How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 91

Jia Fang looked at this exceptionally handsome young man in disbelief, but what he said in such a calm tone turned out to be the most terrifying content. It is not that no one has tried to seek revenge from Jia Fang, and it is not even the first time. or face to face with him.

He just didn't think about the person who finally managed to use a weapon against his gate of life, his eyes were like a deep pool, without waves or waves, neither the anger ignited by hatred, nor the joy of revenge.

It's as if he is just a stubborn stone and a dead leaf on the other side's way forward, and it's not worth wasting emotion for it.

Or maybe it's just that the other party is too good at hiding their true emotions.

The tip of the gun did not spread out the light energy, and Lin Jing also held Jia Fang's own weapon, and just pierced straight into the heart of the leader of the Xing Bandit, without fancy, without hesitation, simply decisively and accurately hitting the vital point according to the requirements of the federal military regulations , without any intention of slowly torturing.

Even though the hatred is as deep as the sea, Lin Jing still guards his bottom line.

Only the strength that penetrates the metal structure of the back of the chair can be seen, the person who did it really has real and deep hatred.

Even if there is no intention to grind to death, Jia Fang is a high-level alpha. Not all star bandits can do formal scientific tests. It is only estimated from the performance during the fight that Jia Fang has at least an A-level.The wound that runs through the heart also needs to wait a minute or two for him to die.

But Lin Jing didn't stay to watch all this happen, he walked without delay.

Because he doesn't need it.

The enemy corpses that are cooling down are far less attractive than those useful materials in the warehouse.

Renn had seen that scene before. Jia Fang died in his flagship, and the battleship was destroyed from the power cabin. The road leading directly to the bridge left traces of various fierce battles, but only One of the corpses, all the cabin doors were locked, filled with terrified survivors, and the starship boss Jia Fang—he died like some kind of monument.

Those are the burn marks left by the stars.

Lin Jing also turned his head to look at Ren after he finished talking about the past. Although he looked very calm, Ren could see a sense of sight from his expressionless face... Xiao Lan begging to touch his head.

So Ren touched it.

Then Ryan went crazy.

hold back.

——Because Lin Jing also just tilted his head and rubbed his face against Ren's palm, and he didn't know if it was intentional.

This is the following crime, intending to murder the chief!

So Ryan slowly said the murderous lines in a gentle tone: "If you don't want to be punished on the spot, you'd better do it yourself."

Lin Jingye: "..."

What did I do?You reached out first.

"Hmm..." Lin Jing also replied at the same speed, "Since the negotiation with Ye Yu has to continue for a while, we don't have any other tasks to do..."

Ren looked at him.

Seeing Lin Jingye's red ears, his unfinished intentions were obvious.

In the next second, Ren turned over and rushed over, grabbed Lin Jingye's neckline and roughly tore it off. The buttons were jingling and flying all over the sky. Lin Jing also opened his eyes wide in astonishment. When Ren was about to tear off the close-fitting layer under his shirt Grabbed Ren's wrist while warming his clothes.

Ren narrowed his eyes displeased: "What are you doing?"

Lin Jing was also embarrassed: "I won't tear it up..."

Ren: "It belongs to me anyway, what does my love to tear my clothes have to do with you?"

Lin Jingye: "..."

Well, nesting materials have no say.

But Lin Jing was also lucky to keep the dress.


Ren was furious: "What are you doing!"

Liu Jun's calf outside the door trembled, and then he replied loudly: "The technical department and the engineer from Ye Yu have tracked the echo signal together!"

Lin Jing also stood up neatly, threw away the torn shirt, and quickly put on the combat uniform and exoskeleton. Ren looked angrily at the door, then at him, putting on his own equipment with a sullen face.

After a while, Liu Jun felt that the marshal who opened the door looked at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Yuan, Marshal." Liu Jun swallowed, "That—"

Ren looked displeased: "How did you get here?"

Liu Jun: "I was in Captain Cecilia's team when we set off. You said you wanted to bring a quartermaster. I..."

Oh, self-inflicted.

Ren cut off: "Say the point."

