House of Amarin

Chapter 48 – Suddenly Famous

In an underground room, Kafka was having a meeting with all the leaders of the Misfits, except Sion and Ceiline. He was alone, not wanting his followers to hear what they were discussing. Aurora was already up and moving around; her face was still flushed, and she was having a fever but nothing that she would complain about, taking it way better than Koa did.

"Let me introduce myself," he started when everyone was present, "My name is Kafka Lapuris, first in line for the throne of the Cetrine Empire."

"Oh!" Lia blinked her eyes as it was an empire south of the Amarins' territory. It was an independent force on the continent, situated right between the House of Amarin and the House of Ro. Lia read about them because their Empire is one that borders Lake Tachati, where her mother once obliterated the Firebird guild for seriously hurting her dad.

"Um…" Koa looked at her, as she was not so versed in either geography or history.

"It is the first time that Cetrine approaches any of the Houses." Aurora wrote after rolling her eyes at Koa.

"I wouldn't have done it if not for my younger brother." Kafka continued, "He is still back home. He had not the talent to come to the Academy and to keep in the fight for the throne; he invited masters from House Ro to… educate himself."

"I see." Aurora caught on immediately.

"I just don't want us to become too close to any of your Respected Houses. We are an empire, yes, but the duty of subordinate territories is harsh."

"Understandable," Lia said, surprisingly calm, speaking in a well-mannered posture and with a cool voice, reminding Aurora of how Reyra acts when attending official meetings with messengers, diplomats, and royalties. Lia's current, collected, and mature presence drew a smile onto her red, fever-stricken face. "All our subordinate kingdoms are required to produce soldiers for our army and dedicate resources to battle the Undead."

"Which is why I have nothing but respect towards those who do it." Kafka said, looking into her mismatched eyes, "But my… Our Empire is not ready to do that. We are only 400 years old, and our resources wouldn't meet the demands. No matter the benefits, it would suck us dry in only a short century!"

"We don't take that much from our vassals…." Aurora furrowed her brows.

"I meant the people." Kafka sighed, "Many would be sent to fight and die. Fewer people to work, fewer people to produce, fewer people to reproduce, less wealth for a nation, and so on and so on. Those powers who are thousand years old can sustain themselves. We are too young for that responsibility."

"No wonder you were made a crown prince…." Lia smiled as she said, leaning forward in her chair, putting her hands on the simple, rounded clay table they were sitting at, and resting her chin atop her hands. "I don't know about how the House of Ro deals with their subordinates. It is not our place to speak of that."

"They are… strict," Kafka said, shifting in his seat a little, feeling a bit nervous speaking about a House so openly. "Any kingdom coming under their name must surrender 30% of their yearly yields. Not money!" He hurriedly added, watching their faces, "Raw resources and every talented mage are to be drafted into their army for 5 to 10 years before they can return home. I don't want to fall into a position like that! My ancestors worked hard to just get where we are now!"

"So… we are going to play the role… of?" Lia asked, smiling softly, many ideas swirling in her mind already.

"A House never invades another's territory." Kafka said, speaking to her directly, "They can be only invited in. Like vampires of old legends." He let himself joke a little, making Lia laugh, "My little brother is doing just that right now. I know who you are, and if I want to keep my home independent, I need connections."

"Oh? So you don't want to invite us in, just like your brother?" Lia raised her eyebrows, and Kafka shook his head.

"I'll deal with it when I ascend the throne." He replied confidently, "I just want someone who I can ask help from if the House of Ro becomes a little bit pushier."

"Friends can support each other!" Lia grinned at him in answer.

"That is true." Kafka nodded slowly, "I'd be honored to call anyone a friend here."

"Friends are made over time," Koa spoke up after remaining silent for so long.

"Yes." He agreed without flinching, "Sadly, it is my last year here, and I will soon graduate. I am also aware that we got off the wrong foot with what Olivia made us do. I am not here to look for excuses. I am in support of the Six Houses; I just don't want to force MY people into something they did not choose themselves. Something that they are not ready for!"

