How I became the Empress of Hell

2.18: ❤️❤️Niall

Content Warning: This chapter will contain a scene that toys with consent. It will also contain a futanari on male scene.


After several hours of celebrating with our clan mates, I wandered away from the ongoing festivities and walked slowly through the halls, considering Gehenna's advice about not using summoning spells. The more I thought about it the more I realized that she was correct. By resorting to fighting with summons I was limiting my own combat potential. I heard footsteps coming up behind me but was too deep in thought to pay much attention.

“Allie! Did you hear me?” 

I turned back towards my fiancée and gave her a forced smile.

“Sorry babe, I was just thinking about what Gehenna said about changing my skills.”

“That tactical mind of yours never stops, does it? Well… how can I help?” 

“The whole Unique Skill thing really makes me rethink a lot of my choices.”

“Planning on another trip to the Enchantress.”

I shook my head. My thoughts returned to the white glowing orb, Mercy, who had helped me create everything. Back then I had such a clear idea of what I wanted out of my character, but after being changed into a demon and everything that had happened since, I felt like I really needed to completely redesign Allexus from the ground up.

“No, when I look at my character's class, Paladin Commander, I'm reminded that that was the class of my original Angelspawn character. It's the one thing that stayed the same after I became a demon. I've been trying to mold Allexus into that original idea that I had, when I could be so much more. I think I need to do a complete redesign that focuses on my unique strengths… and unique skills.”

“That sounds like a great, yet complicated idea. Maybe your walking game manual would know how to go about doing that.”

I nodded and waved my hand as I pictured my demon retainer. A black shadow appeared in front of me and shaped into the kneeling form of Judas.

“My lady, I noticed that you and Lady Emelia had departed early, what can I do for you?” 

I told him about my plans and he gave me what information he could. It seemed there were ways to do the character reset, but most cost a vast fortune. There was one method that was doable, but it required a willing Angelspawn participant… and consent from my fiancée.

“So how is sleeping with an Angelspawn until their corruption meter fills supposed to enable me to reset my skills?”

Judas thumbed his nose as he thought of a way to explain it then smiled.

“Think of it like the creation of a new life. When an Angelspawn is fully corrupted, it creates a huge surge of ethereal energy, which is what angels and demons are made up of. I'm not sure the exact method he used to do it, but I know for certain that that energy is what Mellic would have had to use to transform your body. You, on the other hand, could use that same energy to, as you put it, 'soft reset' your character. Unlike your creator, because of your [Corrupted Touch] ability, you would not have to use that ethereal to transform the Angelspawn, instead letting your ability take effect and likely transforming them in a similar manner as what happened with Lady Emelia.”


Emelia and I turned to each other and laughed as we said the name in unison.

“Exactly. He already expressed interest in joining our clan, although it may have been just out of want to have sex with you. Either way it would fulfill the requirements for your character reset. Shall I message him to request his presence?”

I held up one finger to tell Judas to wait, and I turned towards Emelia. I was about to open my mouth to speak when she placed an ice-cold finger over my lips.

“Before you say anything, Allie, I want to say something first.”

I nodded and she put her hand down.

“This is a game. While I may have started to fall for you in this game, it was only after meeting you in person that I actually fell totally in love with you. I can be the somewhat jealous type when it comes to sex, but I also know that this is a game. You're mine forever in real life, so as long as I'm with you and you involve me every step of the way, I'm fine with you fucking every Angelspawn into oblivion. K?”

I nodded before she added one more thing.

“If he thinks that this is anything more than a means to an end, I will literally freeze his balls off.”

I couldn't help but laugh at her not so playful jealousy, and I told Judas to contact Niall. Luck seemed to be on my side today, because he responded almost immediately.

You want me to meet up with you, not only to have sex with the strongest player in the game but also to become even more powerful myself? How soon do I need to be there? I can come immediately. Pun intended.


Niall arrived at the castle much sooner than I anticipated, and Judas was there to greet him. I heard the two talking as they made their way towards a large room we'd set up with a simple bed and a few other 'additions' in case we needed to spice things up. My heart started pounding but my demonic body forced me to remain calm. Niall swaggered into the room with Judas in tow, and I greeted him with a simple wave. He smiled at me and then his eyes went wide when he saw Emelia.

"Damn, you look like one of those Japanese ice witches or something! That's fucking awesome!" 

She nodded and glided over towards him. She trailed a finger across his jaw and then down his neck. Small flecks of ice formed where she had touched and the color was starting to drain from the area.

"Em… Play nice. We can't finish this if he's dead."

Niall snapped out of the daze he had been in and looked at Emelia suspiciously. 

"Definitely a Yuki Onna . So uh… how are we going to do this thing? Just get right down to it?"

In truth, I was nervous as hell and had no idea where to go from here. I took a deep breath and just pictured in my head what Mellic would have done if he were here. I wasn't keen on being anything like him, but he really was the epitome of a demon lord when I thought of one.

"Show me how much you want this."

I snapped my fingers and my clothing disappeared instantly. I spread my wings out and stood with my hands on my hips. My cock jutted out in front of me lewdly and the smell of my female arousal was obvious.

