How I became the Empress of Hell

2.1: Arc 2 Begin!

I really really really appreciate the feedback and ratings you gave me for Arc 1. I promise there is plenty more to come! I took much of the feedback left and have been carefully editing my upcoming chapters to slow the pacing down a bit (as much as I could) and maybe add a bit more world building stuff. (without overloading y'all with a mid-story infodump)

In other news... My Patreon and Discord have been set up for those that want to support my writing addiction, read ahead, or just stop in and chat! ❤️ Check out my profile for those links.

The next chapter will be up on Monday!

As always, thank you for your continued support! You guys rock!!!


We had slept in-game  for over an hour, but the second I sensed Em was in trouble I was instantly awake. I shot out of bed and inspected her legs closely. The veins on her legs and going up her belly were inky black and spider webbed across her skin. From the waist down her skin looked waxy like that of a corpse. My mind reeled with the possibilities before I realized that my corrupting touch was taking effect. I summoned the demon enchanter and nearly screamed in shock. A much shorter slimmer looking version of Mellic appeared in front of us and bowed deeply in respect. Even his voice was the same as he spoke, and it sent chills up my spine.

“Thank you for summoning me, m’lady. My enchantments and all the knowledge my creator passed down to me are at your disposal. I am humbly at your service.”

I ignored the shudders of revulsion that were traveling up and down my body and spoke calmly.

“My [Corrupting Touch] is affecting her, but I’ve only ever used it on lesser demons. It looks like it’s killing her.”

“It is, in a manner of speaking. The part of her that is human is dying and becoming more demonic. Soon nothing will remain but a pure blooded demon, albeit nowhere near as powerful as you, mistress.”

“Mellic’s letter said you had more information on the potion he left for me. How does it work, and would it work on her?”

He looked shocked that I wanted to use the potion on Emelia and cocked his head in confusion.

“If I may be so bold as to inquire, why would you want to use it on her? Once your Corrupting Touch finishes altering her, she will be your loyal minion able to slaughter and kill in your name.”

I glared at the enchanter and shook my head.

“I don’t want her to be my minion… I want her as my equal. I want her as… well... “

“A mate?”

“Um… not in such crude terms… but yes.”

He scoffed and laughed as if I had made a joke.

“She will never be considered your equal. Ever. You are the embodiment of demonic perfection. But I can understand why you’d choose her as a mate. With her strong magic potential, your offspring will be truly a force to be reckoned with.”

“Whoa whoa whoa. Let’s just figure out this potion and maybe not get so presumptuous about what may or may not happen someday.”

He nodded and bowed deeply again.

“Apologies, mistress. I meant no offense... The potion used in conjunction with your [Corrupting Touch] will turn whomever drinks it into a powerful demon lord. The effects, however, vary greatly depending upon the person themselves. A large warrior may become a powerful berserker much like our creator’s enchanted warrior form. I can’t say for certain what will happen beyond the fact that they will be far more powerful than if you just let the [Corrupting Touch] take effect. She will still be considered your minion, but will not be fully bound to your will like the ones you’ve corrupted.”

I retrieved the potion from my inventory storage and rolled it back and forth in my palm. I knelt down next to Emelia and held it up in front of her. The black veins had spread to just below her neck and she nodded weakly. I put the potion against her lips and she swallowed it down in one gulp. When nothing happened for a few seconds, I wondered if the potion was just another of Mellic’s tricks. Suddenly Emelia gasped loudly and I watched as her skin started to glow a bright white color. 

“Ugh… Allie… Get back!”

I reacted instantly and jumped away from the bed with all the speed I could manage. I was about to ask what was wrong when large spikes of ice erupted from Emelia’s skin. The air in the room went from warm and cozy to frigid, biting cold in a manner of seconds. I ignited my body in [Demonfire], but even that wasn’t enough to keep me from shivering against the waves of freezing air emanating from Emelia. The silence in the room was broken by a piercing scream that sounded more like a banshee’s wail, followed by what sounded like glass shattering. I glanced back towards the bed and stood wide eyed at the figure floating above it. 

Her skin had gone from milky white to ghostly pale, and she had long flowing hair that was jet black. Her eyes had shifted to a blood red color, but the most startling change was being able to literally see through her occasionally. She floated down until she stood in front of me, and the chill in the air became even more intense the closer she got. My body grew weak and I struggled to remain standing as the cold felt like it was cutting me to the bone. A look of concern spread across her face and she landed on the ground and waved her hand. The aura of cold surrounding her dissipated and she knelt down to help me to my feet. As she placed her hand on mine it shimmered and passed through it. She looked at her hand intently and tried grasping my hand again. I had recovered enough to stand on my own, but I gratefully accepted her assistance anyways. 

