How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 57

Amidst his sobs, Admiral Vermeer has already shot the case.

"Fresch! What the hell have you done!"

The weeping little omega in the arena was like a frightened white rabbit, jumping up all of a sudden, with red eyes and trembling.

The security team at the scene dealt with the frequent accidents with sad faces, and the jury medical staff stepped forward to appease Frasch and encouraged him to finish his testimony.

Admiral Weimer still worried that this was a court, so he could only tense his muscles, resisted to stand where he was, and looked at his two grandsons in the field.

Frasch seemed afraid to look at his grandfather, and explained tremblingly: "At that time, at that time, my brother was not satisfied with the results of the division. There were only, only the two of us in the family. Grandpa was still on the front line, so my brother forbade me to say that he had been divided. It's over, and at the same time, I am looking for various ways to improve my mental power. He has been away for half a month, and when he comes back, he will become an S-rank, but..."

As he spoke, tears flowed into rivers again.

"He started to become irritable and irritable, and he would smash things when he didn't like it. When I played around at home and made noises, he would yell at me..."

Judge: "At that time your age was—"

Fresch sobbed: "Just, I just passed my seventh birthday... At that time fortunately, Ranran and brother Jingya often came to our house. Every time my brother got angry with me, brother Jingya would stop me. It must be at that time that brother started I will bear the grudge against you, Brother Jingye, woo woo..."

Lin Jing also listened expressionlessly. He was always reserved when he was not pretending, so only Ren could see the coldness in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Over there, Frasch's narration was intermittent. It has already mentioned that Idielte decided to coerce Lin Jingye to take the exam, and even threatened Lin Jingran's safety. Because of Lin Jingran's concern, all video and audio evidence was searched by Idielte. Empty, completely destroyed.

The presiding judge asked Lin Jingye: "Is this true?"

Lin Jing also replied coldly: "Yes."

Frasch continued to cry: "Then brother Keiya went to take the exam and was admitted smoothly. When my brother heard the news, he was furious and dropped a lot of things... He couldn't accept that a beta was really better than him. His strength is strong, and then his mental power fluctuates too strongly, it seems that he has really reached the limit, I am so scared, so taking advantage of Keiya's brother coming back for the last time before the closed training camp, I secretly found a chance to use his The brain sent a message..."

It is true that the text is often incoherent, but if it is written by a seven-year-old boy, it seems normal.

Besides, Lin Jingye himself was standing at the scene, no one could look at that calm face and imagine that he was hysterical and speechless.

Judge: "Captain Lin, do you know about this matter?"

Lin Jing also raised his eyes: "I don't know."

Presiding judge: "Then you didn't leave a record in your brain?"

Fresch choked and answered: "Of course I deleted it. At that time, I saw that my brother always cleared the archive after sending messages, so I learned..."

Lin Jing also didn't say anything about it. He tapped the small table in front of him lightly with his fingertips, his thoughts were spinning rapidly, but the knocking sound was very soft, which was well covered by Fresch's hiccups.

Idilt, who was stunned and speechless, finally roared, and his furious words were like a dam bursting: "It's you shameless bitch, who tricked me at such a young age, why are you trying to crawl on that crippled bed? What are you going to do to your brother—"

"Shut up!" Admiral Wimmer also yelled, but Idilt ignored it.

"It's you who have been helping me with my medicine all this time! You must have tampered with my medicine secretly. You and that cripple were in collusion! You visited the prison on purpose earlier, was it because the cripple was afraid that my mental power would be healed, so I sent you To provoke me?"

"Mr. Wimmer, please cool—"

Alpha, whose mental power is out of control, is immersed in his own world. He is like a bucket full of garbage. Strict tutoring and learning requirements, nothing else.

Admiral Vermeer's face was livid, and military doctors had already run towards him.

In the end, Yidi Erte's eyes fell on Lin Jingye, and the irrational Alpha said frivolously: "How is it, does my good brother sleep comfortably—"

A black shadow flashed past, and there was a loud bang, the interrogation seat with the fence and the table were shattered all over the ground, and Yidi Erte was being carried by the white-haired marshal with one hand, and he slammed his head to the ground whip.

