Hope Coffee House

Chapter 8 - 2 messages

Want to investigate Gao Qi, it is not difficult.

Just get her ID number and mobile phone number, and then find a few contact information of her friends.

For Gao Qi, Wu Liang was always inexplicably vigilant, so he did not want to delay for a quarter of an hour and directly called Chen Wei.

Hearing that Wu Liang wanted to investigate Gao Qi, Chen Wei remained silent for a long time.

After Wu Liang analyzed the motives of Gao Qi ’s call to Chen Wei ’s mother, the motivation behind the call was unknown, and Chen Wei finally gave Gao Qi ’s phone number, ID number, and several friends ’contact information to Wu Liang. .

After a night of hard work, despite spending a lot of money, Wu Liang also successfully found Gao Qi’s personal information.

Two of the messages shocked Wu Liang most.

First, Gao Qi is not short of money.

Different from what Chen Wei said before, although Gao Qi is an insurance salesperson, he has a very thick family. There are 5 sets of property listings in Jicheng, 3 of which are in the city center.

In addition, Gao Qi also has 13 properties in other first-tier cities across the country, of which a single villa in Shencheng is worth 200 million yuan.

As for the funds in Gao Qi’s account, although Wu Liang has not found it for the time being, he can also guess that it will never be a small amount.

Second, Gao Qi’s parents had both died in a car accident nine years ago.

Gao Qi lied to Chen Wei. The person who died at Bingcheng Hospital a month ago was not Gao Qi’s father.

Obviously very rich, but it took a lot of money to find a fake father acting, cheated Chen Wei’s few savings, deceived Chen Wei’s feelings for a whole year, Gao Qi such a detrimental behavior, Wu Liang was even more confused.

Although she has not slept all night, Wu Liang did not feel tired. Perhaps this is the magical place that hopes to reward the coffee house. The 30-day period of no disease and no injury, the gold content is extremely sufficient.

Hurriedly ate a bit of breakfast, Wu Liang took out his mobile phone and started a telephone invitation to Gao Qi’s friends.

Chen Wei gave himself four phone numbers, all of which were Gao Qi’s female friends.

Wu Liang said on the phone that he was an admirer of Gao Qi. He wanted to invite Gao Qi ’s friends to have a private meal together, to inquire about Gao Qi ’s likes and dislikes, and to increase the chance of a successful confession.

Of course, as a matchmaker for yourself and Gao Qi, no matter whether the confession succeeds or not, thanks must be indispensable.

Three of the four girls happily agreed to Chen Wei and agreed on the time and place of the meeting. The three of them invariably chose high-end restaurants with different styles. Each restaurant had to consume four figures per capita.

For Chen Wei, he spent 5,000 hope coins to buy a tracking card, and once returned to before liberation.

Now there are only 1097 coins of hope, and there are only a few thousand dollars in his pocket. Wu Liang really has to save some money.

Just couldn’t bear the child to catch the wolf, Wu Liang secretly scolded the three girls, but the phone agreed with a smile.

There is only one girl named Fan Hongshuang. After hesitating for a moment, he hesitantly asked Wu Liang if he really recognized Gao Qi.

Wu Liang said that he was not Gao Qi not marrying.

Fan Hongshuang on the other end of the phone seemed more talkative, and finally agreed to meet with Wu Liang. The time was set at 11:30 noon, and the location was about a tea restaurant near the company. The per capita consumption was less than one hundred. Bucks.

Wu Liang exchanged 100 hope coins for 10,000 yuan in cash, in case of unexpected needs, and changed a set of slightly more mature clothes, and then rushed to the tea restaurant agreed with Fan Hongshuang.

Fan Hongshuang’s concept of time was excellent, and he appeared in front of Wu Liang at 11:30.

Is somewhat different from Wu Liang’s imagination. Fan Hongshuang was very beautiful. She wore a black embroidered dress, which was particularly elegant and charming.

Wu Liang handed the menu to Fan Hongshuang and smiled to order her.

Fan Hongshuang was a little surprised when he saw Wu Liang. After looking up and down at Wu Liang, he shook his head lightly and said, “I agree with you, not to eat, but to persuade you a few words.”

“If you haven’t loved to the point where you can’t look back, give up. Gao Qi is not a simple person.”

This Gao Qi friend, came to discourage himself? Could she know something?

Wu Liang’s eyes lit up and ordered a few signature dishes. He looked at Fan Hongshuang and asked with a smile: “Do you have any taboos?”

Fan Hongshuang shook his head helplessly: “You should be young? How old are you?”

