Homeless Bunny (RWBY/Campione)


Homeless Bunny 14

The four of us found ourselves a nice alcove in the auditorium. As it turned out, what Ozpin called the auditorium in our orientation brochures was actually just the atrium of the castle with a little stage set up for him and the staff.

The twins were still giggling uncontrollably. They leaned against the wall, not paying the slightest bit of attention to Ozpin as they uploaded Miltia's video online.

Amber on the other hand, looked rather miffed by it all. "That was a mean prank," she chided.

I quirked an eyebrow. "How do you know that was a prank?"

"Because… Because… It was too convenient!" She began to fidget as I stared in silence. "That was a prank… right?"

"Of course it was," I replied with a grin.

"You should post a retraction."

"It's a video. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I don't know. The Schnee family don't deserve that though. At least tell Weiss. That poor girl thinks she has an older brother she never knew about."

"I will," I promised. "Eventually… When it stops being funny…"

She stared at me with naked disapproval. "You know, you're really not how I imagined you'd be."

"Why? What did Ozpin tell you about me?"

"That you were a highly magical healer and that you took down the bitch who stole half my soul. Thanks for that by the way."

"True on both counts, but oh so incomplete." I slung an arm around her shoulder. "Amber, I am a chef. I'm a lot of other things, but at my very core, I am a chef. Everything else is secondary. My primary condition to attending this school, do you know what it was? A kitchen. I get full access to the kitchens, both the dorm and cafeteria. It's mine."

"What's that have to do with being a Schnee bastard?"

"Nothing. I'm just saying, whatever heroic image you have of me, throw it out. I'll help people, but on my terms. A little harmless chaos is exactly the kind of thing I'll perpetuate for my own amusement."

"Fine, but what if I tell Weiss you're not her brother?"

"I'll insist I am and you can't prove otherwise," I replied with a shit-eating grin.

"You…" She sighed in defeat. "Just… Don't hurt her?"

"Never. Physically. I've been told I'm rather good at making people question their reality. Actually, now that I think about it, you should expect to do a fair bit of that too. The twins have coping with me down to a science."

"We do," Melanie nodded. "We just pretend fluffy is a glitch in the universe and move on."

"That's not coping at all, that's just avoidance!" Amber protested.

Miltiades shook her head and clicked her tongue. "You poor, ignorant soul. That is coping. You cope with Tianyu's Tianyu-ness by accepting that natural laws don't apply to him because he's somehow bribed the universe into being his bitch."

I watched the three bicker with a fond smile. They were all adorable in their own ways and I wanted them to get along. The twins, despite their prickly exterior, could be sweet when they warmed up to a person, whereas Amber, from what I'd been told, was a little too kind and trusting. They had a lot to learn from one another and if a little more bunny-flavored chaos was what it took to break down their walls, then I was happy to oblige.


After the orientation speech, which was somehow Ozpin just bitching for two minutes, we were given free time to explore the castle. We were told by Goodwitch that we'd be expected to sleep here in the atrium because… reasons… I wasn't quite clear what a giant slumber party was supposed to achieve, but what did I know? I wasn't an educator.

Naturally, free time for me meant checking out the cafeteria kitchens. They were nice, well-equipped to serve several hundred people daily. I immediately opened up the larders and began taking stock.

"Is… Is he cooking?" Amber asked in confusion.

"What else does a chef do in his free time?" Melanie said, eyes rolling. She and Miltia pulled up a chair to watch.

"Yeah, what's for dinner, fluffy?" Miltia called.

"Hmm… We've got a bit of everything. Amber, what do you want for dinner?"

"What? Why does she get to choose?"

"Because she's new."

Amber took a peek at the pantry. There was a clipboard with its stock listed on it. It was nicely arranged, with grains and starch in one corner and general staples like jarred preserves and baking soda in another. I noticed they kept their meats and veggies in two separate walk-in fridges to avoid any chance of cross-contamination. Whoever was in charge here probably had a fair bit of experience.