Ren moved so fast that the bailiff didn't even see how he entered the arena. When he came back to his senses, Idiart was already covered in blood, and was howling in Ren's hands.

The presiding judge weakly turned to persuade Ren: "Your Excellency, Marshal, please calm down..."

"Marshal!" Lin Jingye's voice came from behind.

Ren looked cold, suppressed the killing intent in his eyes, lifted Yidierte into the air, and turned to glance at the people behind him.

Under Lin Jingye's helpless gaze, Ren smashed Yidierte to the ground with a bang, and his nose was obviously broken.

"Contaminate other people's ears in front of me." Ren raised his foot and crushed the back of Idilt's head again, "The pheromone of the second-hand smoke smell is sprinkled all over the sky, who are you trying to deter? "

Yidi Erte has been knocked unconscious, even the physique of an S-level alpha can't stand up to Rennes' stormy surprise attack.

The enraged Renn didn't show too much mercy, he didn't use the exoskeleton to increase his strength, and smashed it with his own hands, which was already extra restraint for the sake of the court's solemnity.

Alpha deliberately spread pheromone and mental power outwards in public. This behavior was regarded as a serious provocation, even an offensive behavior. On the day of the assessment, Meera was irritated by this behavior and directly countered it.Therefore, even the presiding judge couldn't say that Ryan had done anything too inappropriate.

Although it was the job of the bailiffs to prevent the suspect from attacking in court, Ren was a marshal after all, so it would not be impossible to overstep the bounds.

Admiral Wimmer on the seat closed his eyes, and the military doctor was administering inhibitors and tranquilizers to him.

Secretary-General Ansel cursed a lot in his heart, and said seriously: "The suspect, Edith Wimmer, went berserk and out of control in court, whether it was intentional or because of mental damage, it has to be counted as contempt of the federal court. dangerous behavior."

Seeing that all the people in charge of the Ministry of the Interior had spoken, the presiding judge nodded reassuringly: "That's right. Although he can be given a lighter sentence for this behavior because of his special mental impairment, Mr. Weimer just said at the same time. Insulting an omega is a serious violation of the "Omega Rights Protection Act", insulting Captain Lin's physical disabilities, and at the same time violating the federal regulations on the protection of active servicemen, and the "Regulations on the Promotion of the Rights and Interests of the Disabled" must not maliciously discriminate against physically disadvantaged groups Provisions."

The 927 members in the auditorium were very complicated.

Tvar sighed deeply: "When he beat me, no one said he was weak. I think I need the "Adjutant Life Safety Promotion Regulations."

Aoke: "That's your waste, the captain trained you for your own good!"

Teval was furious: "Do you need to say that? How many times have you been trained by the captain? You are contradicting the first officer!"

Aoke is not to be outdone: "When the captain is still there, is there a big difference in the scope of authority between the first officer and the second officer?"

All 927 staff: "..."

The presiding judge didn't finish his sentence: "Mr. Wimmer's accusation against Captain Lin is not enough to prove his claim, and there is Mr. Fresch Wimmer's statement as a rebuttal, although according to the circumstances at the time, Flesh constituted The de facto accessory and concealment crime, but because the incident occurred at a young age, and this behavior was only once at that time, and now he has surrendered to the court, so he will be criticized and warned."

Frasch looked at Lin Jingye sobbingly, and found that his sight was blocked by the cold Marshal Rennes, so he had to wipe away his tears and was taken down by the military doctor, who needed to check to see if Yidi Erte's mental power was too violent. It didn't hurt him.

The presiding judge finally concluded: "The evidence provided by Mr. Weimer is valid evidence, but because the evidence is actually forged, and Yidierte mistakenly thought that it was issued by Captain Lin himself, so he filed a complaint. Therefore, the court believes that Yidierte Although the prosecution failed, he did not know that the evidence was false, so the punishment of aggravated sentence does not apply."

Ren interjected coldly: "Can you go?"

The presiding judge choked for a moment, and wanted to say that Captain Lin needed to wait until the official end, but seeing the marshal's expression, he dared not say so, and let Renn tear down the fence and drag Lin Jingye out on the spot.

Before going out, everyone also heard Ren's order to the Sword of the Vault of Heaven: "The sailing ceremony will be postponed to the same time tomorrow. Then, whoever of you will pay for the broken wooden door..."