Wu Liang handed the ordered menu to the waiter, secretly used a trust card, and looked at Fan Hongshuang sincerely: “19 years old, although younger than Gao Qi, but this does not affect me like her.”

“Only nineteen years old … Is Gao Qi’s hand now reaching such a small child?” Fan Hongshuang murmured to herself.

There is a play!

“Good sister, help me, I am sincere.” Wu Liang added another three-point prayer to his tone, and two points were eager.

Fan Hongshuang quietly looked at Wu Liang for a long time and seemed to have made a decision. “Little brother, you are too young. Let me tell you a story first. After listening to the story, maybe you will make a more careful choice. “

Story happened three years ago.

Gao Qi and Fan Hongshuang work together in a foreign company in Jicheng. Fan Hongshuang makes products and Gao Qi sells. Because the two people often work together and have the same personality, they soon become good friends who talk about nothing.

At that time, Gao Qi had just come to Jicheng from Shencheng. He was unfamiliar with his life. Except for Fan Hongshuang, he had no relatives and friends in Jicheng. He was very lonely.

When shopping with Fan Hongshuang for dinner, Gao Qi often looked at a pair of lovers on the road enviously and confided to Fan Hongshuang that he was lonely after returning home from work every day.

Fan Hongshuang is a native of Jicheng. There are countless classmates and friends in Jicheng. After spending a few months with Gao Qi, he felt that Gao Qi was sincere and enthusiastic, gentle and considerate, and was a good match. He was introduced to Gao Qi. Boyfriend’s plan.

Fan Hongshuang’s first thought was Ding Anming.

Ding Anming is Fan Hongshuang’s young, outgoing personality, and she is resolute in doing things. Now she is working in a state-owned enterprise, and she has become a supervisor at a young age with a considerable income.

To say bad, Ding Anming has only one point, that is, he has a short temper and occasional irritability, but it is also complementary to Gao Qi, who has a gentle personality.

Ding Anming and Fan Hongshuang’s cousin Sun Lihui are colleagues, Ding Anming can promote the supervisor, Sun Lihui’s credit is not small.

The three people often work together on weekends. During the last few meals, Ding Anming always couldn’t find a suitable object beside Tucao. He hoped that Fan Hongshuang could introduce a reliable girlfriend to herself.

In this way, Fan Hongshuang communicated with the two in private, and Gao Qi and Ding Anming agreed with each other.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Fan Hongshuang picked a day, brought his cousin Sun Lihui, and the four of them had dinner together.

But for a meal, Ding Anming was completely attracted to Gao Qi and began his crazy pursuit of Gao Qi.

Gao Qi seems to be very satisfied with Ding Anming, but out of the girl’s restraint. When he first ate and watched a movie with Ding Anming, he always brought Fan Hongshuang together.

Fan Hongshuang felt that it was awkward to be a light bulb alone, so he took Sun Lihui together.

Sun Lihui, Fan Hongshuang and Ding Anming often lived together, and now there is an additional Gao Qi, who is both Fan Hongshuang’s good girlfriend and Ding Anming’s half girlfriend.

One month later, Gao Qi agreed to Ding Anming and became his girlfriend.

Fan Hongshuang very consciously plans to quit his light bulb position, so that Ding Anming and Gao Qi have a more comfortable and comfortable space for two people, but Gao Qi is still holding Fan Hongshuang together, insisting that he is not a person who has forgotten.

Ding Anming and Sun Lihui are both men. They are not as delicate as girls, but they don’t care about it, so the four of them still move together.

When Ding Anming sent Gao Qi home, Fan Hongshuang and Sun Lihui siblings would retreat consciously and return to their homes.

Ding Anming and Gao Qi honey adjusted oil two months later, they decided to move together.

Because it is too expensive to go to the hotel.

Gao Qi’s rented house is a single room shared with others. He only took Ding Anming to stay for one night. The next day, he heard the strange words of the shared roommates.

Ding Anming is a native of Jicheng. He has been living with his parents at home, and it is inconvenient to take Gao Qi back.

It was only two people who graduated from university but not two or three years. They did not have enough money. There was also some pressure to rent a house in Jicheng, which has a high housing price.

If renting in a city with convenient transportation, a forty-five-square-foot single-room suite will cost 6,000 yuan a month, or an old house.

If you choose a more comfortable two-bedroom apartment, the old house will also cost 8,500 yuan upwards. If you have a good community, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan.

It is much cheaper to rent in the suburbs. A spacious and clean two-bedroom apartment can be rented at 6000-7000, but it has become a big problem to go to work. It takes one and a half hours to take the subway one way, and three hours a day is wasted to work On the road.

When Ding Anming and Gao Qi were worried, Sun Lihui made a suggestion.

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