How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 11

Chapter 11. First Birthday (6)

Mmm? I remember the time in my previous life when I confronted a tiger with my bare hands in a snowy mountain.....

I was sweating inside and thinking about how to deal with a woman staring at me.

To be honest, it's burdensome because you look at me so intently.

I wish I could say something.

Aren't you old enough to speak? yes?



ah. Come to think of it, I was old enough to not be able to speak.

In the meantime, it was the second princess who took action first, probably tired of confrontation.

Suddenly, he reached out his hand towards me.

A small, soft palm, typical of a child, approached me.

to avoid? I was worried


I sighed and gave up my resistance.

Fetish Fetish.....

From now on, my cheeks have become this princess's toy.

Is it that sticky?

“It’s soft! It's warm!”

That's because the baby has a high body temperature.

Even the youngest princess who messed with me last time, why doesn't everyone keep my cheeks still?

I can't.

Nanny help me!


I gestured to the nanny, who was watching our confrontation with strangely pleased eyes.

18 months old.

If it is the nanny who raised me, I believe that this feeling will be conveyed through my gestures.

“Princess Kania too? The prince seems to like it quite a bit.”

....I don't seem to understand at all.

“huh! cute!”


No, it didn't go well at all.

In her eyes, it seems that there is nothing more than two children playing around.

I'm sure you'll be very happy.

Then, this time, he suddenly came closer and hugged me tightly.

The scene seemed so cute that I could see the nanny covering her mouth and holding back her screams of joy.

Did you say Kania?

I'm not a doll

I don't know what to say.....

That child's reaction to me now is like that, and I'm a child now, but I'm not sure how to accept it.

I don't feel any malice nor the touch of me.

Considering her age in the first place, she seems to be about seven years old, and she is at the peak of her curiosity.

It's not like there's a younger brother there, so the baby must be strange.

His eyes are full of curiosity...

And he has other feelings, but it's not unpleasant at all.

....Anyway, children are annoying to deal with.

At a time like this, I, as an adult, should show my service spirit.

At least she looks after me because she is my sister.

That's how I gave up resisting Kania-sister's hand, prepared for my cheeks to swell.

* * *

Time flies without a big deal, and I'm already 30 months old.

If you have half a year more, you will already be three. Time flies.

When I was in need of money for a long time, I was anxious about when I would grow old, but I have become enough to live on to a certain extent, and I do

not want to grow old again.

Today, I blankly looked up at the sky and murmured.

“Are you floating?”

Well, this guy's tongue still has a long way to go.

Reading and listening are now perfect, but let's not be young speaking.

The perfection of a man is fluent speech.

After all, even handsome faces lose their shape after a long time.

I believe the tongue will become proficient at least by the age of five.

That's how I was in the middle of useless thoughts, and I was in the middle of the reality.


I heard a little girl shouting slightly angrily from behind.

“???? ah??????

When I turn my head in embarrassment, behind me, a girl with aqua-colored hair reminiscent of a lake, wearing a dress that flutters comfortably, is staring at me.

Who is this?

This is the second princess, Kania, who turned 8 this year.

A year ago, after Pinelia, the third-ranked concubine, visited her mother to apologize for the previous embezzlement, the number of times she saw the princess strangely increased.

Thanks to the friendship between my mother and Pinelia, of course, as a child, I and Kania noona naturally came to play together more often.

Even this princess alone has increased the number of times she comes here to play.

Excuse me, but are you free?

“Arel said he was still young, so I had to come see him!”

Oh is that so?

“So, when Arell grows up, he has to come right away when I call him later. Understand'?”

Where are you already preparing to pamper your little brother?

Anyway, that's why they are sisters.

I've had several older sisters in my past lives, but all the older sisters I've met are like this.

I wonder if he is mistaken for a famous dog that will come running whenever he calls his younger brother.

I wonder if the fact that there are few children in the royal palace to play with her is probably the reason Kania noona visits me on a fictitious day... But if that's the case, what about the

other brothers?

Prince 1 is already old. Putting aside the second one, the rest of the kids don't have much of an age difference.

I was curious about that once before, so I asked with a short tongue.

Why don't you play with other kids?


Then, what about Kania noona? Don't you know anything like that? He shook his head as if he wanted to say something.

“Leonil is not good enough. And hanging out with Meryl is no fun.”

It seems that the 2nd prince and 3rd princess don't have much inclination.

“Compared to that, Arell is really good! Because you are quiet.”

He stroked my hair like he was proud, but let's come.

That's because I'm not yet old enough to rebel.

It's because you don't know what.

When I come to the rebel period, it's really cool, right?

It would be like riding a dark horse and galloping through the royal road without hesitation.

In any case, he seems to like the fact that I'm still a baby who can't even resist.


