Honkai Survival Guide

Page 10

In theory, Cocolia would never know what happened here.

And when she came out of the headquarters, restored the communication, and knew what happened, everything was over.

But why, feel so uneasy?

Eckel thought for a moment, and connected to the communication channel of the A1 team.

"Group A1, please answer when you hear it, and may I ask if you have encountered any abnormal situation?"


However, there was no response from the earphones, only a slight electric current told him that the earphones were still operating normally.

problem occurs!

Eckel stood up suddenly, intending to leave here directly.

However, a familiar figure stood opposite him, making him stop abruptly.

"Cocolia...?! Why are you here?"

"You weren't confined to the headquarters by Edward at all?"

"Oh...you're asking this?" Cocolia smiled jokingly, but didn't answer Eckel's question, and just sat down unhurriedly.

"Why don't we sit down and talk about it first?"

"What can we talk about?"

"Really? But I heard that you have a sister who urgently needs money for medical treatment?"

Eckel's pupils shrank, and he was silent for a few seconds, then sat back in his original position slumped, lowered his head and said shyly.

"What do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Cocolia showed a satisfied smile.

"That's right..."


In an abandoned warehouse.

Members of the A2 team are checking their weapons and equipment.

A young yellow-haired man finished counting his magazines very perfunctorily, then raised his head and asked.

"Boss, isn't the mission this time just to catch three children? Why are we all armed with so much fanfare, and run away as soon as we catch someone? Are you so nervous?"

The leader of Team A2 is a middle-aged man who looks very calm. He wiped the gun in his hand and replied without looking back.

"These three children may be easy to catch, but the people behind the children are not easy to mess with. Besides, we are people who take money to do things. We will do what the employer says. If you want to get this sky-high commission alive, Just be vigilant and be prepared.”

The team leader of A2 raised his hand to check the time, and said, "One last check, we will leave in 5 minutes."

Huang Mao shrugged, and continued to organize his equipment honestly.

At this time, outside the warehouse.

A masked man stood on the top of a high-rise building where he could clearly see the abandoned warehouse where the A2 team was hiding, silently counting the time.

Then, he took out a mechanical device like a remote control and pressed it lightly.

The abandoned warehouse in the distance turned into a huge fireball in a violent explosion.

"It's done."

He took out the communicator to connect to the team communication.

"The bomb has been successfully detonated. When the fire is a little lighter, send someone in to confirm the situation. No matter whether this wave of explosion kills or not, they will shoot two more shots at the body."


Then she switched to the encrypted band.

[03: The hiding place of the opponent's second team has been blown up. In order to ensure that it is completely extinguished, people will be sent to carry out secondary treatment after the fire is slightly smaller.]

[02: The opponent's first team has been completely wiped out, but how did you solve those three, Master Lord? 】

【L: It's just a small self-defense method, not enough.Also, don’t call me young master]

[K: As expected of my son.Also, I have convinced Eckel that he is now one of us]

【01: Boss awesome】

【02: Boss awesome】

【03: Boss awesome】

[L:? 】

[04: Attention, two members of Edward's secret team were found outside the city, please instruct]

[K: All slaughtered]

【04: Received】


outside the city.

Two figures galloped across the snow, bringing up a flurry of snowflakes.They were members of Edward's secret squad that had just been dropped nearby.

Judging from their appearance, the two of them seemed to be just young and beautiful girls of sixteen or seventeen.

But their exposed skin is gray and white, and there are dark purple lines.This is a posture that has become infinitely deadly after being severely eroded by the Houkai energy.

They wear thick exoskeleton armor.No... It's not so much about wearing it, it's better to say that these mechanical devices that look like exoskeleton armor have grown on their bodies and become a part of their bodies.

The girl who was supposed to spend her youth amidst laughter and laughter has now become like a lifeless corpse, at the mercy of others like a puppet on a string.

"Oh, what a poor child." 04 sighed softly, "Let me let you all rest in peace."

As soon as the words fell, the two girls flew backwards with a loud noise as if they had been hit by a train, and smashed heavily into the snow, splashing large flakes of snow.

One after another, the Titan mechs lifted their camouflage and stood on the ground.

The two girls stood up slowly, looked at the dozen or so Titan mechs in front of them, their gray and white pretty faces remained unmoved, and after adjusting their posture slightly, they rushed straight to the Titan mechs.

As a result, the sound of roaring explosions, violent impacts, and piercing metal tearing exploded on the snowfield.

10 minutes later--

04 looked at the two girls who fell into the bomb crater, their parts were scattered and completely unable to get up again, squatted down, and asked softly.

"Are you still conscious? If you have any last wishes, maybe I can help you."

One of the girls stared wide-eyed, opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

04 hurriedly listened to him.

"Help us...Kill...Kill...Edward!"

04 froze for a moment, and then showed a grim smile.

