walking a few steps away, he heard a voice calling out his name.

“Ian! Wait!” The sweet voice was something Ian couldn’t forget even after he sobered up that day. Especially not after a long monologue he heard a few hours ago. 

“What are you doing here, Alexa?” He asked after turning back to see her as sexy as ever, Ian thought. While walking towards her, the questions slipped his tongue. She looked at him and smiled with her red lips, which made Ian’s eyes move. 

“I was waiting for you,” She said.

“Yeah, I figured that out after you called my name. I was asking that thinking you should be at your house right after the audition ended, though,” He said while his voice lowered because if someone heard, it would misinterpret as something else.

“I was waiting to know if I got in or not. To know if I got the role or not,” Alexa said and smiled seductively. 

“I don’t give roles based on if I had sex or not, and I remember I said something along the lines of calling you later and letting you know the results. So which part was unclear, Ms. Carla?” He asked. His tone reminded him of how Lucifer talks, which brought him a slight smile that he composed quicker than he knew. Smiling in front of Alexa might give her the wrong idea. He was aware of it. 

“Oh God, I know that; I just wanted to know the results,” She said lowly. ‘Not my father again,’ he imitated Lucifer in his mind. Maybe it was because he wanted nothing but to go home and write a bit more of the script after stepping out of the theatre. Lucifer's entire theme of being addictive was a bonus reason for the little communication with his mind and actions.

“Your agent will know soon. Be happy for now,” Ian said. In his brain, mimicking Lucifer’s tone was fun for him to do. Unfortunately, his accent was obvious to listen to, and Alexa gave a weird look at him. Hopefully, the whole fun thing will be the last conversation with it, he thought. Alexa ignored it and tried to gain back her poise. 

“I have been in LA for quite a while now, and I know how Hollywood works. I also know you don’t give roles to people you sleep with, and you don’t have to repeat yourself. I did a good job back there, and I can assure myself; that with no more talks, can I at least get a ride now that we are on the same page?” She asked while adjusting her sunglasses.

Ian was thinking for a while about whether he should or should not. But after a bit, he agreed. “Sure, the car is just a few steps away,” He said and turned to walk.

That was when a flash of light going off took his attention. He looked back to see a short, thin man with a trimmed beard holding a camera and kept checking the front of it. It was visible he didn’t expect to get the picture with the flash of light, but unfortunately, he did. 

Yes, it was a wild paparazzi. 

||_A word from me__||
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