Honkai Survival Guide

Page 229

The first thing that can be confirmed is that this must be the Babylonian laboratory in Siberia, and it is in the time period before the second collapse.

Assuming the boy in front of me is really me...

So, not to mention how I survived the second Honkai, the time alone is not right.

The second Honkai occurred in 2000, and the time when I was taken back to the orphanage by Cocolia was around 2010, and there was a full ten-year time difference in between.

Why hasn't my appearance changed a bit in ten years? Einstein and Tesla are not aging because they were affected by the black abyss and white flowers, but he is obviously not among them.He is still growing... although he is not tall.

Wait a moment......

Lord suddenly thought that he had already been in the Siberian snowfield when he opened his eyes, so he preconceived that he had directly traveled to Siberia.

Maybe... the starting point of my journey is not in Siberia, but here?

But why don't I have any memory of being in the Babylon laboratory? And the ten years from 2000 to 2010? How did I spend it?

no idea.

Why did I see the picture in front of me from such a perspective?

There is another question, where is his God Eye? Ever since he opened his eyes in Siberia, this thing has been by his side, even when he fell into the Quantum Sea, it never left his body.

In the current situation, it is obvious that there is no eye of God.

Not only that - the boy in front of him, who was himself when he was a child, has a metal collar around his neck, shining with a faint blue light, but Sirin's neck does not.

This neck ring Lord recognized that it was an insurance measure taken by Destiny to limit extremely high-risk prisoners. Once any abnormality was found in the prisoner, this seemingly inconspicuous neck ring would eject a high-intensity melting laser inward. , The heat generated in an instant can even cut through the large shield of the temple level, not to mention the fragile neck of human beings.

To actually use this kind of thing on myself...why?

There were too many questions, but before he could continue thinking, the two people in front of him had their next move.

"Xilin..." Little Lord opened his mouth and called the messenger girl's name. Ji Ting was extremely hoarse. He held down Xilin's hand and smiled softly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Are you really okay?" Sirin looked at the weak boy in front of her worriedly: "But you look very painful."

"Small problem, I'm just a little tired." The boy pulled himself together and hugged the girl in front of him.

In fact, Little Lord at this moment is much thinner and shorter than Sirin, but the temperament he displayed at this moment is very mature and reliable.

"I will protect you, Sirin, don't worry." The boy hugged Sirin tightly, stroking her long hair: "I will lead you to escape from here, absolutely.

"Well... I believe you." Sirin rubbed Lord's chest and whispered, "Obviously I am the older sister, why am I always being taken care of by you?"

"I've said it all, I'm older than you.

"How come! Last time I saw your profile, you are only 13 years old, and I am 15 years old this year!" Sirin raised her head, stretched out her small hand and gestured on the top of the two heads: "And I am taller than you ! I am my sister!'

"Okay, okay, you are my sister." Little Lord helplessly patted Sirin's head: "My elder sister Sirin."

"Hmm... No, don't touch my head!"

But just when the two were enjoying themselves, the pale metal door made a heavy mechanism sound, which made the two of them tense up immediately, as if they were facing a big enemy, or they were about to face some scourge.

453 Complex

The heavy metal door was opened, and a tall figure wearing a fully enclosed chemical protective suit stood outside, with a pair of eyes hidden under the goggles, and the cold and ruthless gaze swept across the two people in the room. Sirin subconsciously shrank behind Little Lord.

The girl lowered her head firmly, her bandage-wrapped little hands were tightly intertwined with little Lord, her petite body was trembling uncontrollably, showing fear from head to toe.

And the man in the chemical protective suit saw the interlocking hands of the two, and sneered, as if seeing some great fun, full of ridicule and disdain.

Then he casually threw the things in his hand onto the floor of the room.

It was a girl who was about the same age as Little Lord and Sirin, but she was casually discarded on the floor like a rag at this moment. Her face was flushed sickly, and she was curled up in pain, with exquisite facial features. All twisted in pain.

Lord, the conscious body that can only watch, can see more.

The girl's body in front of her was almost completely eroded by Honkai Neng, but her body resistance was extremely high, so Honkai Neng Resistance and Honkai Neng used her body as a battlefield to start a tragic tug-of-war.But it's like when the immune system in your body fights with the virus, they don't care about the host's life or death.

And the girl's current physical condition is very bad. Long-term malnutrition has made her body extremely weak, and she can't bear such a toss at all. Not long to live.

Conversely, if Honkai won the victory, her vitality would be cut off on the spot, and she would turn into a ferocious dead soldier, launching an indiscriminate attack on everyone present.

Everywhere is dead.

Now, the deep purple lines have slowly spread up from the neck. It is obvious that the resistance to the Houkai is still at a disadvantage after all, and this girl is about to turn into a dead soldier.

