How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 38

When you are really in the middle of the artillery fire, everything changes rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a starship sinks, and an engine goes out in a breath. Almost all reactions must rely on instinct. Yidierte can’t even recall any of the tactics in those videos. .

The disadvantage of the live broadcast is that any small error will be infinitely magnified and played back repeatedly, let alone the first person on the field to be attacked by the examiner.

So the slow motion repeatedly played the dismantling screen of the examiner's long series of difficult moves, so that more ordinary viewers could understand what happened in that second, and the accompanying shot of the Yidierte flagship rubbing back, It has also been extended indefinitely and replayed back and forth.

"This subconscious retreat action, alas, is still young and inexperienced, just throw it into the real battlefield and experience it twice."

"Unless it is confirmed that there is no rear row, how can the main gun fire in salvo..."

"This mistake really should not have been made."

On the high platform, the instructors of Weilan and many generals of the military department were talking in low voices. Most of the instructors of the military academy were veterans who had retired due to injuries or age, and some were young thorns who made some mistakes, and were assigned to be with the brats. Grind for two years.

But these people all have actual combat experience, and they will not be allowed to coach on paper. At present, their views seem to be divided into two parts.

"I don't think it's a mistake. I only brought the flagship of a frigate. In front of a complete fleet, wouldn't that be called having no rear row?"

"It's because the examiner's style of play is too desperate. A slight time difference will cause the rail gun to blow up his own flagship."

"They're all flagships. His posture of the flagship shrinking back is too ugly."

With the flagship jumping in the field, the rail gun entered the cooling down, but the defensive barrier was opened instantly, and the destroyer and drone group that Aoke rushed out were shut inside at once.

Meera: "Hurry up, rush to his flagship!"

After the jump, the flagship was still in a paralyzed state. Aoke didn't need to be reminded, and he jumped on it. Meera and Amanda staggered to attack the cooling rail gun.

"Idilt, you go to defend Oko's flank!"

At this moment, Yidi Erte's hands and feet were still numb, he could hardly think, and his temples hurt as if they were about to explode, so he could only follow Meera's instructions.

"Colonel Wimmer is too nervous." An officer on the high platform shook his head, "The virtual warehouse is all red."

When the virtual warehouse detects that the user's mental strength is unstable, the red light will light up, and it will flash according to the degree of urgency. Although the light is on now, fortunately, it is only at a very slow frequency.

"How can an S-class alpha be so nervous?"

"It's probably because his grades were so good back then, and he didn't have much chance after officially joining the Legion. What do you think, Old Liu?"

The one called Lao Liu was a gray-haired old instructor. His uniform was neat and his chest was covered with military medals. He was over a hundred years old, and he could indeed be called a true veteran in the interstellar era.

This is the chief instructor of the Azure Military Academy, the captain of the main army corps during the battle with Echo 20 years ago. Later, before the Sword of the Sky took over the federal border, he dragged his scarred body and dealt with the rebels on the front line.

Instructor Liu's brows were tightly knit together. Seeing his expression, his peers who dared to call him nicknames just now put away their casual teasing expressions.

"Uh, Instructor Liu, I know this kid is your favorite student, but everyone has a bad state, when he makes a nervous mistake—"

Instructor Liu interrupted with a sneer: "Not in a good state of tension? I want him to understand what it means to be nervous, unless his brain is completely replaced by Eriland Echo!"

When he said this, all the instructors around him also shut up.

Great game on the field, but...

It's really not good to be beaten.

Over there, the fleet that Auke sent out suddenly ran into a small group of enemy troops head-on, and rushed up from the meteorite belt. The number was one-third of Auke's team, but their actions were so powerful that they rushed forward. It can be seen that the commander who gave the order didn't care about the difference in numbers at all, and didn't hesitate for half a second.

"Fuck!" Aoke was still commanding the small troops in the shield, trying to get close to the flagship, but was intercepted by the opponent's small destroyer halfway.

At the gate of the space station, a group of small ships fought against a group of small planes. It was nothing to watch, but it was the closest they were to the examiner's flagship.

"Amanda supports me." Aoke immediately sent out the coordinates of the attack, "My artillery fire can't completely cover the meteorite belt, you come, help me push the enemy into my minefield, and prevent them from converging with the flagship; Mela , you continue to think of ways to break through the defense of the space station!"

Amanda responded immediately, and at the same time made room for Idilt to fill in.

There was a rumbling explosion, and the simulated combat system added sound effects to the projection shown to the audience. It was Aoke's drone group that stopped the examiner's destroyer, and the two destroyers he left alone rammed directly into the rail gun without hesitation.

If he couldn't reach the flagship, he would be sunk by more destroyers than him, and he would definitely not be able to withdraw, so he had to maximize the damage.

The two cooling rail guns were smashed into pieces, and the flames of the wreckage filled the sky.

"This kid is okay." An instructor said.

The wrinkles at the corners of Instructor Liu's mouth were as sharp as knives, and he replied: "What can I do, two destroyers, hundreds of people, it looks like this kid has never commanded a real war."

Although the computer data is fake, the commanders on the battlefield are real. Sometimes some subconscious orders can better reflect the commander's heart.

