Homesteading in a fantasy world

chapter 20

Next day started with rain. Still, I had to do my morning chores. The female rabbit seems to have settled in nicely. Today I threw the chicken some grains for them to eat.

After the cheese making, I was left with a smaller wheel because I was getting less milk when done i had nothing else to do during the rain.

I could still do my training in the rain, but I decided against it just because. I decided to prepare the bow wood I got even if it will not take that long. For that I did the job in the workshop so I could stay dry and so could the wood.

I cut it into three pieces close to 2 meters long, using the ruler to measure them out. For splitting, I used the wedges I have to carefully split it apart.

It took some careful work to be able to get 16 pieces, I might be able to turn into English longbows depending on how well they dry. I put them up onto the rafters, a perfect place for drying.

After that, there was really not much I could do. The rain was still coming down strong, so I just sat down and start doing energy training.

Skill increases basic energy manipulation level 6

Skill increases beginner mental fortitude level 4

At lunch time the rain stopped, and the sun started shining again. I went to the bridge to figure out what kinds of traps I could make to stop and notify myself if something tries to get over the bridge using the main support.

After examining, I think the best solution would be to mount spring loaded spike traps. So, the spikes shoot out at anyone that makes it to the raised part of the bridge and tries to climb onto the farm side of the bridge using the main supports.

For the spring part, I will use bow like limbs. Most likely, 2 will be enough for one trap. For the spikes, I will make a rectangular structure where I can put many spikes and then I can use it also to block off the best way across the bridge.

For the alarm, I could simply use strings that will trigger if any of the traps are activated, or the bridge is pulled down.

The only problem with that simple design is the alarm part. The only thing I can currently think about is maybe making a bell like object, but I don’t have the metal currently. This problem will require some more thinking.

But first, let’s get the spike traps done. I went and got the ruler to start taking some measurements on the bridge. I had quite a lot of space to work with thanks to the design of the railing.

During my measurement, I also figured it would be a good idea to put a sort of a locking system on to the spikes so when they sprung, they will lock into place. Making it difficult to just push them aside requiring you to break them if you want to get past them.

Back at the workshop, I first started to work on the spike board. I ended up with a 1 by 1 meter square looking like a shipping pallet. Next, I started to carve the holes for the spikes with a knife.

I tried to use the piercing cut to easily make the holes, but that didn’t help me as much as I wanted. But it did help me some.

I ended up with 10 spike holes when I was done. I just needed to repeat the same thing once more. After that I start to look for wood to use for the spikes.

I didn’t have much oak left, but I was able to get 8 of the required 20 spikes out of oak, and the rest I made from building wood. It was not the perfect solution, but it will still be good enough.

For the spikes themselves, I will make the bottom part into a peg. I purposely made the hole smaller so the peg will go in, but not the rest of the spike.

That way, when the spike hits it, the board will keep it in place. I also made the pegs a bit longer than the hole's thickness, so when I placed them in, I could tap them so no one can pull the spikes out from the other side.

When the spikes were done, I moved on to making the spring limbs. I used the bow wood I made the short bows out of.

I made them a bit wider than my regular bows and after testing, I ended up not with 2 for one trap but 3 limbs. They had to move a lot of weight and I wanted them to move it fast.

The problem was how would I attach them; and also how will I attach it so that the spike boards come up. At first, I thought I will attach them to the limb but that would put too much sideways weight onto them if they can hold up the board at all.

And of course, I can’t forget about when I need to lower the bridge. What will I do about the traps then? After thinking for a bit, brilliant idea came to me.

I will make the spike board be connected to the rising part of the bridge with hinges. The hinges will support the weight leaving the spring to put all their power into moving the spikes as fast as possible.

That way, the limbs can also be attached simply by carving slots into the bridge boards. For the spike board part, I made housings where the spring part will be going into.

This way, there is no need for nails or ropes to hold the spring. That makes them easy to replace if needed. I made simple wooden hinges that I made strong, putting three of them per spike board.

Next, I start by making the trap components that are responsible for springing the trap whenever someone tries to cross.

I made 2 pieces that would be responsible for holding the spike board in place when under tension. I will also need another part that will be the centerpiece that keeps the strings tight, and if moved, the trap will activate.

The next and last part is that will actually register if anyone is trying to cross. I will just make a simple, extremely thin board that I will place on the main support.

It will overhang it and be extremely light, so if anyone steps on it and moves it, the trap activates. For the string that connects to it, I will put it under the bridge boards so it will not be easily seen.

When all parts for both spike traps were done, I went to assemble them. I needed to carve slots into the bridge where the springs will go into and nail in the hinges.

When the bridge is lowered, the spike traps hang out like wings on a bird. When the first one was in place, I tested it out and the speed and the snap of it was impressive.

But I did almost lose one of the limbs and I had to scramble to catch it before it fell into the river. The solution is simple, I just tied a string on the middle of the springs so it would not fall into the river.