Amber looked a little intimidated by seeing so much food. Considering how far away Beacon was from the city proper, they probably got food deliveries via bullhead once or twice a week.

"Umm… Sorry, I don't know much about cooking. I grew up in a village near Vale."

"Farming village?"


"Okay. Want something homey?"


"Great, shepherd's pie it is." I pulled out a large tub of potatoes, ground lamb and beef, canned tomatoes, and other ingredients. I pulled out my trusty chef's knife and began to prepare the mirepoix.

My hands moved at a blur, peeling potatoes and chopping vegetables at speeds that should have shattered the sound barrier and blown the kitchen apart. Godspeed was my favorite part of being a Campione, no questions asked.

I heard footsteps behind me and felt the eyes of the head chef. "So you're the one who gets to use my kitchen, huh?" he spoke gruffly. "At least you know what you're doing."

I paused long enough to give him a friendly handshake. "Hello, Tianyu Yue, chef turned huntsman-in-training. I approve of your pantry organization skills."

"Of course you do," he huffed. "I'm Chef Orion. You and your girlfriends don't need dinner I take it?"

"No, we don't. Would you like help making dinner for the rest of the students?"

"Bah, already done. Made a big batch of curry in the morning."

I nodded approvingly. "Curry tastes better with time and scales well to lots of mouths to feed. Good plan."

He looked like a no-nonsense kind of fellow, with forearms as thick as my face and biceps like one of those muscle-bulls. I locked eyes with the grizzly chef. There was an understanding between us, a brotherly bond between men who understood the truth: Food is life.

"If you use my kitchen, I expect you to jot down a list of ingredients you used so I know what's missing," he said, pointing to the clipboard I'd seen earlier.

I blurred for a second. "Done."

He nodded approvingly. "Shepherd's pie, huh? Not bad, homey. Why the beef mince?"

"Lamb's a tad gamey and doesn't have a lot of fat. An even mix of beef will tone down the gaminess for most palates and the fat will give it a bit more depth."

"Ya don't say…"

Chef Orion began to quiz me on various ingredients I was using and why. He started asking me things to test what I knew, as should all chefs when facing an intruder in the kitchen, but that quickly turned into a lively discussion on various cooking methods.

As the pie baked in the oven, the rich, fragrant aroma of meat in tomato sauce filled the air. Vale didn't have anything like Worcestershire sauce, so I'd had to make my own variant using white vinegar, molasses, onion, fish sauce, and a few other things. I had no time to distill it all normally, but damn it, I was Tainyu, the Jade Rabbit. A bit of quick and dirty alchemy disguised as my "Semblance" fixed that.

I ended up making two pans, one for my team and Ruby, and the second for the kitchen staff. While everyone else ate decent enough curry, we had our fill of Britain's classic comfort food.

And thus I was faced with the greatest conundrum since my arrival here: More than one person shot my friends envious glares and my pride as a chef demanded I serve them too. But there was absolutely nothing wrong with Chef Orion's cooking. His curry was fine, if a bit bland because it was made for mass production.

On the other hand, my pride as a chef demanded that I did not waste food. I wasn't trying to develop a recipe, nor was I refining a cooking technique; therefore, simply making more shepherd's pies and throwing the curry away would have been unacceptable.

My near instinctive desire to cook warred with my respect for food. Truly, I was the only one who could challenge myself in this world.


The four of us soon retired to the atrium and looked for a quiet corner to set up our sleeping bags. Melanie and Miltiades didn't bat an eye at the idea of sleeping with so many people, men included, but Amber had a ruddy blush that wouldn't go down. The Fall Maiden shoved her sleeping bag flush up against the wall, putting the twins' beddings between her and the rest of the students.

My own sleeping bag, provided by one of Junior's mooks of course, was positioned up above their heads so I could talk to them all at once.

"Please tell me you're past the 'boys have cooties' stage," Melanie said, rolling her eyes.