"General Sitia sent a message using the secret language agreed between Ye Yu and other colonies. A small colony in the fourth district of the Southern Corona failed to respond according to the regulations. The Black Hummingbird fighter jet went to investigate and did not come back."

"Didn't come back." Lin Jing also frowned, "Have you lost contact? How can you tell that Echo did it instead of that tribe preparing to rebel?"

Liu Jun replied: "Like us, the Black Hummingbird sent back the Echo declaration."

"Hey, that guy from Citia is confident in their channel encryption technology?"

Liu Jun twitched the corners of his mouth: "She is very confident in the Black Hummingbird she trained, and she wants to send a message directly from the Black Hummingbird's communicator. Unless the Echo has the ability to completely invade, the enemy will have no chance to board a function. Black Hummingbird fighter."

"The whole army has the will to die? Will it self-destruct immediately if it loses the enemy?" Ren sneered, "Like the style of a cold-blooded politician."

Lin Jing also looked at him, and Ren shook his head as a gesture.

"Assemble the escort fleet of the Dyeing Star, one to three teams will follow me, and four to six teams will remain as the frigates of the Dawn Guard starship to protect the diplomat, Jocelyn, and notify the Z intermediate team of the Star Ring Great Wall to send reinforcements. Lin Jing also said decisively, "I believe that Your Excellency the Diplomat is capable of persuading Sitia to cooperate."

Ren pointed at Liu Jun: "You still stay with Cecilia."


After receiving the order, Liu Jun took the order first, and then he was speechless secretly. He could see that Lin Jing was also in charge of the command. Did the marshal just shake his head and Captain Lin could understand what he meant?After all, the marshal, as the officer with the highest authority, did not give the order for Captain Lin to continue commanding. According to military regulations, the highest officer should take over.

This... Liu Jun scratched his head. Is this level of tacit understanding really less than a year old?What did they secretly do to gain experience?

Using Ye Yu's use as an excuse, the federation's attitude became even tougher. There was no way to completely conceal the chaotic war, not to mention the fact that the leader died. The rebel army and the star bandits conspired, as well as the internal and external enemies of several elders, but Sitia was put together in the most unexpected place——

She didn't expect that the always flamboyant Sky Sword would use a very old trick: secretly recording and leaving evidence.

If she does not allow the Asterisk to act freely, this audio of her conspiring to kill the leader will be made public. Regardless of whether the people believe the Federation's rhetoric or not, this doubt will definitely become a hidden danger for her to take power in the future.

"Captain, Yeyu said that the tribe suspected of being invaded is the Liufang clan, which relies on phosphate mining and derivative processing as its source of income. It is a very small one, and its population is estimated to be less than [-]." Cross is reporting the summarized information, From time to time, his eyes drifted towards the marshal who was sitting on the rest chair not far away.

The Six Party Clan is active in the fourth star region of Corona Australis. Their colony is built on the two moons of a planet named after the clan, and the planet itself is their huge mine.

Sitia originally wanted the black hummingbird to accompany her, but Lin Jing also refused on the grounds that small machines could be easily controlled by echoes. Although she was unhappy, she didn't insist on thinking of her subordinates who had lost contact with them before.

"Captain, the Liufang clan's security checkpoint is ahead, with a relay station platform and four fixed-point turrets."

Tval frowned: "They are all in a state of power-off. It's weird."

"Be alert." Lin Jing also said.

All the frigates opened their shields and surrounded the Dyeing Star, and the Dyeing Star was charging the main gun and side plasma cannon.

Checkpoints and fixed-point turrets need to be on standby 24 hours a day. The entire system relies on the control of a relay station and shares a set of energy sources. Therefore, it takes a long time to restart the entire system after it is shut down. It is impossible to shut down and pretend that no one is there, and then wait for the enemy to come in. Surprise attack.

But this is even weirder.

Aoke: "Probably to lure us in."

His voice came from the channel, accompanied by Luna's roar: "Stupid pig, move again, move again, break all your limbs and give you a full set of prosthetics!"

"No matter what the trap is, at least it can be confirmed that the Liufang clan has indeed been attacked by external forces."

