How I became the Empress of Hell

1.9: Emily

I sat up on my bed and glanced down at my phone. It was already 2 in the morning, and the ‘excitement’ had left me aroused and wide awake. I pulled the wet towels off my bed and tossed them into the laundry. I took another quick shower and checked my phone.

2 unread messages sent from Holy Damnation User: Emelia

I opened the message and smiled.

Hey, Allie! Sorry for rushing off so quickly. I went back to see if you were still there, but you must have taken off. I wanted to personally thank you for dragging our noob asses through that dungeon. I hit level 20, Jade, Scythe, and Bray hit level 19, and Aeryn hit level 18! We’re excited to keep kicking ass with you! Hope to see you soon!

I wondered why she sounded so… normal considering how close we got, until I opened the second message.

Ok, now I can type without any of them reading over my shoulder. I loved the feel of your lips against mine. You are an amazing kisser. I honestly didn’t think you were gay… but… well… I’m glad. I know we only met in a game, but I feel like we have a real connection. Feel free to text or call me whenever. I’d love to hear from you tonight, even if it’s super late. XOXO -Em


I saved her number in my phone and stared down at the device for a moment. My heart pounded in my chest, and my palms were sweaty. In the game I was this confident badass demoness who melted the hearts of men and women alike. Out here, in real life… I was just… me. I sighed and pressed the call button. If I could stand up to a demon lord without flinching, I could make a phone call to a girl I was starting to get a crush on. It rang a couple times, and a soft familiar voice answered. She sounded like she had just woken up as she spoke.

“Hello? Allie, is that you?”

I was too scared to speak at first, but upon hearing my name, I found my voice.

“Yeah, it’s me. Sorry… I’m um… I was so nervous about calling you.”

She laughed; a sweet melodic sound. It was so damn cute, and hearing it made me smile.

“I know what you mean! I had trouble messaging you my number. My hands were shaking so bad. But… I’m really glad you called. Uh… hold on.”

I heard her place her hand over the receiver and speak to someone else in the room. It was muffled, but I could still make out what she was saying.

“No Jade, it’s the pizza delivery guy… Who else do you think would call me at 2:45 in the morning?! Now can I please have a little privacy?”

I couldn’t tell what Jade had said back to her but hearing Emily’s next words made me blush furiously and caused a huge grin to spread over my face.

“No, I’m not sharing her. She’s mine. Now go back to your room and leave me alone, bitch!”

She took her hand off the receiver and spoke to me directly.

“I’m so sorry about that, Allie. Jade is my dorm mate, and she is the nosiest bitch in the world.”

I laughed and found the courage to be a little bolder than before.

“Well, you told her I’m yours, so… that’s that. As long as she knows that, she’s welcome to be as nosy as she wants.”

Emily made a little squeaking noise and spoke rapidly. I could tell that I had made her nervous and hearing the panic in her voice made me laugh a little.

“You uh… you heard that? I’m so sorry! I didn’t- I mean… you’re not-“

“Hey. Stop. Relax. I’m not objecting. In fact… I liked hearing it.”

“Wait… you did? Oh… Phew! I thought for sure you’d think I was being super creepy or whatever.”

I laughed again and teased her a bit.

“Maybe just a little. But… I like it. Hey, what are you doing tomorrow, errr today I guess? I’d love to drive up and see you. I’ll even call out of work. I haven’t taken a day off since I started, so I have a ton of vacation days saved up.”

When she didn’t answer right away, I figured I may have been too brazen with telling her I wanted to see her, but when she let out a small laugh, I felt a little better.

“I’m skipping class and hanging out with you… duh! And there’s no class on the weekends, so… well… if you wanted to you could-“

“Yes! I do want to! I’m supposed to be at work… but… like I said, lots of vacation days.”

I was so excited that my heart was racing and I had butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why I asked the next question I did, but after hearing her response, I was glad I did.

“Hey… what are you wearing? Like right now.”

“Ummm… heh… Nothing… I don’t usually sleep naked… but… after you kissed me in game well… I… Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m telling you this!”

I laughed and spoke quietly.

“I did too. In the shower. Twice. You are an amazing kisser. I can’t wait to kiss you for reals though.”

The momentarily silence felt like an eternity.

