How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 28

In the end, the military department officially announced to the public the news of the selection of the No. 18 captain of the Sword of the Vault of Heaven. Ren is not a person who likes power, so the franchised marshal enlistment right in his hand has always been a decoration, so that all parties The forces have forgotten about it.

One who didn't pay attention was caught off guard by Rennes.

As soon as Benson Keane died, everyone's minds became active. It was a position of rotation. It was originally held by Wimmer, but Keen died after being executed by the marshal. Mou tried his best to win this position, after all, it is no one else's fault that your car overturned.

A row of elites were ready to go, but Ren suddenly came up with a selection, which stunned everyone.

The selection is the selection, each family secretly gritted their teeth, their own elites are not without strength, and the selection is better than Weimer directly inserting another one!

This was considered a grand event, and soon the Queen of the Federation issued an edict in person, announcing that she would be present as the supervisor of the competition, and the main venue of the competition was set at the Azure Military Academy.

The fearless reporter blocked the federal marshal at the Weilan gate, and hurriedly rushed forward, the microphone almost slammed into his mouth.

"My lord marshal, what form will this assessment be conducted in? Will it be broadcast live on Xingwang?"

Ren: "Hey? Can it be broadcast live?"

Reporter: "Of course! This year is the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Federation Voyage Corps. Everyone wants to know how our military power is now. Usually, the public doesn't have many opportunities. It's not like the military-themed TV series filmed last year were all overwhelmed." It's unrealistic!"

Ren: "That's really unrealistic. Our starship is a battleship, not a saw. We can't drive over and cut the enemy ship in half. Also, even if I wear an exoskeleton, I can't do it by hand." Starship!"

Reporter: "Yes, yes, artistic creation can't be so outrageous, so you can see how good the opportunity is this year. Our XXXX live broadcast network can provide full-length high-definition live video without lag..."

Ren: "Yes, you can talk to the secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior."

Reporter: "Okay, thank you Marshal. Then, is this assessment based on guesswork, divided into written tests and military tests?"

Ren frowned: "Written test? Choosing a starship captain is not a literary award. You only need the main gun to communicate with the enemy, and you don't need a pen."

——The assessment is only based on combat, not on theory.

It also looks like the style of the sword of the sky.

But when the interview was broadcast, Lin Jing also quietly said: "Marshal, the captain of the starship does not need a pen."

Ren: " are on vacation now, and you are my full-time writer."

Lin Jingye: "Oh, can you settle the fee for writing the speech?"

Ren: "..."

He really fumbled in his pockets for a long time, as if he was looking for something, Lin Jing also watched him turn over every pocket, and after turning over the ones on his body, he went to look for the coat hanging by the door.

After a while, Ren suddenly said, "I seem to have given you my salary card a long time ago. I said why can't I find it."

Lin Jing also raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Then he slowly rolled up the sleeve of his right hand, exposing the mechanical arm. His left hand somehow touched a hidden mechanism at the elbow joint, and then the platinum-gold mechanical shell moved sideways, revealing an invisible groove, and he picked it up from inside. Get a golden crystal card.

"This is... your salary card?" Lin Jing was also a little surprised, "How could you just throw it to me?" It seems that Renn threw it casually when he joked about compensating for the glasses. He thought it was Just teasing him props.

Ren waved his hand indifferently: "Put it back, your arm looks very safe."

Lin Jing also looked numb, watching as Ren snatched the card, inserted it back into his arm, and snapped the cover into place with a click.

Lin Jingye: "Take it easy, there are still a few miniature bombs inside."

Ryan: "Oh."

Lin Jingye's mechanical arm extends all the way to the joints, and the entire right arm is completely missing. He lives in Ren's house these days, and Ren has to squeeze in to watch him when he is cleaning and maintaining, and then occasionally takes a bath when he is not wearing his arm The gap in his hand stole his arm.

When he got his arm back the next day, Lin Jing could often clearly feel that this arm is now made of money!

The place where the golden spray paint was sprayed before seems to have been replaced by crystal gold by Ren, which is a special mineral of the Jinling tribe. Those alien friends can create an alloy that looks like gold but is hard and light. The output is very high. Low, and because it is all imported, the cost is very high. Generally, there will be a little bit on the power core of the main starship to protect the core stability.

