How I became the Empress of Hell

2.14: ❤️Happy Wife, Happy Life

Despite the ❤️ in the title, the sex scene is very short, but I promise there will be much much more coming soon. Pun intended.

Enjoy and I'll see you on Wednesday! ❤️❤️


---Thank you for participating in the Clan Battle Tournament. You have received a single use Level Up! item. This item will grant an automatic level up to the next level. It cannot be sold, traded, transferred, or discarded.
In recognition for making it to the fourth round, you have received an additional single use Level Up! item. Congratulations!---

As we walked out of the arena, we all recounted our battles excitedly while we made our way back to our castle. 

“I would love to see this Super Fag Attack for myself. It sounds both hilarious and powerful. I think Allie and I need to come up with a powerful combo like that.”

“Ooooo! I would love to see that! The two of you would unleash something so awesome the bad guys would just drop dead. You could call it something like… Allie! Hey! What are you doing?”

Ever since we had left the coliseum I noticed that my body’s strength and speed were back to their normal ridiculously overpowered levels. I was zipping back and forth in front of the group while grabbing random large objects and tossing them into the distance.

“Sorry, I realized just how much being in that arena had weakened my abilities. It feels good to be back to my full strength. Now… what were you saying?”

Bray shook his head and rolled his eyes, but he shot me a playful grin and sighed. As the castle came into view, Aeryn placed his hand on my shoulder and motioned for me to speak with him away from the rest of the group. We let the others head into the castle while we remained behind to talk.

“What’s up?”

“Be honest with me Allie… were you holding back against me? I’ve seen the savage way you fight. You’re a badass demon lord and you tear through anything or anyone that gets in your way. I really felt like you were stuck in your head in our fight and not really going all out. Remember that fight against the crossbow demons? When you were flying through the air, dodging enemy fire, while casting a spell; that was when I first saw just how deadly in combat you were. Not your character’s abilities or stats… the way you are constantly thinking so far ahead it seems like you’ve planned for everything.”

I thought about what he had said and analyzed the fight in my mind. While I had used his lack of knowledge regarding my new skills against him, had I truly been holding myself back? The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. I had let the fact I was fighting my friend get in the way of my usual vicious nature. My demons were far more powerful than Aeryn’s spiders, and my dual-wielding abilities had drastically improved my total damage output. Instead of using every advantage I had to overwhelm my opponent, I had subconsciously played it safe and stayed on the defensive. 

“You know… I didn’t even realize I was holding back until you mentioned it. I think if I had been facing someone who knew nothing about me, both in and out of the game,  I would have done everything in my power to take you out quickly and get back to my team. So… I’m sorry for that.”

He sighed deeply and pursed his lips before laughing softly.

“Here I was thinking that I might have stood a chance if I had been just a little bit faster… Well… thank you for being honest. But… I want you to promise me something for the future.”


“No matter who you’re fighting, no matter the circumstances; use everything at your disposal to obliterate them.”

“OK. I promise to show everyone just how superior the Demon Lord Allexus is. Allexus is. Allexus. Is. That sounds funny. It sounds like I’m stuttering.”

“It is incredibly entertaining to see how your mind works. You and Em really are a perfect fit. It’s like a match made in dorky gamer heaven.”

I would have been blushing bright red if my demonic body would allow it, so I just smirked at him and stuck out my tongue. We rushed inside the castle and I headed straight for my room. I quickly leveled up and chose a new skill before logging out. 

“Em! How much longer til we have to be back in?”

“Eight minutes babe! Eat faster!”


I wolfed down the rest of my bowl of mac & cheese and rinsed it out in the bathroom sink before sprinting back into the bedroom, slamming the door, and vaulting onto the bed. Emily was sitting nude on the bed with the strap-on already tightened and ready to go. I gave her a puzzled look and she giggled.

“I lied… we still have at least 20 minutes. Which is just enough time for me to fuck the shit out of my fiancée.”

“What if I have a headache?”

“Having an orgasm releases oxytocin and can reduce or completely relieve headaches. If you aren’t bouncing up and down on my dick in the next 30 seconds you’re going to give me a headache. How’s that saying go... Happy wife, happy life?”

“Technically that would apply to both of us.”

She cocked an eyebrow and pointed to the large pink phallus between her thighs.

“Geez… so demanding… It’s a good thing I love you.”

I spread myself with my fingers and stood over her for a couple of seconds before lowering myself onto the toy and letting it plunge deep into my pussy. Instead of laying back and letting me ride her freely, Emily wrapped her arms around me and rocked me back and forth gently as we kissed.

“I love you so much, Allie. I have never met anyone who makes me feel the way you do.”


She squeezed my arm and playfully bit my lip.