"Whoa. Wait. What the fuck? I wasn't prepared for the whole futa vibe. Um… You never mentioned you had a um…"

"A cock? And you never asked... but it's far too late to back out now. See… I've been waiting for this since I messaged you, and my patience has worn incredibly thin. Maybe next time you'll learn to come in a more timely manner."

I motioned to Judas and Emelia and they instantly disappeared from the room. I held up one hand and chains erupted from the walls and wrapped themselves around Niall's arms and legs. He muttered something about waiting and I laughed playfully. I wrapped my arms around him and let my hands wander over his body. My bare breasts pressed into his back and I licked his earlobe. He moaned loudly and I felt him relax slightly in his bindings. I grabbed a handful of his robes in each hand, and used my demonic strength to rip the clothing from his body. He started to tense up until he felt my hand snake around his manhood and gently tease and play with it.

"Do you like that, Angelspawn? Do you want me to bring you to the greatest pleasures imaginable while completely corrupting you?"

I moved in a blur and positioned myself between his legs. I knelt down and gently blew a puff of air on his swollen member. He squirmed and writhed, and I smiled as I felt him thrust into my hand. 

"Well? Is that what you want?"

He nodded vigorously and then shouted loudly.

"Yes! Yes! I want it more than anything!"

I stopped stroking him with my hand and he gasped in disappointment. I raked my claws gently along his muscular body as I walked around behind him again. He tensed slightly as I grabbed hold of his ass and I pushed against him. My tongue played with his ear while I continued to caress his butt with my hand. 

When I felt him relax against me I used my other hand to push apart his cheeks and play with the ring of his ass. He took a breath sharply, but I felt him squirm as I toyed with the sensitive nerve endings. I let go of his butt cheek and snapped my fingers again. A small vial of lubricant appeared and I poured a liberal amount onto my fingers that were playing with his tight hole. He groaned at the warm feeling and then drew in a breath quickly as I pressed a finger into him.

I slid the finger in and out of him slowly, enjoying the gasps of pleasure it was causing to emanate from his mouth. When I pushed a second finger into him, his eyes fluttered and he moaned wantonly. I pressed my fingers into the spot that should have been his prostate, and he started panting. I toyed with him a bit longer before I whispered softly into his ear.

"Do you want more of that, Angelspawn?"

He nodded desperately.

"Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to use your ass until I fill you with my hot demon cum."

"P-please fuck me! Please fuck my ass and fill me with your d-demon cum! I need it so badly, please!"

I snapped my fingers again and the bed moved closer to us. I released the chains hold on him and pushed him forward onto the edge of the bed. In that small moment I stood motionless, allowing him to know that he could escape if he truly wanted to. That he was choosing what was going to happen next. He bent over the bed and looked back at me with lust laden eyes.

"Please fuck me, Lady Allexus!"

I smiled a wicked grin and moved in one swift fluid motion. I pressed my cock into him and hilted myself in one stroke. A loud noise that was half scream half moan filled the room as I pressed my weight into him. I gave him a few seconds to adjust before I slowly pulled out. I relished the way his ass molded around my shaft like a tight glove and I eased back into him with a sigh of pleasure. I continued this slow tease, and used the head of my massive dick to press against his prostate until he jerked and spasmed beneath me. I stopped moving and I felt him push his ass into me to continue the pleasure he was feeling.

"I thought you weren't into the whole futa vibe… it seems like maybe you were lying. I mean… I can certainly stop if you aren't enjoying this."

"N-no! Don't stop! I was wrong. I have never felt anything like this before… Just… Please don't stop."

I laughed softly and started pushing into him. After a few seconds I picked up my pace and began sawing in and out of him as fast as my body would allow. He mewled and moaned, and I felt him tense up and tremble, but I continued to pound into him. An immense pressure built up inside of me and I focused on that as I rose higher and higher on a peak of ecstasy. Finally I shoved my cock as deep as it would go and felt the pressure pour out of me in a torrent.

I stayed motionless for a moment, letting the afterglow wash over me. Niall panted softly and I could tell he was close to losing consciousness. I slid out of him and released my tight grasp on his hips. He slumped against the bed and started to slide downwards. I picked up his limp body with one hand and set him gently on the bed. I let out a sigh of relief and pulled up the screen to summon Judas.

He appeared in his usual kneeling fashion and looked at the sleeping Angelspawn then back at me. He held up a small vial of liquid that glowed with an ethereal blue and white light. I took it gently and held it up in front of my face before looking back at Judas.

"The enchanter and I just finished working on that. Are you sure you want to change him to that? I would think he might have some objection to-" 

I held up my hand and Judas stopped speaking immediately.

"He chose to become a demon. He chose to let me corrupt him. He will be my underling, so it's my decision."

Judas' face remained expressionless, and he bowed his head in understanding. 

"My lady, you said you consider me your friend, yes?" 

I nodded once and raised one of my eyebrows in question.

"May I speak freely as your friend then, not as your retainer?" 

"Absolutely. I don't ever want you to feel like you can't speak your mind."

He smiled at me and stood up his full height. He looked over at Niall then back at me.