“Are you alright?”

I nodded and looked her up and down as I walked around her. Other than the major cosmetic changes, she looked pretty much identical to her Demonspawn form. I watched as she pulled up her character menu and inspected herself and her new skills.

“I’m apparently a Snow Demon. Kind of reminds me of a Japanese Yuki Onna. Whoa…. Allie, check this out.”

I looked at her character menu as she swung it towards me and read everything in front of me. 

“[Incorporeal form]? Wait… you really are like a ghost. [Absorb Lifeforce]? What the hell does that do?”

She inspected the skill closely and her eyebrows rose slightly. 

“Apparently whenever something takes damage from any of my ice attacks I gain a very small portion of that back as health. And, if something dies by one of my ice attacks I gain a temporary damage increase. Oh wow, I just read the skill description of [Incorporeal Form]. I am immune to all physical attacks… Like, completely immune.”

I swiped one of my hands at her before she had a chance to react and it passed through her body like she was made of smoke. 

“Really?! What if that had actually hit me? Bitch…”

She stuck her tongue out at me and grinned, and I slowly moved my arm to hers. I was surprised to make contact with her skin, and she laughed softly and pulled me closer to her. 

“I can become solid, but it’s like I have to focus on it. It’s really weird.”

I kissed her softly on the forehead and smiled down at her.

“Maybe after dinner we can break in your new body.”

I blushed as I realized the overtly sexual nature of the comment I had just made. Em’s giggle just made me blush even harder. Which my demonic body was conveniently forgetting to suppress.

“That is totally not what I meant. I meant we can see the new skills and abilities you have.”

“Suuuure. Good cover.”

“Keep it up and I’ll show you a good cover… Oh goddammit.”

It was dark outside by the time we had both logged out and jumped out of bed. It felt so strange standing up and being so… human. Not having the strength to crush bones to dust or move faster than the human eye could perceive made being “human gamer Allison” rather boring. Emily looked gorgeous in or out of the game, and I was still giddy at being her girlfriend. I couldn’t help but stare as she stood up and stretched.

“If you stare at me any harder I may burst into flames. Although… I’m one to talk… I can’t keep my eyes off you for a second. Every time I see you I get butterflies in my stomach.”

I blushed a deep crimson and looked at my feet. No one had ever complimented me like that before, but hearing her mirror my own thoughts made me soar even higher on my wave of happiness.

“You are so fucking sexy and adorable when you blush, Allie. Even your boobs get rosy red. You really are beautiful...  God… how did I get so lucky?”

I blushed even harder, but managed a smirk at Emily. She surprised me by lunging forward and pulling me into a tight hug. I sighed contentedly and kissed her neck a few times before pulling away slightly.

“Today was amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better day. It may not have been the get-to-know-you that I wanted, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

I leaned in to kiss her and my stomach growled like a pissed off animal. We both giggled as we lightly kissed and my stomach growled again.

“I agree with your stomach, let’s get some food. Whatcha hungry for?”

I smirked at her and opted for the naughty reply.

“I am really craving p-”

“Food. What food are you hungry for? And don’t act like you weren’t about to say pussy.”

“Is there an option for both? Cause… I choose that.”

She rolled her eyes and kissed me softly before pulling away. Every kiss from her sent me soaring above the clouds, and even sweet little pecks like that were still enough to leave me swooning for her. 

“How ‘bout Chinese food, any good delivery places around here?” 

“Oooo, Chinese sounds good! I don’t remember what it was called, but Spencer is always talking about this one place he loves. Wanna head up to his room and ask him?”

I nodded and started to head towards the door. I was still topless, so I was just waiting to see Emily’s reaction. She raised an eyebrow, but merely shrugged before moving to open the door. I swatted her hand playfully and retrieved a shirt from the pile of our clothing. 

“Not wanting to strut through the dorms topless?”

“Only if you do it with me.”


She peeled her shirt off and unhooked her bra with a swift motion. My eyes bugged out of my skull and my heart thudded in my chest. Seeing those beauties bouncing free had to be the best thing in the world, but the thought of walking topless next to her was causing me to panic a little. At first I thought she was joking, until she opened the door and took a step into the common room. She looked back towards me and motioned with her head for me to join her. I nervously stepped forward and looked around the room. Jade was looking at something on her phone and greeted us without looking up.