The presiding judge smiled wryly again and again, no need to pay, no need to pay, as long as you keep going well.

Ren directly dragged Lin Jingye until he got into his private aircraft, waved his hand to disband the fleet members, threw the pilot out by the way, closed the door and drove away.

"Marshal..." Lin Jing suddenly felt a little funny.

Renn drove the aircraft out of the atmosphere in one go, turned off the engine on the high-altitude orbit and just floated like this. He still had a half-smile on his face, looked at Lin Jingye, and asked after a while: "What does that rotten corpse have to do with you?"

Lin Jing also blinked: "Uh..."

"Why did that idiot say that the rotten corpse wanted to climb into your bed?" Marshal Rennes' voice was soft and slow, as if speaking softly, but Lin Jing had already felt a strong spiritual force covering him like a head.

The voice was slightly drawn out, and it sounded soft at first, but the ending sounded obviously evil: "He still calls you Brother Jingye?"

Why is there a strange sense of sight...

Lin Jing also lowered his eyes and sighed: "Marshal, when a child was ignorant, he pointed to the big brother who often came to play at home and said that I like this brother, and I will marry him in the future. Not surprising. As for Idirt, can't you see that he was completely irrational at the time?"

Ren squinted his eyes, and his anger value did not decrease at all, but just changed the target.

"That's right, although it's a bit strange to be crazy, it's really irrational."

Lin Jing, who was sitting in front of him, also let out a little breath. After all, Ren was condescending and covered him in his own shadow. There was a feeling that if you answered me unsatisfactorily, I would use military law. That kind of oppressive feeling made Lin Jing Keiya instinctively felt the danger, but seemed to be attracted by the beautiful scenery behind the danger, almost powerless to escape.

He smiled slightly: "Marshal, you should be more confident."

Ren raised his eyebrows, so Lin Jing also raised his face to look at him, without hiding his smile, he said, "I think I'm already addicted to the taste of chocolate."

After a few minutes.

Lin Jing also silently let Ren take out the deep v shirt to change for him, give him a concave shape, and even take pictures.The Marshal flatly rejected his request to immediately analyze the doubts, and began to decorate the cabin seriously.

"...Marshal, why did you keep this dress..." Lin Jing was being played by Ren with a dumb face, and it seemed that Ren really enjoyed it, and his mood improved visibly to the naked eye.

As soon as the exoskeleton was taken off, the cabin was filled with a rich chocolate aroma.

Lin Jing was also trapped in a pile of soft cushions—God knows why the marshal can pull out a pile of soft cushions in various places—he felt like he was floating in the clouds, and it was like falling into an ocean of chocolate. Ren’s information Su is pervasive, wrapping him from all directions, unavoidable.

I don't want to avoid it either.

Lin Jing also watched Renn pile up cushions on his body, feeling like a five-star chef was decorating his delicately made delicious cakes.

But he soon realized what he was doing, and asked a little bit surprised: "Marshal, why hasn't your menstrual period ended yet?"

Ren's hands didn't hesitate at all, he piled up the last cushion, grabbed the plush blanket next to him, and rushed in with the blanket.

So this is... Lin Jing couldn't help laughing - he wanted to build a nest but he didn't have anything at hand, so he just threw himself into the nest?

Ryan happily melted on the pillow, and then lazily replied: "Normal, emotional agitation will affect the menstrual period. There have been a lot of messes recently, and a slight extension of two days is not a big problem."

He posted it while talking, and Lin Jing also felt his warm body temperature, and was a little lazy for a while, but fortunately, Ren's body temperature was still in the normal range.

But Lin Jing also suddenly became aware of the crisis—if he suddenly had a high fever...

Omega can take inhibitors, beta can't!

The author has something to say: Marshal: What, there are still doubts?Let's talk tomorrow!Look, my big mandarin duck eyes are in my nest! ! !

Captain: ... I hope Dean Li Jiang can develop the beta type inhibitor as soon as possible.

Dean: Impossible, give up.You should be lucky that he is not an alpha, otherwise you might come to my place for first aid every three days.


Marshal: Come on, look at how soft my nest is!

Military doctor: Yes, our onega's menstrual period is so unreasonable, we can come if we need it!

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