Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-93: The Death Flirted With Me Itself

"This goddess is the Queen of Gods. Godslayer who covets this goddess, savor the despair and pain. Repent in the wilderness of the underworld."

In addition to the rich and intoxicating aroma Roy swallowed, there was also an extremely cold smell of death and decay.

Athena gently let go of her slender fingers, as her alluring red lips left Roy's while bringing a chain of saliva. 

Athena looked at the man's falling figure with regret that fell straight into the snow filled ground but she couldn't catch the sly glint that flashed in the closing eyes of the dying man. 

Although the Campiones has strong resistance to magic, if a high-level spell is directly sent inside their bodies, even the Godslayers will falter with difficulties, not to mention the goddess's Divine Authority.

This is her ultimate Divine Authority—Touch of Eternal Sleep, many Godslayers have fell under it. It just has a single power—absolute death. As powerful it is, she can only use it once in a month. 

It only requires external touch to work, but the goddess went a step further to make a sure fire move. 

This human made her step an extra mile, to her it seemed if it was this human he may create miracle, so she unhesitatingly gave her first kiss to the person she had met only for a day. 

Of course, it was not a kiss of love, but one of cold death. 

"My worries were unfounded," the goddess whispered in disappointment. 

The concept of death attacked Roy's body and soul, his thinking was freezing under the chill of death. The death never felt so near, no, it had already arrived, ready to take him. 

Just before Roy's consciousness completely fell into the darkness, one of his backhands, the status restoring authority—the <Miraculous Spring of Life> activated. 



A anticipated smile emerged on the face of the beautiful goddess. 

An illusionary phantom of a lush tree vibrant with overflowing vitality manifested and grasped it's owner from the clutch of death. 

This is the law of restoration that can expel all negative status! 

The law of restoration intertwined with the law of life into a drill and crushed the effect of absolute death. 


Roy leisurely opened his eyes and even took a light stretch, as if he has just woke up from a sweet dream. With a relaxed posture of almost lying on the ground, he stared at the beautiful goddess who was looking down at him and exclaimed: 

"Not wrong it is said, women are the most beautiful and soothing poison, the silent killer that doesn't require brute strength, but a devious and womanly cunning mind. Hoho!"

"Tsk! Tsk! Many 'preys' flirted with death every day, but the death flirted with me itself."

'Tch, one opportunity wasted. This doesn't seems to be her ultimate move otherwise l should be able to summon the 'HAND'.... but in the past she didn't use anything stronger even when that Godslayer extracted her origin, this doesn't make sense.'

'...Anyways, a strong killer move was atleast expended. But, I need to be cautious of her real ultimate card.'

Roy thoughts said something else while his smug face showed something else. 

Seeing that Roy was not killed even under her strongest Authority. Athena was not surprised and even rejoiced, her holy and elegant face showed a happy smile and her eyes turned into happy crescent curves as she said, powerfully: 

"Human, you are the enemy whom we had identified as equal and for you to died so easily. Wouldn't it be too boring? So–"

"𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙸𝚗 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗'𝚜 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑!"

She held up her slender white hand in the air. A jet black sickle shrouded in a purple hue materialized in her hand. It was a symbol of death of the Trinity Goddess Athena-her true meaning.


Seeing the sickle heading for his neck, Roy's complexion changed. The surging mana exploded, and a loud explosion rang from the top of the Alps, echoing further in the mountain range. 

Under the terrifying repulsing shock waves, the loads of snow burst into the sky while others rolled down like an avalanche, no, rather it was an avalanche. 

The rocky structure on the top of the mountain were cracked inch by inch, forming deep fissures. Even the clouds under the dark night sky were blasted away. 

Roy's left hand that was clenched into a fist was holding against the deadly sickle, the shape of five golden rings was faintly visible on the base of his five fingers. A encroaching rune like tattoo emitting a golden white holy light surfaced on his arms. 

This is the vision or the armaments granted after merging with Solomon's spiritual foundation. After being promoted, every time he uses the <Jacob's Limbs>, they will emerge along with. 

This ring is not a real physical existence. It is just a manifestation of his power. It doesn't represent Solomon's god-given wisdom... but instead, the force of King Solomon! The Israel's Greatest Boxing King! 

Roy punched out his left hand, mixed with the intent of <Ten Plagues Coercion>, and directed towards Athena's beautiful and charming face. 

If this fist collided with her face, even the goddess's beautiful face will be left bruised with jaw broken, the inclusion of the curse power intent lingering on the fist will probably even leave her will puss filled facial lacerations. 

Seeing Roy being so insidious while forgetting about her own crafty kiss made the face of the goddess turn sullen. She fenced the sickle at the path of Roy's fist, the divine power and curse power of the two collided.


Under the explosion, the whole mountain was blown into mere dust.

The power of refutation made Roy and Athena both snort as they were knocked off in the air and swiftly landed back on different snow-capped mountains.

"Insidious," the sullen goddess hissed. 

Roy replied with a mischievous smile, "No, it's gender equality, Miss Athena."

Athena's face darkened, she directed her resentment into her eyes, her pupils dilated into slits, evoking the most fearsome unpredictable power in her arsenal—<Serpent's Evil Eyes>.