“Hey Em, Hey Allie. Bout time you two come up for- Ummm… did you guys maybe forget something on your way out?”

“We’re gonna head up to Spencer’s room and then order some Chinese food, we can order you something if you want.”

“Nah… I already ate. But… if you plan to leave the room like that I am definitely coming along. Allie, I don’t know what you’ve done to corrupt my sweet innocent roommate, but I highly approve.”

“How do you know it wasn’t me that corrupted her, Jade?”

Jade’s snorting laugh was the only response she gave before jumping off the couch and moving towards the door. Again, I thought Emily wasn’t going to go through with walking topless through the halls, and again she surprised me by striding past her roommate into the well lit hallway. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure I was having a heart-attack, but I forced my legs to move and I followed a few steps behind her. As we walked past a few rooms, I was so nervous I couldn’t do much beyond staring at my feet. We made it up to the next floor without anyone noticing us, and I thought maybe my fear was for nothing. 

“Hey ladies! I really hope you’re coming up here to see me, cause I am loving the view.”

I blushed furiously and my legs refused to move. I wanted to collapse into a little ball and hide from everything, but as Emily placed her hand on my arm and lifted my chin up towards her face, I felt a wave of calm wash over me. Catcalls and whistles echoed through the hallway, but the only thing that mattered in that second was the gorgeous raven-haired woman in front of me. She leaned forward and kissed me, and even as the noise intensified I barely noticed it. She pulled away and smiled at me and I smiled back. She walked to my side and clasped my hand tightly and nodded to me. We both strode confidently through the hallways like we owned the place, her hand never leaving mine for a second. Emily stopped suddenly and motioned towards one of the dorm rooms. I knocked and giggled at the thought of Bray or Spencer’s reaction.

“Spence, the next time you order a strip-o-gram, be sure to specify male strippers. I mean these ones aren’t bad… but they’re a tad too… female. And one of them isn’t even dressed right. I hope you didn’t put down too much money. May as well come in ladies, although if you’re expecting a huge tip you’re going to be sorely disappointed.”

We giggled as we walked into the room, and Jade flipped off Bray as she walked by him. Spencer came out of the bedroom with a puzzled look on his face.

“What the hell are you- oh. Uhhh… well. Hi ladies.”

“That was very eloquent, babe. OK, so… what’s with the topless show ladies?”

I took a seat next to Emily on the huge cushiony couch and laid my legs across her lap. 

“Just showing off the confidence that having a sexy girlfriend gives me. Plus Allie said she’d do it if I did, and I’m always down for any excuse to see her topless.”

He shrugged and sat on the couch across from us.

“Hey Spencer, what was the number for that Chinese place you always order from?”

“Order it from their website, it’s a lot easier. Plus it shows you all the menu options and stuff you can substitute. Just Google Blue Dragon. It should be near the top if you put in Boulder. I highly recommend their spicy chicken or beef. Oooo or their wonton soup.”

We browsed the menu for a bit before settling on a few entrees and some sides, as I was typing in my credit card info Emily leaned in closely and whispered softly into my ear. Her breath on my skin made goosebumps crawl up my skin and a shiver run down my spine, but I did my best to pay attention to what she was saying.

“Compliment the website. I just remembered that Spencer was the one who designed it. I recognize the banners cause I helped him write some of that code.”

I smiled at her and spoke just a little louder than I would normally so Spencer could hear me from the other room.

“I can’t wait til food gets here; and you’re right, Spence, that website did make it a hell of a lot easier to order. I wish the delivery places near my house had a website like this.”

Spencer walked out of the bedroom with a blanket folded under his arm and a grin from ear to ear.

“I know Emily put you up to that, but it’s still nice to hear someone complimenting my work.”

“Hey, what she did or did not say doesn’t change the fact that the website made ordering dinner super simple. I meant what I said.”

“You’re sweet. Also, here’s a blanket for you in case you start getting cold. Bray likes to keep it just above freezing in here.”

I took the soft comforter and laid it next to me. Spencer took a seat next to his boyfriend and motioned for Jade to come over and join the rest of us.

“There’s way too much gay on that side of the room. I’m good over here.”

“I need some sexy dark chocolate arm candy. Have you seen who I’m dating?” 

Bray elbowed his boyfriend playfully and gave him a wounded look. Jade rolled her eyes before walking over and sitting next to Spencer. We chatted and laughed until our food showed up. Bray was gracious enough to answer the door and sign for our food. We had ordered extra for anyone who might be hungry and we all dug in. After dinner we chatted about the day’s events and our plans for the next few days.




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