How I became the Empress of Hell

1.14: Date Night!

“You know, I’d highly suggest at least putting a sheet over top of you guys in case the others decide to come down. Unless you don’t mind them seeing you two lovebirds sans clothing.”

My eyes snapped open at the sound of Jade’s voice, and I blushed as I realized Emily and I were both lying nude in front of her roommate. Instead of moving to cover us up, Emily merely turned over and faced the door.

“Eh. Maybe we’ll charge admission for private viewing of our sexiness.”

We all laughed and Jade rolled her eyes and turned around and walked back into the common room. I peeled myself away from the gorgeous raven-haired beauty's embrace and went over to my suitcase. I pulled out a large oversized hoodie and slid it on. It was several sizes too large, and it hung down to my mid-thigh. One of the sleeves had a small hole, and it was frayed and tattered in several places. I had had it for years and it was on its last leg, but I loved the feeling of the fabric on my skin. It was faded black with a rainbow printed on the front. The words PRIDE had mostly worn off, but a faint outline was still legible.

“Wow, that thing looks like it’s got some miles on it…”

Emily pointed at some of the small holes as she slipped on her t-shirt from earlier. Her nipples were clearly outlined beneath the material, but she was at least covered. She retrieved my jeans from the floor and pulled them on.

“Hey, I think we’re the same size! I love the way these fit.”

I nodded and smacked her ass playfully.

“You look better in them than I do! They really hug your curves. And that ass… Mmmmm! Mouthwatering.”

Jade poked her head back in the room and smirked at us both.

“You two are freaking adorable, you know that?”

“Yep. That’s why I’m keeping her, Jade. The adorable factor.”

She snorted and walked back into the common room. Emily sat on the edge of the bed and just stared at me wordlessly. I arched an eyebrow and cocked my head to one side as she continued to stare.

“Sorry, I just can’t keep my eyes off you. You really are perfect, Allie.”

I blushed furiously and chucked a pair of socks at her.

“Perfect? I have never been called perfect before. I am far from perfect. I’m-“

“You’re perfect to me, Allie. You are cute, funny, brilliant, brave, a cunning tactician, and damn good in bed. You’re also still the highest-level player in the game. Not by much though… I was checking my phone while you slept, and there’s one player who’s only 2 levels behind you; Niall.”

“Shit. That means we gotta get back to killing stuff. Angel or Demonspawn?”

“Hmmm… You know, I don’t remember.”

She grabbed her phone and messed with it for a few seconds before glancing up at me.

“Angelspawn. Says he’s a level 29 Storm Mage.”

“That’s shocking.”

“Ugh… Allie… really?”

I giggled and jumped on the bed next to her.

“Hey, can Angelspawn join a Demonspawn clan?”

She shook her head.

“No, being around an Angelspawn would cause our Redemption Meters to go up, if being around a demon and a bunch of Demonspawn didn’t cause his Corruption Meter to fill first. Although… I guess you could figure out how your master turned you and do that too him.”

I sighed at the now not so fond memory and sat up.

“You do know that would require me to sleep with him. Well… Allexus would have to, I mean.”

“Hmmm… yeah… I forgot about that part. Unless… No, that’s just messed up.”

I cocked my eyebrow and leaned against her.

“What’s messed up?”

She pursed her lips and sighed.

“Well, I mean, you specifically don’t have to sleep with him, you could always get him to come into the castle so your master could corrupt him. But… that’s basically setting someone up to get… well… Even if it’s just his character, it’s still a shitty thing to do.”

I nodded and giggled as my stomach rumbled loudly.

“I vote that we meet him and consider our options from there. If he’s already level 29, then it would make sense to have him on our side.”

“Well… whatever we do… let’s get something to eat first.

I kissed her on the cheek and stood up.

“Can I make a request?”

“No. Not allowed. This is my dorm room and that makes me the goddess of this realm.”

She smirked and me and I rolled my eyes.

“Of course you can, gorgeous. After earlier you can ask me for anything.

I would have blushed, but I wasn’t ashamed to admit it was probably the best sex I’d had.

“Can dinner just be the two of us? Like a… well… a date?”

A wide grin spread across her face, and she nodded enthusiastically. She squealed and leapt off the bed into my arms.

“Yes! I would love that! The others were wanting to hang out… but I have more important plans now!”

She stripped off the t-shirt and her large breasts bounced into view. I would never get tired of seeing those beauties jiggle and move. She rolled her eyes at me staring and pointed to my suitcase.

