How I became the Empress of Hell

1.16: ❤️❤️Master’s Cruelty III

Content Warning: This chapter will contain scenes of coerced/forced consent. This is another short intense chapter.


I opened my eyes, and stared at my bedroom. Once I got rid of my master, I’d have to do some serious redecorating. I jumped off the bed and equipped my gear before turning to Judas who had been waiting patiently.

“Ready to try and make it out of here without being noticed?”

He nodded, and I threw open the door. I managed to take three steps before the room spun and shimmered. When I could focus my eyes, I was standing in front of my master sitting on his throne. He still had Emelia’s exaggerated form, and I glared at him in frustration.

“Wipe that look off your face, Allexus. Lest I cleave your head from your shoulders.”

I knew I would only end up getting myself killed if I did anything to provoke him further, so I gave him a blank look, and waited for whatever came next.

“Why do you hate me, Allexus? I’ve made you into the perfect killing machine. I removed that worthless humanity, and made significant improvements to your body. And yet you still treat me with defiance and disrespect. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be a pathetic Angelspawn. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t cut you down where you stand.”

I sighed, and held up my hands.

“It would be easier if your kindness outweighed your cruelty; but we both know it doesn’t. Continually raping me and forcing my demons to gangbang me pretty much guarantees I’m going to hate you.”

He sighed, and stood up.

“I think you’re forgetting something, Allexus.”

He waved his hand as he walked over to me, and his armor disappeared, leaving his pale white body completely nude. His massive erect cock swayed back and forth and his tits jiggled with each step, and he moved very close to me.

“You’re forgetting that you begged me to fuck you. And after I finished, you even climbed back on for more. I altered your body so you could enjoy being fucked over and over, and yet somehow you hate me for that? Did I get carried away when I ordered your demons to have their way with you? Perhaps. I told you from the beginning that I expected one thing from you, and you could do whatever you wished after that. I expect your total compliance and subservience whenever I want to put your altered body to use for my own desires. Once I’m satisfied, you are free to come and go as you please. Is that such a ridiculous demand?”

As loath as I was to admit it, he had a point. I did beg him for it, and I did choose to become his servant willingly. I still hated him for abusing me the way he had, but part of me understood why he felt the need to do it. I had defied him, and in his eyes he felt I needed to be punished. It didn’t justify what he had done, but at least I knew the reasoning behind why he did it.

“Remove your clothing. I have a new item I want to try.”

I did as he instructed with a snap of my fingers, and my armor and gear disappeared. He held out his hand and an amulet appeared. He smashed it, and a blinding flash of light filled the room. When my vision cleared, I looked in surprise at a clone of my master standing next to him. Both of them laughed an evil sounding laugh, and one of them moved closer to me.

“This is going to be so much fun.”

He reached down and picked me up. He wrapped my legs around his waist, and slowly lowered me onto his fully erect member. Due to my constant state of arousal around him, I slid all the way down onto him with ease. I groaned as the other one came up behind me and thrust his well lubed cock into my ass with one stroke. Each of them started grunting as they lifted me up and let me sink back down. Their massive oversized tits mashed against me as they bounced me up and down. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to scream and kick and fight. My altered body was making it incredibly difficult for me to feel anything but pleasure at the moment. Instead of wasting energy fighting something I knew I had no control over, I surrendered to the wave of ecstasy that was building inside of me. My grunts turned into moans, and I felt my body tense up over and over as I came several times. I lost track of how many times I was pushed to my peak, and I was starting to lose feeling in my lower half. Both of my masters let me sink down all the way onto them before I felt them cum deeply inside of me. I felt the cock in my ass suddenly just disappear as the clone vanished. My master set me down on the stone floor, and walked over to his throne. He waved his hand, and a revealing set of armor appeared on his feminine body. He eased back onto the throne and relaxed against it.

“That wasn’t so bad now, was it? Do you really think I’m so cruel to you? As long as you do as I say, I’ll give you nothing but pleasure, Allexus.”

I sighed and looked down at my voluptuous body. I held up one hand, extended the claws, and after a few seconds retracted them. No matter how amazing the gift of this body was, it didn’t make up for the abuse I had suffered and would be sure to continue suffering at his hands. No matter how he justified it, and no matter how much my body enjoyed it; forcing me to have sex with him was still rape. As long as I was bound to him, I would either have to give myself willingly to him, or he would just threaten to hurt or kill me and just take what he wanted. Either way, I would have to endure his nigh-insatiable sexual appetite every time I set foot in the castle. I looked up at the twisted imitation of Emelia’s body, and stared at him with a blank expression.

“Is it alright if I leave now, master?”

It felt like his piercing gaze could see past my facade, and I did my best to keep my face devoid of any emotion. He nodded slowly, but his eyes never left me. I stood up and equipped my gear, trying to pretend I didn’t notice the enormous pale-skinned demon lord staring daggers at me. I spun on my heel, and walked out of the throne room slowly. The doors slammed behind me, and I ran towards the castle exit. Before I departed, I messaged Judas and the others that I was on my way out.

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