Horror Camgirl

Chapter 14 - Hell no! He was a Ghost!

Chapter 14: Hell no! He was a Ghost!

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I told Tang Mingli about the audience’s theory. Of course, Yin Shengyao had no idea we were having live stream.

Yin Shengyao wore a cold face, saying, “The current general manager of Heims Hotel is the son-in-law of the chairman. It’s said he was the lobby manger before the hotel was completed. And then the chairman’s daughter fell for her, and soon they got married.”

Now I took a tumble, “No wonder right after he took office, he would advocate of eliminating all feudalistic superstition and claim not to believe in any ghost stories. That’s because he felt guilty of it.”

Tang Mingli said, “Now is not the time for this. What we should do now is try to get out of here.”

I thought for a moment, then said, “I’ve got an idea. I don’t know whether it’d work. But we can have a try.”

They both looked at me surprisingly. I took out seven peach nails and a hammer out of my bag and then came by the stairs, and said, “I’ve ever learnt a little magic skills from a master, which is specially used to deal with the Ghost’s Trap. I don’t know whether it works on this ghost’s space.”

Speaking of which, I transmitted a tiny stream of the spiritual qi from my body into the hammer and the nails, and then hammered the nails into the ground.

Although it was cement floor, it turned out to be as soft as the soil. And I hammered all the nails in easily. The two of them were both dumbfounded, especially Yin Shengyao. I could tell he was wondering how I did it.

I pinned all the seven nails according to the position of the Big Dipper, and then smeared some cinnabar on those peach nails. After having done all these things, I was nearly worn out, with sweats all over my forehead.

Tang Mingli handed me a handkerchief. I smiled at him and said thank you. I didn’t know why. But Yin Shengyao seemed a little unhappy. But he was always wearing that cold face. Even with that goddamn cute face, he was still a facioplegia.

After I dissed him, I made a gesture according to the pamphlet Lord Zhengyang gave me, and chanted, “Lord Fude is sacred. He is shielding the folks and all passers-by. The night road is too dark. Please enlighten us. “

And once I finished those words, the seven peach nails were all lighted, shining with white light towards the corridor ahead.

If it was the Ghost’s Wall, once the ray of light shone on it, it’d be dispersed immediately.

But now the white light was totally gone. It was still that corridor on the 18th floor but not stairs.

My face turned all pale. It didn’t work at all.

Yin Shengyao sneered, “I thought you are really something, but it turns out to be a joke.”

He words really made me upset. This man not only was ruthless, but also had a sharp tongue.

Tang Mingli said, “How about you do it?”

Yin Shengyao cast a glanced at him, saying nothing. Thumbs-up for Tang Mingli.

Before we came back to the room, I took a glance at the bullet screen. A viewer called East Wind Blowing got my attention.

[Camgirl, I’m from Shancheng City. I know that hotel and I’m already arrived. Don’t you worry. I will save you.]

And then he rewarded me a crown.

[That’s a real hero. Come on. Try to be a hero! And bring the camgirl home.]

[Amazing, dude. You have my knees.]

East Wind Blowing had another live comment.

[Haha, see how I win the beauty’s heart.]

I smiled bitterly. If he knew what I looked like, I bet he wouldn’t come.

We went back to room 1814. The body was still there, looking very creepy. Tang Mingli pulled a sheet and covered it, then said, “Let’s go to room 1812. It’s uncomfortable staying with a corpse.]

Uncomfortable? It scared the shit out of me.

And the moment we turned around, the body on the floor suddenly moved.

It stood up slowly covering the white sheet.

Yin Shengyao got startled. He turned around and threw a kick at the corpse, which was blown away for a few meters.

The white sheet slipped down, and there appeared a gloomy and ghastly face, and there was deep cyan purple scar on its neck.

She used her hands as claws and tried to scratch us. Yin Shengyao then threw a side kick on her head.

I had to admit he looked really manly when he threw kicks.