Roy unwilling to show any weakness, envoked his <Eyes of Sodom'. Two gazes, one serpentine and another crystalline, clashed in the air. 

Two of the top magic eyes collided at the intersection of the two people's sights, the air was distorted and gnarled. If someone appeared there in their sights, they will definitely be shattered into rubbles and salt in an instant.

"We Sing, We Chant Of The Triune Goddess, Connecting The Sky, The Earth And The Darkness, For Reincarnation And Wisdom!"

"We Sing, It's Is A Sigh For The Queen To Sing, The Song Of The Degraded Goddess. As A Queen But Regarded As A Taboo Snake, It Is The Sigh Of A Queen."

"We Sing, The Poems Of Goddess With A Broken Crown And A Shattered Throne, It Is The Humiliation Of A Loving Mother."

"The Past Was The Mother Of The Earth Who Gave Birth To All Things; The Past Was The Master Of The Underworld Who Governed The Darkness; The Past Was The Wisdom Lady Who Knew The Wisdom Of The Sky! This Goddess Is Here!"

It seemed to be the spirit of words. It seemed like a carol. It seemed a prayer. It seemed to be a tribute, singing softly along with the goddess. Her supernatural power also boiled to the extreme.

The true meaning of the earth, death, wisdom, and war filled Athena's slender figure. The terrible pressure that made air stilled descended. 

Roy's eyes narrowed dangerously. 

"As expected of the goddess who has killed countless Campiones. But, it's still not her trump card..."

Athena is a real formidable enemy. She is powerful enemy that no matter which Godkiller encounters, he needs to do everything he can to overcome.

Rumble-! Rubble-! 

The mountains beneath his foot trembled suddenly. It seemed a magnitude twelve earthquake had hit the mountain ranges.

The animals yelled miserably and fled helter-shelter. The exposed rock crevices under the snow shattered, accompanied by a harsh hissing sound.


A gaint behemoth! 

A giant snake that was more a few hundred meters long drilled out of the mountain! The whole mountain was shaken to pieces adding to elongating it's figure. 

Athena stood on the head of the giant snake, holding a pitch-black sickle in her right hand, as if her body had been integrated with the snake. 

Her legs had vanished, a beautiful silver scaled snake tail, that looked like a piece of art made from plucking the silver moonlight was in it's place instead. 

"This is the monster, 'Gorgon'. Medusa."

Seeing the extremely beautiful and coquettish snake girl, Roy whispered.

"Come On, My Fangs, My Sharp Teeths, Tear This Goddess's Adversaries. Swallow It Into The Earthly Abdomen And Become The Nourishment Of The Planet!"

Under the shout of the goddess, the giant snake roared like a dragon like demeanour. Opening its giant mouth and sharp teeth, it hissed at Roy and brought up pieces of rubble flinging in air.

"Tch! What nourishment of the earth? Isn't it just snake shit?"

Finished with his nonsense, Roy raised his clenched fist in the sky. 

"To Protect From The Serpent's Temptations! To Uphold The Oath! Let The Trumpet Of The Doomsday Blow Loud! For I Call The Angelic Warriors Of The Utmost Bright!"

Roy chanted the spirit of words aloud. 

Under the dark sky, seven rays of sacred light burst forth suddenly. The phantom of the Seven Archangel located in the seven directions of heaven and earth to sound the trumpet of doom for the world.


The door of heaven opened under the calling of the command. Hundreds of Angels materialized of the holy light filed out, lining up as an array of trained troops. 

Without stopping another chant continued:

"Upon My Oath, Be The Salvation From Above!"

Roy stretched out his right hand. The blood-red cruciform sword of judgment manifested in his hand. 

"Now let the party begun!"

Roy grinned murderously. The hundreds of Holy Angels of Light did not launch a charge, but began to converge together under Roy's voice. 

His two years were not spent in debauchery, especially not when one has a teacher like Aiwass and a hardworking student like Roy. 

"I Am The Staunch Structure Of The Divine, 

Revelation My Body And,

Redemption My Soul.

I Have Lorded Over A Thousand Angels,

Deemed To Do More. 

Nor Limits Limit My Summon, 

Who Be Divined To Herald Many More."

Especially not when you have some motivation to work for. Sometimes, coolness with power is motivation. 

All the Angels collided into each other to form a huge bubbling ball of light. 

"Yet This Mind Be Unknown To Salvation.

So, As I Pray--

Unlimited Angel Works!"


The glowing egg like structure cracked as an unprecedented flash of light brightened the night sky. 

The darkness of the underworld and the dark curtain of night were all blown away, bringing back the warmth and light of sun. 

A huge Archangel towering more than a hundred meter, with twelve saffron gold wings of flame on his back and the halo of the cross above his head stood behind Roy whose lips carried a upgrin. 

"This is my Avatar!"

The Archangel Avatar with a huge cruciform sword capable of smashing mountain peaks, and the cruciform shield of flame that were both hundreds of meters long, pointed it at the humongous snake of earth. 

"This sword will once again suppress a Dragon and Snake like it spanked the Great Red Dragon of seven heads and ten horns back to it's hell."


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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