Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-130: The Origin Of Runes

-Tring-! Thunkg-! 

-Bhonk-! Tring-! 


It's been a long, long time, since she pleasured herself into the thrill of battle, fire of zeal filled her already decayed body again, with the heat of ichor coursing through her veins. 

It injected just like a spurt of cold water into the dry, parched water source with a sense of exhilaration and hope—for the crave that had dried up.

How many years had it been since she felt this way?

She doesn't remember anymore....

Though by the virtue of [Wisdom of the Haunted Ground], she can easily calculate the number of years, but the lofty Queen of Shadows didn't feel willing to be conscious of the number of years spent alone in this country of shadows, lonely and all alone. 

She didn't want to know, because the despondency of the passage of time will blur the aerating excitement she was soaking in right now. 

Ever since the Irish Child of Light left this undying land of darkness, which will still be eternally washed by the membrance of shadows, there has been no creature, alive or dead, to accompany her in this despairing realm of silence like death.

She had hoped that the man touted as the Child of Light would give her the death she had longed for. 


After all, he could not escape the bondage of fate, she had said at the time when he received one of her spears from her hands, "Perhaps, I want to be killed by your hands", while smiling with a serene hopeful voice. 

The Queen of the Land of Shadows had been given a fate where even death was no longer in her hands. 

That person with the best chance of fulfilling her wish, she accepted him as her disciple. 

But his courage still wasted away in the end.

'Heh, it's interesting to think about it now...'

'Even though he is the son of Lugh, the God of Sun and Light, it is ridiculous in itself for the 'Child of Light' to come to my Country of Shadows, where sun or light will never reach, to seek art.'

'...Hahaha, just now I was sternly scolding others to not get distracted on the battlefield. I didn't expect my mind to be distracted now...'

Scathach recovered from the albums of memories. The stunningly beautiful face under the mask showed a helpless and self-deprecating smile. 

'Time still flows.... I'm have become rotten and old too.'

'Foreigner, let me take a look at your will and your courage...'

'Even the wisdom of the abyss cannot peer into the fate of the Godslayer, can you walk further than the dog that has been chained?'

"Pierce The Death, Shoot Through Light, Tear The Space!"

"[Gáe Bolg]-!"

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. 

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.


If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

A high standing meaningful quote for a warrior, focusing on two things—knowing yourself and your enemy. 

But there are very miniscule amount of people who can in all intents and purposes do this. 

And Scathach is one of those rare peoples, different from those who can claim the same without being proficient.

Scathach evidently knew that her talent and potential were overflowing since a young age, she knew that she is a whole different existence from other mortals, and she did full justice to her talents.

Always getting stronger, always blossoming in the battlefields, always finding opponents who can satiate her hunger. 

Growing stronger and stronger. 

In the distant God era, when the heroes created their own epics, when the high standing gods raged on the earth, and when Scathach was not so strong, she discovered a talented person just like her, a demigod, the Child of Light—Cú Chulainn. 

That was when the hope was born, that she, who had been cursed by the Gods and escalated by the abyss can be slayed.

Of course, when Scathach saw Cú Chulainn, at the first glance she had already seen through his fate and even saw the intricate process of his own certain death.


She still hoped that Cú Chulainn, a rare genius, could break his fate and be able to reverse his own death.

However, it remained a pity that the Hound of Culann who had the only chance to kill her was ultimately defeated by his own fate.

From that moment on, Scathach knew that the person who could actually kill her no longer existed.

The time passed like ungraspable grains of sands, she became stronger and stronger aided by her own talents, until she and her own Land of Shadows surpassed the world, impelled to the Outside of the World, to endure eternal loneliness.

Perhaps only when this world and multiverse disappears, can she really welcome her own death, before that, she can only exist with this eternity to accompany her. 

"Where is the one who can kill me... Aah, it can't exist, right...."

The lonely queen whispered in an imperceptible beautiful voice that was both arrogant and self-deprecating.

"[Moses Splits The Sea]-!"

Driving the power of swift speed under the fueling of 'divine will', Roy's speed was as fast as light, as he gleamed with a curve. 

Determined to die and live, with a concentration forced by the overloaded soul, the divider of Red Sea excursed with the forced intent of disunity. 

"For the average person, your speed is indeed very fast, but for me, it is still—too slow."

Scathach discoursed unhurriedly, her figure sided at a seemingly unhurried pace, divine force that intented to separate the sea was left to the side. 

The environment of the Kingdom of Shadows blasted with a deep gully under the piercing sound of torn waves, straight to far away, splitting the cliffs that Roy had seen before, and chopping the rocky building structures into stony rubbles. 

Scathach was not left untouched, though. 

Under Roy's [Moses Splits The Sea], a strand of dark purple hair floating with her movement split off and turned into dandelions and floated into the distance.

"This trick contains the power of mythology, hmm, somewhat comparable to a Servant's Anti-Country Noble Phantasm, but you got this trick from others, you didn't comprehend it by yourself."

"You only know its shape and don't know its meaning. There is an intent of your own but there's no rule or coherence, you could have made it better, but you don't know how to make it better."

The sharp mind of the warrior queen peered into the essence of his power. 

"[Holding Unto The God]-!"

Discovering that his swift power was useless against the Witch of Shadows, Roy readily discarded the intention of continuing with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Facing such a powerful enemy, he must use all of his powerful tricks so as not to leave any regrets before the other party becomes serious, all he can do is to find the hope of life in the battle while dancing on the edge of death!

[Holding Unto The God] is the strongest force form in his [Jacob's Limbs].

Roy's big hands stretched out to grab Scathach's shoulder while she moved just as unhurriedly as before, but this time no matter how Scathach twisted his body, the hand was attracting her figure. 

"Reversing the cause and effect, so no matter how you dodge, you can't avoid it? And this is also mixed with a powerful anti-divine intent, indeed an amazing trick."

The [Wisdom of the Haunted Grounds] empowered Scathach to see through the concept contained in his [Holding Unto The God]. 

"It's a pity that I don't have any divinity, but the same Godslayer as you who reverses cause and effect of God's Curse. Although it is troublesome, it is not impossible to break it."

Scathach's tone gradually became towering, she suddenly raised the demonic crimson red spear in her hands, and swiped it out, while tearing the thin air with the tip of the spear.





It was an extremely simple rune, but it contained mysteries that dazzled Roy's eyesight and brain. 

Mysterious and primordial, as multiple mysterious runic ripples emerged, Roy was shocked to find that each ripple was reversing the cause and effect.

In which the concept of cause and effect returned to the correct order, so that Scathach only moved her shoulder and avoided it. 

Before the returned cause and effect hit him, he decisively cut off his supply of mana with a appalled face. 

"T, This! The Primordial Rune Of Origin?!"


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*, *GooseElite*, *Skoll* and *DatPerson*


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