How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 76

"It's really time to die." Lin Jing also cut off the communication after saying this.

The black feathers outside the window have been connected together, and there are hundreds of them. Those wings are more than twice the height of an adult. The members of the Feiyu Special Forces are all wearing light and simple armor to reduce the flight load, so Being exceptionally flexible, a well-trained fighter is no different from a real bird.

The light energy guns in their hands also have a special shape, much slender than normal light energy guns, with a sharp knife on the tip of the gun, which can emit high-frequency current, and can be used for both long-distance and close combat.

"Is this spaceship not insulated?" Ren asked casually.

Lin Jing also looked around and sighed: "The shield is anti-electricity, but there are too many of them."

Just this small spaceship, one round of volleys will wipe out all the shields.

The overlapping of dark wings is like a low-hanging cloud, and the sound of flapping wings is connected into one piece.

Ren rubbed his ears: "The miscellaneous bird is so annoying."

Lin Jing also reminded: "Sit down."

As they spoke, the two of them loosened the seat belts at the same time.

In the dark clouds, a glare suddenly lit up, and Lin Jing also fired three strong light bullets in succession, shaking the Feiyu Special Forces, who were only equipped with ordinary goggles, to a pale white, and a slit suddenly appeared in the formation. The flexible spacecraft can rush out of it quickly.

Fei Yu, who was less affected on the periphery, immediately turned around and chased after them one after another.

"The spaceship ahead please slow down immediately and accept the escort of Feiyu, otherwise necessary measures will be taken! Repeat, the front——"

Lin Jing also opened the channel: "Take it."

Captain Fei Yu, who was shouting, choked on the bland answer, and almost choked to death on his own saliva.

The spaceship seemed to be flying on its wings. It shuttled extremely flexibly among the suspended rocks in the mining area, and even accurately avoided those areas where people were working. It's a flock of birds being walked.


When turning around a huge arc-shaped rock, many young team members who were dizzy bumped into it, and the captain who led the team was so angry that he cursed again and again.

Even his vice-captain couldn't help but say, "Is the spaceship manually operated, is it AI?"

How can anyone drive the spaceship like this without vomiting?

In fact, not only did the two people in the spacecraft not throw up, they were not even wearing seat belts.

Although this will be an extremely uncomfortable journey, just stabilizing the body on the seat requires extremely high skills, but there are too many people on the other side, and the environment is the near-ground space within the atmosphere. Once this small broken ship Being hit is too easy to burn and burst in an aerobic environment. For people like Lin Jingye and Ren, it is better to save the time of dismantling seat belts and jump out if they are in danger.

Lin Jing was also driving, while Renn quickly explained how to use the artificial wings.

Spaceships that are mainly used in deep space are of course not equipped with useless props such as parachutes, so once they jump out, they can only grab a hapless flying equipment if they don't want to fall apart.

The light energy gun formed a rain of light in the air, chasing the spaceship that was rolling back and forth, but the spaceship was erratic like a ghost, almost no one could aim first and then shoot, basically shooting randomly.

Dissipated energy impacts occasionally hit the side of the spaceship, but the truly lethal ones were dodged by the pilot with almost impossible skills, and the chasing captain became more and more astonished.

The order he received was to bring the spaceship and its internal personnel back to the central area intact, and if that was not possible, at least the guarantor would bring them back alive.

During this high-speed pursuit, he almost forgot the order. All the attacks were basically aimed at the engine of the spaceship.

The spaceship passed through the mining area. After all, it was much larger than the individual soldiers of the Feiyu Special Forces, so the passages it could travel were limited, while the members of the Special Forces could squeeze through small rock cracks more freely.

Although the spaceship tried its best to dodge, the distance between them was constantly shrinking.

The airspace in front of it is wide open, almost directly reaching the central area. There is only an air traffic line a thousand meters away. The current signal light is green, and many private aircraft are driving in an orderly manner.


There was a crisp sound, it was a grapple rope trying to wrap around Lin Jingye's flank engine.

This place is too open, and the tide-like flying feathers behind them are like an army pressing down on the territory, without any shelter at all.