“Come on! Arel! Today we are going over there to play!”

Thanks to Kania-noona hugging me and lifting me up, I'm having a hard time today.

sister? Isn't it about time you realized that babies aren't very mobile?

“New Nyaa! get over it! grow up!”

I struggle and manage to keep my balance because I feel like I might fall any moment.

If I put my mind to it, I should be able to pick up Kania and fly around. Right now, I am only showing the physical abilities of an ordinary baby.

“Miss Kania. That's why Arel is hurt. I will take care of Arel.”

In the end, the lady-in-waiting who was watching over us approached and rebuked Kania-sister, and compromised by carrying me in her arms instead.

phew thank you pretty girl?

It wasn't our handmaid who hugged me, it was the exclusive handmaid taking care of Kania noona.

However, unlike ordinary ladies-in-waiting, she wears a thin sword at her waist and her movements are unusual.

Even if you hold me, the center of gravity is not disturbed at all.

Is it a maid and escort?

It's not just her.

All the maids serving Kania's older sister or concubine Pinelia were only heroines.

I've never seen her actual skills, but even the lady-in-waiting who's holding me now is quite a master.

At least, wouldn't it be enough that even if all ten of the young knights and soldiers guarding my house attacked me, I wouldn't be able to defeat them?

I guessed so.

Umm... No matter how good Kania's family is in martial arts, isn't the difference between my family and Kania's family too much?

Could this be a bit dangerous?

While thinking seriously for a while. At some point, we arrived at one of the flower gardens in the concubine.

“Come here! Leia! Drop Arel down!”

No... can't we just hold her in her arms all day today?

However, this lady-in-waiting could not dare to disobey her master, saying that her rank was a gangster.

My vision went down smoothly.

“Arel-nim is still young, so it’s best not to play dangerous games.”

What I mean is, there was a time when Kania noona tried to force me to sprint under the pretext of training me to walk, and the two of us fell and rolled together.

At that time, I subtly used mana to help both of them not get hurt, but they usually get hurt.

Well, if it's Kania noona, won't you get seriously hurt?

Perhaps because of her active personality, this girl never sits still.

At an age when people are already curious, the worst element of a child's tireless stamina is fusion.

That's why I'm being dragged around without letting go of my mind.

I don't hate active girls.

Rather, it is pleasing to watch.

I just don't want to be in a position to run around.

Be honest, sister.

Were you a beagle or something similar in your previous life?

There was a time when I was really an animal or a divine beast.

hmm? Could it be?

Kania noona seems to have a natural athleticism, and even in a dress like that, she runs around just fine.

It's really good that you don't fall.

He obviously has a knack for moving his body.

Now, if it looks like an accident, the ladies-in-waiting will catch it, but I can assure you that after about 5 years, the people around you will wake up and suffer.

And I must be on that list of people to suffer.

“Arel? what shall we play?”

Does that question reflect my opinion?

I tilted my head and said my wishes.


You are the mother and I am the father.

And Dad will lie down on the weekends and watch TV all day.

“Eh... I hate playing house. Allel is so weird. You're a boy, why would you want to do that?”

I ask like it's strange.


That's the least stamina-consuming.

To be honest, I'm too shy to play house, so I don't like it.

However, I suggested it for my full stamina and because it is cumbersome to move.

But it seems he doesn't like it.

I shake my head.

“That’s what girls do.”

Have you ever forgotten what you are wearing?

Apparently, Kania-sister didn't seem to have much interest in playing house, looking at flowers, listening to music... which is common for aristocratic girls.

“Meryl only touches music and brushes every day.”

Meryl, the third princess mentioned earlier, is a girl whose tension is polar opposite to that of older sister Kania.

There are times when I think that it would be better if the two of us fused together and split it in half.

“ah! Come to think of it, I saw older brother Kyle swinging a sword!”

I suddenly changed the topic as if I had an idea.

Should I say it's childish to change your mind quickly...

“Chai Yung?”

“huh. You just beat down the knights, right? I mean like this!”

Kania noona is Eight! Eight! Pretend to wield a sword.

It was probably trying to imitate Kyle's movements.

It was the lady-in-waiting who was troubled by that appearance.

“Come to think of it, there was a time when you suddenly disappeared the day before yesterday and made it difficult... Did you sneak into the training ground again?”

Hey again? I lament the feeling of doing it.

It seems like a habitual offender. I understand how you feel.

With sympathy, I said, ‘Tta! ‘Tap!' and tapped the maid's calf with the palm of her hand.

Don't get me wrong, this is not sexual harassment.

“But I can’t let everyone go.”

Kania's older sister puffs out her cheeks in protest as if it's unfair, but the lady-in-waiting shakes her head resolutely.

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