Home for Horny Monsters

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

His soul floated, hiding just beneath his skin, dreading the moment that his eyes would open, streaming reality in High Definition through his very being. It wasn’t that he was afraid to face the morning, but rather that he was afraid of how much pain he would be in upon awakening.

The morning before, his whole being had been in agony. Between fucking Jenny out of Beth and then carrying Beth home, he wondered if his body would decide to be tired or sore instead. How does a body decide how miserable to make its owner anyway? Mike contemplated his day from behind closed eyes, wondering if he could trick Tink into bringing him food to eat while he stayed in bed. She couldn’t cook for him, and he was fairly certain the fridge was nearly empty.

Shit. He also needed to feed the Mandragora. He could picture those vines, creeping along the side of the house, searching for fresh meat. With the events of yesterday, it had gotten forgotten, but it needed to be a priority today. How much meat did a magical plant need? He pictured Emily in his mind, tossing a couple of pounds of beef on the lawn. The plant was probably far hungrier after so many months without food. Or maybe it had taken to eating strays that happened onto the lawn?

Ugh. Eyes open, he silently cursed the light that was already crossing the hard, wooden floor of his room. Pushing the blankets away, he saw that Tink had already left. Bracing for the worst, he sat up in bed, ready for the inevitable checklist of agonies to pile up.

Except nothing happened. Puzzled, he rolled his shoulders around, tilted his head back and forth, and wiggled his legs. He felt absolutely fine.

“What the fuck?” He wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Rising, he walked to the bathroom, took a leak, and popped into the bathroom. The huge tub was empty.

“Hey Naia.” He sat on the edge of the tub, waiting for the faucet to turn on. Strangely, the tub remained silent. “Hello?” He called, leaning in the tub, waiting for her to appear. He sat this way for several minutes, puzzled that she didn’t answer. Shaking his head, he figured he would go out to the garden and see what she was up to.

Walking down the hallway, he was surprised at how quiet the house was. At the top of the stairs, he stopped to stare at the wardrobe at the other end of the hall, its silver handle gleaming, begging to be opened.

“Feed the Mandragora, feed the Mandragora,” he muttered, walking downstairs. In the kitchen, his laptop was on the table, but there was no sign of Tink. Making himself a quick breakfast of Eggos and coffee, he turned his laptop on, clicking on his web browser.

Nothing happened. Puzzled, he tried again, but the program wouldn’t open. He rebooted his computer, eating his syrup soaked Eggos and slamming his coffee, refilling his mug while he waited. His computer screen came back on, but it wouldn’t display anything other than a blue screen.

“What the fuck?” Either he had contracted a massive virus, or he was experiencing hardware failure. Swearing to himself, he wondered if Tink had been screwing around on his laptop this morning. “Tink? Hey Tink!” Wandering from room to room, he saw no sign of the goblin. In fact, everything was in perfect order, the mess from yesterday’s fight all cleaned up as if it hadn’t even happened.

“Strange.” Casting a suspicious glance at the living room, Mike walked out into the garden, stopping in his tracks. Naia’s fountain was caked in dirt and mud again, as if he had never cleaned it out. Running up to the edge, all he could think was that, somehow,  the magic had been cut off from her spring again.

“Shit, shit, shit!” He shoved his way into the garage, maneuvering through the boxes to get to the work bench. Grabbing supplies, he ran back outside. “Tink! Abella! Help!” Kneeling in the fountain, he frantically scrubbed at the caked mud, trying to remember where he shad seen the water flowing from.

“Naia! Naia, are you in there?” Scooping up dirt, he saw the stony figure tucked away from the garden, hidden behind the bushes. “Abella! Abella, come help me!”

She didn’t move. Tossing his trowel aside, Mike vaulted the lip of the fountain. “Abella, the fountain is…”

Abella was wrapped in the vines of the Mandragora, her body perfectly still. Mike grabbed the vines, tearing them off with his bare hands. “Oh shit, Abella!” It only took him a minute, the vines tearing away easily beneath his hands. Pushing against her, he pressed his face to hers, hoping that she would feel his warmth. “Abella, please, wake up!”

She remained motionless, stuck in statue form. Mike ran back into the house, shoving open the front door and colliding with someone who had been standing on the porch. Papers flew everywhere, and Mike spun wildly, tripping over himself and tipping over the railing into the bushes below.

“Ow, fuck!” Mike crawled free of the bushes to find that Beth was busy picking up the papers he had spilled everywhere. She was on her hands and knees, her white skirt hiked up over her ass, revealing a bright red pair of panties that matched her top. Mike scrambled up the stairs, grabbing a handful of her papers. “I am so sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it Mr. Ra-Mike.” Beth blushed at him, accepting the papers. Mike knelt to grab another one, his eyes struggling to focus on the words. They seemed to swim in front of his eyes, but Beth snatched it away from him before he could get a better look at it. Her bun had come undone, a large strand of hair hanging free down the back of her neck. “I thought I would drop by and bring you some paperwork, but I’m afraid it’s gotten all out of sorts.”

“Oh, yes, right, come in.” Mike helped her to her feet, staring at the way her breasts strained the buttons of her blouse while she stood. Looking back at the street, he started to follow Beth inside when he saw that the porch swing was unhooked, lying on the porch. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he told her, picking up the swing and reattaching it.

“Cecilia, where are you?” He asked, giving the swing a gentle push. He was answered only by the harsh metallic screech of metal on metal.

Beth stood in the kitchen leaning back against the table. Something about her stance immediately unnerved him-it was too familiar. Did she remember what had happened yesterday? “I didn’t think you were coming back until Friday,” he told her.

“I don’t think we scheduled anything that far out,” Beth told him. “I’m just bringing by the paperwork I mentioned yesterday, as well as an offer from the Historical Preservation Society. These very nice ladies call me on almost a daily basis to see if you will sell.”

MIke stared at her. “You mean the offer I turned down earlier this week?”

“Mike, are you feeling okay?” Beth moved closer to him, lines of concern crossing her face. “You told me last night that you weren’t certain if you were going to keep the place.”

“Last night?” Mike felt the world spinning around him. “Like, you remember being here yesterday?”

“Of course I do. I showed you around, you really liked that big tub. I said I would check in on you.” Beth put her hand against his forehead. “You don’t feel like you have a fever.”

“Yeah, well I suddenly feel very unwell.” Mike sat down at the table. He felt like he was standing at one end of a very long tunnel, his entire world spinning out of control.

“Here, let me get you some water.” Beth walked into the kitchen, and he heard the faucet. He heard her swear, and the click of her heels announced her return a few moments later. “I had an accident,” she informed him, gesturing at the large wet spot on her blouse. The red fabric of her blouse was suddenly transparent, revealing the dark black bra underneath. “I’m such a klutz,” she informed him, pinching the top of her blouse with one hand and shaking it in and out. Two buttons came undone, revealing the upper curve of her breasts.

