How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 84

The pain was nothing, and being able to feel it meant that his life was still alive. Pharaoh tried his best to move back with his remaining arm, as if he could get away from the killing intent that enveloped him.

The woman on the ground was so frightened that she almost lost the last trace of strength to resist.

And Aoke stood beside Lin Jing in a daze, and it took a long time to catch his breath, and said hoarsely: "Fuck, did I have hallucinations when I was dying, no, I might have burped, this It must be heaven, I actually saw the captain single-handedly rushing in to save—”


Aoke was dazed, with a little red mark floating on his face.

Lin Jingye: "Does it hurt?"

Auke: "It hurts ah ah ah~"

Lin Jing also looked at the young man in front of him, he knew why Ao Ke deliberately pulled his neck and howled.

Because his body was trembling, the fear of death had not been completely withdrawn, and the wound had been treated briefly so that it stopped bleeding, but tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

He saw that when Oko attacked him, but Oko didn't slump or retreat because of it, he still did his best to attack what he thought was the deadly enemy.

Same as every blue student.

It is also the same as what he said when he raised objections in the simulated battle——

If it is my fleet, I would rather die than retreat.

So Lin Jing also sighed and gave him a hug.

Aoke, who was lying on Lin Jingye's shoulder, took a sharp breath and then fell silent again. After being stupid for a long time, he said in a dreamy tone: "So I'm still dead."

Lin Jingye: "...Is my usual image really that scary and unattainable?" He thought he was very approachable.

Aoke nodded, then shook his head again: "No, you are not scary, but the marshal, don't you feel that there is almost no second panting creature within one meter around you?"

What a joke, the marshal's death sight is more powerful than the main gun of the starship, right?

"Stop being so talkative." Lin Jing also frowned.

Serious injuries will inevitably lead to a serious decline in willpower, especially after being rescued, and with his last breath of relief, Oke let out a hey hey and said without hesitation: "Hey Captain, you are my first love that ended before it even started. , I really can’t compare to the marshal, woo woo, you and the marshal should be happy, woo woo..."

Lin Jingye: "..."

Aoke babbled: "But Captain, you should be more confident. Of course you are such an excellent marshal who likes you. How could you do such a thing as finding a substitute behind his back! Absolutely not, Captain, I want to replace you." The marshal is optimistic about you!"

Lin Jingye: "..."

His forehead was visibly throbbing with blue veins.

A certain person’s deeds are not over yet: “Whoa, I don’t have a right hand anymore, although I haven’t become as powerful as you, but I got the same disability as my idol, but I’m going to make a black arm, otherwise I’m afraid of the marshal Misunderstand, kill me directly..."

Very good, Ok, you're done.

It's hard to say whether Ren will kill you or not, but——

Lin Jing also said blankly: "Shut up, if you say another word, I will have to report that you died in the line of duty, a heroic sacrifice."

The damaged battleship fell in the air, Aoke was confused and swayed like a noodle, so he was unable to judge the danger of the situation, and Lin Jing only hugged him to prevent him from rolling to the ground to accompany Pharaoh, falling at a high speed It seemed that in his eyes there was no difference between driving peacefully, so there was only one pharaoh screaming crazily.

The light knife popped out suddenly, and Pharaoh looked at the murder weapon attached to the tip of his nose, and silently covered his mouth.

The speed of the fall began to slow down the next moment, and was stopped after a while, and even began to rise steadily.

Four star-stained frigates stretched out tractor beams from four directions, and fixed the broken Star Bandit ship firmly.

The captain is the flagship.

All the escort fleet gathered together to form an offensive and defensive formation array around the flagship.

Luan Yushan, captain of the frigate, asked in the channel: "Captain, please indicate the destination."

Lin Jingye: "Go back to Yeyu Central District."

The spaceships of other star bandits fled desperately, and the starships of the dawn guard intercepted and sank some of them, but they didn't bother to take advantage of the loopholes and escape, and continued to guard to prevent the rebels from escaping. With the cooperation of the black hummingbird fighter group, these original The rebel starships that fought away and fought more with less were quickly sunk.

Of course such a big commotion cannot be concealed from the people, but the Yeyu colony is after all the descendants of the warriors who resisted the old empire. They hid in a safe corner, but they did not cause chaos due to panic.

Yu Yu's stubborn enemies were quickly wiped out by Ren's personal guards, and the surrendered rebels were tied up and carried out, and handed directly to Tvar, who locked them in a special cell on the Dyeing Star.