"Don't worry, this is also our purpose, we will definitely kill that dog!!"

The girl nodded with difficulty. She seemed to want to show a smile, but the muscles on her face had been completely necrotic under the erosion of Houkai energy. She tried hard for a long time but couldn't make any expression. With all his strength, he whispered——


Seeing the girl completely silent, even 04, who was used to seeing death, sighed.

"Idiot, there is no need to say thank you for such a thing..."

04 operated the Titan, and carefully held the corpses of the two girls in his arms.

She wanted to find a suitable burial place for the two girls.

"However, did you actually forcibly dismantle five Titans? Although they are only ordinary Titans, their strength...is really not to be underestimated. What the hell is Edward researching behind his back?"

[04: Two members of the secret team have died, the mission is completed]

Fifteen desperate

the next day--

Edward leaned on a cane and gracefully returned to the scientific research institution under his name.

The researchers I met along the way all greeted him respectfully, and he responded with a gentle smile, like an amiable elder, not the top person in charge of this institution.

Soon, he returned to his office, locked the door, and began to check the important information sent by his subordinates.

What he is most concerned about now is the capture plan that Eckel is in charge of in that small city in Siberia.

If this plan is successful, then Cocolia, the greatest force of the reformers, will completely submit to him and become his strength.

Losing Cocolia's reformers is nothing to worry about. At that time, he can knead the remaining people as he wants.

Also, there will be bonus items.Edward thought of the picture of Seele he had seen, and thought that he would get her right away, and the desire that had been silent for many years because of getting older and older actually felt vaguely rekindled.

With anticipation, Edward began to read the report carefully.

Then looking at it, his face turned green.

The A1 team was completely wiped out, three of them were killed by the truck, four of them were killed on the spot with their throats cut, and the attackers were extremely skilled.

The A2 team was completely wiped out, without firing a single shot, and was sent away by a wave of bombs directly at the hiding place, and played GG when the output and participation rate were both zero.

The person in charge, Eckel, disappeared mysteriously without leaving any useful information behind.

Remarks: The person responsible for monitoring Sister Eckel also lost contact. When our people arrived, Sister Eckel, who was supposed to be immobilized on the hospital bed, was also missing. Preliminary inference is that Cocolia sent someone to do it. , Eckel has a high probability of betrayal.

Two Machina ghosts were killed.

Judging from the battle traces left at the scene, they should have fought more than ten Titan mechs head-on. After destroying several Titan mechs, they were defeated and died.

With an ugly expression on his face, Edward slapped the table hard, making a loud noise.

He was furious.

"Trash! A bunch of trash!!"

"What kind of bullshit elite mercenary squad, it's okay to have no resistance in front of the people in Cocolia, but they don't even know that their hiding place has been planted with bombs! They were hit by a truck and killed three!?"

"The so-called elites, do you mean the elites among the trash?!"

"And Eckel, what anti-entropy nova, is a shameless, damned traitor!"

"Don't let me catch your tail, or I will torture you and your sister repeatedly!! Then you will be shredded into pieces!!!"

Edward pulled off his tie and took a few breaths, his face extremely gloomy.

At this time, he has no image at all, and his previous elegant demeanor has completely disappeared. If it weren't for the excellent sound insulation ability of his office, the staff outside would probably be very shocked.

After all, he has always presented himself as a refined and gentle elder.

After venting this, Edward also calmed down a little.

The important thing now is how to recover the loss.

Those two waste teams died as soon as they died. If you catch a lot of people like this, they are completely consumables.

Eckel, the damned traitor, was not important either. Although his abilities were indeed outstanding, they were far from being able to make Edward take them seriously.

It's just a waste of some resources for cultivating him.

What really pained Edward were the two members of the secret team, the Ex-Machina ghosts mentioned in the above report.

The members of his so-called secret squad were actually girls who were fed up with the members of his faction, thrown into the laboratory and forcibly injected with a large amount of Houkai energy.If the girl couldn't bear the erosion and died directly, she would be killed on the spot and thrown into the incinerator.

If the girl can resist the erosion of the Houkai energy, then she will be sent to the next workshop for further torture.

That's right, it's a workshop, not a laboratory.

In the workshop, the girl will be stuffed into a petri dish and continuously injected with Houkai energy.

Although the girls who have survived the first round will be more or less resistant to Honkai.But it has a certain resistance to Houkai energy, and it is not completely immune to the erosion of Houkai energy.

The erosion of the human body by the collapse will make people feel the pain and torture that life is worse than death.

Especially those girls with higher Honkai resistance.The higher the resistance, the slower the erosion and the longer the torture.

During this period, there were not a few girls who could not stand the torture and died in pain.

As for the girls who survived this round of torture, their bodies have become infinitely close to death, and their spirits have almost completely collapsed.

Then comes the final step.

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