"Shut it," Amber retorted. She plugged her scroll into the outlet to charge and turned on a flashlight function so we could use it as a nightlight. "It's not that."

"Leave her alone, Mel," Miltia said. "It's not like most of them are worth looking at anyway."

"True, I don't know what I was expecting. Guess hunter boys are still boys," her sister sighed in audible disappointment.

I glanced towards where they were looking and found three boys horsing around. They were shirtless and posing for an audience, though people seemed to be laughing at them rather than with them. One grabbed another in a headlock and that started an impromptu wrestling contest.

Another boy, blonde, walked by in a baby-blue onesie… with a white bunny on it…

"Pffttt, look, fluffy," Melanie laughed, pointing him out. "Your face is on it."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her by the towel she'd wrapped around her head before shoving her face into her pillow. "That… That is a travesty. I feel personally attacked right now."

"Gonna say hi? He looks like a fan."

"Fuck no. I'm going to pretend he doesn't exist, thank you."

"Well you can be our shield against all the drooling boys."

"Someone thinks highly of herself."

"Psh, we're hot," Melanie drawled, flipping her hair.

"And twins," Miltia added.

"And I guess Amber's got the cute shy girl thing going on."

"I told you it's not like that," she protested. "It's not the boys I have a problem with. I used to travel a lot, okay?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Look, I'm a country girl, alright? And I'm proud of it. I never really liked the hustle and bustle of Vale. And… And when I became a Maiden, I just wanted to travel around helping people," she said with a wistful smile. She placed her hands behind her head and lounged back. "There's something really nice about sleeping out beneath the stars. The smell of fresh hay and wildflowers, the breeze on your face, you just can't get these things in Vale. It's peaceful out there."

"Yeah, so long as you don't mind the grimm," Melanie snarked.

"True, but here, you have horny boys. Or in Vale, you have the noise and light pollution. I guess I'm just not used to people."

"Hippie," Miltia said, but there was no bite to it.

"Yeah, fuck you too."

"Ooh, she's got fangs, Mel."

I sighed as the three continued to bicker. After my antics with Weiss Schnee and the best shepherd's pie Amber's ever put in her mouth, any awkwardness between them had diminished greatly. Good food broke boundaries after all.

Oh, I knew they'd fight and bicker. The twins were too catty and insecure. Amber herself had her own fears of being hunted. This was a first step, but one I looked forward to.

"Oh, right, fluffy," Miltia called.

"Hmm? What's up, Mil?"

"You know I took a video of you hugging Weiss Schnee, right?"

"Please don't tell me that went online."

"Okay, I won't tell you."

"Miltiades Malachite."

"Ooh, Mil, he broke out the full name," Melanie laughed. "You're in so much shit."

"Hey, fuck you, Mel, you told me to!"

"You listened!"

"Do I want to know what the general reaction is?" I asked her.

For her part, Weiss had been studiously avoiding me while sending me furtive glances. She looked like either a maiden in love or someone who'd just met the man who killed her puppy and fed her its corpse. Her expressions of conflicted disbelief and longing hadn't exactly gone unnoticed.

I honestly wasn't sure what that said about the marriage between Jacques and Willow Schnee, probably not good things. I thought she'd have figured out I was lying somehow by now. Did Willow really disappear for nine months at a time?

No, that wasn't right. Depending on Willow Schnee's body type and lifestyle, she could conceivably hide a pregnancy for up to three months or so before that became impossible. Which meant that for Weiss to consider my relation to her even remotely possible, husband and wife must not see each other for half a year or more.

I… I pitied them. Luo Hao and I sometimes did that, but we had the excuse of being immortal. Six months was but a single breath to us. Was Jacques Schnee that married to his work? Or maybe it wasn't uncommon for Willow to take a discreet lover? Powerful men and women did that often enough in my world.

Funny enough, the black-haired girl, one Blake Belladonna according to the twins' ever-reliable information network, sent me similar glances full of suspicion and disbelief. She looked like a woman who'd been piecing puzzles together in the dark, only for someone to finally hand her a lamp so she could see the whole picture.

