How I became the Empress of Hell

2.9:❤️I love you

A shorter but no less sweet chapter. Enjoy, and I'll see you Monday with my favorite chapter I've ever written. ❤️❤️❤️


“It was strange that she could sense the enchantments in your body. I could only imagine what she would have said if she had looked at me more closely. She was freaking adorbs though. Her and Tifa.”

“Em... do I need to find enchantment magic to turn you into a Dark Pixie demon?”

“Oh my god is that an option, yes! Then we could all be freaking adorbs together and all annoy the shit out of my sexy ass girlfriend.”

“That would make sex rather awkward… if not downright deadly.”

“Uh… oh… ummm… I hadn’t thought about that. But now that I am saying it out loud I really don’t like the implications of that…  Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about- dammit! I thought about it… ewwww.”

“You’re so weird.”

“I know. And I know you love me for it.”

“Damn straight.”

“I hope you’re not… that’s going to make this relationship really boring.”

“Oh Emily… how did I end up with such a perfectly beautiful dork for a girlfriend?”

“I could ask you the same thing. But you know what?”


“I love you, Allie.”

Blush. Blush. Blush. Kiss on my cheek. Butterflies in my stomach and lightning across my skin.

“I love you too, Emily.”

Annnnd fade to black.

(I’m not going to let you be a voyeur into my entire love life, especially the first time we said ‘I love you’ to each other!  Don't worry... there's more sex coming up. If it wasn't incredibly obvious by now, Emily and I have sex a lot!)

“Pass me another piece of that Hawaiian Pizza, Allie.”

“Ugh. Bray… I thought we had this connection going. We had agreed on so much, when it came to pizza I was expecting so much more from you… Pineapple on pizza... Who the hell came up with that combo?”

“I like Hawaiian too.”

“What?! I’m sorry, Em… this is a dealbreaker for me. I can’t be with a girl who would desecrate a perfectly good slice of pizza with Pineapples. Spence, Jade, Aaron, care to weigh in?”

“I don’t mind Pineapples, but I’m a vegetarian. So the bacon is a no go for me.”

“I don’t mind the occasional slice. It’s not my favorite, but I also won’t refuse it.”

“I’m with you 100% Allie. Putting something like pineapple on a piece of pizza that has bacon, cheese, and tomato sauce is gross.”

“Yep. It’s official Em. I’m leaving you for your brother.”

I got up from my seat on Emily’s lap and walked across the room. Aaron held his plate to the side and I sat on his lap eagerly. I shifted a few times to get comfortable and noticed everyone was staring at me.


“Mmm… yes. You’re not soft like your sister, but I do like the smell of your cologne. Are you comfy?”

“Other than having your bony ass grinding into my crotch, yeah, I’m good.”

“My girlfriend’s ass isn’t bony! I can tell you from personal experience she’s got a sexy bubble butt.”

“Hey, not your girlfriend anymore, sis. She’s all mine, remember?”

I was about to make a comment when I thought of something. I know I should have backed off a little… but I was feeling particularly naughty and I started grinding against him a little.

“Seriously, Allie? Now I know you’re doing that on purpose.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just making sure my bony ass is comfortable.”

Aaron leaned in close and whispered softly while he reached for another piece of pizza.

“It’s a good thing you’re sexy, Allie.”

I blushed furiously and shivered as he spoke into my ear. I had absolutely no idea how to respond. What had started off as a joke went a bit further than I had been prepared to take it. But I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. Emily had awoken my brazen sexual nature, and I was starting to fully embrace it.

“I’m so glad I found out early about your sister’s unfortunate taste in pizza toppings. If I had found out years later after we’d already gotten married and had seven kids, I’d be devastated. Wait… you are cool with having lots and lots of kids, right?”

“As long as you don’t expect me to get you pregnant then sure. I love kids; free slave labor.”

“See, a man after my own heart! He hates pineapple on pizza and wants lots of kids so he can sit on the couch all day and game with me while they cook and clean.”

“Oh… I was expecting you to cook so I can game with the kids. I mean… that is a woman’s job, right?”