“Get dressed. You can ogle my tits later.”

It didn’t take us long to get dressed, but I wanted to surprise Emily with my previously unworn dress, so I changed in Jade’s room. When I walked out into the common room, I was rendered speechless by the stunning vision of beauty that stood before me. Emily had dressed in a dark blue sleeveless super low cut v neck dress that went down to just below her knees. The shimmery fabric went perfect with a pair of black ankle high boots, and she had changed her eyeshadow to shades of blue to match. I stood motionless, drinking in her beauty and she smiled at me and walked over.

“Allison. I am officially the luckiest woman on the planet. You look drop dead gorgeous. That dress is fucking perfect on you. If we weren’t going to dinner, I’d take you back to my room and have my way with you. You are so fucking hot!”

Despite blushing a deep crimson from my neck up, I managed to return the compliment.

“We are so fucking hot, you mean. You… You are breathtaking, Emily. Like… Wow. Truly!”

She kissed me, and I smiled as I licked my lips. Her slightly blue tinted lip gloss tasted like cake.

“Ready to go? I can’t wait to show the world my sexy as fuck girlfriend!”

I didn’t know it was possible, but I blushed even harder and simply nodded. She led us out of her dorm room, and we were met with catcalls and whistles as we walked through the hallways. Right as we were about to exit, she turned suddenly, pulled me into a firm embrace, and kissed me passionately. I lost myself in that moment and didn’t care that the other students around me cheered and applauded. When she pulled away, reality came swooping back and I had to blink my eyes to clear the fog that had set in my brain. She giggled and led us outside. Bray pulled up in a large SUV and put it in park. He jumped out and opened the door in the rear passenger side. He helped Emily up into the vehicle, before taking me by the arm and walking me to the other side.

“You look amazing, Allie. You’ve already made Emily so happy. Thank you. Even if this is the last night you two see each other, you’ve truly made today the best day in her life.”

He hugged me briefly and opened the door. He helped me up into the large vehicle, and I turned to him after I was seated.

“I’ve grown a little fond of her so… this won’t be the last night. There will be many, many more.”

He smiled and nodded, before closing the door and jumping in the driver’s seat.

“Only rule I have about my car: no sex unless you’re prepared to clean my seats.”

Emily and I laughed as he pulled out of the dorm parking lot.

Dinner was at a fairly fancy place called Gaspianno’s. As we walked into the restaurant arm in arm, we were greeted by a tall man in a suit. He took us to a table, and Emily ordered some champagne. When the waiter walked over to the table with some glasses and a bottle in a bucket of ice, he asked if we were celebrating.

“Absolutely! Allie and I just started dating, and to me that’s cause for celebration.”

I nodded and accepted the glass of sparkling liquid. We clinked our glasses together, and I giggled as the bubbles tickled my throat. Dinner was exceptional, and we spent time taking bites of each other’s food. We finished the bottle of champagne, and as I stood up to use the restroom, I felt more than a bit tipsy.

“Em. Are you trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me? Cause… it’s working.”

“Which part, the getting you drunk or taking advantage of you?”


I sat back down and leaned against my girlfriend who was texting Bray to come pick us up. I paid our tab, and tipped the waiter generously, before Bray came in and helped me to the car.

“Bray. I wanted to tell you something… but you can’t tell Emily. OK?”

(Keep in mind, at this point Bray was on one side of me helping me walk, Emily was on the other making sure I didn’t fall. And my drunk whispering voice is not really a whisper. I only know all of this because Emily loves telling this entire story quite frequently to embarrass me.)

“Sure, Allie. What’s up?”

“I think… I think I’m falling for Emily. Like… really hard.”

“But you’ve only known her for like… a day? How can you know you’re falling for her if you’ve just met her?”

“I just… I just know. I’ve had a lot of really bad girlfriends, some were bad in bed, some were just bad people, but Emily isn’t. A bad person. Or in bed. She’s pretty awesome… not that you’d know that. Cause you’re gay.”

“Wait! Who told you I’m gay?! I thought it was a big secret that no one was supposed to know?!”

I laughed and leaned into his arms. He hoisted me into his car, and after Emily jumped in on the other side, I laid across the seats and rested my head in her lap. She leaned in close to my ear and spoke in a whisper.

“Allie. I have a secret to tell you.”

I looked up at her, and she smiled down at me.

“I think I might be falling for you, too.”

She kissed me, and I moaned as she licked my lips.

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