“Me too. That’s all I’ve been thinking about since I logged off last night. What time are you coming?”

I coughed and laughed at her unintentional double entendre. She gave a little squeak noise again, and I teased her some more.

“Hopefully as soon as you get me back to your dorm room.”

“I uh- that’s- that’s not what I meant…. I meant-“

“I know what you meant…. I’ll probably be too excited to sleep much more than a few hours, so I’ll leave around 8 or 9. It’s almost a 4 hour drive, so I'll be there around 12 or so.”

“I’m so excited. I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight! Gaaaah! I can’t wait!”

“Me either… but… We should both try to get some sleep.”

I think my character was rubbing off on me a bit too much, because I surprised myself with being even more forward than before.

“Especially if we’re not going to do much sleeping all weekend.”

Her adorable little squeak and a soft breathy laugh.

“You’re bad! But… I can’t wait. Sleep well, Allie. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!”

“You too, Emily. Sleep well, and before you know it, I’ll be there!”

She made a kissing noise on the receiver, and I did the same before we both hung up. My heart was racing and I felt like I had enough energy to run around the block 5000 times. I couldn’t stop smiling as I packed a bag for the week-long trip I was planning. 

I carefully stored my gaming gear and zipped its case closed. I’m not really a girly-girl so my wardrobe consisted of jeans, t-shirts, large hoodies, and the occasional skirt. I packed some clothes, barely looking at what I was bringing, and tossed in a few pairs of clean panties and a couple of bras on top. I opened my closet and nodded my head. I had one outfit that I had never worn. It was a sleeveless black chiffon mini-dress with a pleated skirt and low-cut bodice. It was fitted for me specifically, but it was so unlike what I usually wore I hadn’t found an occasion to wear it. I had a pair of strappy open toed heels that went with it, and I placed those in a large travel bag and hung the dress on the outside of my closet door. I placed the heels in my suitcase and double-checked everything. I went into my bathroom and packed a small travel bag. I grabbed what little makeup I owned and stored it in a small bag with the rest of my stuff. 

I was about to zip the large suitcase closed when I had a very naughty thought. I went into my underwear drawer and pulled out something I hadn't used in awhile. It was a strap-on with a large pink 7-inch dildo. There was a possibility I was being presumptuous, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to at least have it on hand if things escalated that far. I stowed it along with a few other 'essentials' underneath a few layers of clothing, and zipped the bag closed.

As I headed towards my bed, I checked my phone. 3:30 AM. I also had 3 unread messages from Emily. I opened the text message app, and my eyes went wide. The first thing she had sent me was her address. I was glad she had remembered, because in my excitement I had completely forgotten. The second was a photo of her in a green sundress. She was freaking gorgeous, and I could tell she hadn’t altered her character much. She looked identical, and my already broad smile widened even more. The second photo made me wet almost instantly. It was one of her wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy panties that had been pulled down slightly and covering her breasts with her arm. I blushed furiously when I saw that she had written “Allie’s Girl” across the tops of her breasts with what looked like an eyeliner pencil. Her black hair had been brushed out of her face, and her almost elven features made her look soft and delicate. Her almond shaped eyes were a deep brown that gave her that classic “doe-eyed” look. She had a milky white complexion, and I could tell she rarely spent more than a few minutes in the sunlight. Despite her arm and hand covering her chest I could still tell she was very well endowed… and I felt a tingle of excitement as I thought about seeing them in person.  She had a small strip of black pubic hair, but I couldn’t see anything beyond that. She certainly knew how to send a sexy photo that left little to the imagination, but still kept the most important parts covered.

My heart thudded as I stared at the picture, and I ran back to my bathroom. I wrote Emily’s Girl across the tops of my small A cups and ran back to my full-length bedroom mirror. I brushed my long brown hair and put it into a simple braid. I mirrored her pose and took the picture. I sent her one of my photos I thought really captured who I was and sent her that and the new one I had just taken. I was both relieved and disappointed when she didn’t respond. Part of me wanted her to say something in response, but I was glad she went to sleep finally. I needed to do the same, as it was rapidly approaching 4:00 AM. I wiped the eyeliner off my chest and switched off all the lights as I headed back towards my bed. After setting my alarm for 7:30 AM and plugging in my phone, I hopped in my bed, and fell instantly asleep despite the excitement I was still feeling.