His cock twitched slightly, but he was too upset to care. “Thank you,” he told her, taking the glass from her hands. She gave him an odd look, then grabbed the papers on the table. 

“So, I guess I’ll go back to the office then,” she told him. “Do you need me to take you to the doctor or anything? I can bring you something later, or we could meet for dinner?”

“No, I’m fine.” The words were easy to say, but Mike was everything but. Beth frowned at him while he walked her to the door. When he opened it, she spun in place, leaning against the frame, her body suddenly close.

“Seriously. Can I do anything for you?” She winked at him.

“I’m good.” He needed to figure out what had gone wrong. Beth pouted, stepping onto the porch. Mike didn’t bother following her-he shut the door in her face.


The hours ticked by. Mike spent the first hour in the back trying to get Abella to snap out of her slumber, and decided that whatever had happened wasn’t going to suddenly undo itself. In the garage, Tink’s nest underneath was empty, just a couple of boxes of newspaper that had become so wet, Mike couldn’t read what was written on them. Going back in the house, he tried to find the secret cave in the little boy’s room, but was unable to figure out how to open it. A hammer to the drywall revealed nothing behind it but insulation and dead bugs.

Mike masturbated twice in the tub, unable to cum or summon Naia. He tried it in the fountain, frantically jerking himself as he wandered in large circles, calling the nymph’s name. He even checked the greenhouse, but the door itself was locked, and he couldn’t find a rock heavy enough to shatter out the glass. It seemed like every time he found one that would work, it was suddenly too small.

Unable to find Naia anywhere, Mike went into the basement, finding the piece of chalk underneath the freezer.

“Aha!” Pumping his hand in victory, he drew the door on the wall, knocking three times, then twice more. When nothing happened, he did it again. Convinced that he had screwed up the door, he redrew it over and over again, his knuckles becoming raw from the now frantic pounding on each one. The piece of chalk quickly became a tiny nub which he slammed against the floor, breaking it into several pieces.

“What the fuck?!?” Mike slammed into the freezer, tilting the whole thing over in anger. He gave it a kick, sending a jolt of pain through his foot. “Ow, fuck!” Limping back up the stairs, he heard the doorbell ring.

Stumbling through the darkened home, he flipped on the lights as he neared the front door. Opening it, he saw that Dana stood there in just a white tank top and jeans.

“Oh. I didn’t order anything,” he said, closing the door.

“Oh, yeah, I know!” Dana stuck her arm in the door. “I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“The odd jobs and such?” He asked. “I’m kind of in the middle of something right now.”

“Wow, yeah, you seem super distracted. I’ll make it quick.” Dana fished in her pocket, holding up a hundred dollar bill. “So, last night, when I brought you your food, you gave me this.”

“I...I did?” He remembered tipping her, but not that much.

“Yeah. You told me to keep the change, you were very sweet about it.” Dana moved closer to him. “Well, you see, I got to thinking. Maybe it was an accident, maybe you thought it was a different kind of bill.”

“Um…” She made him uncomfortable, standing so close. He thought he had given her a twenty, but he couldn’t be bothered with that. “No, that’s fine. I gave you what I meant to give you.”

“I thought so.” Dana pushed her way in, placing a hand on Mike’s chest. She licked her lips hungrily. “You see, I have a confession to make. I like men who have money.”

“No, wait, I didn’t mean anything by it,” Mike protested, backing up. He eventually ran into the clock by the stairs, causing it to chime. Dana smirked at him, rubbing her left breast. “You know, big inheritance, new in town, just paying my good luck forward… oh shit!” Dana yanked down on her tank top, exposing two of the most perfect breasts he had ever seen.

“When I say I like men who have money, I don’t mean it like I’m a gold digger,” she told him. “What I meant to say was, it made me hot. Super hot. I can’t stop thinking about it.” Kneeling at his feet, she prevented him from squirming away while she fumbled with his pants. Despite his protests, she pulled his cock free. “Oh, wow, I can’t wait to get this in me!” She declared, licking the tip of it.

“No, you don’t understand, I need to-“ Mike’s mind went blank, watching Dana take his semi-hard cock in her mouth. She fought to fit it in, not realizing that it was going to become even bigger. He grunted, wanting to grab her by the ears, pull her closer…

You sick fuck! Like clockwork, she had reappeared, the voice of his mother. You would like that, wouldn’t you? Fucking a poor college girl in the mouth like that, what do you think my friends would say if they knew you were fucking a girl almost a decade younger than you?

“No, please, wait,” Mike pushed Dana away, his dick slipping out of her lips with a loud Splorp! “This isn’t something we should be doing.”

“Oh, but I want to. Very much.” Dana turned around, peeling down the top of her yoga pants to reveal a beautifully curved ass. Her pussy was trimmed neatly, just a few blonde hairs standing at attention while she wiggled her ass at him.

Sick fuck! You have a hard on right now? That did it. As aggressive as Dana was, his mother’s voice was simply too much. “Please,” he begged. “Please just go. Keep the money, whatever, but I don’t want to fuck you.”

“I think that your dick would tell me… oh.” Dana had grabbed at his cock, only to discover that he had gone soft. “Um, I, uh…”

“You need to go.” Mike pulled up his pants. “I don’t have time for this right now, I’m kind of in the middle of some serious shit.” Scooting around her, he picked up her tank top. He handed it over. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody what happened here.”

“You’re kicking me out?” Dana asked, her face frozen in shock. “But I was sucking your dick.”

“Yes, well, everyone makes mistakes.” Mike practically pushed the poor girl out the door, turning the deadbolt as soon as he closed it. Turning around, he slid down the door, staring at the clock next to the stairs.

“So what’s your deal?” He asked it, half expecting an answer. “Did you make me travel backward in time? Are you some type of time fairy? WHAT ARE YOU?”

The clock didn’t answer him, and it didn’t answer him three minutes later when he smashed it in with a hammer.


“So what do you think, Dr. Gorman?” Mike held his phone with trembling fingers, sitting naked in the bath. He had spent several hours there, hoping for Naia to reappear, but to no avail. 

“I think that you have an interesting situation on your hands.” The voice on the other end of the phone was low and smooth. Mike could almost smell the accompanying pipe smoke, a sense memory from years of sessions. “My best guess is that this was a psychotic break of sorts.”

“But why? Why now? Why this?” Mike huddled in the back of the bath, trembling from the cool sensation of the ceramic basin. “Help me understand what happened.”

“You inherited a home which once belonged to your family. This in turn reminds you of your mother, and the attempt at self gratification somehow exposed a massive flaw in your psyche, causing you to slip into this reality where you meet these mythical creatures which are all extensions of your personality.” There was a moment of silence, followed by a puff of air. He never smoked during their sessions, but Mike recognized the sound. He could picture the heavyset man, staring out the window of his Seattle home, probably wearing a smoking jacket, wisps of smoke curling over his graying beard.

