How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 42

The inner constellation of Hydra.

A giant man-made celestial body with a strange shape, it is independently suspended in the deep space, and its size is not much smaller than the federal capital Star Saartian. The layers of buildings are like giant honeycombs. Even too orderly, without much breath of life.

This is the stronghold of the Hydra resistance organization.

Such a magnificent celestial body cannot be achieved in one generation, it has gone through hundreds of years.Hydra is not a star region suitable for human habitation, and there is not even a planet with a less harsh climate that can build settlements, but the first generation of rebels has no more choices.

Tenacious human beings just built a safe haven in deep space.

Beta workers wearing numbered uniforms walked in the streets, engaged in assigned jobs according to their age, gender, and family background, in order to maintain the operation of this huge space station.

Commander Langdon stood in a high watchtower, overlooking the busy but orderly city through the glass windows.His adjutant Callis suddenly rushed into the door with the expression that his head had just hit the wall.

Langdon put down his teacup, and said coldly, "Could it be that the person surnamed Chu hit the door? It's worth your excitement?"

Callis hurriedly stood at attention, and handed over a light screen in his hand: "Your Excellency, Commander, we finally found it."

"Oh?" Langdon turned around immediately and strode forward to take the documents.

"The number of federal second-line troops is huge, and there are so many small captains that no one pays attention to, so this information is really difficult to get. We also spent a lot of effort to find clues from traders in the free zone and Xingkou. "

Langdon lowered his head, and there was an ordinary ID photo on the screen. In the photo, the black-haired young man lowered his head slightly, wearing a pair of ugly glasses with thick black frames, black contact lenses and long bangs Langdon stared at the photo for a long time before matching this man with the sharp and dazzling young man in his memory who looked like a gorgeous sharp knife.

He choked out a sentence:

"How do you dress yourself up so...ordinarily?"

He pulled down the file, and then he realized why the adjutant had just swallowed an asteroid.

"Lin Jingye, civil servant, beta?" Langdon was taken aback. "Is he a beta? Isn't he a fake? Is the information reliable?"

The information in that document is very vague. There are not [-] to [-] civilian beta captains in the second tier of the Federation. Originally, no one paid special attention to them.

"In the past three to five years, the larger star bandit groups have all mentioned a mysterious starship of the Federation, which acts alone and disappears. The commander's style of play is even more weird. In her hands, all the supplies and armaments were swept away, and the starship was referred to as 'ghost'."

It's all star bandits who rob others, so I didn't expect a special robbery star bandit to appear suddenly.

Later, the star bandits also gradually figured out the rules. Those star bandits who only robbed wealth encountered "ghosts", then the other party only needed to be armed with supplies. If they were notorious for burning, killing and looting on weekdays, the "ghosts" often passed by without leaving a single piece of armor.

It made many star bandits become polite when they broke the law.

Callis flipped the screen and turned to the next page of information: "Until a mercenary organization in the free zone received an entrustment from a certain gold master on the capital planet, asking them to remove the captain of a transport ship, they were pretending to be Cheng Xingkou attacked, but who knew that the other party might be a 'ghost'. It was a federal supply ship, hull number 927, the captain's surname was Lin, beta, and several teams sent by the mercenaries were all wiped out, and the support also suffered heavy casualties. , their boss thought that the people from the capital through the black market were fake money owners who colluded with the transport ship to destroy them, so they ran away with money, and they still wanted to place an anonymous order from the capital. People dug it out for revenge."

He babbled for a long time, but when he looked up, he found that the commander's expression was gloomy, but there was a strange excitement.

Langdon's scarred fingers slowly slid across the screen, touching the name and beta in the gender column, and the alpha pheromone overflowing unconsciously around him made his adjutants shudder.


The Federal Star District is not peaceful either.

The public selection of the captain of the Sword of the Vault of Heaven actually involved shady scenes such as the upper-class aristocratic family's use of power for personal gain. The son of a mere aristocratic family who is not in power has the energy to intervene in the Azure Military Academy. Who knows if there are other things behind it?

The news of Yidierte's use of prohibited drugs was temporarily suppressed, but a single impersonation case was enough to cause an uproar.

The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Military Affairs began to lose their hair again. Secretary-General Ansel was almost forced to become a professional scout, and he took the trouble to hide from all kinds of people who inquired about the news every day.

There are too many things that need to be clarified. A young master, who is going with him, does the old general know about it, and are the other subordinates of the old general involved?Is there a reason for a similar situation in Planetary Corps?

And a very important point, how did the dandy who never left the capital star get the illegal drugs so easily?

But it may be that the instructors of Weilan used too much force that day, and Idielt is still in a state of confusion, talking nonsense when he opens his mouth, only occasionally revealing that he once planned to kill the double.

So there is one more suspicious case to be investigated: who did it for him?

Judging from Yidi Erte's state of refusing to say anything, it is obvious that he did not succeed in killing him. His riddled thinking seems to have entered a paranoid dead end. He has no hope, and he does not want to make that person feel better.

Because he didn't say anything, it was very difficult for the investigation team to find someone by themselves. After all, the Federation was too big to guarantee that the person would be thrown to a desolate star that could not even be connected to the star network.

And there are really a few warriors who were infected by IDilte with brain damage, they actually approached the investigation team, claiming to be the doubles of the year, and wanted to get back their own honor, and then they were wiped out by the blue instructors without any accidents. After that, he was expelled from the military and was taken into custody awaiting sentencing.

