Hollywood King

Chapter 362 | Movie Premiere (ii)

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[From another point of view]

Inside, the theatre was a sea of plush seats and hushed whispers, the air electric with excitement. The lights dimmed, and the iconic Renner Studio fanfare echoed through the room, a prelude to the galaxy that was about to unfold on screen.

As the iconic yellow text crawl filled the expanse of the screen, the audience collectively held its breath, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and wonder. It was a moment of shared anticipation, an entire universe waiting to be unveiled.

Aboard the Tantive IV, the rebels' desperate struggle played out and gasps rippled through the crowd as the menacing figure of Darth Vader strode onto the screen.

His presence was commanding, sending shivers down spines and eliciting hushed whispers of admiration.

Thus, the movie began and throughout the movie, emotions ran high.

“This… Shit,” one man said to his wife.

He was yet another director in the throng of directors present in the hall. Yet, he was just as stunned as everyone else was.

And throughout the movie, all the people in the crowd were stunned for different reasons. At times, there was awe-struck silence which made everyone hold their breaths, gasps of surprise—which was another moment where everyone gasped at the same time, laughter, applause, moments of tension and even moments of empathy.

The visuals, the score, and the sheer scale of the Star Wars universe left many celebrities in awe-struck silence. Their eyes were glued to the screen, absorbing every detail, every nuance. In front of their eyes, Star Wars halts their brain processes.

And as the plot unfolded, gasps of surprise punctuated the silence. The reveal of the Death Star and the daring rescue of Princess Leia had them on the edge of their seats.

The humour and charisma of characters like Han Solo and C-3PO earned laughter and applause, the audience connecting with the wit and charm of these newfound heroes.

The tension during the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader was palpable. The audience felt the emotional weight of the battle, and when Obi-Wan sacrificed himself, a collective sense of loss hung in the air.

As the credits rolled and Ian Renners' iconic score filled the theatre once more, the celebrities erupted into thunderous applause.

They had witnessed a cinematic masterpiece, a universe they had never imagined, and it was visible through their faces and little murmurs that started right after the end credits started to roll in.


[From Ian’s Perspective]

By the end of the movie, Ian had his arms around Raelynn, who had an extremely similar expression on her face.

Both of them were quite pleased with how the final product of the movie had turned out. The execution was better when the people were seated in a theatre, and the buzzing environment urged them to be fully focused and concentrated on the movie.

“Well, that went great,” Rae whispered as she saw how emotional Ian was being.

She knew that if she just took a closer look at him, she could see the tears in his eyes. That was how proud he was about what he had created.

“It went more than great,” Ian said with a smile.

He looked at Rae who continued to look back at him. Ian gave a weak smile and looked around.

He saw how everyone looked extremely content with what they had just watched.

“That was… Something unlike anything we have ever seen. And I could bet on my millions worth of necklaces that I wore to the night, everyone would agree with me on that.”

The previous woman, who was also a very famous actress in the industry said to the microphone directing all the scattered attention to her.

She looked at the audience with her shining eyes and smiled broadly.

“Before we continue with our agenda for the night, I’d like to ask the director of the wonderful movie we just watched Unravel. So, everyone, give a big round of applause to the golden man of the night… Ian Renner!”

The woman said while everyone started applauding.

Ian stood up, and with him, Raelynn too stood up. She kissed his cheek before waving at the people around who were awed by them.

Ian’s smile stayed glued on his face as he started making his way to the stage.

He stood behind the podium and looked at the wave of people who sat in front of him. Most of them were extremely popular people who had made their names in the industry.

And to stand in front of them on a day that is extremely important to him, Ian felt a sense of pride within him and what he had done.

“Hello, everyone! I’m thrilled to be here with you today, especially now that all the pairs of eyes have witnessed the project I’ve been working on for almost two years now. I should say that this journey has been nothing short of incredible, and I’m excited to share some thoughts about our hard work and the impact of this film.

First and foremost, the release of  “Star Wars: A New Hope” marks the culmination of years of dedication and hard work from an amazing team. Making this film was a labour of love, and everyone involved poured their heart and soul into it. Uh, I’d like to take a moment to talk about all the late nights, the challenges, the tireless commitment of the cast and crew—all of it was essential in making this a reality. And talking about the movie, making a film of this scale… always presents its unique set of challenges. From managing the special effects to coordinating an extensive ensemble cast, every day was an adventure. But those challenges brought out the best in our team, and some of our most memorable moments happened while problem-solving and collaborating to make the vision come to life,” Ian cleared his throat as he looked at the crowd who stared back at him with curious filled eyes.

He took a moment to feel his nerves. He looked at everyone who was in front of him. There he saw faces and so was the mirror to the success he had achieved ever since he got into this world.

Therefore, he took a brief moment to relish that feeling that was in the back of his mind for a moment.

“Talking about the hard work, I think it’s crucial to mention that we always believed in the story and its potential to resonate with audiences. So, the rest of the results will be in the hands of the audience. And in the back of my head, I believe that Star Wars will impact the industry differently too. Let me tell you how, because as I can see, most of you people are already curious, so…” With his statement, there were a few people who chuckled.

“So, Star Wars… In my opinion, it is a cinematic project that I believed would push the boundaries of storytelling and filmmaking. At least it was for me…”

“I believe it will continue to influence the industry by inspiring creators to explore new horizons, experiment with technology, and, most importantly, craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences on a deep level… Yes, so, before dragging this entire evening, I’d like to thank all the teammates, every one of you… You have been amazing! And to all the aspiring filmmakers and creatives out there, I want to say that dreams can come true with hard work, dedication, and a passionate team. "Star Wars: A New Hope" is proof of what can be achieved when you pursue your vision with unwavering determination. So, keep chasing your dreams, keep telling your stories, and remember that the journey is as important as the destination.”

Although the ending was cliche, Ian knew he had to tell what he had to. That message wasn’t just for the aspiring people who were out there wanting to live “the American dream” but it was for everyone who was watching him at the moment and was ready to give up on any dream they had.

All the eyes were on him as he looked at them proudly, proud of what he had just achieved.

“Before concluding my speech, I'd like to thank my parents, especially my dad and my uncle, without the studio… None of this would be possible… Also, thank you, everyone, who’s present today!”

With that, Ian bowed and walked off the stage.

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