“For instance, this Naia person signifies rebirth. The bathtub is a metaphor for the womb, and she arrives in a torrent of water, much like a child. The goblin is really just repressed teenage sexuality, which is why she speaks like a child, but interacts with you intimately as an adult.” Another in rush of air, and a steady exhale. “The banshee represents the death of your mother, your inability to come to term with the fact that you will never receive closure from her. Freud could speak volumes to your relationship with her. And the statue represents the bystander effect, years of frustration with those who watched the abuse but never stepped in to help you.”

“What about the house? It has secret doors, and caves, and oh shit, I forgot to mention the Labyrinth! A minotaur stole Tink’s goggles, and-”

A cough interrupted him. “In all honesty, Michael, I think the best thing would be for you to part with this place and return to Seattle. Obviously this place has triggered several dormant psychosis that will only serve to divide your mind further from reality.”

“No.” Mike trembled, nearly shouting into the phone. “No, it was all real, it had to be!”

“Denial is the first stage of grief, Michael.” Another puff. “When you have reached Acceptance, you know where to find me.”

“Fuck!” Mike swore at the phone, tossing it out of the tub. He heard it clatter across the floor. If he really had lost his mind, what was the next step? Frustrated, he turned on the faucet, letting the warm water lull him to sleep, dreams of Naia circling in his head.


The world had lost some of its color, a brightness that Mike had only seen in the last few days. His breakfast was uneaten on the table, and his computer still wouldn’t boot up. He was unaware how long he had been sitting there, couldn’t even remember getting out of bed, much less putting on clothes and coming down the stairs. 

The doorbell rang, but Mike ignored it. Something inside him had broken, a fragile something that had cracked apart, taking with it years of healing. Naia, Tink, Cecilia, and Abella were gone, had probably never even existed. He was reminded of his mother after his father’s death, an emotional wound that had become cancerous, poisoning her very being. How could he cope with a loss that wasn’t real? How could he move forward and seek happiness that he had only found in his imagination?

The doorbell rang again, twice. Rolling his eyes, he stood up. He really hoped it wasn’t Dana-that girl freaked him out too much. Or Beth. Or anybody human for that matter.

Opening the door, he found it hard to muster any enthusiasm for the woman standing on his porch. She wore a black dress that clung to her body like ink, and her dark hair was shot through with red highlights. Thigh high, black leather boots disappeared beneath the hem of her skirt, and her hips were cocked to one side, accentuating the curve of her ass.

“Hello, Mr. Radley.” Her voice was a purr, dripping with sensual undertones. “I was wondering if I could have a word with you.”

“Sure, I guess.” He let her in the house. She eyed the grandfather clock, or rather what was left of it. He hadn’t bothered cleaning up.

“My name is Lily.” She offered her hand, which he shook. “Oh my, you have a strong grip! Do you work out?”

“Not really. Can I help you?” His eyes were on the landing up above, hoping for the tell-tale sounds of splashing. He couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that he had missed something, a crucial detail that would help him figure out what had happened.

“Right, well, I’ve come as a representative for the Historical Preservation Society. I was hoping we could talk about the house.” She smiled, walking away from him, her ass swaying back and forth dramatically with each step.

“I don’t remember you from the website,” he told her, following close behind. He couldn’t help but stare at the numerous buckles that were on her boots. Ordinarily, they were for show and a zipper could be seen on the back, but that didn’t seem to be the case here.

“What website?” She smirked, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Oh, right. For the Society. I’m on there. I’m the Head of Community Outreach. I take care of potential problems with new acquisitions, that kind of thing.”

“Look, I don’t know how to tell you this, but the house isn’t for sale.”

“Oh? Why not?” Lily crossed her arms, pressing her breasts upward. She threw her shoulders back, pushing them forward even more.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m not selling.” Mike shook his head. “I told those other two the same thing when they dropped by.”

“I assure you that I’m the only one who has dropped by, Mr. Radley.” The gap between them had closed, and he realized he was staring at the crease between her breasts. His mouth was suddenly dry, his heart beating faster. “As for acquiring the house, instead of a sale, maybe we could come to another arrangement?”

“I’m not sure what that arrangement would be. I intend to live here.”

“Maybe let me organize a field study? Have some of the others come here, check things out. They’ve been dying to see the inside, but the estate company wouldn’t let them in.”

“I’m not sure how that will help,” Mike said, realizing that Lily was suddenly only a foot away. The way her dark eyes sparkled was overwhelming, and she had cocked her hip to one side, extending her leg to the side. “I mean, letting people in won’t really give them what they want.”

“But it would give me what I want.” Her voice was husky, her dark red lips suddenly all he could see. “All I need is a start, a foot in the door.” A slender finger touched his chest, drawing tiny circles on his chest. “Maybe it sounds strange, but I would be eternally grateful.” The way she said eternally sent chills down his spine, but his cock was reacting to her touch. Despite his lack of interest, there was a part of him that wanted to know just how grateful.

He was getting hard. His cock rose in his pants, Lily’s face breaking into a broad smile, her eyes never leaving his. She licked her lips hungrily, lips that begged to be kissed, licked, and even fucked.

You’re so disgusting! His mother’s voice was stronger than ever, reverberating through his being. The past few days had silenced her voice, bringing him overdue peace. Now, having discovered that his mind had fractured, she had a newfound strength, a way of terrifying that little boy who still hid deep inside, the one that thought he had finally found love and acceptance.

“You’re much cuter in person,” Lily told him, her fingers trailing down his body. “I think we could come to a mutual-” Her face suddenly became a frown, his cock going completely limp. She looked at his crotch, disbelief on her face.

“You need to go,” he told her. Lily’s face was frozen in disbelief as he pushed her gently to the front of the house. “And tell those assholes at the Society that I have no interest in ever letting them near this place.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Flabbergasted, Lily could only sputter at him when he shut the door in her face.


Night had fallen, and Mike paced the house, wandering from room to room with no direction. He uncovered furniture, opened drawers, attempting to reconcile the idea that he really might have to leave. A gigantic hole had formed in his gut, one that he feared could never be filled. He had found something special in this house, something that made him a real person, no longer the damaged creature he had once been. He couldn’t explain why, but he just knew that there was no way his brain had made everything up.

His mother’s voice hounded him from room to room, louder than ever. A couple of times, he swore he could see her standing in the doorway, or walking out of sight down the hall. At first, he had thought she was one of his girls, his lovable monsters, but she constantly mocked him from out of sight.

“Why am I so damaged?” These words had floated around in his mind all day, migrating eventually to his lips. He found himself asking nearly every room this question, waiting for one of them to answer. He couldn’t stay any longer, not if it meant his sanity, yet he knew that he couldn’t go. To leave was to admit defeat, to admit defeat was to give up on the life he could have had.