Ye Yu's people tried to take over at first, but Ren's personal guards all raised their guns. The emblems of swords and stars on their weapons were extremely dazzling. No one would recognize this emblem, so there was no need for Sitia to stop them for a while. It has already stopped moving.

The hatch of the Asterisk was opened when it received a signal from Marshal Rennes, and all the armed personnel came out in a single file. The starship ignited the engine behind them, and turned the main gun in this direction majestically.

Langdon was escorted out by Cecilia himself in the end, the captain of the personal guard chosen by Rennes, and Langdon knew within a second that any resistance was now ineffective.

But the most promising commander of the rebel army is not An Sheng's obedient character.

He suddenly whispered to Cecilia beside him: "Captain, do you know that your marshal has an interesting little secret?"

Cecilia was relaxed, perhaps it was something to be happy about capturing the commander of the rebel army, and she replied happily: "Little secret, do you mean that he was chasing Captain Lin? This has long been an open secret Yeah, the man with the asterisk said they both slept through."

Langdon: "..."

Langdon felt blood rushing through his chest, and his expression twisted.

Langdon couldn't run anymore, Cecilia smiled: "We can all admire the dedication of the two of them. Captain Lin woke up the next day with a refreshed body, and the S-class alpha has the ability to temporarily mark the beta Ah. But our adjutant Esuna's statement is very popular now, although I don't know why she believed it so firmly from the beginning...Maybe Captain Lin is from the top, anyway, ab can't get pregnant, so it doesn't matter."

Langdon nearly vomited blood.

He interrupted the woman's chattering gossip viciously, and said angrily, "Do you know what your Marshal's pheromone smells like?"

The smell of Ren's pheromone is an unsolved mystery of the Federation, and no one even his subordinates know about it, so rumors such as "the marshal's pheromone smells like stinky tofu" are rampant.

Langdon gritted his teeth: "That's because your marshal is an omega, and his pheromone is chocolate-flavored!"

Cecilia: "..."

The female warrior was silent for half a minute, her body trembling, and when Langdon began to feel the pleasure of revenge, Cecilia suddenly couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"My mother ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

She turned her head and said to the team members beside her: "When you go back, you have to tell Captain Lin to persuade him. The marshal should give up sweets hahahahahaha. It's really not right for the first marshal of the Federation to eat chocolate cakes every day. The leaders of the rebel army are all arrested He's paranoid!"

Langdon: "..."

Team member: "Oh, please be considerate, I was just beaten up by the marshal, and this kid seems to be in a susceptible period, it's normal for his brain to go offline after being so stimulated."

Cecilia was still giggling endlessly, seeing Langdon's face as dark as a pan, she clicked her tongue: "Hey, is it possible for you to turn from darkness to light and join our Federation?"

Langdon was categorical: "Dream."

"You see, the possibility of the marshal being an omega is as high as your defection to join the federation."

They boarded the Asterisk, and Ren Shi Shiran got off the flagship of the rebel army at this moment. The moment he saw him, even Sitia was shocked.

She didn't realize at all when and how Ren and the Marshal's Guards of the Sky Sword entered Ye Yu's airspace.

Sitia subconsciously held the gun at her waist, which was an instinctive reaction to threats, but soon she stabilized her mood and smiled.

"I didn't expect the legendary Federal Marshal to visit unexpectedly."

Ren raised his eyebrows and sneered: "No one lives in legends, just like the upright and sassy night owl in the rumors can also fly with dogs. General, do you think the sword of the sky is good for killing the person you want to kill? Yet?"

The star-stained frigate landed from the sky at this moment, and the Black Hummingbird fighters obeyed their general's instructions and did not carry out any interception actions.

The medical supply ship of the escort fleet docked first, and the military doctors directly carried out a treatment cabin, rushed into Xingkou's dilapidated flagship, quickly carried out a person, and sent it to the Dyeing Star.

A moment later, Lin Jing, who was dressed in frost, also jumped off the battleship. He made a gesture, and the team on the side rushed in and began to receive the captured star bandits.

He himself walked straight in this direction, still with that calm and indifferent expression, but Sitia noticed the dried blood on the other's forehead, and the deep red broke the gentleness on the surface.

A light knife was ahead of the knife bearer and pointed directly at Sitia's throat.

Her subordinates immediately raised their guns vigilantly, aiming at Lin Jingye and Ren.

Ren still had that half-smile expression, showing no emotion, but the killing intent in Lin Jingye's eyes could not be hidden.