"There is still a ten-minute flight between the checkpoint and the main settlement area of ​​​​the Liufang clan. The other party can restart those devices before we retreat." Lin Jing also ordered coldly, "All warships are optimistic about their own small combat units. Sprinkle out, especially drones, don't give the Echo a knife. We don't have the option to turn back."

Everyone is solemn, there is no option to turn back, so according to the style of Lin Jingye or the sword of the sky, the only option is to penetrate the front.

He was operating on the console in front of him, without looking up, he said, "Tvar, go to the tarmac to report."


Fighter planes are also small combat units, but Lin Jingye clearly meant that Tvar would fly the fighter jets and undertake the scouting work done by drones in conventional warfare. This is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, but Tvar's mood was extremely agitated.

The captain dared to use him at this time because he had absolute trust in his ability!

"Meera together."


Tvar was extinguished with a basin of cold water, and his whole body seemed to be smoking. He finally accepted the trust of the captain who shared with Oko, and here comes another Mera!

"Don't look at me like that." Meera said leisurely to Tvar on the tarmac, "The captain is the marshal's man after all, you and Oke can't touch each other."

Tvar's face was gloomy: "You nonsense, a woman with a head full of yellow waste, you don't understand how precious the captain's trust is... Wait, the marshal's people? What kind of 'marshal's people' do you mean?"

Meera nodded: "That's the meaning, I just exchanged information with Cecilia."

Tval's expression cracked instantly: "No, you can't, then Joe—"

"Have some confidence in the captain's character, okay?" Meera said disgustedly, as if she was not the one who said that the captain was looking for a substitute, "The marshal and the captain have long been in love, and the captain It's just that we can't see it with a straight face every day, maybe we went to bed early together."

"Then Jocelyn..." Tval was still confused.

Meera: "Joslin is very similar to the marshal. The marshal has a twists and turns, and Jocelyn appeared out of thin air. It seems that he has never been found before. At least I never knew that there is such an outstanding person in the diplomatic team." One, if it's not a substitute but still has a close relationship with the captain..."

She lowered her voice, and Tvar leaned closer nervously.

The woman said mysteriously: "This Jocelyn is the marshal—a brother who was also left behind!"

Ren on the bridge pinched his nose and felt like sneezing.

Lin Jingye: "Everyone is ready, Tval and Meera, you two are flying together, and if the situation is wrong, evacuate immediately."

The fleet is heading straight for the coordinates where the Liufang clan is located, and Lin Jing does not intend to cover up his whereabouts. The high-profile battle a few days ago has already led to a situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark. It is better to go directly to cover the two hidden operations. fighter.

They entered a meteorite belt that circled the hexagonal star, and soon—

"Captain, the mining ship of the Liufang clan is found ahead!"

"Channel call not answered."

"The opponent's shield is turned on and the energy is full."

Mining ship, Lin Jingye tapped the table with his fingertips. The arming of the mining ship is not very good, and a small settlement like the Liufang clan may not be able to support a dedicated warship.

But... He narrowed his eyes. This is a meteorite field, and mining ships are specialized in dealing with rocks.

"The frigate turns its hull, all ships face the flagship, and turn on the tail engine pressurization system!"

A slightly strange order, but it was executed perfectly. The surrounding large and small floating meteorites were rushed away by the power of the frigate, and the surrounding area was suddenly emptied as if clearing the field.

Almost at the same time, the special drill bit of the mining ship slammed into the place where the meteorites were originally located.

"Damn." Cross almost bit his tongue in fright, and the new member was even more impressed—the captain's ability to predict is amazing. They will use the weapons on board to attack, but they must first use the drill to detonate the meteorite. Once successful, the flying gravel will become small shells. Even if it cannot cause too much damage to the main body of the starship, it is enough to knock them The formation was messed up.

Those mining ships seemed to be shocked by this prediction, and they haven't made the next move yet.

Lin Jingye: "The main gun is ready."

The author has something to say: Meera, a low-level detective who analyzes well and seems to be reliable, but unfortunately her conclusions are so crooked.

Marshal: Ah!Liu Jun, you are dead!ah!I--

Captain: Please don't mess up your menstrual period casually.

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