He sat on his bathroom counter, staring at the empty tub across from him. It was huge, too big for any normal person to simply take a bath in. He couldn’t believe that anybody in their right mind would build one so large, definitely wouldn’t be reasonable for a single person to use it. He had never prided himself on being a man of too much imagination, and he knew for a fact that he needed to figure out, once and for all, if what he had experienced was real.

He turned the faucet knobs, watching the water emerge from the two, bronze handles. Water, hot and cold, flowed freely, filling the tub with great speed. MIke stripped off his clothes, testing the water with his foot to make sure it was the right temperature. Everything would need to be perfect if he wanted to see her again, to gaze upon Naia. He was living in a world where nothing made sense anymore, other than the fact that he could still feel her presence, like a fading dream.

He sat in the middle of the tub, watching the water climb to his waist, then his chest. The tub was deep, swallowing him up in its vast size. He turned the faucets off, blinking sadly at the faucets. She still hadn’t come.

Yet something about the water gave him pause. Staring at its rippling surface, he could sense a kinship, a bond that had yet to be broken. Whether Naia had been real or not was no longer the issue-he fully believed that Naia existed, even if she was just a shattered fragment of his mind. Nothing made sense anymore, the whole world simply didn’t feel real. Sinking below the water’s surface, he kept his eyes open, watching the outside world ripple in place, his head sinking below the water’s surface, exchanging the cold, harsh reality of air for the warm, quiet tomb of water.

Naia, he thought, sending his heart into the universe. Please come back to me.

Letting his breath out was the easy part. The bubbles rose from his mouth, dancing in circles on their way to the surface. Sinking to the bottom, he forced the air from his lungs, ready to take a huge step forward into the unknown. He had no idea where he was going, but he did know one thing.

He could no longer live without them.

He drew water into his lungs, fire filling his chest. The world around him dimmed, his arms thrashing to the side. To his surprise, it didn’t hurt nearly as much as he thought it would, the sudden intake of water.

She appeared before him, a shimmering image covered in light. Naia placed her lips to his, breathing life into his lungs and pulling out what he had inhaled. Mike threw his arms around her, refusing to let go. Naia lifted him above the water, holding him tightly against her naked body. The last trickle of water left him, and Mike took in a deep breath of air.

“Naia!” He crushed her in his arms, afraid that if he let go, she would disappear. She held him back, ignoring the tears that ran down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” she told him, stroking his hair. “It wasn’t up to me, I promise.”

“What happened?” Mike asked. “It was like I went back in time, and nobody could remember anything, and everybody was gone.”

“Well, not anymore.” Naia smiled, placing a kiss on his forehead. “It was the Geas again. Something happened to the house, and the Geas is responsible. It erased everything to protect us, but you broke the spell.”

“Wait, so everything is back to normal?” Mike asked.

“It will be.” Naia grinned. “The Geas released me because your death endangered the house. I think I can use my magic to reverse everything that has happened, and then the others can come back.”

“Oh thank God!” Mike hugged her again. “Please, let’s get started! I’ll do anything!”

“I know you will.” Naia slid a finger down his chest, twirling it in circles through his pubes. “I’m going to need you to do something for me first.”

“I think I can do that. But first, can I just lay on you for a bit?”

“Why?” Naia’s smile vanished, then reappeared.

“I just need a couple of minutes. To feel you against me, to make sure you really are real.” He guided her to the edge of the tub, laying back against her. His head between her breasts, staring at the ceiling, he let out a sigh. “When I thought you were gone, it broke my heart.”

Naia was silent, her hands running through his hair. Mike ran his hands down her leg, sighing at how smooth they felt. They sat this way for several minutes, the gentle sloshing of water the only sound that could be heard.

“I was strangely okay with being crazy.” Mike broke the silence, his hands squeezing Naia just above her kneecaps. “I was even okay with dying. But somehow, no matter what I did to come to terms with things, my mind kept slipping back to you.” He reached over his head, twirling her hair with his fingers. “I can’t put my finger on it, but it was almost like you were just out of sight this whole time.”

“Well I’m here now, lover.” Naia stroked his forehead. “And the others can come back too, whenever you are ready.” A hand moved across his stomach now, tracing his scars, moving lower to stroke the head of his penis. “I can make it all better.”

“Maybe it’s time we make it better.” Mike rolled over, kissing Naia on the lips. She held him against her, his hands squeezing her breasts while her hands found him beneath the surface, teasing his cock and tugging gently on his balls. Mike sighed, leaning back to reveal that his large erection had broken the surface of the water. “It’s time we bring everybody back.”

Eyes gleaming, Naia leaned forward, taking him into her mouth. Her tongue slid around his cock effortlessly, stroking it from within, her teeth just teasing the edges of his cock’s head. Mike stroked her hair, watching her bob up and down on his cock, getting him nice and slippery.

Naia pulled her mouth off of him. “You like that, don’t you lover?” She teased his opening with a finger.

MIke nodded, gazing deep into her eyes, seeking that magical connection once again. His heart beat wildly in his chest, Naia twisting away from him to put her hands up on the edge of the tub. Looking back over her shoulder, she smirked at him.

“I want you to fuck me until I can’t breathe,” she said, waving her ass in his face. “I want to feel your balls slamming against my ass like you are going to die if you can’t make me cum. I want to be filled until my stomach swells, so full of your cum that… what’s wrong?”

 Mike’s eyes were narrow, the whole world spinning around him. He had found it in that singular moment of weakness, a gap in realities code, the information he needed to connect all of the pieces together.

“I bet you want me to fuck your asshole too, don’t you?” He asked, tracing her cheeks with one hand. Naia smirked, wiggling her ass beneath his hands.

“Of course I do, lover. I want you to fuck my ass until I can’t stand.” She pressed her ass toward him, enticing him forward. “This ass is all yours, it was made for you.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Mike asked. The walls of the bathroom were suddenly too bright, the water around him suddenly gone.

“Fuck,” Naia swore, her eyes glowing red before the universe exploded.


Mike sat up in bed, clutching the sheets, his whole body in a cold sweat. At his side, Tink was out cold, the goblin clutching part of his pillow. He tried shifting his legs, but something heavy was holding them down.

“You weren’t supposed to wake up,” she told him, perched at the foot of the bed. “Almost nobody wakes up.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Mike asked, his voice nearly a growl.

“Hmm. I think you know already.” Crawling toward him, the moonlight illuminated her features. A tight red top beneath a corset, long wings above her tiny frame, she practically glowed when she smiled. He recognized her Crimson eyes hungrily appraised him, and her hand found his hard dick beneath the blankets. “I was sent here to kill you. Don’t worry though-it won’t hurt.”