My eyes snapped open and I half expected to be staring at Judas. I rubbed my eyes and shot out of my bed. I could have used a few more hours of sleep, but the excitement and adrenaline had me ready for the day the second my feet hit the floor. I threw on a pair of black curvy jeans and a pink spaghetti strap tank top. Due to my unimpressive tits, I rarely wore a bra. I do wish they were bigger at times, but I am happy that I don’t have the troubles other girls do with back problems and having to wear a bra to go in public. I laced up my black Converse sneakers and finished off the pizza in the fridge before running back upstairs and grabbing my bags. I carried them downstairs and nodded. I loaded my bags in the back of my CRV and hopped in. I took a selfie with a kissy face and sent it to Emily with the caption: On the way!

I was pleasantly surprised when I made really good time and only had to slow a few times for traffic. The drive took me just under 3 and a half hours, and while I drove, I called my boss and explained that I was taking the next 5 days off. At first he was irritated, but when I reminded him that I had over a month of vacation time saved up, he reluctantly agreed.

“Just be sure to be here next Friday! I didn’t promote you to assistant manager so you could run off with the first cute gamer girl who smiled at you! Ha! I’m kidding! Have a good time, and don’t do anything I would do.”

“Thanks Richard. I’ll see you on Friday.”

I pulled up to the campus and parked in the guest parking area Emily had mentioned. I turned off my car and stepped out. I stretched and retrieved my phone from the passenger seat.

I’m here.

She responded within seconds and I smiled as my heart started to race.

Be right down. I’m not alone though. Everyone wanted to see you.

I laughed nervously and started unloading the back of my vehicle. A group of people were exiting the nearest dorm, and I instantly recognized them. Bray was in front, and while he may not be as tall as his character, he was still very tall. He had to be at least 6’6 or 6’7, and probably weighed at least 300 lbs. If I hadn’t met him in the game, I would have thought he was a musclebound jock who made fun of kids like us. His pale face had boyish features hidden behind a thin blonde beard and wore a baseball cap backwards. The tall lanky one walking a bit behind him was Spencer. He wasn’t as tall as his boyfriend, but he was still probably 6’1 or 6’2. While Bray was broad shouldered and muscly, Spencer was slender and toned. He had olive skin, and shoulder length dark brown hair, and an almost pretty smooth-shaven face. He could have easily been a fashion model; especially given the stylish flamboyant shirt and flared pants he wore. Next to him had to be Jade. Her rich milk-chocolate skin and bouncy black and brown curls screamed sexy DIVA. She was probably around 5’8 or 5’9, but I saw she had wedges on, so it was more like 5’6 or 5’7. She wore a jean jacket and matching capris over top a simple green t-shirt. Her tastes were elegant and casual at the same time. My smile widened as I lay eyes on the girl I had driven all this way to see, and she took my breath away.

She was wearing a pair of black mini-shorts and a low cut black t-shirt that said I’m so gay! in rainbow lettering. Her pale complexion made her heavy black eyeliner and mascara on her deep brown almond shaped eyes stand out even more, and my heart thudded in my chest. Upon seeing me, she ran forward towards me, her sandals flying off her feet. At first, I was too scared to react, but as she drew closer, I opened my arms for her. She gave me a running hug and practically leapt into my arms. She pressed her lips against mine and I leaned back against my car for support. My mind was a flurry of emotions as I kissed her back passionately. I would have lost myself completely in that kiss, until the only member of the group I hadn’t seen spoke up.

“Do you at least want to get inside before you start going at it? Or are we just gonna stand here and watch you, Em?”

We broke apart and both of us blushed furiously. I turned and faced the rest of the group and they moved over to me excitedly. After they had each hugged me, we (re)introduced ourselves. I finally was able to see Aaron and noted that he looked remarkably similar to his sister. He had a wispy beard over his face and short cropped hair. Other than Emily’s girlish figure, the resemblance was uncanny. When Emily saw me staring for a moment, the two looked at each other and communicated something wordlessly before they drew me closer and talked quietly.