"I can respect a leader like that!" Lia clapped, smiling, her eyes clearly twinkling. "We can go and have some fun after the competition is over!"

"I won't say no to that!" Kafka smiled, a bit surprised at how easygoing the direct descendants of the Amarins seemed. Even if Aurora had been watching him since the start, barely blinking her eyes. "And there is another thing!"

"Hm?" They asked in a union.

"Soon, many of the current Student Council will be graduating. They will name students as candidates to fill the empty seats. I want to nominate one of you." He said, looking mainly at Lia.

"As a 1st-year student?" Koa asked, surprised.

"By that time, you won't be~" He winked, and Lia stood up.

"Ahahaha, sure!"

"Eh?" Everyone flinched, even Kafka, as he did not expect her to agree to it so readily. Not even asking what one has to do if chosen to have a seat on the Council.

"Being nominated and then chosen would further anger that bitch!" Lia explained, not knowing what had happened yet, "And being a Student Council member would ensure we can operate peacefully! I told you! I want us on the top by the end of school! What is higher than any list? Being on the Student Council! Nyahahahaha!"

"Geez…" Koa shook her head with a smile.

"Well… That was quick." Kafka chortled, leaning back. "I'll nominate you then."

"Shouldn't it be Koa?" Lia asked, "I'm still only at the 3rd Tier…."

"And you beat Olivia."

"Well, she beat herself…." She murmured, thinking about it, but then just shrugged, shaking her head, "Whatever! Okay! This should be interesting! Mom always said, some pressure could help find ways forward!"

"I'll support your group, of course." Kafka added, "When the competition is over, I'll speak with my two friends in the Council and introduce them to you. Don't worry about Olivia's possible revenge plots! They won't come to fruition!"

Nobody knew at that moment that it would not happen at all, as Olivia was already dead by the time they had their meeting underground.


When the yearly Egg Hunt ended, it created a storm not seen in the Institute of Eight Elements for hundreds of years. The first news of Olivia's group getting knocked out spread like wildfire. When they also learned that Palvina and Olivia had left the Academy, the flames fanned so high that everybody was talking about it. Some thought there was some kind of conspiracy going on; some were celebrating, saying she got what she deserved and she couldn't handle her ego being hurt like that. Whatever the real reason was, the name of Misfits was well known by all students and people living on the island.

When the results were announced, displaying that the Misfits earned 1st place, ending up with four eggs in the end, their names were etched into everyone's mind. Many who withdrew their applications before, learning they would participate in the Egg Hunt, could do nothing but curse their cowardice. When they learned that Olivia had left the Academy, Kafka couldn't hide his shock. He, of all people, did not expect anything like that to happen. No wonder the Student Council called for an emergency meeting right after ending the competition. For the Misfits, it came as a disappointment as the sisters truly wanted to rub it under her nose this time.

Yet after getting back to their tower, it was quickly forgotten, and they had a party going on until the next day, sleeping through that thoroughly. When they attended classes again, they finally realized everyone knew their name… and not their family name. The fact that they were Amarins remained a secret, and nobody mentioned it at all. Some questions were thrown around, but as asking for others' backgrounds was looked down upon, nobody pressed them when they refused to give a clear answer.


"Haaah…" Reyra sighed softly, coming out from a dark and foreboding underground, greeted by the hot sun burning the sandy dunes around her. She was in the middle of a desert, belonging to the House of Ro, and she had been exploring a restricted dungeon for the past months, cut off from the outside world. "There are truly pockets of sub-realms hidden down there… but all was nothing but nests for Undead." She said, speaking loudly, looking at the blue sky.

"Many are trapped down there." A voice answered as the leader of House Ro, Dalal, appeared from nowhere. "That is why we closed it down and patrol the area constantly. Both up here and underground."

