How I became the Empress of Hell

2.20: Arc 2 Finale

Despite my claims of being a light sleeper, being wrapped in Emily's arms had a way of keeping me drifting in blissful slumber until well after noon. By the time I woke up it was nearing 1:30 in the afternoon. I blinked at the rays of sunshine peeking through the curtains on her window, and glanced back at the sleeping form of the amazing woman beside me. She looked so peaceful as she slept, and with the way her body pressed against mine I could tell she was truly content. 

Her question from the night before echoed in my head, and I asked myself the same thing. How could someone I knew for such a short amount of time mean so much to me? If you had told me two weeks ago that playing Holy Damnation would lead to me finding the love of my life, I would have referred you to the nearest hospital for psychiatric evaluation. But laying here, in a cozy college dormitory with paper thin walls and hundreds of people I'd never met in my life, I had discovered true happiness. I would be perfectly happy to just lay here for the rest of my life. Especially when light kisses on my back signaled that my fiancée was awake.

I turned and faced the gorgeous woman with short black hair. Her deep brown doe eyes with a faint almond shape looked into mine and caused me to smile warmly.

"Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well?" 

She yawned in the most adorable way and nodded. 

"Mmhmm. What time is it?" 

I glanced at the clock behind her.


"No wonder I'm so hungry. You up for grabbing some food then jumping on? Or would you rather do something else for your last day here?"

"Not my last day here, babe, just the last day before I have to go back to work. I will still be here as often as I can."

She smiled and nodded.

"I know, and I'm definitely going to need your address for the nights you don't come up here so I can go to you. But you still didn't answer my question."

With a small sigh I pushed myself up into a seated position and stretched. Part of me wanted to spend the day with Emily in bed to make up for whatever time we'd spend apart in the coming weeks, part of me wanted to jump in the game and put my new body and skills to the test, while the last part of me wanted to spend the day with all my new friends outside the game. Given the fact I planned to play at least a few hours each night, I would be able to play with the others in game far more frequently than I would in person.

"No Holy Damnation today. I wanna spend the day with my new family in person. Thinking maybe order a bunch of pizzas and soda, play some card games, have a huge orgy, you know, that kind of stuff."

"Oooo an orgy? Usually I wait til the 4th week of dating someone to have one of those."

"Well, given that you got engaged to me in less than a week, I reckon you should move up the time table a bit."

"I'm sure Blaine will be thrilled to have the opportunity to sleep with you."

"Ugh. OK. OK. You win. No orgy."

We both giggled at the silly conversation and moved off the bed. After a quick shower we both dressed and told the others our plans for the day. A few phone calls and more money than I had planned on spending later and we had gathered in one of the common areas available to use for parties and such in the dorms. We were all gathered around the table chatting happily when Bray cleared his throat loudly and held up his can of orange soda.

"I'd like to propose a toast to our fearless leader, dear friend, and my new sister Allie. Thank you for bringing us all closer together and for making my best friend in the world happier than I've ever seen her. I only hope that when the time comes for you two to actually tie the knot, you don't elope to that Star Wars Chapel without telling us."

We all laughed loudly and raised our 'glasses' in response. After we had eaten our fill of pizza, Spencer broke out a few decks of cards. Playing Mao with so many people was fun and challenging. There were so many rules by the time we called it quits I think we'd lost track of them all. Blaine and I continued to have our witty back and forth banter, and even Sabrina came out of her shell a little and told us how she'd gotten so good at shooting things long range. It turned out she was some sort of hotshot sniper in another game who'd won dozens of PvP tournaments. After she gave us a code for a free download we agreed as a group to give it a try sometime.

We chatted and played various card games for most of the day until Spencer surprised us with a second food delivery. After a much smaller meal of Chinese food, we decided to play a little Holy Damnation after all. We cleaned up quickly and thoroughly and went back to the various dorm rooms to log in.


Gehenna had responded with merely a set of coordinates and nothing else. Emelia, Judas, Nialla and I planned to check out the location while the rest of the clan grabbed a bounty that would be challenging enough for 12 people of varying levels.

I flew swiftly overhead while Nialla carried the two demons on her back. Judas had crafted her several saddles she could use while we had been away and she was currently wearing one designed to hold two smaller riders. Moving at top speed meant we arrived at the location within a few minutes, and we came across what appeared to be the ruins of a church. A single guard clad in the same armor we saw in the arena stood outside the crumbled remains of a huge wooden door. Nialla released the excess lightning and transformed back, and we all walked slowly towards the entrance.

Instead of speaking, the guard merely moved to the side and pointed with one hand. Once we were inside, we were greeted by a familiar face. She wore simple black leather armor, and her long blonde hair was braided down her back, but I recognized Gehenna immediately. She rushed forward and pulled me into a tight embrace before taking a few steps back to analyze me. The voluptuous demon still had question marks displayed for level, and I truly wondered how high she was.

