How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 140

There is a succession rule for the eight major planetary legions of the Federation - when the former legion leader leaves office, he is allowed to nominate one to three candidates he approves, and the final appointment is decided by the military department and the parliament.

And if it is a wartime, as long as no more than one-third of the people in the legion object, the appointment does not even need to be approved by the parliament and the military department.

The people in the Central Star District, especially the Azure Engineering Academy, are not easy to eat. They soon discovered that the external communication of the Capital Star District was cut off.

Something happened, and it must be something big.

Fortunately, the authority in the command system has its own set of encrypted channels. Veteran generals like Liu Huan will be reactivated in an emergency. When the Azure Engineering Department and the Federal Military Department granted him the authority, he accidentally saw the first army. Permissions have been changed.

Someone responded very quickly: "Has Admiral Vermeer already..."

Compared with Rennes who was promoted through special channels, Lin Jingye's experience may be even more irreproducible.

Even the dean of the School of Engineering was a little surprised: "It is not unimaginable for Admiral Weimer to die for his country, but he actually chose your child as his heir in the end. This is really beyond my expectation."

"If he doesn't choose my child, who else can he choose?" Liu Huan didn't say anything more.

The head of the First Legion changed during the war, and the news would naturally be announced to the public.

This news was announced during the evening news. Mrs. Lin, who was cutting the steak, was stunned, and the youngest son had already turned the voice to the maximum.

"It's Big Brother!" He screamed louder than the volume of the TV, and directly shook Lin Lu, who was hiding in the room and pretended to be deep, so that he rolled and crawled down.

He stood at the stairs, listening to the words in the news blankly.

"...the Federation's first beta general..."

"...A legion commander from a civilian background, No. 1 in the Azure Military Academy..."

The news also included a comparison video, which was exactly Lin Lu's rhyming roar in an interview a few years ago: "...what's the future of being a soldier, isn't it just delivering couriers!"

For a while, the mother and son at the table turned their heads to look at Lin Lu.

Lin Lu rubbed the back of his head and walked upstairs in silence.

"Where are you going? It's time to eat." Mrs. Lin looked at the obviously guilty Lin Lu, smiled gently and decently, raised her fork, and tapped twice on the goblet.

Lin Lu walked back silently and disheartenedly, and sat down at the table.

"Mom, should we celebrate with our elder brother?" The youngest son blinked his starry eyes. The two elder brothers are both on the front line. The elder sister also went to a full-time residential college because of her studies. Of course, Mrs. Lin can guess his little brain. What Li was thinking was nothing more than bringing his brothers and sisters home for a party.

She touched the top of her son's head and replied, "When your brother returns victorious, we will celebrate right away."

Although there was a trace of well-disguised worry hidden in her gentle smile.

Alarms sounded one after another in the capital sector.

The energy mine of the Lin family is not the only energy supply in the capital star area. It is mainly responsible for civilian energy. Before the Lin family came out with Lin Jingye, Lin Lu racked his brains for so many years and never really mixed into the upper core circle, so the military industry The energy used has nothing to do with the Lin family.

So this turned out to be the only surviving energy station.

The battle between Ren and Chu Rong is real, because Chu Rong cannot retain too much humanity in order to avoid the monitoring of the echo network. Only when Ren finally dismantles the echo unit and ignites the battery fluid to create a shielding position, Chu Rong really woke up from the long black nightmare of more than twenty years.

Although this was calculated by her, she still had mixed feelings. Renn got her on the battleship, and of course he would not let the energy station be destroyed.

Therefore, private energy has not been substantially affected.


"General Liu, something has happened!"

Liu Huan, who was assigned to guard the capital during the war, received eighteen red alerts in just two hours.

"The c-4 energy station was invaded by a virus, and the system was automatically locked!"

"The d91 energy station encountered a mechanical failure. Thanks to the quick response of the engineering department, the explosion only blew up half of the pipeline..."

Mechanical explosions, virus invasions, and system bugs, although not all of them were successful, but the frequent accidents in a short period of time made the military energy of the entire capital star area urgent.

"Come prepared." Liu Huan concluded, "If something goes wrong, the capital guards will step up their defenses against the military headquarters and the parliament, as well as Dean Li, Wei Lan and the first military academy, starting from the sophomores, and all members will go into battle to prevent invasion. To the echo unit on the surface of Saltian!"


This is not well-prepared - Li Jiang in the channel said indifferently: "This is a rebellion."

"A mere omega young master from the Weimer family, how can he have such great power?" Liu Huan frowned, "It's the second and third legions staying on the capital planet. What's the schedule today?"

The dispatch room quickly replied: "Echo traces were found on the edge of the Ninth Sector, close to Admiral Ferditz's defense zone. The Third Legion has gone to clean up the Ninth Sector. Now the Second Legion is staying behind."

"Second Legion?" Liu Huan thought.

Li Jiang: "Ordinary legions that don't show mountains and don't show water, have no place to stand out, and are easy to hide dirt."

"Second Legion... Wait, is Major General Kono from the Second Legion?"