Sitia finally stopped smiling politely, she said seriously: "Captain Lin, I sincerely apologize for not being able to inform you beforehand, but it was really a last resort, but Captain Lin, don't you also understand My intention? I think this is a successful win-win cooperation."

Indeed, since Lin Jing was also brought into this window-facing room, and his viewing angle was still aligned with the landing platform of the starship, he had already guessed Sitia's intentions.

In this position, he can perfectly pull himself out of danger, obtain all the information, and then break through the door at a critical moment to launch a surprise attack.

The Federation doesn't take Star Bandits seriously, but Pharaoh and her accomplices will indeed pose a serious threat to the small settlements of Ye Yu and Corona Australis; It is not difficult to trust.

There is even a shadow of an echo in it, which is exactly the purpose of the dyed star.

Sitia: "Ye Yu's problem is even bigger than that of your Federation. You see, we keep saying that everyone is equal, but in fact, this is another set of hierarchical order - beta to. The differentiation of abo has long existed, physiologically The difference doesn’t mean that it can’t exist without ignoring it. Some of the elders have long recognized that they want to change, and I appreciate it, but they want to go in the direction of the rebels, and I can’t let it go.”

She explained in detail, but the face of the young man opposite did not improve.

Although Lin Jingye put away his light saber, there was still an extremely strong hostility all over his body, like a blizzard brewing above the black clouds, seemingly calm, but could be destroyed at any time.

He said: "I know Ye Yu's long-standing abuses."

While saying this, what appeared in his mind was a woman who always looked like a frightened bird. She was a petite omega, and her courage was as pitiful as her height. Her courage in her life seemed to have been taken away on the day she escaped from Ye Yu. Consume all.The rebel army captured her, and the woman who grew up in the omega training academy was terrified all the time, and then she used those medicines, and she would worry that the apple would grow a mouth to bite her when she saw the apple.

He always thought that omega didn't have any courage at all, but Lin Jing also found out later that she had saved the courage she saved in daily life and turned it into a shield at the last moment of her life. She successfully protected her only son.

Sitia saw the expression of the young man on the opposite side loosen for a moment, but the next moment, Lin Jing also said in a more icy voice: "Your plan is perfect and successful, Thunder means, now Ye Yu's power belongs to the general, I I also believe that you have the ability to give Ye Yu a better future. I understand your difficulties. The members of the Presbyterian Church have their own ghosts, and no one obeys the other. There's also the idea of ​​an echo, and you're not sure if an echo unit has been invaded, so you dare not inform me of these plans in advance. Never mind, in fact I'd be happy to be on the general's side. But."

He paused, and asked slowly and clearly: "Who killed Chief Ye Yu?"

Sitia lowered her eyes and remained silent for a while, then replied, "It's Elder Lulesi, Langdon is invited by him, and their plan is to poison the leader and launch a coup d'état."

Lin Jingye: "But you are an accomplice."

The soldiers around were all Citia's cronies, they were not shaken by Lin Jingye's words, but Citia himself was shaken.

She sighed: "Yes, I'm sorry for him. I knew all about his plan before Lulusi did it."

But she didn't stop it.

Lin Jing also chuckled lightly, and said in a cold voice, "You know that the leader insists on peace. He tried to mediate in the elders to restore the confidence of Ye Yu's senior management. He is doomed to fail, but you can't persuade him to reform according to your last wish. , because he didn't want to tear himself apart with other elders. So you let Lu Lesi kill him and arranged everything early."

Sitia also laughed: "Yes, Captain Lin deserves the reputation of the sword of the sky. But I am different from you. You are a simple general, and I am also a politician. This is the inevitable process of political games. I hope that Captain Lin will not be impulsive and affect the cooperation with his personal likes and dislikes. The reason why I dare not inform in advance is not because I am afraid of Lu Lesi and the others, but because I am afraid that there will be echoes here. The abnormality in the Central District, and even the echo unit found in your federation, indeed once communicated with Ye Yu."

Lin Jing also looked at her and said, "I don't care about your politics. You can treat human life as nothing, but you shouldn't touch my people. In your detailed plan for this week, you have considered my second officer's ability." Did you come back alive?"

The author has something to say: Marshal: Ah, my mandarin duck eyes look so good when they are angry!

Orange Cat: Ah!The captain is venting his anger for me, woo woo woo, I'm so excited, I die without regret!

Marshal: You can have no regrets now.

Orange Cat: qaq!

Orange Cat: No, no, Marshal, I'm on your side. I'll help you watch the captain so he doesn't let him find a substitute!

Stand-in: You still have no regrets!

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