"I like the new look, Allexus. Very sexy. So… are you going to just stand there, or are you going to introduce me to your friends?" 

I motioned for Nialla and Judas to step forward and they both moved closer. Judas dropped to one knee immediately, bowed his head, and placed his hand on his chest.

"Dark Empress Infernos, my name is Judas of the Clan Lost and the Damned. Retainer and faithful servant of the Demon Overlord of Corruption Allexus. It is an absolute honor to meet you."

"Rise, Judas. While I appreciate the formalities, they are not necessary. I consider your mistress a friend, and as such you as well. May I say though… you do remind me of someone I knew long ago. A near omnipotent demon lord who nearly toppled my entire realm. I cannot for the life of me remember his name though…"

Judas stood slowly and his face remained stoic and unreadable as he shook his head.

"I know not of what you speak, Lady Gehenna. I was imprisoned for millennia by a cruel demon until Lady Allexus freed me."

Something about the way he said it made me doubt the veracity of his claimed ignorance. While I wanted to press the issue to find out more about the demon who pledged his life to me, I had come here with a purpose. I introduced Nialla and she greeted the powerful demon with a bit of trepidation.

"When I was an Angelspawn I learned a great deal about the Dark Empress Infernos. The way the Archangels talk they said she was the only reason the demon forces were still a threat."

Gehenna raised an eyebrow and gave Nialla a serious look before breaking into laughter.

"I am nowhere near as powerful as they claim, but thank you for the high praise. Allexus, I grow ever more fond of you and the company you keep. But I'm sure you didn't come here to shower me with compliments."

I shook my head.

"No, after using a Siphon Shard and changing my entire skill set, I also leveled up to the point where a power limiter is necessary to fight alongside my clan mates. After casting a simple spell it caused a-" 

"Show me."

"W-what? Here? Now?"


She flicked her wrist and a swirling black portal appeared next to her.

"This will take us to the same arena we fought in before. If I'm going to show you how to limit your power, I need to know there's just cause for doing so first. The others are welcome to join us. They'll be transported to a place where they can view everything safely."

She walked through the portal without another word and I turned to my companions. Emelia stepped forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips before grabbing Judas's and Nialla's arm and pulling them into the portal. I took a deep breath and walked through the black energy.

My vision faded and returned within seconds, and I found myself standing in the same arena as last time. Gehenna stood motionless a couple hundred feet away with a look of excitement on her face.

"Show me what you got, Allexus. I'm eager to see why you think you need a power limiter."

I nodded and spread my wings wide. My entire body bristled with energy as I waited for her to make the first move. She smiled at me and shrugged.

"Bold choice letting me act first. Power limiter release: 50%! [Black Flames of Damnation]!" 

I launched myself skyward and avoided the column of black fire beneath me, before aiming my hand at Gehenna.


A purple beam shot towards her and she responded by casting her fiery wings spell and flying just out of range of the huge explosion. I had anticipated this and fired two more [Blastburn] spells at her. One narrowly missed her, while the other caught her in the side. The resulting explosion shrouded her for a second before a column of black fire surrounded the area she was in.

"Power limiter release: 60%! [Eternal Damnation]."

I was surprised she was going for the kill so early, but I had been prepared for the possibility. As the air flickered and started to burn, I placed each of my hands on the opposite shoulder.


White fire surrounded my body and I could feel the cold covering me like a blanket. The arena became engulfed in black flames. The blistering heat was just barely noticeable underneath the protection of my white fire and I flew towards the flying figure with all the speed I could.

"[Corrupted Spell Absorption]. [Thorns of Corruption]. [Summon Arcane Bow]."

I spoke quickly as I flew towards Gehenna and each spell cast instantly. The black blaze that filled the arena started to fade and the blonde demoness turned towards me in amazement.

"Most impressive, Allexus. It seems you've far surpassed my expectations in just under a day. But you haven't even begun to see what I'm truly capable of."

"Power limiter release: 70%! [Damnation's Scorching Torment]. [Twin Infernos of Damnation]. [Summon Vestments of Damnation]."

"[Corrupting Fire]."

We cast our spells at the same time and I loosed a flaming arrow at her before she could react. Two fountains of red and black magma erupted beneath me while a black orb above the arena began to radiate excruciating heat.

The arrow struck her arm and she yelled in pain.

"[Blastburn]. [Corrupting Fire]."

Two more arrows lanced forward and struck her in the chest. Her body shook and convulsed and I took the opportunity to use the rest of my MP to try out my new world tier spell.

"[*Overlord of Corruption*]."

My voice boomed and resonated loudly as I spoke, and surges of energy shot out from my body. Several figures appeared around me in a deep crimson aura. As they materialized I looked at copies of the demons who had helped shape me into a demon powerful enough to challenge someone as overpowering as Gehenna. Emelia's Snow Demon form was floating just a few feet away from Mellic's Berserker form. Judas and Nialla were racing towards Gehenna from beneath us while Tesrif was leading her huge company of armored demons from behind. Pain and Panic hovered a few feet with wicked looking black crossbows drawn and they each blew me a kiss.