“Move!” Tang Mingli cried. And then we three rushed out of the room. And the female ghost chased after us, with her fingernails glittering in the dark.

Yin Shengyao immediately closed the door. The doors of the hotel all used instant locks. We could hear the scratching sound from inside.

Now we felt much relieved. We could only go to room 1812. When I just sat, I felt something was not right of my stomachache. I wanted to poop.

Was it because of the barbecue we ate tonight?

I hesitated a bit and said to Yang Ming by the ear, “I wanna poop. Can you come with me?”

Now the bathrooms of the two rooms were connected now. I didn’t want the female ghost to swoop in while I was pooping.

“No problem.” After he said that, Tang Mingli took a look at Yin Shengyao, with total mockery.

Yin Shengyao frowned but didn’t say a word.

Even the bathroom of a five-star hotel was quite extravagant. There was even a small sofa in it. While I was pooping, the small sofa was back on to me. So he couldn’t see me.

I felt quite relieved. And after I pooped for a while, I received a message. It was East Wind Blowing’s friend request. I passed him immediately.

I received a voice message from him saying, “Camgirl, I am East Wind Blowing. Can you hear me?”

“Yes,” I replied quickly.

East Wind Blowing’s voice was a little shaking, like he was extremely frightened.

“Camgirl, I’m on the 18th floor. I meet someone here. I guess he is also looking for you.”
“Who is it?” I’m a little confused.

“Don’t freak out if I tell you.”

“Cut the crap. Get to the point. Come on.”

After keeping silent for a few seconds, he said, “Camgirl, I saw Tyrant.”

I was freaked out and nearly threw my phone away.

I raised my head slowly and stared at Tang Mingli who was sitting back to me. East Wind Blowing should be on the real 18th floor. But if the man he saw was Tang Mingli, then who was the man before me?

“You…Are you sure?” I texted East Wind Blowing in case of him hearing me.

East Wind Blowing said, “I have told Tyrant…”

Before he finished his words, Tang Mingli snapped his phone and said, “Junyao, where are you?”

It was Tang Mingli for real!

My hands were shaking, while Tang Mingli asked anxiously, “I called to tell you I was not available tonight. Why did you do it alone?”

My legs turned to jello! I texted, “When did you call me?”

Tang Mingli said, “At 7 a.m.. And you said you know. I heard you got a situation, so I came here right away.”

My hands were shaking even harder. I had never ever received a call from him, which meant this Tang Mingli was a fake one from the very beginning.

It got me goose bumps all over!

So I had been with a ghost for so long?

“Junyao, are you OK?” This Tang Mingli before me slowly got up. I felt like I was freezing, but I still tried to stay calm, “Yeah, I’m OK.”

I put on my pants and looked at him. Whether his looks or his manner, he was totally another Tang Mingli.

Was he really a ghost?

Wait! What East Wind Blowing said may be not true. Maybe it was a trap.

It should confirm it myself.

I guided the spiritual qi into my eyeballs as the pamphlet said, and looked at him again.

And it nearly scared me to death. The guy standing before me was a female ghost wearing a bluish face with a rope around her neck.

I tried all I could to hold my fears and ran out of the bathroom. Then I saw Yin Shengyao, and then I had a plan. I pretended to get stumbled. When he stretched out his hand to hold me, I wrote a few words in his hand.

“He is a ghost.”

And then I quickly slipped a blade smeared with cinnabar into his hand.

Yin Shengyao’s eyes glittered, but immediately he pushed me away and said in a cold voice, “Keep your legs. Women are always so bothering.”

I twitched my mouth. Then I plucked up all my courage and said to “Tang Mingli”, “He is sick of women. He must be gay.”

The fake Tang Mingli laughed. Yin Shengyao stiffened. He squinted at me, with all coldness in his eyes, making me shiver down the spine.

I opened the refrige. There were all kinds of beer, and a few bottles of red wine. I got one and said, “Would you like a drink? To ease down.”

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