It suddenly made sense. The paperwork with the garbled text, his computer wouldn’t work. His mother’s ghostly presence. Common denominators in all of his dreams. He recognized Lily as the Society woman who had come to the house. “Tink, wake up!”

“Oh, there’s nothing she can do. She will sleep until morning.” Behind Lily, a dark shadow moved. Coming into the light, Mike felt the blood leave his face.

“Holy fuck!” He watched the scorpion tail twitch back and forth, his whole body going cold. “Abella! Naia!”

“Night night.” The tail struck, hitting Mike in the shoulder. His whole body went numb, and he fell backward on the bed. Lily crawled on top of him, her smiling face inches from his.

“Why?” He asked.

“They want the house. It’s nothing personal.” Though Mike’s body was paralyzed, there was one part of it he could still feel. Lily teased his cock through his boxers, pulling it out into the light. “But there’s no reason we can’t have some fun.” Her tail struck again, and Mike felt the room spin, sinking back into darkness.


“What happened?” Mike was in his bedroom, but he knew it wasn’t his. It no longer felt right.

“What happened is that you’re a tough nut to crack.” Lily’s voice came from behind the mirror in the bathroom. She stood there with a broad smile. “I thought for sure that you would try to fuck Beth. Or even the pizza girl. But I was so surprised when you turned me down. It really got me thinking.” She wandered out of view, disappearing behind the glass.

“Hey. Hey!” Mike ran around the corner of the wall, nearly colliding with the bedroom door when it opened, knocking him to the ground. He slid across the floor, the whole room tilting to one side, colliding with the bed.

“I was hoping to do this the easy way.” Lily walked toward him, unbothered by the sudden, steep incline of the floor. “Sneak into your dreams, poke around a bit, and then fuck you senseless. I was pretty thrown by the Geas-it took me over an hour to reconstruct Naia from your memories. It was almost like someone had padlocked all the information in your brain away, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t dig up any info on this house. Your obsession with the nymph though, that was special.”

“What are you doing?” Mike asked, hanging on to the bed. He couldn’t get his feet underneath him, constantly slipping on the tilted floor.

“This is the Dreamscape. You can think of it like astral projection. Right now, it’s your soul versus mine. Nobody in or out until we do this the hard way.” Lily smiled, licking her lips. “You see, I just need your cum to complete the transaction. I was hoping to get you off in your sleep, swallowing your seed and your life force with it. The fact that you broke free though, that makes you special.” Lily grabbed a handful of her bountiful breasts, jiggling them in her hands. “Do you like what you see?”

“No.” It was a lie, but Mike’s life was on the line. Lily was, in fact, very pretty. “You aren’t going to get away with this, the others will come eventually.”

“That’s the beauty of the Dreamscape, Time flow differently here, as fast or a slow as I want. You’ve been asleep just over an hour, but it felt like days for you, didn’t it?” Lilly circled the bed, the room tilting away from her as she moved. Mike swore to himself, fighting to keep a grip on the bed. 

“So what, you’re going to kill me? Looks like you have the upper hand here.”

“It’s not that simple.” Lily’s tail curled beneath her, and she sat on it, crossing her legs and balancing in place. “I could kill you here, but you wouldn’t die. You could wake up, or go somewhere else and I would find you. You see, you and I have hit a bit of a problem.”

“You are the problem.” Mike let go of the bed, sliding across the floor until he collided with the wall. He was trapped in the corner now, but at least he was standing.

“You see, I need you to be a good boy and cum for me. I’m under contract to suck out your soul and return to my Master. I’ve done this dozens of time.” Lily pulled a nail file from thin air, twirling it in her hand. “However, I can’t kill you until you fuck me. That’s demonology 101. If I take a mortal life outside of the bounds of my contract, I end up as dust, a victim of the Divine. If you don’t fuck me, I have to trap you here for roughly six years, or until the poison I hit you with wears off.”

“What happens then?” Mike asked.

“Well, you will wake up, realize that about thirty minutes have passed in the real world, and I stab you again.” Lily was now using the nail file, examining her handiwork. “We do this all night, and eventually you wake up. However, you and I are connected now. Next time you fall asleep, the cycle restarts. I can guarantee that you will go mad trying to discern reality from fiction-I have grown quite good at it.” Lily blew dust off of the file, tossing it away. It struck the floor with a PING and vanished. “This place isn’t a normal dream. I wasn’t able to trap you there. Creatures like me don’t have souls, in a traditional sense. I had to come here personally, to the Dreamscape, dragging your soul with me the whole way.”

“Why tell me all this?” Mike asked. “Why not just get it over with?”

“To answer the second question, consent. If you consent, then I am allowed to do whatever it takes to get you to cum, and I get your soul in return when you do.”

“And the first?”

Lily shrugged. “You’re the first man in a very long time that didn’t jump at the chance to fuck me. I find that fascinating. You are definitely the first non-magical being to catch on that you were inside of a dream. I still haven’t figured out how you caught on.”

“We all have our secrets.” Mike pushed on the wall next to him. In his mind, he knew it shouldn’t budge, logic dictated that it was impossible. Yet, the Dreamscape was already having an odd effect on him. Giving the wall a shove was somehow second nature, and the harder he pushed, the more the world tilted to match. Spinning the whole room from the inside, he was able to make it moderately level.

“Well done!” Lily clapped her hands. “I wondered how long it would take you.”

“Dream logic,” Mike said. “The normal rules don’t apply, and the less I think about it, the better.”

“You are right, they don’t.” Lily uncrossed and recrossed her legs. Between those dark, thigh high boots was a void that called to him. “But the rules can change in an instant. I’m afraid that I’ve had way more practice than you.” She stood up, her tail straightening out, then whipping dramatically behind her.

“What’s with the tail?” Mike asked. “That’s not how I pictured it.”

Lily laughed. “Yeah, well the first man who tried to draw a succubus couldn’t picture it right either.” Her tail curled up against her waist where she could grab the head of it. On closer inspection, Mike realized how phallic it suddenly seemed. “One strike, and your whole body goes completely numb, and you are unable to move. The second strike makes you hard as a rock. I get you off in your sleep, and take just enough of your soul that nobody ever notices.”

“How does nobody notice a piece of their soul missing?” Mike asked.

“Simple. It’s that little part of you that remembers your childhood, or maybe that piece of you that cracked when your best friend drank his life away and put a shotgun in his mouth. Your soul is kind of like a spiritual memory-I can take away a day, and it eventually gets filled with something else.”

“But if you take it all, I die?”

“Yep.” Lily smiled, stroking her tail. “Form follows function. Devils use their tails to stab and destroy, I use mine to feed. Well, and for other things.” The tail whipped around her waist, wrapping around both thighs before protruding between her legs like an erect penis. “I’m not very picky about my meals,” Lily said, smiling as she stroked the shaft of her tail. “It’s ribbed for her pleasure, after all.”