With the one word command, my legion of Corrupted rushed forward. I drew the blades Judas had crafted for me and flew as fast as I could.

"Power limiter release: 80%! [Damnation's Fury]!" 

Black energy poured from the blonde demon and enveloped everything around her. Pain wracked through me and I felt like every nerve in my body was on fire. All around me the air was filled with the sounds of pain. My wings crumpled and I fell to the ground in a heap. Red filled my screen as my health dropped to single digits, and the pain grew even worse.

"Well fought, Overlord of Corruption. I would happily duel you anytime you like. I know it won't be long before you are able to best me."

"[Black Flames of Damnation]."

Black fire surrounded me and my screen went dark.

When my vision returned I was back in the ruined church next to my companions. Gehenna leaned against a fallen statue and turned towards me as I sat up. She reached out her hand to help me to my feet and I gratefully accepted. As she released her grasp I saw she had left a blood red ruby in my palm.

"Attach that to a piece of jewelry or clothing. As long as you wear it, it will limit your power by 80%. You can release it in increments of 10%, but don't wear it for too long if you fully release your power."

"Your Corruption abilities are quite powerful. Far beyond my own. In fact… May I have a word with you and Lady Emelia? Just the two of you?" 

I looked at Em and she nodded. We walked a bit before she stopped and held out her hand.

"[Null Sphere]."

A shimmery pink orb appeared around us and the rest of the noise my sensitive demon ears normally could detect was instantly silenced.

"With a party full of demons, having a place to speak freely becomes difficult."

I nodded in understanding and moved closer to her and Emelia.

"Your Corruption abilities are limitless. As long as you continue to use it on others, you will continue to grow even stronger. Which brings me to my request. When you are able to best me in combat unequivocally, I would like you to use your Corruption ability on me so that I may add my power to yours. Which is also the reason I requested Lady Emelia's presence. Am I correct in assuming that your ability is triggered through sexual intercourse?"

I blushed for a fraction of a second before my demon body caused the embarrassment to fade. I nodded in acknowledgement.

"I figured as much given who your creator was."

"You know about my creator?"

"Mellic's family comes from a long line of powerful demonkin. I know enough about him to say that I have a good grasp where your abilities came from and how they work. Which is why I would like to ask you, Lady Emelia, if it is acceptable for your betrothed to lay with me when the time comes?"

I remembered our conversation about this being a game and the freedom to 'fuck every Angelspawn into oblivion,' but I needed her to say it was OK before I would allow anything to happen. What she said both surprised and aroused me.

"I have one condition, Gehenna."

"And that is?" 

"I want to join in with you both when that time comes. You are every bit as beautiful and attractive as you are powerful and deadly. If the love of my life is going to be sleeping with you, I need to be present to both enjoy the pleasures of your company… and make sure she remembers who she belongs to." 

Gehenna let out a joyous laugh before turning to my sexy fiancée and holding out her hand. 

"I accept your terms, Lady Emelia. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the day your betrothed can best me for entirely different reasons than before."

Em shook her hand and then surprised both me and Gehenna by pulling her in close and kissing her deeply. Arousal flared within me, but it was dwarfed by the near overwhelming pangs of jealousy. The two broke apart as a growling sound filled the air, and I realized that it was me who was growling as they both turned towards me. My demonic body had sensed my jealousy and reacted on instinct, and I forced myself to relax. I shook Gehenna's hand stiffly as she extended it and accepted a hug that followed awkwardly.

Gehenna flicked her wrist and the sphere evaporated. She walked with us back towards Judas and Nialla as the previous feelings of animosity disappeared.

She hugged the beautiful catgirl quickly before summoning another swirling black portal.

"Until we meet again, Allexus. Fight well. Kill well. Be well."

"And to you, Gehenna. Until next time."

She blew me a kiss and walked through the portal. Her guards walked into the building and through the portal wordlessly, leaving the four of us standing alone in the center of the ruined church.

Judas told me about the message he'd received from Jade and we set a waypoint for where we were supposed to meet the rest of our clan. I flew in silence as I contemplated everything that had happened.


While a somewhat anti-climatic ending to Arc 2, I felt that since Arc 1 ended with Allexus Ascending to Demon Lord, that Arc 2 should end when Allexus becomes the Overlord of Corruption. I am actually still in the process of writing Arc 3, so if you want a character of your own making to appear in a future chapter subscribe to my Patreon and there's a good chance you'll get to see your character very soon! I really hope you all are enjoying my story, and I encourage you to leave me a review, a rating, and any comments or critiques you may have! Thank you all for your continued support, and I'll see you on Friday.  ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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