Li Jiang: "Who?"

Liu Huan ignored him. A scientific researcher in the rear of Lijiang, of course, did not know the names of those frontlines. In fact, if it was not related to Lin Jing, Liu Huan would not remember this person——

"At that time, the person who had a quarrel with his adjutant named Te He was Maury Kono. He was the one who took the opportunity of promotion and wanted to attack Te He who had been transferred to 927."

Li Jiang: "...Teval, what is the name of your student's adjutant?"

"Well, Lin Jing also publicly admitted that he had done something to that Mori in order to protect Tvar."

Li Jiang retorted: "But he didn't publicly admit that he killed 44 of them alone, did he?"

Liu Huan said: "The case of Mori's murder has been raging for more than half a year. Major General Ko Nuo has never believed that Xing Bandits did something to his younger brother. He has been investigating for more than half a year and threatened to pay back ten times if he catches the murderer."

Li Jiang: "You alphas are all mentally ill, because of something unworthy, do you always rebel if you say you want to rebel against the country?"

"In the past six months, the Kono family and the Benson family have gotten very close."

"Then where the hell did it come from?"

Before Li Jiang got angry, Liu Huan said: "It's impossible to blame Lin Jing, the one who made Renn shoot his head off."

"When did it happen?" Li Jiang was annoyed, "Do you have a notebook of "The Big and Small Things My Son Met"? That Tval is too wronged, your enemies have remembered why can't you remember?" hold him?"

Because he is a suspected scum who intends to get close to my little Xingxing...

Although in the end Little Xingxing was touched by a widowed old o.

Liu Huan changed the subject: "...that was the time when he went to rescue Ren."

Li Jiang smashed things over there.

Liu Huan said: "Tell Secretary-General Ansel to let the capital guards control these two families. They don't necessarily want to join Echo, I know, with the behavior of Ren and Lin Jingye, it seems There are too many people who are not pleasing to the eye. It is normal for these two families, which happened to be attacked by them, to unite and secretly engage in some political struggles that are not on the table. Echo utilization."

After boarding the pirate ship, he found that the boss of the ship was Echo, but he couldn't get off.

Thirty light-years into the Capital Sector, the First Planetary Corps came face to face with a force marked by radar as Federation troops.

Lin Jing also had quick eyesight and quick hands. Before he even had time to issue an order, he raised his hand and opened the flagship's shield. The entire fleet received the flagship's signal and reacted extremely quickly. The next moment, the artillery bombardment landed on the barrier.

Haili was furious, and asked in the channel: "Federal Legion, why did you attack your friendly troops for no reason?"

Lin Jing also raised his hand to stop her: "It's not the Legion of the Federation, only the leading flagship is a Federation warship, and the ones behind are all fake."

Hailey was taken aback.

The mixed fleet of Sword of the Vault of Heaven and the First Legion spread out quickly, and changed formation in just a few breaths. Lin Jing didn't even give the opponent a reaction time, and brazenly ordered to fire.

The main gun of his own starship didn't even wait for his own shield to be recovered, it directly smashed his own shield and sent it out.

Obviously, the enemy did not expect it either.

The main cannon was like a thousand shooting stars, and a sea of ​​flames suddenly exploded in the sky.

Lin Jing didn't hesitate, and quickly ordered: "Go around, don't fight, go to the energy station!"

The energy of the entire fleet has already bottomed out. Lin Jing is also very good at using resources in the pursuit and advance of the front line, and in the later igniting of gaseous planets and long-distance travel, which does not mean that he can create resources out of thin air.

His fleet needs refueling.

"Lin... Brother Jingye..."

In the current sound of communication, a slightly distorted sound came.

Lin Jing also twitched his brows slightly.


In front of his fleet, another fleet composed of echo small battleships appeared there.

The communication video came on, and the scene on that side surprised everyone in the First Legion.Of course, they all met Young Master Wimmer.

The most popular omega that once claimed to have captured countless alphas on the Capital Star, now has more than half of its body covered in iron-gray machines.

The traces are still fresh and seem to have happened only recently.

Lin Jing also looked at him, and Frasch also looked back. He raised his mechanical right hand, made a comparison, and said, "Brother Jingye, we are the same now."


There was a sound of vomiting, and the members of the First Legion joined the pompous vomiting army created by Aoke and the others without a teacher.

Frasch's face suddenly darkened.

Lin Jing also sighed softly, with a little regret in his eyes.

"Brother Keiya, don't worry, the ones don't hurt, I can make them look better, if not before..." He gritted his teeth. result.

No one can stop me!Frasch thought angrily, why is his grandfather still trying to stop him at this time!

Lin Jing also looked at him silently, then supported the podium with one hand, and sighed with the other hand on his forehead: "This old man is really calculating, he touches me."

Frasch didn't understand why, the next moment, Lin Jing also raised his head, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"But there is no way, who made me run slowly, and let the old man seize and stuff such a large army. The mess left by the old man, it is difficult to clean up, so let's take it as a gift."

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