House of Amarin

Codex of Meriath – The Academy’s Bracelet

Codex of Meriath

Magic Technology

The Bracelet of the Institute of Eight Elements

  • Inventor:

    • Somia Marduk1She was the Headmaster between 2E444 and 2E619, originating from House Marduk, the younger sister of that time's House Leader. She was one of the best Artificers known to Meriath, a title she would be granted even today. Her inventions revolutionized many facets of life, not just in the Academy. 
  • First appearance:

    • 2E466
  • Usage:

    • The only tool a student could ever need while attending school. It was designed to be the multitool that helps geniuses to focus on the most important thing: Improving instead of being bogged down by mundane tasks.2It was upgraded yearly by Somia right until her death in 2E619. It was also the year when the Academy's System 'came to life.' Some rumors say the System is Somia herself. But there is no evidence supporting that theory.
  • Type(s):

    • Bracelet. 3The method of creating one is only known by the Headmasters of the Institute and by House Marduk, holding the original blueprint in their personal vault.

It became one of the cornerstones that propped it up throughout the centuries after it was introduced to the Institute of Eight Elements. In today's age, it is a symbol of the Academy, and every teacher and student is provided with one. What is even more marvelous is that any bracelet, be it newly made or ancient from the time of Somia Marduk4The oldest bracelets usually worn by teachers and masters. The Headmaster's is always passed down to the next, the one that Somia herself wore in the past., only works while it is worn on the floating island5Many tried to smuggle it off. None managed to make it work... or live long enough to enjoy its features. Currently, stealing a bracelet is considered a direct crime against the Six Houses.. Its secrets are many, and they await the curious and the inquisitive to be explored6Many of its functions are fully tied to the Institute. Also, there are weird reports that new features are being discovered some of the time. As if it was added recently. But these were attributed to Somia's old design that still hold secrets today.. Many tried to replicate it, but none managed to do so, not at the same level7Many replicants and fakes are available on Meriath. None work even close to the original but people who never saw or wore one are easily duped.. Many tried to ask the House of Marduk to come forth and let it spread outside of the Institution's grounds, but that request was always denied8What is surprising, that the other Houses always backed them up, saying it should not be made public.. Even centuries later, those who ever had the honor of wearing one still say their own artifact was inspired by its wonders.

This Codex excerpt was written by Authorya Cortyn, your humble historian.

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