——Just like the examiner's flagship, before the jump, he grabbed his own frigate first, that was already his instinctive reaction.

That battleship has been judged by the AI ​​to be out of combat power, and it can be thrown away directly, but he didn't.He even considered the retreat plan before the layout. The battleship crashed, but the personnel on the battleship could be rescued.

A frigate will replace a quarter of the enemy's main starship.

So compared with it, the short distance that the Yidierte flagship retreated gave instructor Liu a strange feeling in his heart.

Although the flagship with the star logo is no longer retreating, it has not returned to its place. The rest of the destroyers spread out to fill Amanda's vacancy. The large starships are arranged in sequence, so the entire fleet is separated.

Yidierte quickly set up the layout. Now the four fleets began to suffer battle damage. Even the examiner lost his rail gun and frigate. He tried to calm down. One mistake is nothing, as long as he can win in the end.

He seriously recalled the videos he had watched, the siege, how to maximize the use of artillery coverage to achieve the most economical siege...

Instructor Liu on the high platform raised his thick eyebrows sharply, and for a while he couldn't hold back the pheromone, and ran away on the spot like Admiral Weimer.

What is this doing?

Admiral Fidditz looked at Idirt's formation with great interest: "Hey, this formation is a bit interesting. The firepower of each starship is maximized, and the flying around each other can serve as an opportunity for each other. Make up for the blind spot, it's the first time I've seen it."

The white-haired marshal still looked indifferent and bored, he rolled his eyelids sleepily, and slowly took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket.

"Why, Marshal doesn't feel good?"

Ren: "Okay, the formation itself is perfect, but do you think it is appropriate to use this formation at this time?"

Admiral Ferditz's sense of novelty lasted only half a minute, and soon, she leaned forward and stared in the direction of the planet's halo.

All viewers from God's perspective have seen that the examiner's other troops have entered the main battlefield from all directions, one is entangled with Aoke, and puts on a posture to attract Aoke into the encirclement, and attracts Amanda's main force by the way The troops, the other three detachments, were all behind Aoke.

But a few small destroyers quietly touched the back of Idilt.

Under the violent impact of intensive artillery fire, the shield finally burst open!

"Press up!" Aoke yelled, "Reduce the encirclement, charge all the main guns and prepare, press on the flagship for me, I'm entangled with his support team, you take the flagship, don't let him slip away!"

The encirclement shrunk decisively, and the opponent's flagship was still parked in the port, not knowing what it was doing, as if giving up resistance.

But no one thinks it's impossible.

The tiny photon cannon hit the life-support device of the battleship, and it took several shots in a row to form an effective attack.

Red alarms sounded one after another in Idilt's fleet. He was shocked and looked down at the data on the command platform. In a long series of instructions that dazzled him, he saw that the oxygen regeneration function of several starships was forced to stop. Wire.

No, there is a sneak attack?

Yidi Erte was extremely astonished, how could it be possible, his formation is obviously impenetrable, every inch will be covered by firepower... wait, there is no behind!

He suddenly realized that this formation could not cover the vision behind him. The reason that person used this formation recklessly at that time was because... he was leaning against the atmosphere of the planet!Once the enemy army enters, there will be frictional flames, and his fleet can turn around flexibly in an instant to lock the enemy.

But he ignored that there was an empty door behind him.

"There is a fleet attacking my rear, Meera, support me!"

One by one the alarms were lit up, and Idilt was horrified to find that his entire fleet had suffered almost indiscriminate blows. His battleship scanned around, only seeing light spots on the radar, and every movement of the opponent , seem to be able to accurately expose the loopholes in this formation.

"Idilt, what are you doing, seal the gap! His flagship moved!"

"His main force is coming to attack me!"

The red light in the virtual warehouse suddenly accelerated, and a group of military doctors in charge of observation looked at the data graph. This curve fluctuates, and the normal alpha's susceptible period is not like this. The power is about the same, and the chaos is disorderly.

The enemy is coming, even, they have already entered their own queue!

Yidi Erte felt his hands trembling, but the more he tried to restrain himself, the more he couldn't control himself. Enduring the needle-like pain in his head, he ordered a starship to fire at the place where the enemy appeared .

Then he discovered that after being penetrated by the enemy in this formation covered by full firepower, every time he shelled, his own battleship was included.

Suddenly he remembered the battle the day before yesterday, when the black-armored examiner was cornered by him, he suddenly said to him in such a terrifying and bloodthirsty voice: "It's my turn."

It's his turn.

He wasn't hurt at all, he was teasing me, he's still teasing me!

How, how!

Didn't the cripple at that time make the other side admit defeat and surrender?The one who was beating was a prospective graduate, and I heard that the unlucky senior had applied to repeat the grade after finishing the beating.

Ydirt was furious.

What kind of broken formation is this? It can only bully and bully military school students. It is useless to get the real battlefield, and you don't know how to die!

He became more and more irritable, and the red lights of the virtual warehouse flashed together.

The medical team gathered here, and the team leader hesitated whether to cut off the link urgently. He looked up at the high platform, but Marshal Rennes didn't respond to him, so the medical team didn't dare to act arbitrarily.