"Bah, that's it?" An instructor rolled up his sleeves, wiping the nosebleed on the back of his hand with great interest.

The so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, and even some evening parties in the upper circles, young people get together and chat:

"Actually... I've never met the Lin family. It's all because of Vermeer's bragging about how much he loves him every day."

"Uh, probably because the Lin family's status is not enough, they can't get the invitation letter, so they can't refute it by themselves?"

"It's not just the banquet, I didn't meet the Lin family when I was in the military academy..."

More reporters gathered outside the marshal's mansion, hoping that the marshal would come forward to explain—especially when many reporters insisted—

"It was the careful planning of the Sword of the Vault of Heaven, which is dedicated to the people, that finally exposed this shady scene!"

Secretary-General Ansel was furious and yelled in the office: "Where is Ren, let him get out and hold a press conference! Those guys are now using the microphone to attack me, asking me if the Marshal's delay in showing up is because I was bullied by the joint military council! !! Who the hell has the guts to bully that thing???"

When Instructor Liu Huan arrived at the Marshal's Mansion, there was a sea of ​​people in front of him. He stood on his feet and looked outside. Before he could kill a bloody path, someone patted his back.

Liu Huan turned around and was shocked——

A mechanical big white cat taller than a person?

"Human!" The white cat said in a low tone, "My master asked me to pick you up, feel honored!"

After finishing speaking, before Instructor Liu felt any honor, he had already...

He was picked up by the white cat, and he ran quickly, and ran to an unremarkable private aircraft. The giant cat pushed him in, sat in the driver's seat, and left as soon as he said it.

——This terrifying behemoth is actually a mechanical butler?He is also a mechanical butler who can kidnap!

Instructor Liu's pupils trembled.

The aircraft drove all the way to a high-end residential area. After watching it for a long time, Instructor Liu finally recognized it——isn't this my residential area?

They passed the house of Instructor Liu—an ordinary small building with a garden outside, but they obviously hadn’t lived in it much. In front of the starship building.

He was dragged out of the seat by the giant cat in a daze, and the giant cat opened a hatch to let him in.

The old man suddenly realized something, he heard his heart beating thumping, thumping, and he felt nervous like he was on the battlefield for the first time when he was young.

When he walked in, it was impossible to see that it was a starship. The living room was covered with a fluffy white carpet, which was kept spotless; the fabric sofa was soft and comfortable, and there were piles of cushions on it, which looked very impressive. There is a desire to fall in and feel it; carefully maintained green plants can be seen everywhere in the house, some of which are still blooming, and there are many strange abstract paintings on the walls that cannot be seen, but the colors are very beautiful.

The room is filled with a faint aroma of chocolate, which makes people smell warm with their noses.Instructor Liu even thought of the way that the real estate agent deliberately smoked the smell of baking biscuits in the house to create an atmosphere for the furniture.

But the smell of chocolate was not fake, nor was the quiet comfort of the room.

It's just that on the TV screen...why are you tearing up the Starship TV series?

Instructor Liu was stunned, and suddenly saw a vigorous young man jumping down the stairs from the second floor, his white hair raised a beautiful arc, and following him, another black-haired man with only one The young man on the arm also jumped down extremely nimbly, and seemed to be slightly sullen:

"Give me back my arm!"

Sure enough, the white-haired young man was holding a long metal product in his arms, and he replied confidently: "You don't take your arms in the bath, what's the matter with me cleaning them up for you? Otherwise, you will go to see guests with dirty arms later? But what I have upgraded for you is my work!"

The black-haired young man seemed to be so angry that his face was a little red, and the mutilated limbs didn't seem to affect his actions at all. He chased and said angrily: "But can you explain to your subordinates why you watch TV with your arms around it?" That's not a rag doll!

"Hey, the big mandarin duck eyes are angry? The angry expression of the big mandarin duck eyes is much more beautiful than the paralyzed face—"

They were playing around, and suddenly the black-haired young man looked up and saw the old man standing at the door.

He subconsciously pulled the shirt that was messed up during the chase just now, and froze in place, as if he didn't expect the old man to come so early, and he was at a loss for a while.

The white-haired young man also turned around slowly. Although his narrow eyebrows were smiling, there was a convincing sternness.

For the first time, Liu Huan realized that the unique Marshal of the Federation is actually so young, and he is still an age who can laugh and play.

He looked up at the person standing halfway up the stairs. It was a good-looking young man, no different from the tall and straight figure in his memory, not like the Yidierte he had accidentally seen in the news before—leave After the military school, he quickly became tall and burly. In the past, the instructors still joked, is the food of the First Army so much better than Weilan?

Now he saw this young man who still looked a little thin, with black hair scattered on his shoulders, the sun shining on his cheeks from the window, his cheekbones could be clearly seen, and a strange blue eye was warmed by the sun.He stood there, as if subconsciously standing upright, but because he didn't have a right arm, his body tilted uncontrollably.

"You..." The old man's throat seemed to be choked, and after a long while, he murmured, "Why are you so thin, don't you eat well without the school cafeteria having regular meals?"

The author has something to say: Marshal: You caused my menstrual period to be chaotic. Is there any problem with stuffing your arm into the nest?


[Miss Mela's vicissitudes of life: I didn't expect the marshal to be so slow outside the battlefield, and you only use your arms when everyone is at your house?That's it? 】

Teacher: My son lost weight!

Captain: There is a kind of thinness called your parents think you are thin.

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