“Happy. Totally, completely, utterly blissfully happy.”

"And I've never met someone who could inspire so much confidence in myself. When I'm around you I feel like I can do anything. I never would have walked topless through a dormitory before I met you. I never even had the confidence to wear that dress I wore on our first date. I've had that thing for a couple years but never got up the nerve to wear it. You bring out the absolute best in me, Ms. Jameson; and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it."

“... Yeah… definitely gonna go with Raynier.”


“My last name. I’m definitely gonna change it to Raynier after we get married.”

I blushed from my chest up to the top of my head and felt giddy and lightheaded. Every time I thought about Emily being my wife this intense feeling of complete satisfaction and happiness welled up inside of me. I kissed her passionately and rode her faster and faster until we both collapsed in each other’s arms onto the bed in orgasmic ecstasy. Her alarm went off on her phone and for once I was reluctant to reach for my gaming visor. As much as I wanted to get back in and enter the tournament, I didn’t want this moment to end. Emily kissed me on the nose briefly before pulling the visor over my eyes and starting up the game.

After looking at the game timer, I realized we only had five minutes to get to the arena. With my speed I could make it without any trouble, but Emily would have difficulty keeping up. After she reminded me that I could just summon her to my location, I spread my wings and flew as fast as I could. I landed just outside the entrance and opened up my character menu. I clicked on Emelia’s name and waved my hand in front of me. A silhouette of her formed, shimmered a few times, and then she completely materialized. I grabbed her hand and rushed us both inside and up to the registration booth just in time. The environment around us dissipated and we appeared in front of an ancient looking demon sitting at a desk. His gnarled hand held a feathered quill and he looked up at us in irritation. He pointed at me and raised his eyebrow. I stepped forward and he looked down at his parchment and then back up at me.



“...hmmm… I have a Demon Lord Allexus… is that you?”

“Yep. That’s me.”

“...right… head through the door on my left…”

“Ummm… OK. Is that all?”

He rolled his eyes and pointed at the door behind him. I waved at Emelia, opened the door, and walked through. My entire display went completely white for a second before the environment around me formed and I found myself in a small room with a large puffy couch in the middle. As far as I could tell there weren’t any windows or doors, so I figured I had been transported to some sort of waiting room. I took a seat on the couch and a large display popped up on the wall in front of me. A small orb of black flame appeared and I was immediately reminded of the glowing orb Mercy that had helped me when I made my first character.

“Greetings Demon Lord Allexus. My name is Cruelty. I will be your guide as we begin the tournament. I can show you rankings, information about other competitors, and offer helpful advice as we proceed. Before we get started, let me congratulate you on making it to the fourth round. Do you have questions for me?”

“During the team battles I noticed that my character’s strength and speed had been drastically reduced. While I understand the need to keep everyone on a level playing field during a team-based activity, I would think in an elimination style tournament designed to pit us against each other to prove who’s the strongest it would make sense to allow our characters to fight at their best. Am I still going to have to compete with only a portion of my power?”

“What an excellent question. While character levels have been completely removed and stats of each competitor have been balanced as if they were the same level, during the elimination tournament all skills and abilities that do not use level as a reference will remain at full power. Did that answer your question?”

I nodded and grinned wickedly. Having my full range of demonic abilities would give me the opportunity to really have some fun. I had Cruelty show me the matches for the 1st round of the Elimination Tournament and I studied each one intently. I was pleased that none of my clan members had been pitted against each other in the 1st round, and I looked at the different matchups. My first opponent had the unusual name 17 and I pulled up his character information.

It listed his class as Deceiver, and showed that he had chosen all three paths. As I looked at the image of his character, I tried to guess at his abilities from the way he was dressed. He stood about 6’ tall and just going by the top half of his face that was visible, he had a warm complexion and steel gray eyes. The rest of his body, from the lower half of his face down to his black boots was covered in a thick smoke colored cloth. It was hard to tell beneath the layers of heavy cloth, but it appeared that he didn’t wear any type of armor. The simple short-sword that hung from his hip appeared to be his only weapon, and I reluctantly admitted that I had absolutely no idea what kind of skills he used just going by his equipment.

“Lady Allexus, the first round of the tournament will begin in 30 seconds. Was there anything else you needed before then?”

I shook my head and stood up. The waiting room faded and was replaced by a colossal arena, complete with stands filled with thousands of spectators. I toned out the noise of the crowds and focused on the figure on the other end of the arena. An incredibly voluptuous female demon who’s naked body oozed sex appeal materialized in the center of the arena.

“Our first match will be the Paladin Commander, Demon Lord Allexus versus the Deceiver, 17. Good luck to both competitors!”

She held up one hand and black sparks shot from her extended fingertip high into the air.




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