Hollywood King

Chapter 340 | Finding Harrison

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Harrison Ford in Ian’s previous world was an actor who won many people's hearts. a legendary actor had carved an indelible mark on the world of cinema. With his rugged charm, magnetic presence, and versatile performances, Ford became an icon of the silver screen.

Known for his roles in films like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Blade Runner, Ford embodies the perfect balance of charisma and talent. His ability to effortlessly portray characters with depth and authenticity has captivated audiences for decades.

With his distinctive voice, sly smile, and undeniable on-screen charisma, Harrison Ford continues to leave an enduring legacy as one of the most celebrated actors in Hollywood.

He also won multiple awards in the industry for his phenomenal acting. Academy Award: Ford was nominated for Best Actor for his role in the film Witness (1985). He won the Golden Globe for Best Actor for his performance in The Fugitive (1993) and was also nominated for his roles in Witness and Sabrina (1995).

Ford received a BAFTA nomination for Best Actor for Witness and was also honoured with the BAFTA Britannia Award for Worldwide Contribution to Filmed Entertainment in 2000. He won the Saturn Award for Best Actor for his iconic portrayal of Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Saturn Awards in 1994. In 2000, Ford was honoured with the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions to the film industry.

All in all, he was another exceptional man in the industry who truly owned his place.


“So, what did you find?” Niko questioned.

“He’s 34 years old—and he’s just a teacher, for elementary school.”

“A teacher? What does he teach? Maths?” Niko asked sarcastically.

“Actually, yes. We can get going and meet him in an hour today, if you’re free, Ian.”

Ian took a brief look at his schedule. It was free for the most part. He knew that he needed to meet Harrison Ford to see if he was the actual man in the post that he saw on the internet.

“I think we can make it,” Ian said and gathered his belongings.

“Really? Are we really gonna hunt down an elementary school teacher? Ian, we’ve been remarkable! REMARKABLE actors in the industry—and with you being Ian Renner, the young age-”

“Shut up and come if you want,” Raelynn stopped Niko midway and walked outside the office.

“The traffic is a nightmare!”

Niko said annoyingly but still followed them behind.


In the traffic, stuck in the middle of the road—Murphy had his eyes on the road. Besides Murphy, Niko sat.

In the back seats, Raelynn and Ian were getting comfortable knowing that the journey was going to be some more time.

“Rae, didn’t you try to convince the teacher?” Niko questioned, clearly forgetting the name of the ‘teacher’.

“I was about to. But Ian asked me not to. What if he uh-”

“You both thought that it’s smart to go unannounced?” Niko asked, surprised.

Ian and Raelynn were two of the smartest and most creative people that were inside the car, yet Niko frowned at them considering how stupid the idea sounded.

“Well, I didn’t think we’d go meet him today. It was my idea, but look, let’s see if Ian agrees with how he looks and all if anything—this could simply be a road trip… with heavy traffic,” Rae said and shrugged.

Ian and Niko both smiled.

Their heavy business persona slowly faded away as they were already comfortable around each other.


“Alright, class, let's tackle this maths problem together. If we have twelve marbles and distribute them equally among four friends, how many marbles does each friend receive? Raise your hands!”

The students eagerly raise their hands, ready to participate.

All their eyes were on their professor—Professor Ford. A thirty-four-year-old teacher who had been their teacher for an entire year. They loved their teacher and the teacher reciprocated their very feelings.

“Three marbles, Mr. Ford!”

“Absolutely right! Give yourself a round of applause, my maths whiz!”

The class applauds, encouraged by positive reinforcement.

Suddenly, Mr Ford's phone begins to ring. He looks at it with surprise and quickly excuses himself from the front of the classroom.

“Yes, hello, Mr Vice Principal,” he said and shushed the class. They all heard him calling the caller ‘vice principal’ and got silenced.

Their little eyes widened in confusion. They continued to listen to the conversation closely.

“I wonder who it is…” The student in the front row said while looking at his friend.

“A director? Why?” Harrison’s question reached the kids’ ears.

They all looked at each other.

“Director? Don’t they create movies?”

“Aren’t actors making movies? I heard my sister tell me that they do!”

“Mr. Ford! Are we going to be in a movie?!” Student 2 asked loudly.

Everyone else in the classroom shushed her.

“Manners, Laila! Manners!”

“Don’t you remember what he taught us?”

Their teacher looked at them and showed them a thumbs-up. He was proud of how they were dealing with the situation.

“I’ll be there,” he whispered to the phone and quickly hung up. He looked at the little faces, some were so out of the world that they were enjoying and playing with things around. But several other kids were looking at Harrison with hope-filled eyes.

“Well, kids! Listen up, I need to go to the vice principal’s office! Hopefully, I’m not in trouble!” he said and put his hands up. “Until I’m back, Miss Martha will stay here. Who are we?”

“Good kids!”

“We’re good!”


“I’ll be right back, Miss Martha.”


`Harrison walked outside the classroom with multiple questions on his head. Why was a director there to see him?

Were the little children being taken away to act? Or was it something more? Nevertheless, it was exciting.

“I was called?” he asked the assistant of the vice principal's office.

“Yes, go ahead, Mr. Ford.”

He reached the vice-principal's office and knocked on the door.

“Come in, Mr. Ford, this is Mr. Renner and his team,” the vice principal, who was an old lady, said, pointing her red lips towards the crew.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Harrison Ford,” he said and extended his arm at the two gentlemen and one lady.

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