But the people outside the door showed no signs of nervousness. They just leaned against the door frame and looked at the two people in the room with interest, as if they wanted to see their reactions.Although his face was covered by a mask and his expression could not be seen clearly, this posture was completely like watching a play.

What was projected from the goggles was a slowly mocking look.

Little Lord raised his head abruptly, and stared blankly at the person leaning against the door. The sapphire-like eyes were full of ferociousness, like wild beasts, as if they would pounce on them in the next second. The man's neck.

This fierce and violent gaze made the person at the door subconsciously take two steps back. The body wrapped in the protective clothing suddenly stiffened instinctively, as if encountering a natural enemy on the food chain.In just a moment, cold sweat soaked through the whole body.

Then he reacted and realized his gaffe.

No matter how dangerous the guy in front of him was before, he is just a dog with a collar that has been abolished. As long as he has a single thought, his head will be cut off by a high-intensity melting laser. It's no good Scared.

As if to cover up his gaffe just now, the guy kicked the girl on the floor, and the girl curled up in even more pain.Immediately, he ignored Little Lord's horrifying eyes that seemed to be choosing someone to devour, and turned around and left, leaving only a cold sarcasm.

"It's just an insect being used as a test subject. Do you really think you can change something? It's ridiculous."

When he left, the two rushed forward immediately to check the situation of the girl on the ground.

Lord also floated over.

"Bella..." Sirin bit her lip, and tears welled up in her golden eyes.

"Let's carry her to the bed first." Little Lord didn't panic, and calmly carried the girl named Bella to the bed together with Sirin.

Bella's body was scorching hot, and the white robe with holes left behind was still stained with glaring blood.

Little Lord's expression remained unchanged, and he took off his clothes directly.

So Lord also clearly saw the conspicuous pinholes on Bella's spine. The blood had dried up and the pinholes were no longer bleeding. The originally fair skin has turned into a dull gray, and the dark purple lines are shining with a strange shimmer.

The girl's disfigured body is not the slightest bit charming, but looks extremely hideous and frightening.

From Lord's current point of view, the girl in front of him was hopeless, and it was only a matter of time before she completely turned into a dead man. After she turned into a dead man, Sirin and her childhood self in the room would not be able to survive either.

However, since that beastly researcher would throw this girl over, it proves that things are definitely not that simple.

When Little Lord looked at the researcher just now, the researcher retreated subconsciously, which also made Lord thoughtful.

Little Lord is obviously so weak now, why would it have such a big impact on him? What did Little Lord do before he was locked up here?

At this time, little Lord, who had fully confirmed the extent of Bella's erosion, also made the next move. He turned Bella over and kissed her without hesitation.

He even stuck out his tongue, pried open the girl's teeth, and carried out a fierce tongue kiss.

Lord was a little dazed for a moment, all the thoughts in his head were fragmented, and then he saw a miraculous scene.

Through this exchange of bodily fluids, the terrifying Houkai erosion marks on Bella's body slowly stopped spreading.

Lord stared blankly at Bella's body full of destructive desires. After transferring into little Lord's body through the exchange of body fluids, he completely changed his appearance, like a mouse that met a cat, obedient and obedient , mild and harmless.

Then something even more outrageous came, the mild and harmless Honkai energy was transferred back by little Lord again, and began to nourish Bella's body.

With the passage of time, the deep purple lines that had already spread to Bella's cheeks also slowly subsided, and the grayish white on the girl's body also gradually returned to white.

Lord opened his mouth.

How the hell can you do this?

The exchange of bodily fluids between him and the girl also has a special effect, but it inhibits the activity of the Houkai energy.

But what kind of operation is it to go back to nourish others after being harmless? It feels like turning the Houkai energy into life force...

Wait a minute...transformed into life force?

Lord suddenly thought of Ji Zi.

Back then, being able to inject enough vitality into Jizi to improve Jizi's physical condition and slow down the erosion of Honkai's body seemed to have the same effect as this operation.

The difference is that when I was a child, I could do things with a deep kiss, but when I grow up, I have to do it.

What's going on? Weakened after growing up?

Lord couldn't help having a toothache, his situation was much more complicated than imagined...

454 Change

Lord watched Bella gradually return to normal under Little Lord's efforts, even her complexion turned rosy, and she understood why the researcher threw in Bella, who was about to turn into a dead soldier.

With this kind of ability, as long as people haven't completely turned into dead soldiers, they can basically be rescued. It's a bit outrageous to be true, and it's no wonder that Little Lord is locked here.

But don't you think it's a bit of a waste?