Lin Jingye made a perfect rococo decoration on his arm with this kind of crystal gold. He raised his hand to his forehead, and suddenly felt that Ren was crying poorly and saying that he would not be able to afford chocolate. It was not necessarily an act.

Money can't be squandered like this.

He thought, Ren's slender hands had already held his wrist, sliding his fingertips on the inside of his arm, slowly sliding across his palm, and finally touching his silvery white fingertips.

"I remade a surface sensor for you, how does it feel?"

His fingertips lightly pressed the other person's fingertips, warm and soft, but when rubbing, the hard calluses on the fingertips occasionally rubbed against the fingertips, and the rough texture brought a slight itchiness.

"This..." Lin Jing also closed his eyes.

Ren asked again: "What did I write in your palm?"

Lin Jing also opened his eyes, and suddenly smiled.

"Hey, don't move, let me take a picture!"

Lin Jing also held back in an instant, and Ren had a disappointed expression on his face.

"Rye Xing." Lin Jing also answered the question just now, "You wrote about Rye Xing. What does that mean?"

Ren sat beside him and smiled: "Well, when I was very young, I asked my mother why the stars are all the same color. It's too monotonous. Can I dye it a color, for example, dye it blue."

Lin Jing also listened, and laughed too. It was really difficult to imagine Renn when he was a child, as if he was born with such an appearance of killing iron and blood.

"Then, how did your mother answer?"

Ren: "She said, you can fly up there and try it yourself."

The depths of those icy blue eyes seemed to be sprinkled with light shards of stars, if stars could be dyed, Lin Jing also thought, it should be this blue.

"So does this name belong to me now?" Lin Jing also asked.

"It's yours. When your starship is finished, call her Dyed Star." Ren laughed, showing his fangs again, "Equivalent exchange, Jingye is completely mine, don't worry about it anymore." Already."

Lin Jingye: "...OK."


The capital, Saltian Star, South District, the villa of the Wimmer family.

Yidi Erte was looking at his own brain, and the light screen was a video of one simulated battle after another. The flickering light and shadow made his cheeks cloudy and uncertain.

"Brother." Fleisch held a teacup and approached cautiously, "Brother, take a rest, your eyes are red. Don't be nervous, too nervous to rest, why go to the selection tomorrow."

Yidi Erte's face is still terribly gloomy, he is still the face of the most gentle Alpha in Capital Star, but now, his expression and gentleness are completely opposite words.

"At that time, you suggested that he take the exam for me!" Idiart clenched his hand on the table into a fist, his knuckles turned white, and it seemed that he might explode in the next second.

"But..." Frasch replied with tears in his eyes and pursed his mouth, "I, I was... brother, your mental strength was unstable in those years, and you have an S rank now, but back then you were only A- , the state is very poor, if you go to the Azure training by yourself, you will definitely be injured."

Alpha's mental power can be increased, but it requires a gradual and continuous training process. Yidi Erte's eyes were gloomy. He admitted that he was too anxious at that time, so he sneaked into the laboratory of Grandpa's base with Frasch and used A strengthening drug that is still in the experiment.

Besides, at that time, he thought that Lin Jing would definitely split into an Alpha. After all, he was so good at fighting that even the old man of the Lin family thought that way. Lin Jingye's original name was Lin Jingye, which was enough to show how ambitious the old man was.

So Yidierte directly set up a set of holographic equipment, and asked Lin Jing to pretend to be him at the critical time, so that Lin Jing could also be his soldier in the future, and let him go to the military academy to learn, also in order to help him fight in the future .

Who would have thought that the energy plan of the Lin family failed inexplicably. Grandpa’s medicine experiment was also shelved because the energy mine could not supply energy smoothly. The Lin family’s failed to differentiate, so he was sent to Turandot by his stupid father to learn management In order to inherit the family business in the future, the name has also been changed.

But how could Idirt Wimmer's partner be a small mining boss?

And this time!Yidi Erte felt his temples twitching, what happened to Lin Jingran, an Omega, was so crazy.

"This time it's all because of you." Idirt reprimanded Fresch, "If it wasn't for helping you fight for the young master of the Ferditz family, would we have been almost discovered? Who knows what happened to those idiots, Are you out of your mind, why do you broadcast live? Are you stupid, just mark it as finished, won’t it be discovered?”