This value has reached the point where ordinary soldiers can see the abnormality.The senior medical officers from the Technical Department and Sky Sword quickly entered the field, took over from the ordinary medical team, and began to monitor Idirt's mental fluctuations.

Admiral Vermeer had already rushed into the field from the stands, and was stopped by the guards of the Sky Sword.

The play was still going on, and IDilt became more and more impatient. He felt that he had been humiliated. He was a proud son of heaven, an alpha of S rank. How dare the other party play tricks on him like a cat playing with a mouse!

He immediately gathered the fleet and wanted to attack the examiner's support force with all his strength, but——

A flame suddenly exploded behind Oke, and Meera exclaimed: "How is it possible, didn't Yidierte say that there was a strong attack?"

The formation suddenly became disorganized, and she tried to support, but the formation was cut in half by Idilt, who was crazily withdrawing. The woman immediately cursed angrily, causing a long series of blocking in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that they were watching a joke.

"I take back what I said before. This golden retriever is neither beautiful nor strong. He is just miserable."

Meera decisively turned the flagship, gave up the enclosure that was missing a corner, turned around and immediately supported Aoke.The black fleet group appeared in the field of vision, and Meera judged in surprise that this was three-fifths of the main starship of the examiner!

"Oco retreats, I cover with firepower!"

Auke's flagship turned around immediately, the frigates formed a barrier, and the main artillery bombardment of Meera's formation arrived in time.

The fleet group scattered and dodged in an instant, as if it had been predicted long ago.

At this moment, the examiner's flagship also moved.

He didn't pretend to be dead just now, the audience had already burst into applause - the examiner was transferring personnel just now, he stuffed the scientific research personnel of the entire space station onto the flagship, and also brought the wounded from the frigate.

Seeing this scene, even the officers' seats began to applaud, and the blue instructors couldn't help whispering, trying to recognize who led the students, such a person could not be unknown in the military academy.

"Damn, I don't believe he's not Azure. The people at the First Saltian Military Academy are so scared. They always focus on defense and counterattack in wars. It must be a genetic mutation to teach such a student. This person must be ours! "

Instructor Liu sat on the seat in a daze, not participating in the discussion of his peers.

In his memory, the high-spirited young man stood in front of him, dazzling like a newborn star.

It was the first year of entering the school. According to the tradition of the military academy, he led people to the martial arts arena and beat them severely on the ground. He was a warning to the newcomers, you are still young, don’t think that you are all elites after entering Weilan up.

The boy got up without a word and saluted him.Then in the spring of the second year, the young man who had gradually faded from immaturity took him to the martial arts arena, pressed him to the ground, and gave him a violent beating.

There has never been a precedent for a second grader to beat the chief instructor.

No one knew better than him how crazy this student was. He was like a greedy black hole, desperately trying to learn everything he could.In addition to his own homework, he also audited more than half of the professional classes such as mecha manufacturing and engineering power. He seemed to have missed even the basic medical class. Instructor Liu still remembered that the old woman who was the head of the engineering department knocked on him for a month. office door and asked him to give up the students to the engineering department.

"Go away." He replied proudly at the time, "This is the future general of the Federation."

Eight years have passed.

But in just eight years, there is no way to completely change a person.

He couldn't help standing up, and then saw the white-haired marshal on the high platform with cold eyes, as if he had a substantial killing intent.

Auke in the field yelled: "Idierte, what the hell did you lie about the military situation, the big army is here with me, what are you doing? Push back!"

However, Idilt could no longer hear the voice of the allies, and his fleet was trying to hold together.


"I bet fifty cents that he will run away."

"Run, run, come on, you are the fastest!"

Aoke has no time to take care of him, because the flagship has already lit up the engine.

"Meera, don't worry, let's go around, I'm from—"

A familiar distortion suddenly occurred in the space in front of him.

Meera was stunned: "What's the situation, his flagship jumped?"

The auditorium was also in an uproar.

Jumping in the middle of the battlefield is a taboo, because the distance of the jump is directly proportional to the energy storage time, and the examiner's time is only enough for him to jump from here to the planetary ring.

Just a turn of the head can sink him.

Are you in a panic?Meera turned the muzzle of the gun, and Oke suddenly shouted: "No, retreat quickly—"


The space station exploded.

The dazzling fire covered the starry sky, reflected in Ren's blue eyes, and turned his cold eyes into a layer of warm color again, just like the sun shining on a snow-capped mountain.

Instructor Liu left the table abruptly, ignoring the inquiries of his colleagues behind him, and rushed to the center of the venue.

He saw his little star.

The author has something to say: Marshal: Look, this is my big mandarin duck-eyed beauty, what, oh, can't you see it?Hee hee, I can see it.


[Today's scumbag also wrote an application for quick death, which was rejected by the captain and the marshal at the same time]

Captain (serious): The Weimer family has years of prestige and military achievements, and it cannot be easily shaken by a word or a selection, so we have to be slow——

Marshal: Tell the truth.

Captain: Decompression toys are very fun and I don't want to break them once I play them.

Teacher: Bully my student, you get out of the way, I will tear him up!

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