"When you interrupted me and declared you could do what you wanted with your underling, you sounded so much like the master who created you. Please know I only tell you this because I care about you, and don't want to see you make the same choices as he once did."

I thought about what he said and sighed deeply. Shit… He was right. I had pictured how Mellic would have handled the whole corrupting bit and I allowed that to affect my judgment. I handed the vial back to Judas and breathed deeply out of my nose.

"You're right, my friend. Make the necessary adjustments to allow his body to change on its own. I… you… thanks for your honesty Judas. I don't ever want to do anything that Mellic would have considered a good decision. If I may make one request of you before you go."

"Anything, my lady."

"If you see me walking down that path again, please don't hesitate to call me out on it. I am not and will never be like him."

He nodded solemnly and disappeared.

I waited and watched over Niall, and little by little his skin began to blacken and break apart. If Judas and the enchanter didn't hurry the corruption would rot his Angelspawn body from the inside out. Not a moment too soon, Judas appeared in front of me in a shimmering flash. He handed me the vial and I rushed to Niall and pressed it against his lips. He drank the liquid in one gulp and I watched with curiosity as it lit up his body as it traveled down his throat and into his stomach.

As the glowing light radiated outwards and began covering the entirety of his body, Judas held up a luminous purple gem and placed it near Niall's changing body on the bed. He answered my unspoken question quietly, but I was unable to tear my eyes off the transformation taking place in front of me.

"The Siphon Shard will absorb the energy necessary for you to remake yourself as you see fit. Niall's power was already remarkable… So the shard's energy will be incredibly potent when combined with your corruption ability. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you gained quite a few levels by using it, in addition to whatever changes you have planned."

I gave him a wicked grin and then turned back towards Niall as a tearing sound filled the room. His body rose into the air and glowed with a light that was so blinding I had to shield my eyes. The tearing sound continued and it seemed that his body was literally ripping itself apart and reforming into something completely different. Finally the illuminated figure took form and the flow started to wane. I looked in utter amazement and shock at the body that fell back onto the bed.

Niall's body had shifted into a voluptuous full figured woman with long white hair with blue streaks in it. As I studied her closer, I saw she had white and blue stripes on her back and a pair of fuzzy blue ears with white stripes like those of a cat, and a matching tail that split into two half way down extended from her spine. Her hands looked more like paws with long claw-like fingers. I giggled as I realized she was reminiscent of a Japanese Nekomata… or more commonly known as a catgirl.

I turned back towards Judas and raised my arms to proclaim my innocence.

"Judas, I swear I had nothing to do with this transformation. While I had intended to give him a female body, you talked me out of it. This was all him. Or… her I guess."

He started to reply when a soft mewling sound came from the bed. We both turned as the newly formed demon opened her eyes. She spoke with a rich smoky voice that reminded me a lot of Scarlett Johansson.

"Did it work? Am I a demon? Oh… What the hell? My tits are freaking enormous! Did you have to make them so big? Mine aren't even remotely this big in real life…"

Uh. Wait. What?

"I'm sorry… You wanna run that by me one more time? I thought you were a… Ummm…"

"A guy? No. I just prefer male characters. Makes it easier to be a solo player."

Hearing Niall say the exact thing I had said before about my own gaming preferences caused me to shake my head in amusement. As Niall turned and shifted to get a better look at her new body, I couldn't help but stare at her naked form. Her breasts were indeed massive, and she had an ample amount of curves in all the right places. Her split-ended tail swished back and forth as she inspected herself, and I caught a glimpse of a patch of blue and white fur between her legs that attracted my attention like a magnet. 

Yep. She was definitely a woman. I licked my lips hungrily and felt my arousal flare instantly. My demon body was truly insatiable. She caught my stare, and I marveled at her gorgeous pale blue eyes that had the same look as those of a cat. She bit her lip playfully and then blushed furiously. We both jumped and turned as Emelia interrupted our non-verbal flirting.

"Whoa! Never would have guessed you'd go with a sexy catgirl demon. Good choice though. Your character has a really nice ass."

We both laughed and I helped Niall off the bed. She was not too much shorter than my demonic body, probably somewhere around 5’10 or 5’11. I still towered over both of them, and couldn't help but visualize dozens of naughty fantasies involving all three of us. Emelia must have noticed the look on my face and she snickered and shook her head.

"Lesbian orgy later, babe. Don't you have some character changes to make first?"

In the excitement of Niall's transformation I had completely forgotten about the main reason we had chosen to do this in the first place. I grabbed the Siphon Shard and Judas stepped forward.

"My lady, you can access everything you need in your bedroom. Would you like my assistance with the whole process?" 

I thought about Mercy and how annoyingly helpful she had been, but I considered Judas a friend, and his knowledge of the game and its mechanics was second to none.

"Lead the way my friend. Em, if you want to get Niall added into the clan and set up with a room I'll catch up with you guys in a bit."

"Nialla. My transformation also included a minor name change."

"Nialla… I like it."


I have been waiting sooooooooo long to upload her photo. She was actually the second one I made and it took me forever to get her eyes correct.

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