Honkai Survival Guide

Page 231

The section chief suddenly felt a chill sweeping through his body, and before she could react, he caught a glimpse of a small purple-white shadow flashing by from the corner of his eye.

Without hesitation, she drew her gun and fired.

The bullet came out with a bright muzzle flame, and the special anti-Honkai weapon really showed its power at this moment, and the purple-white shadow fell to the ground.

Both the section chief and the team leader who had just reacted saw the true form of the shadow.

This is a palm-sized, miraculous creature shaped like a mosquito. After being hit by a bullet, it looked very sluggish. The wings behind it flapped hard, but it couldn't fly.

The team members who heard the gunshot also rushed up at this time, and they all saw the unknown creature falling on the ground and thumping.

The section chief stared at it, and his voice trembled a little: "Honkai Beast...?"

She took a deep breath, tried her best to hold down her trembling hand, and shot the Honkai Beast a few times, killing it completely.

How did the Honkai Beast appear? Could it be that the Honkai Reactor leaked? She stared at the body of the advanced Honkai Beast that slowly dissipated in the air, and a layer of haze engulfed her heart.

The section chief looked up at the team members around him, and the eyes under the goggles were full of fear and panic.

The section chief straightened up and forced himself to remain calm.

"No matter what, we must first let the headquarters know the situation here.

If it is true that there is a leak in the Houkai energy reactor, it will be the whole of Siberia that will suffer. "

There was even a more terrifying possibility, but the section chief didn't want to think about it. There was still a little bit of luck in her heart.

She also thought of the second team that disappeared without a sound, it is absolutely impossible for the Houkai Beast to do...

Hope it's not the worst possible...

"Nora, Elena, come out." "To!"

"Both of you, drive away from the laboratory, contact the headquarters as soon as you have a communication signal, and call for support."

The two 17-year-old team members looked at each other and seemed to understand something. They were about to say something when they were interrupted by the section chief.

"This is an order, go!" "...Yes!"

Watching the two go away, the section chief withdrew his gaze and tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

"Okay, let all the teams gather, and then it's our job." The section chief exhaled: "As long as you can last as long as you can."

457 Is the dream real?

Lord slowly opened his eyes, but he was a little confused.

Why didn't those beasts come to force him to wake him up today? It's really strange... In the past, it was completely impossible for him to sleep peacefully until he woke up naturally.

Even if he is really special, those researchers will not kindly give him any preferential treatment, let alone care about his physical condition.

As long as it doesn't kill you, use it to your death.

This is the philosophy of the group of researchers.As for the worn out... then dispose of it and replace it with a new one.Their attitude towards experimental products has always been like this.

I just don’t know if they have really used themselves up, where to find someone who can erode the purifier.

Lord laughed at himself, and was just about to get up when he found that both of his arms were tightly held in the arms of the girl.

Bella was on the left. She curled up next to Lord very insecurely, like a kitten hugging for warmth, her long blue-gray hair was casually scattered on the bed sheet.

Sirin was on the right, and her sleeping position was much bolder than Bella's. It seemed that she had completely let go of her vigilance by Lord's side, and clamped his hand between her thighs.

It seems that Lord's movements disturbed the girls' sleep, or maybe it was because the long-term experience in the laboratory made the girls very sensitive to any slight disturbance. They opened their eyes very quickly, subconsciously showing vigilance and excitement. Panic look.

And the look of vigilance and panic disappeared completely after seeing Lord, replaced by a gradual sense of peace of mind, and he lay lazily in Lord's warm embrace.

In this cold, ruthless and inhuman laboratory, only in Lord's place can they feel the long-lost warmth, let go of all their defenses, and show their soft side.

But no one knows how long such days will last.

Even though Bella's physical condition has been purified by Lord time and time again, it is still very dangerous. The erosion of Houkai energy has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it is difficult to eradicate it. Maybe one day it will not be able to hold on and it will be completely dead.

If it is recuperated in an environment with excellent medical conditions, coupled with Lord's ability, maybe Bella can live for another ten years.

But everyone knows that this is whimsical.

"Lord, good morning." Sirin rubbed her sleepy eyes and greeted Lord, her little head curled up in his arms, and the girl half-opened her bright golden pupils, and whispered: "Hmm...I seem to have a strange dream..."