“Holy fucking shit,” Mike whispered to himself. 

“So, what do you think?” Lily stroked her tail. “Fancy a go?”

“Er, not my thing.”

“Figured. And that’s where we have a problem.” Lily’s tail unwound, relaxing behind her. “I tried everything I could. I was direct. I played coy. I even pretended to be that Nymph you love so much. And still, not a peep. Do you have problems or something?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Mike thought of his mother, her voice chasing him through the house. He had wondered why she was so prevalent in his thoughts, appearing constantly throughout the day. She always found him in his dreams, or at least she had. He hadn’t thought much about her since he had found Naia.

“Damn. Are you sure there’s nothing I could do to convince you?” Suddenly Lily was gone, Beth in her place. “I can be anybody you want me to be. Do anything you want me to do.” She was Dana now. “We could even come to an agreement maybe? I could keep you like this, in the Dreamscape, for until dawn. That’s seven hours in the real world, but over eighty years in here. I can be every person you have ever met, do all the things you’ve wanted them to do. I can be that english teacher in HS, the student teacher everybody wanted to fuck? I could be the checkout girl at the grocery store from when you were twenty three. Any celebrity, old flame, or even someone new. The school valedictorian perhaps?” Lily flickered with each description, becoming different women before his eyes, finally becoming a sexy redhead in a nightgown that Mike didn’t recognize. “A lifetime of sexual depravity, and all of it would feel real. You could cum in my ass so many times that I lose count. You could hate fuck me, pound my ass until I cry myself to sleep. Love me, take me as your bride until the end of days. These are all of the things I offer you, if you  will just agree to the terms, that when the sun rises one last time, I take your soul with me when I leave. You die happy, peacefully in your sleep, and the whole world moves on without you.”

“And you expect me to trust the word of a demon?”

Lily shrugged. “Demonology 102. Any bargain struck with a demon must be adhered to. There is literally no option for betrayal, unless a loophole is found in the argument that the demon can take advantage of.”

“You seem pretty up front for a demon.”

Lily grinned. “That goes back to Demonology 101. You see, despite what pop culture would have you believe, lesser demons cannot actually lie.”

“But you pretended to be people I knew.”

“Loophole!” Lily clapped her hands. “You assumed I was those people. It wasn’t until you actually asked me who I was that I had to tell you. And I am still trying to work out how you figured it out.”

“Yeah, well, I have no intention of telling you.”

“Good.” Lily walked toward him, the scent of cinnamon filling the air. “The less I know, the better, right?”

Mike shivered. She smelled so good, and her skin looked so soft. “It’s not going to happen.”

“And that’s okay. I can wait. As a matter of fact, I haven’t had this much freedom in years!” She raised her hands, spinning in a circle, her wings flaring out dramatically. “Even though it is the Dreamscape, it’s your Dreamscape. It’s nice to see something new. So you can take your time if you want.” Lily walked over to the window, sliding it open. “Oh, and just a reminder-it’s just you and me here. Let me know when you’re ready to play ball, and we can move this game forward.” She threw herself out the window, wings spreading wide as she plummeted to the earth, catching the wind before she crashed. MIke ran to the sill to watch her vanish in the distance, the entire house beneath him surrounded by miles of water in every direction.

“Fuck!” Mike slammed his hand into the wall, knocking a section the size of a cabinet door off of the house. The wood paneling and drywall spiraled to the water below, where they folded themselves into a boat and drifted out to sea.


Mike hated the Dreamscape.

Despite being told by Lily that it was just the two of them, after over a week of solitude, his mother was close to physically manifesting. The danger of any dream was that it could go rogue, and after three days of trying to find a way to wake himself up, a broken portion of his mind had decided this was the best course of action.

He tried swimming away, but the ocean of water simply generated twenty foot waves which dumped him back in the yard. The house and its furniture were useless. He even tried killing himself to wake up, but sharp objects couldn’t pierce his skin, and apparently he could breath underwater. Even though it was his Dreamscape, clearly Lily had control over what he was allowed to do.

He debated building a trap to summon her back, but realized that he knew absolutely nothing about succubi. Would a stake through the heart do it? Could he trick her into a bargain that he could later break?

If nothing else, time was on his side. He tried keeping notes to himself, but his writing was clumsy, and he couldn’t read anything once he penned it down, the pages of his books shuffling once they were closed. His reflection was sporadic at best, one time showing up late to the mirror with its hair all ruffled like he had just gotten it out of bed. Another week passed, and his mother’s presence had developed into an angry mist that followed him around. Luckily, it dispersed when he was out swimming, so he hid out in the front yard.

There was no sun in the Dreamscape. The sky was either bright blue, or dark. Even the stars wouldn’t come out. Without needing to eat or drink, Mike spent most of his time wandering around his tiny island, tuning out the angry hissings of his dead mother by swimming in the ocean. He wondered what Dr. Gorman would make of that.

At the start of the third week, he had had enough. The angry mother mist was starting to gain facial features, and he knew that he would break if her apparition became real. Standing on the edge of the island, he called out to the horizon.

“Okay, let’s make a deal!”

“Took you long enough.” Mike spun around to see Lily, sans wings and tail, sitting in a beach chair sipping on a fruity drink. She wore a red and black bikini, shades, and a wide brimmed hat. Also, for some reason, she was still in the thigh high boots.

“Where did you get that?” He asked her.

“About two thousand miles that way.” She pointed with a finger. “Built myself a beach resort, populated it with some souls of the Damned, made them wait on me hand and foot. Tell me more about this deal, or I am going back.”

“Okay, I-”

You just can’t wait to fuck her, can you! You nasty little weirdo! The mist was swirling around him, shouting from several directions at once.

“Ugh, hold on.” Lily snapped her fingers. A large breeze captured the mist, driving it out to sea. “Yeah, I wondered how bad that would get. Figured you would crack days ago, so hey. Kudos.”

“Thank you. Um,” Mike bit his lip, unsure where to start. “So, you want my soul, which means I die.”

“Yep.” A long sip from her drink.

“I don’t want to die.”


“So, I wondered if we could strike a bargain.”

“Uh-uh. I’m not going to settle for anything less than the complete consumption of your precious soul.” Lily sucked on her straw, frowning when it gurgled at her, her drink depleted. “Fuck.” She tossed the cup to the side. It struck the ground and shattered into a small pile of glass. The shards scurried away, crawling like caterpillars.

“Well, that’s just it. I was thinking maybe we could make a wager. A game of sorts. If you win, I consent. It’s done. No waiting around this shit hole for eighty years, for either of us.”

“Meh.” Lily wobbled her hand. “Not that exciting for me. I would rather spend eighty years fucking around with you than playing some dumb game.”

“Well, hold on, you haven’t heard what the game is.” Mike beckoned with a finger, and a kitchen chair he had brought outside four days ago slid across the yard, landing behind him.Lily arched one of her brows. He sat down, crossing his legs casually. “I think we should play a sex game.”