“Aaron grew up as my twin sister. In our senior year of high school, he came out as trans to my parents. They weren’t sure how to react at first but have been nothing but supportive since.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Aaron. Thank you for trusting me. I’m glad you’ve had such strong support in your life. One of my best friends back home is trans, and she’s had a rough go of it. It’s a hard journey, but I’m glad to call you my friend. Hell, if I hadn’t come up for your sister, I’d maybe go to the other side and try dating a guy for a change. You are very handsome.”

He blushed and nodded at me. Emily squeezed my hand gently and smiled at me. Bray grabbed my suitcase in one hand, and my gaming bag in the other and we headed across the parking lot towards their dorm room.

“Jesus, Allie, did you pack a body in this thing? It’s gotta weigh at least 100 lbs!”

I smirked at Emily and responded.

“I can handle it just fine. The only thing easier would be kicking your ass in a duel.”

The group laughed and groaned at the burn, and Bray smiled at me with a huge dopey grin.

“My delicate male ego has been wounded! How will I ever recover?!”

Spencer shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“Bring Allie’s stuff and your delicate male ego inside. Otherwise she may drop you here in the middle of the parking lot.”

We all laughed as we walked inside the large multistoried building. After we made our way to Emily and Jade’s dorm, we chatted about my brutal experience with my master and the revelations about Judas and his newfound freedom. Jade had ordered pizza and we devoured it hungrily as we talked about the game and our last battle together.

I finally got a moment alone with Emily, and we sat on her bed and talked.

“I can’t believe you’re really here. On my bed. You look so much sexier in person! That picture didn’t do you justice!”

I blushed and leaned forward, my face inches from hers. She pulled me close and kissed me, our tongues dueling for control. She pulled back for a moment and bit her lip. She looked so damn sexy when she did that, I had trouble keeping myself off her.

“I can’t get enough of kissing you, Em. I can hardly believe I’m here either. I was so surprised you were interested in me outside of the game, but… I’m really glad you were. Can I- uh… can I ask you something?”

She nodded enthusiastically.

“Anything. You can ask me literally anything.”

“Is this a fling or are you looking for something… more long term? I’m OK if you’re just looking for a couple of nights kinda thing, but… well… I… ummm… I also wouldn’t mind something more long-"

She pulled me into a brief kiss and smiled at me. She held up one finger and reached under her bed. She tossed me a folded piece of paper and started stripping off the shirt she was currently wearing. My thighs grew damp and my legs tingled as her large breasts bounced into view encased in a tight lacy black bra. She caught me staring and pointed down at the item she had thrown at me. As she pulled a tight black shirt that said “I’m not gay, but my girlfriend is” over her head, I unfolded the paper she had tossed in front of me. It was a printout of a custom t-shirt and I grinned widely as I read the words on the front. 

“Don’t hate me because I’m gay. Hate me because me and my girlfriend are better gamers than you.”

I set down the paper on her bed and smiled up at her. I reached out and pulled her to me. We clutched each other in a tight embrace and fell against her bed kissing passionately. Her legs intertwined with mine and we broke apart and just stared into each other's eyes.

“To answer your question, I was hoping for something more long term. I know we just met but I am drawn to you in a way I can’t explain. I just hope you feel the same way about me.”

She smiled at me and kissed me again briefly.

“I don’t know… I mean… maybe I’m not gay and I’m secretly pining for your brother.”

She squeezed my arm firmly and pursed her lips.

“It’s really sudden like you said… but…  I wouldn’t drive over three hours for just a booty call.”

Her smile widened and she kissed me again. She glanced down at the clock on her wall and her eyes went wide with surprise.

“Shit! The others have been waiting for us for over 20 minutes!”

“No we haven’t...”

A muffled voice came from outside her door.

We sat up and turned towards the door as it opened. The rest of our group poured into Emily’s dorm room.

“Seriously guys?! Have you been there the whole time?!”

“Not the whole time… I had to pee while you two were making out.”

“Bray! You weren’t supposed to tell them.”

“Yeah Bray, great going.”

We all laughed and the others looked at Emily and I as our bodies were pressed together. Emily grabbed my gaming gear and held up the visor. She kissed me briefly as I lay back against her pillow and she pulled the visor over my eyes.

“Meet us back in town as soon as you can. And stay strong… no matter what your master demands of you, make it through it and come back to me… ok?”

I nodded and she gave me a quick peck on the lips as she switched on my visor.

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