"What dream?" Lord stroked the girl's frizzy purple hair.

"I... dreamed that I became so powerful." Sirin recalled earnestly: "In the dream, I could pass through the solid iron gates at will, and I could go to far places in an instant, and I could Empty to get what I want, and to go into a weird space...but there's nothing there, and I don't like it."

"Oh, by the way, I also dreamed of those executioners in the laboratory. They patrolled the corridors with guns in their hands, and I dragged them all into that strange space."

Sirin suddenly paused, and looked at her hands in confusion: "It's strange...why does it feel like the picture in the dream is so real? It's not like a dream."

The girl looked up at Lord in a daze, but her pretty face was full of sadness: "If only...if I were really this powerful, I can, I can take Lord and Bella to escape together This hellish place..."

"We will escape from here." Lord put Sirin in his arms, gently soothing the girl's emotions.

But Lord found that the girl in his arms seemed to be a little different.He stroked the girl's back lightly, and his hands were as soft as jade.

Wait... Wen Ruan Ru Yu? Lord noticed something was wrong.

The back of Sirin is the same as Bella's. Because of the long-term injection of a large amount of Houkai energy, the skin is grayish white, and at the same time, the dark purple lines are spreading. The touch will never be as soft as it is now, but will be like It is like a dead body that has completely lost its vitality, cold and stiff.

Lord was stunned for a few seconds, and then continued to touch, from top to bottom, every inch of the girl's skin was touched by him.

"Lord... what are you doing touching me like this?" Sirin blushed when Lord touched her, her petite body was limp in his arms, her eyes were involuntarily wet.

"Sirin...your back..." Lord turned over, put Sirin on the bed, then lifted the quilt to block the camera from peeping, and then lifted the girl's robe.

"Yeah... Lord, slow down..."

Although Lord had already seen her countless times, the girl felt a little shy in her heart, and buried her hot little face in the pillow.

While Lord and Bella looked at Sirin's clean and jade-like back, they fell into silence for a while.

Lord stretched out his hand and gently slid over the girl's tender white skin. It was so tender that it seemed as if water could be squeezed out with a little force, and the slightly cool touch made the girl tremble reflexively.

"Lord...it's itchy..." Sirin hugged the pillow and turned her face away: "What's wrong with my back?"

"Sirin... your back, everything is fine..." Bella stretched out her hand tremblingly, and gently stroked Sirin's back: "Why did this happen? What happened? ...?"

"Everything is alright?" Sirin was startled suddenly, turned over with a whoosh, and seemed to be more surprised than them: "What's going on?"

She tried her best to reach out and touched her back, and there was no such cold and stiff feeling.

Sirin looked at Lord with her small mouth open, her face full of bewilderment.

Lodra took off Sirin's robe, then put down the covering quilt, thought quietly for a few seconds, and suddenly looked up at the camera in the corner of the room.

"Sirin..." Lord said, "Try it and destroy that camera."

"Eh? Even if you say that... but how should I destroy that thing?" Sirin pinched the corner of her clothes in some embarrassment.

"It's okay...just try." Lord stroked Sirin's head, his voice was warm and soft: "You can imagine yourself in a dream, imagine yourself as powerful as in a dream, you can do it anything....."

"Then...then I'll try."

Sirin looked at the camera in the corner with some hesitation, imagining that she could be like a dream, and then slowly stretched out her little hand...

In the next instant, the golden aperture suddenly opened, swallowing the camera into the darkness within.

The three looked at each other.

After a while, Sirin looked at her hands in a daze. "The dream... is it real?"

458 let's go

"Chief, the monitoring in the special detention room has been destroyed." The panicked voice of the team members who stayed in the monitoring room came from the earphones: "I couldn't see the specific situation, but the monitoring signal completely disappeared in an instant. gone."

"Can you see anything unusual before the signal disappears?"

The section chief fired at the same time as he opened his mouth. Amidst the roar of the guns, a huge gap was formed in the body of an advance-level Honkai beast that had grown to the size of a washbasin, and then slowly dissipated.

"They lifted the quilt to block the observation of the surveillance. Something must have happened, but we have no way of knowing..."

Suddenly, the words over there stopped, and the breathing seemed to be eroded by the icy cold, and it completely stopped, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

"Calm down, what happened?"

The team members on the other side of the headset swallowed hard, their voices trembling.