Enlightenment. Revelation. It was a little creepy, actually.

That she was a cat faunus wasn't exactly hidden from me. I could hear the rustle of fur beneath her bow as her ears rubbed against the fabric. She was either as big a gossipmonger as Junior, or she had a vested interest in the affairs of the Schnee family for some reason. I hadn't cared enough to ask the twins beyond her name, though by the way the two kept snickering, perhaps I should have.

Miltia giggled and shoved her scroll my way. "Here, check it out."

I let out a resigned sigh and picked up the scroll. On it was a familiar online forum for huntsmen where they could take jobs, read relevant news, discuss weapon designs, and whatever else they did when they weren't out of CCT range. I'd seen the twins browsing it a few times in their off time at the club. Technically, the site required a current huntsman ID or academy attendance, that was their main selling point, no civvies, but that never seemed to stop the girls.

I passed it back to her after emailing a link of the page to myself. "I'll just make my own account."

"Ooh, you better add us."

"Fine, what's your screen name?"

"Red Hot Sexbomb. Obviously."

I snorted a laugh. "Hah. Funny. I guess Mel is White Hot Sexbomb?"

"Naturally. One of the admins is a retired huntress who happens to owe Junior some money," Melanie explained. "We can get you a unique tag if you want one."

"Ehh, no thanks. I'm just gonna set my Beacon ID as my profile picture."

"You should think about an emblem. All huntsmen have one, even that blonde bimbo."


"You want an account, country girl?"

Amber flipped over and buried her face into her pillow. "No thanks. If I want some judgy twerp's opinion, I'll ask you. I don't need to outsource your bullshit."

"Ooh, kitty's got claws."

A single middle finger was her response.


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Topic: My team leader is a Schnee bastard
In: Boards ► Vale ► Beacon Academy
Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Posted On Sep 1st 2011:
I'm just gonna leave [this] here. Make of it what you will.

(Showing page 1 of 3)

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
What my lovely baby sister means to say is, this is Tianyu Yue, our adorably fluffy team leader. He may or may not be the son of Willow Schnee.

Yes, the ears are very fluffy. No, you may not touch.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Huh, first freshie to make a thread. Neat. Welcome to Beacon, freshie.

Edit: What... What the hell did I just see?

Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
History. You saw history in the making.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Thighlicious, Fortune Cookie, thoughts?

Thighlicious (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Coco! Why did you change my screen name?! How do I change it back?

Fortune Cookie (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
It is darkest beneath the lamp.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Seriously, Vel, just watch the video. You might not be the cutest bun-bun anymore.

Thighlicious (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
What are you talking about?

Edit: Wow... Umm... You can't fake a Semblance like the Schnee glyphs. I think this might be real, Coco.

Fortune Cookie (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Perhaps. Or perhaps two paths can lead to the same destination.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Remnant Common, Yats. We don't all speak in poetry.

Thighlicious (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I think he means the two Semblances are similar but not exactly alike? I mean, the Schnee glyphs are snowflake-themed. The new guy's is shaped like a star.

But... But Semblances can mutate and change with time. Professor Thornberry said our environments can shape our understanding of ourselves, which also changes how we view our aura.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
True, true. So the Mistralian script might mean he's from Mistral? Or that his family is on his dad's side?

Any deets, Red Hot Sexbomb? Or White Hot Sexbomb? How'd you get those tags anyway? I want one.

Also, I wouldn't hold your breath about teams. Ozpin has a unique way of assigning teammates. You're probably not going to end up with the crew you want, not that I'd trade mine for the world.

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
We know a guy. Make it worth our while and we might edit the tags for you. As for teams, we don't want anyone else. We want each other and bun-bun. Oh, and I guess the country bumpkin is pretty chill too.

WIN-Chester (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Dude, what the fuck? A Schnee fucked an animal? Disgusting.