I also installed the holding mechanism. It was a simple wood piece that will fall in place when the trap activates and hold it from being pushed back.

I had to use a big nail for the center so it will be able to rotate easily. Luckily, there were a few big nails with large heads that were perfect.

Another nail so it will not rotate too much and it's done. Getting the trigger plate in place was difficult. There was a good chance of falling into the river, but I was able to get both traps built and armed without falling in.

For the alarm system, I thought of an easy solution. I will simply place a big board underneath the tower and make an extension at the top where I can place a rock.

Then make a system. When the alarm trap is activated, the rock will hit the board, making a loud sound.

That’s the best I can currently do. Doing a drop test it made a loud enough noise that hopefully it will work even when I’m sleeping.

It didn’t take too long to make. The hardest part was getting the rock on top of the tower and the system to make it fall from there.

I basically just made it so every time I needed to build it again. It’s just uses 2 boards, one to support the board that holds the rock and a pulley system to pull out the supporting board. I checked the notifications I have got.

basic wood carving level 5

basic trap making level 3

basic trap making level 4

Skill increases basic wood crafting level 10 is upgraded to wood crafting level 1

Choose one of the following abilities

merging joints

sharp cut

wood sight

Another sight, I will skip this one. Sharp cut will most likely work like piercing cut, but will be on more constantly not a single action. But I will pick merging joints. I think this can help a lot in the future.

You have gained a new ability merging joints level 1

When this was done, I went and started training, it was too late and I didn’t have time to go hunt training after that today.

Next day was spent training. Hunting was going slowly, but I could see myself progressing thanks to the achievement page. I got another level in stealth.

The next day after my training, I went to catch rabbits in the grassland forest. I also did some running training with that because I run back to skin them but this time, I didn’t smoke them. I will just be making them in the oven for everyday food.

This will last me two days, so every third day I will need to go catch two or three rabbits. Two days passed quite quickly and while I was killing my third rabbit of the day, my frontier farmer leveled up.

Level up frontier farmer

frontier farmer now level 10

strength +6

dexterity +4

vitality +6

endurance +3

free points gained +15

perk is gained trait combine

New trait gained

vitality reaches 40 new trait gained strong constitution

Activate perk trait combine

24h left until perk disappears

So many stat points with this level up and free points as well. I guess I hit a milestone. The trait combining perk is interesting and I think the best solution will be to sink all my free points before I select it.

Then I will have more traits it has to choose from to combine into hopefully a good trait. Looking at my stats screen, I can reach the 40 milestone of dexterity. I will be able to get to the 20 milestone of endurance. Those will be the biggest ones and I think the best choices.

I added 8 free points into dexterity and 6 into endurance, getting me to 40 and 20, leaving me with 1 free stat point.

New trait gained

dexterity reaches 40 new trait gained better reaction speed

endurance reaches 20 new trait gained better lungs

When finished getting the traits, I select that option to combine. It didn't do anything at first, but slowly I could feel energy starting to move into me from the outside.

I tried to focus and see it. At the start it was like a breeze, but as I focused more and more, I started to see something similar to heat waves moving towards me.

As time goes by, the stronger it becomes until I could feel myself heating up at the start, it was pleasant. But after a little while it started to really hurt, but I could understand that this was beneficial, so I endured the pain. Before it ended, I got another message.

Special action performed

Ability gained energy sight

I was able to briefly concentrate enough to activate the new ability, and I saw colourful energy all around me in a thick cloud moving through me. I soon got overwhelmed, and I lost the little bit of concentration I had.

Even though the pain was great, I kept standing out of stubbornness. When the pain finally subsided, the feeling of pain was replaced with pleasure. I have never felt better in my life, then things started to even out again and I felt completely exhausted from the experience.

New trait gained

giant among men

As I looked at my traits, all the traits were gone, leaving me with the one that was combined. When I try to concentrate on it in my achievement page all I could get was a feeling that it will absorb more traits if they are compatible.

When I started to focus back on the world, everything was slightly different. I could see farther, I could hear better, I was in touch with the world better. I hadn’t grown or become a giant, as I feared.

Deciding to skip the other half of today’s training. I just butchered the rabbits and tried to feel my new body and what it was trying to tell me. I felt new power coursing through me but not the stats energy but my own bodies.

It was strong and healthy, ready to do my bidding at a moment's notice. A real breakthrough came while meditated in the river. The spot that I like to soak in was perfect for it.

It had a sandy bottom, and it was in a curve where the current almost didn’t affect it at all. I stood there, water up to my chest and meditated on my body.

I’m pretty sure that the trait didn’t give me giant blood, making me grow too big. It meant that I am now a lot better than most other humans in regards to the body .

The traits name giant among men makes a bit more sense now. The traits improve me from a regular man into a so-called giant compared to others.

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