"I trimmed their numbers a little!" Reyra continued, cracking her neck with a tired yawn, "You should send in experts more often! There were at least a dozen intelligent ones! Don't let them evolve!" She warned Dalal with a cold voice, looking at her for the first time.

"We never went that deep." She answered, unbothered by her gaze. "We are not you."

"Hmph. You became soft! I remember reading about your great-great-grandfather bullying mine. Did you lose your spine or what?"

"I wouldn't call competition between cousins bullying."

"Whatever!" Reyra scoffed, ignoring her calm answers. "I got a few messages waiting for me…." She whispered, tapping at her temple as she was mentally receiving hundreds of messages flooding in, all that she missed while being gone underground. "I was gone longer than I expected." She shook her head, feeling a headache coming, "For me, it felt only a week."

"Months. Time is weird down there. Your son probably doesn't even realize he has been missing for so long. For him, it may not even be a day that has passed!"

"Better it is that way." Reyra nodded, flying up in the sky with a pair of milky-white wings. "I need to return! Send a message if something happens!"

"Already going? Don't you want to rest? Bath? Eat something?" Dalal looked at her, watching her questioningly.

"Dalal, I am the Head of my House! I was gone for months!" She grumbled, disappearing on the horizon the next moment.

"Too bad she's not into girls… I love watching that small buttock… Tsk… I wanted to grope her! I do want to bully you!" Dalal murmured, greatly disappointed in Reyra leaving so quickly.

While she was sighing on the ground, Reyra was flying through the air, mentally calling up Kawu.

"Did you find anything?" She asked as soon as the connection was established.

"Nothing." He answered calmly. "His candle still burns lively, so he is healthy at least. The old turtle keeps his eyes peeled. I have been holding up the fort with Parthorn while you were gone. I think he enjoyed it very much so."

"Hah! I bet! Can you tell me the most important news? I am lost in the amount that just flooded my head!"

"Your daughter managed to combine Fire and Water."

"So she did cause trouble- Wait. WHAT?!"

She was already answering before her brain registered what Kawu had said. Her wings, made out of light, suddenly flickered out of existence as her mind short-circuited. Kawu could only hear a loud bang from the other end, then came the coughing.

"You okay?" Her husband asked as if what he said was nothing but a completely regular occurrence.

"Yeah, I'm fine… I just crashlanded… Damn, I hate how sand tastes! Fuck, what did you say!?"

"Our youngest kid combined two opposing elements. Sending over the videos, Lauron transmitted back home."

Watching them, Reyra was sitting in the middle of the burning desert, flabbergasted before she broke out in loud laughter, dancing around like a drunken girl at her birthday party.

"She did it! The little pipsqueak did it! Ahahahaha! YES! Yes, yes, yeeeeeees!"

"Parthon said we should call her back and train her with all of our resources pooled together. I said she should finish school first."

"Good!" Reyra said immediately. "Let her finish school! Don't even dare to bring her back! Let her mature; perfect it! When she can put her experience into words, we can ask her how she did it! Don't dare Parthorn rush her! Tell him to fuck off!"

"I… did, but with softer words," Kawu replied with a sigh, shaking his head, smiling on the other end, happy to hear his wife's voice after long, lonely months.

"I'm coming home! Get the bath ready and choose some toys! Ahahaha, we are going to celebrate tonight! Everything else can wait!"

"Already did. I missed you, Reyra."

"I wanted to hear just that!" She giggled, already back in the air, flying twice as fast, "I will wrestle you all night, my Papa Bear!"

We are nearing the end of the first volume of the Academy Arc and getting ready to start their 2nd year~ I hope you all are enjoying it so far! Their next year is going to focus on magical beasts! Yep~ First year was fitting in and establishing themselves; their second term is going to be a bit more outdoor activities and traveling. On the Island, of course, but don't forget, it is as big as the UK! So there are many places to see!

But first, I'll close their 1st-year and smooth out some things before we jump in~ Hopefully, it will be fun, and you won't feel that they are fillers. That is not my intention :)

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