"The signal from the controller....is also broken..."

The chief's footsteps stopped, and a great chill came up from the tailbone and attacked her brain.

She couldn't help but recall that cold winter night three years ago, that terrifying figure that crawled out of hell and would wake her up from her dream till now.

The security department originally had nearly 300 people...but now, even with the disappearing second team, there are only 100 people.

They paid a huge price to capture the monster on the snow field, removed his minions, put him in shackles, and performed countless cruel and almost inhumane experiments on him. Tortured it back and forth for three years.....

I thought that he would eventually be unable to bear such torture and die silently.But...a monster is still a monster after all, and his vitality is horrifying.

That kind of experiment... Even an A-rank Valkyrie may not be able to guarantee that she can walk off the test bed alive.

And he, that monster, not only did he not die, he even broke free from the shackles now.

And what will he do next... The section chief's heart sank to the bottom.

Lord touched his neck, the metal ring on it no longer existed, and was randomly discarded in the corner. The threat of death that he had felt all the time for three years was finally erased, and even he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sirin's ability easily removed this troublesome controller.

He moved his body, and the power that was actively spilled by him was also slowly returning.It's just that his body, which has been devastated, is so weak that it doesn't look like it at all, and his strength doesn't exist.

So now, it's time to escape from this ghost place.

If possible, Lord didn't want to run away in such a hurry, but now he had to.Among other things, there is no way to explain the recovery behind Sirin. If those researchers discover it in the next experiment, God knows what methods will be used to study Sirin's body.

You know, before meeting Lord, the process of turning into a dead man is completely irreversible. Once there is a tendency to become a dead man, it is basically hopeless, and it is only a matter of time before one becomes a dead man.

And even if he stayed still and waited for an opportunity, he couldn't accumulate strength quietly. The controller on his neck was destroyed, so he definitely couldn't hide it from the people in the laboratory.

Instead of letting Sirin continue to suffer, it is better to go all out and let the birds fly in the sky and the fish jump in the sea if they can escape.

But... I don't know if it's because of my own reasons, Sirin's Herrsrscher of the Sky's power is not fully awakened, and she doesn't have extreme malice towards human beings like in the original work. Hating everyone, forcing her to have the desire to destroy.

Lord didn't know whether such a change was good or bad, and he didn't know what impact it would have on the future, but right now, the most important thing was to escape from here.

Lord turned to look at Sirin and Bella. "Well, are you ready?"

The girls tore the sheets into strips and tied them around their bare feet, and tied their robes tightly so that they would not hinder their movements.

They nodded, their bodies trembling a little, and they didn't know whether it was because of fear or excitement.

"Then let's go." Lord stretched out his hand to hold Sirin: "Sirene, please first."


The girl pulled Lord and Bella, took a deep breath, and walked straight towards the heavy metal door.

But the metal door wrinkled like water waves, without any blocking effect, and the three simply walked out of the cell where they were held.

"It came out...we really came out!" Sirin covered her small mouth and let out a suppressed exclamation, tears fell uncontrollably, with incredible joy.

"Finally, finally I can go out..." Bella held Sirin's hand tightly, also weeping.

Lord patted the shoulders of the two and said softly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry yet, we haven't fully escaped yet." Lord chuckled: "The outside world is still waiting for us."


"Wait...you guys! How did you get out?" A startled and angry voice came.

Hearing this familiar voice, the girl's body trembled subconsciously.

Lord turned his head to look, coincidentally, isn't this the researcher who threw Bella in yesterday?

"Go back to me!"

Obviously, the researcher's brain doesn't seem to be working well, he didn't think about how the three of them got out of the cell, and now he even thinks that the three people in front of him are harmless and can be tortured by him at will , an experimental subject that satisfies his sadistic desires.

There was obvious contempt and excitement on his face without the protective mask, and he had a legitimate reason to be sadistic.

And when he approached with eager steps, the expression on his face changed 360 degrees in just an instant.

He pointed at Lord in horror, his body trembling subconsciously.

"You...your controller

"Controller?" Lord grinned, showing a ferocious smile: "Of course it was taken off."

"I really admire you. You actually dared to take the initiative to approach. It seems that you are not afraid of death. But it's just right. I'm still thinking about how to find a lucky person to borrow some authority."

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