Lily stared at him, mouth open. “Wait, you’re serious? A sex game? With me? Why not just let me fuck you and get it over with?”

“Well, that’s just it. I have to do more than fuck you. I have to cum inside of you, don’t I?”

Lily nodded. “And?”

“Well, this is my offer. We agree to some ground rules, and then we fuck. Whoever has three orgasms first loses.”

Lily’s eyes widened, and she laughed. “Oh my god, if my drink hadn’t been empty, that shit would have come right out of my nose. Seriously, an orgasm contest? Do you know who you are talking to? I practically invented orgasms!”

“And I’m willing to bet it’s been awhile since you had one. A good one, anyway.”

Lily stopped laughing. “What makes you say that?”

Mike shrugged. “Just a feeling I get. You suck a few dudes off in their sleep to avoid killing them. I imagine you only get truly satisfied when you can fuck someone who doesn’t die on you when they blow their load.”

“Oh, you’re funny. This is too good!” Lily clapped her hands. “This actually sounds like fun! I can picture the stupid look on your face, the one you will have when you are cumming in my mouth, knowing that you’ll die when you are finished.”

“So what is your counteroffer?” Mike asked. “If I win, what can you put on the table?”

“Why bother? You can’t win.” Lily stretched, her belly tightening up, revealing her muscles.. “Oh, wow, this is too good. A mortal challenging me to a fuck off.”

“But what do I get?” Mike pressed. “If I win, what are you offering?”

“I’m sure you want to live. We could do that.” Lily said.

“Nope, not good enough. You let me live, you could easily pull this shit tomorrow night, and then this whole mess starts over again.”

“Ooh, look at you, catching the obvious? Ok, Romeo, what do you want?”

“Equivalent exchange. My soul is on the line, so I think it’s only fair that I get yours.” Mike smirked. “If I win, I get your soul. I can’t devour it or anything, so it, and you, will belong to me.”

“What makes you think I’m for sale?”

“The Society sent you, but I get a hunch that you’re not some hired hand. This isn’t just for fun either. Your offer to live an entire lifetime with me is far too generous, and the fact that you built yourself a vacation resort inside my brain, or wherever the hell we are tells me that you are trying to enjoy yourself before reporting back. If I win, you belong to me, in whatever manner I see fit. What do you say to that?”

Lily snorted. “This is seriously the dumbest… I honestly don’t see…” She muttered to herself, casting a wary eye at Mike. Mike knew she was searching for the catch, trying to figure out how he intended to beat her. “Hmm. I don’t peg you for an idiot. You are either dumb, desperate, or both.” A large smile broke out on her face. “Fine. A contest to see who can give the other three orgasms first.”

“That’s right. If I have three orgasms before you do, starting now, you win. You get my soul. If you have three orgasms before I do, starting now, you belong to me. We have to give each other opportunities to get each other off-free use of each other’s bodies as long as it is sex related. It’s just my soul versus your, well, equivalent. Fair?” Mike stuck out his hand, trying to keep it steady. He had no idea what he was getting into, but he had to try.

“Deal.” Lily took it, and thunder rumbled in the distance. Her lips formed a crooked grin. “Starting now.” She yanked on Mike’s arm, pulling him against her chest. Her arms tightened around him, her mouth finding his. Her lips were soft and full, and her tongue slid along his. She tasted just like cinnamon, her wings reappearing behind her. Mike slid his arms to her lower back, bumping into the base of her tail.

“That thing freaks me out a little,” Mike admitted, breaking away.

“Pshh. Deal with it.” Lily pushed him on his back. He landed on a bed made of stone and grass that had grown behind him. Lily crawled toward him, her face breaking into a huge smile. “Even though you’re going to die, there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun.” Her nails were suddenly razor sharp, and she ripped Mike’s pants off of him, revealing his erect cock. She loosened her bikini top, her large breasts bouncing free. Her nipples were dark pink, almost red. “Let’s see what you think of this.” Pushing her way upward, she trapped Mike’s cock between her tits.

“No fucking way!” Mike felt the sudden warm pressure from two sides, pressing in on him like a giant pair of lips. Lily licked her lips, drooling openly onto the head of his cock while she massaged her own breasts. His dick slid freely between them now. Lily held him in place by wrapping her breasts up in her arms, lifting her whole body and shoving down on him, his cock aching with every delicious push on his shaft.

“What do you think?” Lily asked, winking. Every time the head of his dick appeared, she licked it delicately with her tongue, teasing the hole in his cock.

Mike laughed. “It feels great, but not as good as butt fucking a goblin.”

Lily paused, her mouth going slack. “A goblin? You seriously fucked a goblin?”

Mike nodded. “It’s a long story. Now flip over so I can eat you out.”

“You’ll try.” Lily spun around, keeping Mike’s dick trapped in her boobs. Her long legs were on either side of his head, her tight pussy inches from his face. Her pussy smelled like cinnamon too, her labia swollen and ready. Mike traced the back of her thighs, his fingers touching the top of her boots.

“Can you take these off?” He asked.

“Boots stay on,” Lily informed him. “None of my erogenous zones are in my legs, so I don’t have to.”

“That’s fair.” It just meant he wouldn’t be wasting his time anyway. He teased Lily’s cunt with his fingers, surprised at how wet she already was. She had taken the head of his cock in her mouth, jacking him off frantically with her tits. He felt that familiar pressure building inside, but was easily able to will it away. She was going to have to try a lot harder to impress him. Teasing the skin over her clit, he pulled her hips toward his face, gently licking her folds.

“Are you going to do something back there?” Lily chastised, sitting down fully on his face. “Be more aggressive. I at least want to enjoy myself.”

Mike had difficulty responding, his face smothered by succubus pussy. She tasted just like she smelled, and she was now massaging his balls with her free hand, just barely dragging her nails along the skin beneath, coaxing more pre-cum out of his cock. She was slurping noisily now, putting on a show for his senses, and Mike could feel it coming.

“Fuck,” he muttered into her pussy, sucking on her lips and finger fucking her. Lily let out a couple of cute, high pitched moans that somehow seemed patronizing.  She didn’t need a patient, loving touch like the women of his home, but was going to need something more. He worked his fingers into her, getting his fingers nice and wet.

“That isn’t bad, but I’ve had a lot better… shit.” Lily clearly felt the softening in his dick. “Apparently treating you badly isn’t going to help me, huh? A lot of guys like that.”

“I’m not a lot of guys.” Mike told her, withdrawing his fingers. Finding her clit with his mouth, he sucked on it, pulling it as far into his mouth as he could and then shoving two finger into Lily’s ass.

“Oh fuck!” Lily pushed back against him, her tail arching up above her back. “Oh, that feels so good!”