So Lin Jing also calmly pressed a switch, and the control valve of the operating lever on the left was opened. He held the operating lever and aligned the forward direction straight ahead.

Captain Feiyu behind him got out of the tumbling state, and finally came back rationally, prevented the members from aiming at the energy center, and continued to shout:

"The aircraft ahead, please slow down immediately and accept the flying feather escort, this is your last chance, otherwise—"

The cold youth voice on the channel interrupted him again: "I suggest you keep a distance of at least 1000 meters from me."

Captain Fei Yu was furious, but another voice sounded in the channel, and the content was very strange.

Ryan was looking ahead carefully through the telescope of the spaceship, and then he began to count down: "Get ready, five, four..."

Captain Feiyu behind him was confused, he didn't know why this strange spaceship began to count the seconds, and it didn't seem to be counting the real seconds. The person who counted the seconds had a strange rhythm, as if he was mastering the time.

Countdown to zero.

At that moment, Feiyu's captain felt that he had hit a solid wall head-on, and the whole world was turned into darkness with a loud bang in his ears.

His team members rushed forward in a hurry, trying to catch the fallen captain. After a short period of blank consciousness, the captain was barely awake, enduring the severe pain and the nausea caused by the concussion, and asked: "Did they use it?" What weapon?"

His vice-captain stared blankly into the distance, and then replied dreamily: "There are no weapons, they just... fired warp speed."

"What the hell?" The captain screamed, suspecting that his tinnitus was deaf.

"Uh, you were hit by the energy of their warp drive." The vice-captain still had that dreamy voice, "The radar shows that they exited the warp [-] meters away."

Then the captain doubted his ears even more.

Warp speed, that kind of engine was invented for long-distance flight in the large universe. It can achieve flight beyond the speed of light by warping space. In other words, that thing can’t be used for short distances!

Flying at a warp speed of [-] meters in the atmosphere?Even with the lowest level of warp speed, the reaction speed and psychological quality of this person are really...

So he is really an AI, right?

"Captain, the countdown on the spaceship just now seems to be counting the aircraft on the traffic line ahead. The signal light turned red but there are still some passing by on the line. He may be waiting for those people to finish. "

team leader:"……"

He waited for all the aircraft to stop on the road before jumping in. This person is quite law-abiding.

Otherwise, a warp-speed ship could shred anything in its path.

"Are we still chasing?"

"Chase!" The captain gritted his teeth, but he became more and more puzzled, when did Ye Yu become a pilot of this level?

"Huh?" The deputy captain was puzzled three times, and finally thought of the last puzzle, "Didn't they run away, why did they go to the central area?"

Fast in and out of warp speed in a few tenths of a second, emergency braking in the air, the hull of the spaceship was rubbed by the atmosphere, causing sparks to fly, and smoke from the engine. Lin Jing also parked the spaceship in the shadow of a viaduct to adjust the state of the spaceship.

Then, taking advantage of finally stopping, Ren stretched out his long arms, grabbed a luggage bag from the back row, tore off the ordinary clothes on his body a few times, and put on Jocelyn's disguised appearance and voice, and put on a suit that he had prepared long ago. Ye Yu-style trousers, and by the way, he took off Lin Jingye's top and threw a set of clothes over.

"You change clothes, I'll come."

Rennes switched the control of the spaceship to the co-pilot seat, and continued to complete the energy detection and stabilization that Lin Jing did not finish. He turned on the warp speed in the atmosphere, and the air pressure and atmospheric friction would ignite the power source if he was not careful. Rennes Quickly operate the cooling device to slowly extinguish the billowing black smoke in the engine.

Lin Jing also shook the dress, speechless.

"Why did you bring me a robe?"

Ren didn't blink: "You look good in a little white dress."

Lin Jingye: "...the white robe."

Ren was very serious: "White skirt."

Lin Jingye: "..."

Forget it, you've always had the final say anyway.