This ability obviously has greater use value, but it is only used as a purifier to purify the Honkai and erosion, isn't it a bit too overkill?

At this time, Bella, whose physical condition had stabilized, slowly opened her eyes, gradually regained focus, and naturally noticed what Little Lord was doing, although this kind of thing had actually been done many times , and Little Lord did this to save himself, but Bella still blushed and patted his arm lightly, signaling that she was fine.

Little Lord just got up, and the two of them parted their lips, and the silvery water was drawn between the lips.

Bella got up, took the clothes from Sirin, and covered her chest, while Little Lord came behind her, wiping the dirty blood from the pinholes with a towel.

The dirty blood was a turbid purple-black color, like the residue after the Honkai energy had been purified.

"Thank you, Lord..." Bella hugged the clothes, felt Little Lord's movement of wiping behind him, and said softly: "I'm sorry to trouble you again.

"Don't say that." Little Lord lowered his eyes and wiped off the blood on Bella's back, but his face was not happy at all.Even if the girl was saved, it would only make her continue to suffer.

There are still eight pinholes with a diameter of five millimeters on the spine behind Bella, which cannot be healed, and the graying and dark purple lines around the pinholes cannot be completely dissipated.

Babylon Laboratory, the second largest Honkai energy research facility in Destiny, the first department in it: the Advanced System Department, has a grand-sounding name, and it gradually smells of advanced technology.What is actually researched is the technology of combining Houkai Neng with the human body, and it is disguised as a medical institution for treating Houkai Neng diseases.

And to study the combination of Houkai energy and the human body, the human body is naturally needed for research.

Sirin, Bella, and even Lord are among the countless experimental subjects.

Except for Lord, who has a special function, all the experimental subjects were injected with a large amount of Houkai energy by the researchers of Tianming, so as to study the specific phenomenon of Houkai energy when it erodes the human body.

The situation behind Sirin is similar to that of Bella. The unhealed pinholes on the backs of the girls are the traces left by the experiment that cannot be dissipated.

Because of the long-term and repeated injection of Houkai energy, the skin texture around the pinhole has already been irreversibly deadly, and this irreversible deadly transformation is gradually spreading.In whichever experiment Bao Buqi is injected with excessive Honkai energy, he will be completely turned into a dead man.

Little Lord's purification ability is limited after all, he can only delay the process, but cannot change the result.

When Little Lord was just imprisoned here, there were hundreds of girls who were experimental subjects, but now, there are no more than ten girls who are still alive.

Because Sirin and Bella have extremely high resistance to Houkai, they are the best among many experimental subjects, so they were pulled to let Little Lord purify again and again. On the one hand, it was to record the Houkai energy. The data of eroding the human body is also to observe the upper limit of Lord's purification ability on the one hand.

However, a heavy haze lingered in Little Lord's heart. Under such circumstances, it seemed that it would be better to die directly than to let the girls continue to live and be tortured as experimental products.

In a sense, he seemed to be an accomplice to the experiment.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong to save you again and again." Little Lord looked up at Bella and Sirin, lowered his head and laughed at himself: "Perhaps if this continues, you will hate me too ... After all, to continue living now seems to be nothing more than experiencing more suffering and torture."

Hearing Little Lord's words, both Bella and Sirin fell silent.

how can we hate you

These words surged in their throats, but they were still unable to utter them.

At this moment, the girls realized that no matter how unwilling they were to admit it, their hearts still had negative emotions towards Lord.

Sirin lowered her head, she clenched her fists tightly, her nails even sank into the flesh, the gauze on her hand was stained red by the oozing blood, but she didn't realize it.

Kill him and end the pain!

Why don't you want to admit it, obviously he is also one of the people who made you suffer, isn't he?

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!

The voice that sounded from the bottom of her heart suddenly woke her up. She looked up in horror, only to find that Lord was disinfecting Bella with alcohol.Although the skin on the back has completely turned gray, it is estimated that disinfection will not be effective, but just to be on the safe side, Lord will perform disinfection every time.

Seeing that Lord and Bella didn't notice her, Sirin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, only to realize that she was already covered in cold sweat at some point.

What was that just now?

Why do I have such thoughts? Lord is not wrong. What is wrong is the researchers here, this Babylonian laboratory, destiny, and this damned world.

Sirin's eyes became a little confused.

Yeah, damn the world.....so ruin it.

Destroy this world and build a world with only you and Lord... By the way, there is also Bella... so that the three of us can live happily together...


Lord's voice sounded in Sirin's ear, waking her up again. "Ah...?" Sirin quickly raised her head: "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you Sirin? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Lord couldn't help asking with some concern: "Is there any residual effect from the last experiment?

"No...no, I'm just in a daze..." Sirin shook her head.

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