“You like it rough, don’t you?” Mike shoved his fingers in as far as they would go, using his other two to tickle her cinnamon folds. Lily resumed sucking his cock through her tits, little moans of pleasure causing his shaft to vibrate. Mike tensed up, forcing his orgasm farther back, sucking harder on her clit. Moving his hand back and forth, he felt tiny spasms run through her hips, her tail twitching violently from side to side.

Holy fuck, that tail, Mike thought to himself. Up close, the segments were smooth like metal, and dark like ebony. The stinger itself wasn’t so scary up close, but he was very wary of the smooth tip, wondering what other strange venoms it contained.

“More. I need more,” LIly said, releasing his cock. She backed up, crawling down until her face was level with Mike’s, her pendulous breasts hanging just over his face. Her lips met his, and they kissed upside down, Lily playfully biting his lip. “Let’s see how you handle the main event.”

Shoving hard with her feet, she did a handstand above him, rotating her body so that she landed gently on his waist, legs folded back. Shifting her hips forward, she grabbed Mike’s cock from behind, aiming it toward her pussy. Winking, she moved backward, sighing as Mike filled her up.

“Oh god, your dick is so big.” Planting her hands on his chest, she shifted her hips forward, sliding Mike’s dick along the back wall of her pussy. “Oh, shit!” Shifting back, Mike could feel the head of his cock press into her, sinking deeper. Just as he bottomed out, he felt a pair of lip inside of Lily’s body kiss the head of his cock. Eyes widening, he jerked his hips upward as the mouth inside of Lily gave him a lick, suckling on the head of his cock..

“How? Oh fuck!”Lily had pinned him to the bed, rocking back and forth, her breasts bouncing in his face. She was gasping now, grinding her cunt into him, a wet trail of her fluids covering his pubes. Her wings fluttered behind her, her whole body bouncing up and down above him. She released his shoulders, crossing her arms across her breasts to keep them from bouncing.

“Oh yes! Oh yes!” She moved frantically now, rolling her hips. In awe, Mike grabbed onto her hips, pulling her tightly against him, forcing his way ever deeper. He could see it in her eyes, that unfocused look, and knew she was getting close. This was going to be way easier than he thought.

“Fuck!” Lily hopped off of him, turning around to grab the railing at the foot of the stone bed. “Quick, fuck me from behind!”

“My pleasure.” Mike sat up, grabbing onto her hips. Her tail coiled around his waist, pulling him tight against her body. Smiling at how well this was already going, Mike grabbed her hips and drove himself deep into her.

“Oh, shit, more! Fuck me more!” Lily let out little squeals of delight with every thrust, and Mike moved faster, feeling his own orgasm start to build. Willing it back, he knew that if he could just get her to cum first, he might be able to trigger a second orgasm. For all her talk, Lily wasn’t putting up nearly the fight he had expected.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Mike grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back. She yelped, tilting her head down.

“Harder, pull harder!” Mike obliged, watching her ass twitch beneath him. He slid a finger into her ass, and Lily cried out.

“Oh, that feels so good!” Lily turned her head to face him. “In fact, it feels so good that I think you would like it too.”

“Huh?” That’s when Mike felt it, tracing delicate circles on his buttocks. The end of her tail gently stroked the crease of his ass, moving farther down. “No, wait, that’s not my thing!”

“I beg to differ. Don’t worry Romeo, I’ll be gentle.” The tip of her tail gently circled his asshole, nudging itself forward. Mike gasped, realizing that the tail was coated in some sort of cool gel, allowing it to slide effortlessly into his butt, the thick, rounded stinger of her tail pulsating gently against his prostate. Mike gasped, reaching back to feel where he had been penetrated.

“I don’t… I can’t…” Mike gasped, feeling the tail move gently in and out. 

“You can, you will, and you’ll like it.” Lily looked back at him, all signs of her impending orgasm gone. “Anal beads were designed after succubi tails, after all. And you’re the one who started with the butt stuff. This, however, will feel a whole lot better than a finger.” Her tail pushed forward, in turn driving Mike’s cock deeper inside of her.

“Oh shit!” Mike pulled out of Lily, backing into her tail, which slid further into his ass. Moving forward to relieve the pressure put him back inside of her, where her inner mouth licked his urethra, sucking on the head of his penis.

Unable to help himself, Mike grabbed onto her hips, thrusting his own back and forth, the sensation in his ass competing with the one from his dick. Pushing into the succubus triggered the start of his orgasm, but pushing back put a halt to it, the pressure on his prostate sending pleasurable chills up his spine. Lily flexed her tail, forcing him to move back and forth, and Mike could no longer help himself. Lily drove Mike into her, Mike’s hand slipping free, his hips moving of their own accord.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” His entire groin tensed, ready to spray Lily’s insides with cum, but the stinger expanded, startling Mike and causing his orgasm to recede. Lily teased him this way for several minutes, Mike’s mind no longer on their wager. He could feel the pressure inside building, much as the giant storm clouds on the horizon fought to climb over each other.

“I said I didn’t peg you for an idiot,” Lily told him, flames igniting in her eyes. “Now I’m just pegging you, plain and simple.” Her body temper spiked,her pussy clamping down on the base of his dick, squeezing him tightly. “Now cum for me, you little bitch.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Lily penetrated him deeply, Mike bottomed out inside of Lily, and he exploded. Torrents of semen flowed from his dick, and he fell backward, spraying cum all over both Lily and himself. Her tail throbbed inside his body, pushing more and more of it out, impossible quantities that coated the stony bed.

“Did you know that it’s possible for men to have multiple orgasms?” Lily grinned, her tail pulsing gently inside his ass. Kneeling forward, she sucked on his dick, withdrawing her tail. The pressure vanished, and Mike’s body tensed up, a second load filling Lily’s mouth so much that she gagged, cum running out of her nose.

“Wow, that really was a lot. The Dreamscape is weird like that, isn’t it?” Lily sat up, wiping cum off her lips. “I warned you that I was better at this than you are. A mere human doesn’t stand a chance against an experienced succubus. The score is now two to nothing, and I’m in the lead.” Lily picked up her bikini. “I’m not really in a hurry to finish this, and you seem a little spent. You let me know when you are ready for round three, Romeo.” Her wings expanded, and with a downward shove, she was airborne.  Circling the house, she flew back toward Mike. Hovering above him, she laughed. “At least the rain will clean up the mess.”

With that, she was gone.

Mike stared at the sky, a mixture of emotions flowing through him. While he hadn’t thought he would lose quite so easily, he figured he would have stood a better chance than he had. After all, with his soul on the line, his dick should have been on his team. He was going to need a better plan, and soon. Regret mixed with the afterglow of his orgasm, forming a small pool of shame for him to marinate in with the approaching rain.

Sitting up to watch the storm roll in, he realized that Lily hadn’t lied after all. He could do it, and he had liked it.

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