He cursed angrily for a while, dismissed Fresch, and continued to study the video he had saved.

What if the one from the Lin family also successfully signed up... As he thought about it, a message suddenly popped up on his brain.

"Colonel Weimer, it went well. The person surnamed Lin did submit the registration form in the morning, but he has already refused to go back."

Yidi frowned: "You won't be caught, will you?"

The other side was full of confidence: "Of course not, he is physically handicapped. The Third Army rejected him once because of this, which is a reasonable reason. Don't worry."

Yidi Erte nodded: "That's good."

The pressure on his heart has been relieved a lot. If Lin Jing also participates, his style is so distinctive when he fights the simulated battle, like a pack of wolves running thousands of miles straight to the throat of their prey. match……

He admitted that he really couldn't beat Lin Jingye in the simulated battle.

But so what!

Yidi Erte pressed the painful temple, he is an S-level Alpha, the colonel of the Planetary Legion, with him, Lin Jing is no matter how genius he is, he will never want to climb out of the second-line army in this life!


Although the marshal said that everyone can sign up, there are not many people who actually sign up. The audition scene that the public imagined did not appear at all. It is the fleet of the sword of the sky. If you want to go, you have to see if you are real. What's more, Rennes is also known to be crazy internally.

The public can only look at the face, but if they really want to be this kind of person's subordinates, they have to weigh whether they can really afford it.

Of course, there are some people who are brave enough to join in the fun. For example, the cooking class came over with a pot to make a fuss. When registering, they asked the reporter to take two festive photos, but they were obediently turned away, and they really stood on the competition field. , In fact, there are only twenty people.

They are all young and cutting-edge, they are all school officers of the first-line troops, and they are all Alphas above A-level. They stand proudly in a row outside the training ground of the Azure Military Academy. Slowly falling at the end of the red carpet, the guards lined up neatly, and the queen in a retro dress held a scepter and stepped out.

Afterwards, the transport plane with the golden sword and star emblem also landed on the field. There was no ceremony or pomp, and the queen sat down quietly without even speaking.

After all, this is the home field of the Sky Sword.

The marshal in a black exoskeleton jumped off the transport plane first, followed by his adjutants Aisuna and Liu Jun. Follow the veterans of Wren.

After them, the marshal's personal soldiers in the same black armor came out in a neat line.

Rennes' captain is Cecilia, who has a good relationship with the current queen, and is occasionally seconded to the royal guard. Now she is standing beside the queen, and Rennes' guard has changed to a leader.

They were all wearing a full set of exoskeletons, not showing their faces like the officers, so it was impossible to know who the new ones were.

Without any fancy opening remarks, Ryan walked straight to the high platform, and without the need for a microphone, he was able to make the twenty candidates in the venue hear clearly.

Someone from the military department was trying to introduce him to the candidate, but Wren interrupted him.

"I don't want to know their names, I'm too lazy to remember them." Ren overlooked the audience, "I will only remember the one that was last written in the captain's list of Sky Sword."

His voice was unhurried, but it was blazing and flamboyant. He was arrogant because he had this kind of capital, which was the pride he had fused into his bones and blood through fighting among plasma cannons and star debris.

This is the sword of the sky.

Everyone is full of enthusiasm, full of energy, and high morale.

Yidi Erte stood in the field, clenched his fists.

This is his opportunity, a rare opportunity!After this time, no one will look at him with pity, and no one will say behind his back that he has fallen from genius to mediocrity!

Ren has already spoken without any emotion: "The rules are very simple, two assessments, elimination system, the first one is your personal force, and those who pass it will continue to the second one, playing a mock battle, and the questions are randomly selected from the blue system. As for the scoring rules..."

He paused, then raised his chin slightly to the queue next to him.

In the bodyguard, the black-armored soldier who led the team stepped out slowly and stood in the middle of the twenty candidates.

The black figure stood quietly in front of them, like a straight spear, like a gap in the abyss, and the oncoming person was full of cold and chilling.

Twenty young men tensed their muscles subconsciously.These [-] people are also talents of heaven, but in front of this silent figure, they feel a huge threat.

Renn spoke slowly at this moment: "One-on-one, take turns playing with him, and those who haven't lost in 3 minutes are considered qualified."

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