Ren quickly disposed of the spaceship, returned control, and then started to comb his hair. It was complicated and gorgeous when he was not at the banquet, but it was also exquisite and beautiful. In Lin Jingye's eyes, it was a technique that he could not understand at all.

"It's so annoying." Ren muttered.

The leader of Ye Yu personally received Dye Xinghao. The man was tall and tall, with dark skin and a healthy complexion. From his appearance, he was at most forty years old. His muscles were strong and strong, as if he had been trained for a long time. Or at least a fitness enthusiast.

At this sensitive moment, it would be strange if he died naturally.

Ren said gloomily: "I hate political struggles. A group of hypocritical politicians are making lies with you with a smile. They are so annoying that they can push your menstrual period earlier!"

Lin Jingye: "..."

If you have something to say, don't just talk about your menstrual period!

He sighed: "Lieutenant General Z is really a prophecy."

Ren was annoyed: "That's a crow's mouth! It's useless to have a white face, at most he's an albino crow!"

Although the two sides agreed to keep a low profile and prevent the infiltrating echo unit from vigilantly visiting the federal battleship secretly, this kind of secret activity does not follow the formal procedures and is not protected by the interstellar convention. Ye Yu can turn his face and deny it at any time.

You can also use them as a knife to kill people with a borrowed knife, or a bracket to catch a big black pot.

The dark Feiyu Special Forces arrived late, and they were all surprised when they saw the spaceship hovering quietly in the shadows. They thought it was because the spaceship was damaged that they had to stop, but now it seems that the other party stopped and waited for them on their own initiative. .

"Please Captain Fei Yu lead the way and escort." Lin Jing also said flatly.

"You..." Captain Fei Yu choked and swallowed back the word sick.

Lin Jing never demanded too much on his opponent's intelligence. He took the initiative to explain in a gentle and polite voice: "Sorry for causing trouble to everyone's business. I just want to briefly prove that I have the strength to escape from Ye Yu. I hope you will tell me To your officer."

But he didn't do that.

And the Fei Yus were about to explode after hearing this, God frankly just prove it!Simple?

Felt the ridicule coming to my face.

The suffocated Feiyu Special Forces stopped at the edge of the central area, letting Lin Jing also go forward on his own. Waiting not far ahead was a group of Black Hummingbird fighters lined up.

The light-energy cannons of those fighter planes were all aimed at them, and the detection radar in the spaceship was continuously sending out sharp alarms, reminding Lin Jingye that they had been locked, and the opponent's guns were already in a warm-up state.

After Lin Jing also entered, the black hummingbird closed its formation from the rear and flew quietly with it, as if not worried that Lin Jing didn't know the destination.

Black fighter planes can be seen everywhere in the central area. They circled in the air in an orderly manner. Lin Jing also looked at the living area not far away. The streets there seemed to be a normal scene. People should walk and go shopping. Except for the black fighters who are also on standby at low altitude.

They looked at each other and saw the same playfulness in each other's eyes.

Night Owl Sitia's troops have completely taken over the Central District.

What a quick move.

She did not even bid farewell from the Dyeing Star in the morning, covered in blue.

There is no need to doubt the general's strength, but this speed has already exceeded the limit of what he can do when he is in danger.

The spaceship landed at the place where the Dyeing Star was. As expected, the platform was completely surrounded by black hummingbirds. The silver starship docked there quietly. Shining on the badge.

And next to it, there are three golden numbers quietly.


A figure with its head raised was standing under those three figures. Ye Yu's soldiers all pointed their guns at him, but this man had no anger or fear on his face, and he was dressed neatly in a federal military uniform.

Asterisked Second Officer, Oko Isaac.

He said calmly in front of countless gunpoints: "Let me repeat for the last time, the Starship starship is a combat unit belonging to the Federation Sky Sword, and her internal space is the territory of the Federation, unless all members of the Starship die, The starship crashed completely, otherwise, according to the Federal Constitution and the Military Secrecy Act, no second party can enter this door."

The author has something to say: Marshal: Always prepare a skirt for big mandarin duck eyes, I don’t forget my original intention!

Captain: This marshal is broken, can I return it?

Marshal: No.

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