“Annnnnd… I just remembered why I was gay in the first place. Emily… baby… wanna take me back?”

“Sorry, I’ve moved on. Jade and I are madly in love and planning on eloping to Vegas. I really have my eye set on this chapel that has an entire Star Wars theme. Nothing says I love you like the dark lord of the sith officiating your wedding.”

Bray started doing an amazing impression of the Vader breathing, and when he spoke in a near perfect voice impression, we all cracked up.

“Search your feelings. You know it to be true. Confess your love for one another… you may say I do.”

We all laughed until tears streamed down our faces, I slid off Aaron’s lap and collapsed in a heap on the floor, shaking hysterically with laughter.

“Shit Bray… I think you broke my girlfriend.”

“Hey I thought she was mine! I thought you and Jade were star-crossed lovers!”

“Eh… we separated after irreconcilable differences. Turns out me using the word ‘Adorbs’ on a regular basis was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

“Ugh. You’re right…  I hate that word.”

I finally recovered and slid out from underneath the table. I walked over to Emily, snatched her plate with one hand and set it on the table behind me. I faced her and pressed my body into her as I straddled my legs over hers. I trailed kisses from her lips down her neck before I bit the soft skin playfully. She moaned loudly and I felt her dig her nails into my back. I continued to bite and suck on the same spot until she had a deep purple hickey just above her collar bone. I pulled my face away and smirked at the sexy woman I had fallen in love with. 

“Wanna take me back now?”

The hungry look of arousal and her flushed face told me all I needed to know.

“Bedroom. Now!”

“Uhhh… you do realize there are people in the common r-”

“Bedroom. NOW!”

“Uhhh… Yes ma’am!”

I hopped off her legs and Emily nearly jumped off the couch after me. She snatched my hand and half-led half-dragged me towards her darkened dorm room. Once we were inside she slammed the door and moved very close to me. She pulled me into a fierce embrace, biting and kissing from my neck up to my ear. Shivers crawled up my spine and I felt my arousal hit me like a fierce wave. 

As she continued to tease and kiss me she started pushing me towards the bed. I fell back against the soft mattress and she reached down and roughly tore my sweatpants and panties off in one motion. I went to sit up to help her undress herself, but she pushed me back down. Emily stood and quickly stripped. After retrieving the strap-on from her night stand, she tightened the straps on the harness and slid the shorter end of the dildo into her body eagerly. I figured it would be a good time to strip the rest of my clothing, so I swiftly peeled off my tank top and chucked it onto the floor.

Emily pounced back towards the bed and roughly grabbed each of my legs. She pulled me toward the edge of the bed and moved her body closer to mine. I felt her press the large head of the dildo against my clit and I buried my head in the blankets and moaned loudly. Running the shaft along my sensitive outer folds she teased me over and over. I groaned as I felt the head of her pink cock press against my opening and push into me.

Emily surprised me by yanking me downwards and thrusting up into me at the same time. She bottomed out and I felt her quads pressing against my thighs. I wasn’t prepared for the quick stabbing in and out of me with such a rapid pace that my body started to tremble as my first orgasm washed through me. Emily didn't slow or relent in the slightest and continued to pound into me. The look of pleasure on her face from the vibrating dildo head inside of her that pulsed every time she thrust into me was so fucking erotic in the low lighting and I watched her intently.

When I sat up and pulled Emily closer to me, this time she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed deeply while she fucked me. When she pulled out of me for a moment I was about to object until she hopped onto the mattress next to me and nodded at her glistening shaft. I straddled her and sank down onto the large toy until I felt her soaking wet skin against my own. She sat up and we held each other tightly as I rode her up and down in slow steady strokes. 

“I’m so close, babe. Cum with me.”

I nodded wordlessly and let the intense wave of pleasure that had been building wash over me. I felt her legs twitch and shake while my leg muscles tightened and my pussy clamped down on the large pink toy as we both came together. Emily fell back against the mattress with her arms still wrapped around me and I fell against her softly. I nuzzled up against her neck and spoke softly into her ear.

“I love you so much Emily.”

She sighed contentedly and whispered back.

“And I love you, Allie.”




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