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Yeah, right? Disgusting.

Please, PLEASE call our boss an animal. I'm begging you. I'll suck your dick if you can still walk.

WIN-Chester (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I'm holding you to that.

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
You know, I might let him walk away now. Hope you know how to swallow, brat.

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Woot! Our glorious and fluffy leader has an account! Add us!

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I do. You saw me make it just now. You're literally right next to me.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

(Showing page 2 of 3)

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Huh. I'll admit, you're pretty cute, but [mine's] cuter. The way Vel blushes and stutters is enough to give me cavities.

Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
No one is cuter than Tianyu. Yours is colored like mud. Ours looks like snow. Schnow?

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Chocolate. Rich milk chocolate. Ours has style. And she's good at literally everything she ever even looks at. She's automatically the most skilled person in whatever room she walks into. Bet yours can't do that.

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Bullshit. Bet ours can club yours to death with a spoon. And Tianyu can make you cum with a plate of fried rice. Can yours do that?

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Are... Are you three really arguing about whose bunny is cuter?

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Because there is no argument. It's objective fact. You're superior.

Thighlicious (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
... please stop...

Fortune Cookie (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
The water winds downstream but the traveler need not follow the current.

Thighlicious (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Yes, what he said. Let's change the subject.

Rabbit Stew? Are you a Schnee?

Golden Bombshell (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Wow... Just... Wow... The scary bunny is a Schnee? Wait, I'm gonna go tell everyone.

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I must say, officially, that I am not a Schnee. I am legally not permitted to claim relationship with that family nor the Schnee Dust Company.

I must also inform you that my action this afternoon was a poorly thought out prank and nothing more. Miss Schnee is not my sister.


Weiss_Schnee_Official (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
What. Is. This?

How is this already a thing? Remove the video right now!

Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Get bent, princess.

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

I understand. Care to weigh in, Weiss_Schnee_Official?

Weiss_Schnee_Official (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Just you wait. If this is a cruel prank, you'll wish you were dead.

If not... If, by some miracle, this is real, I look forward to getting to know you... brother...

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
You'll always be my sister. In my heart.

Weiss_Schnee_Official (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
... thank you...

End of Page. 1, 2

(Showing page 3 of 3)

Golden Bombshell (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
This is sweet and all, but how do you know your team already? Did I miss an announcement?

Red Hot Sexbomb (Original Poster) (Verified Twins) (The Quiet Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
You'd know if you were smarter. But you're blonde.

Golden Bombshell (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Wanna fight?

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Nah, we'll just hide behind our bunny.

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
You're allowed to hit them if they mouth off. I'm not going to protect them from the consequences of their own shit-talking.

Golden Bombshell (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
What? I thought we're a team!

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
We are. And as leader, it's my job to teach you both not to bite off more than you can chew.

Nighhawk (Beacon Academy) (Senior) (Team TRNT)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Yo, what the hell is this? Shit, there's a Schnee bastard?

Caramel Fashionista (Beacon Academy) (Sophomore) (Team CFVY)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
And now the upper years know. This year's shaping up to be real interesting.

Rabbit Stew (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
I live for chaos. Also, White Hot Sexbomb, I've sent you tags. I demand them.

White Hot Sexbomb (Verified Twins) (The Sassy Twin) (Beacon Academy) (Fresh Meat)
Replied On Sep 1st 2011:
Yes, o team leader. Give our guy a few days.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

Author's Note

Tianyu's Semblance will go down in legend as the most versatile bullshit.

Did I just PHO this? Yes, yes I did. I mean, I kinda had to after a revelation like that. Did a "capes only" equivalent because the general public is too much to give a damn about.

Thank you for reading. Believe it or not, this is the seventh website I've crossposted to. I want to make sure this site catches up with the others, but it's slow, tedious work. Until then, other sites will have a much more updated library of my works. If you want to read ahead, or check out other stories I've written, you can find them all on my Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/fabled.webs.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.