How I became the Empress of Hell

3.13: Gifts of Fruit

"So… Maiden of Iron huh? You're such a classic rock nerd."

"And? Iron Maiden is amazing. It's not my problem that their aesthetic happens to fit our clan so well."

Emily laughed as she took another bite of her sandwich. After we had logged out we all met back up at the local sandwich shop that Spencer had suggested. As we chatted about some of our favorite bands we all turned as one when Jade and Tiffany walked into the shop hand-in-hand. They ignored everyone's staring as they took their seats across from Emily and me. After a few moments of silence Jade turned towards the woman whose hand was still tightly clutched in her own and they nodded at each other.

"Tiffany and I have decided to start getting to know each other a lot better. Unlike some, we're going to take it slowly."

She said that last part with a smirk directed at Emily and me. We all congratulated the two of them as we resumed eating. After we were mostly finished I went over to the soda machine to get a refill and saw Jade stand up and walk over to me.

"Before everyone heads back to the dorms, me and Tiff want to talk to you and Emily."

I nodded and after filling my cup and I slipped back into the booth and whispered in Emily's ear before turning to the rest of the clan.

"Everyone go ahead and head back. The four of us are going to talk for a bit and then we'll meet up with everyone afterwards at the dorms."

The others agreed and when they had finally departed I took my seat again and turned towards the two women across from me.

"So, I have a feeling I know what this little meeting is about, but just so I'm not being presumptuous go ahead and fill me in with what's going on."

Tiffany blushed furiously and looked down at the table. Jade moved very close to her and spoke softly.

"It's OK. Just tell them what you told me. I'll help. K?" 

The small Chinese woman blushed even harder but she nodded and leaned into Jade for comfort. 

"I'm uh… I'm a… I'm a virgin. Hell, before I k-kissed Jade I hadn't even kissed someone I was actually attracted to. I know that the Realmshift requires us to be Demons to join in… and I know that one of the ways to become a Demon is to… um…" 

"Have sex with my character?" 

She blushed a bright crimson again and nodded slightly.

"And I do want to. Become a demon I mean. But… I don't want to have sex with you… Yet. First I want… Uh…"

She looked from me to Jade and then blushed again furiously. I grinned as I realized what she was saying.

"You want to be intimate with Jade before you do anything with me."

She nodded and looked relieved I understood.

"That makes perfect sense. I want your first time to be as special to you as you want it to be. If that means we have two less demons in the fight ahead that's completely OK with me. Truly. And we don't ever have to do anything if you aren't feeling up for it. I suppose Demon Lord Allexus can tolerate your half-human bodies in her presence if she must."

The four of us laughed before Jade turned to me and Emily.

"There are a few caveats to us having sex with you, Allie. First, it has to be both of us at the same time. And Em if she wants to make sure her fiancée is behaving herself. Second, we want a sort of… Role play. We're both OK with it happening if it's part of the game like… Kinda how your first time with Mellic went."

"You want me to… Force you both?"

Tiffany shook her head and pursed her lips slightly as she decided the best way to explain what they wanted.

"I don't want to have sex with Allie. Tifa wants to have sex with a powerful demon lord who despises her humanity and wants nothing more than to turn her into a powerful demon to stand beside her in battles to come. Basically… I want to look at it like an in-game event. If it's in the game then I don't feel as scared or vulnerable. In there I'm Tifa: badass shapeshifting fighter. Out of the game I can be Tiffany: baby lesbian exploring what it means to be a queer woman. Does uh… Does that make sense?"

I thought about it for a couple of seconds and then nodded.

"Perfectly. It's similar to how Emily feels about me having sex with others in the game but not out if it. As long as it's part of the game then it's all good. I… Think I can arrange something when you're ready for it."

Tiffany blushed furiously and whispered something to Jade, who in turn blushed slightly and looked at the smaller woman beside her.

"Are you sure?" 

Tiffany nodded and then glanced at me before kissing Jade softly and then pulling away.

"We'll uh… We'll be ready for this 'in-game event' tomorrow I guess."

As I grinned in understanding Tiffany blushed again. Jade motioned towards the door and we all stood up and started walking that way. After we exited the shop and neared our vehicles, Jade leaned against Emily’s car and the three of us turned towards her. She leaned over and whispered something in Tiffany’s ear, who nodded. Jade turned back towards both of us with a slight blush on her face.

"So uh… I've actually never been with a girl before. I mean nothing more than some over-the-clothes touching. And Tiffany definitely hasn’t…"

Emily smirked at her and bumped her hip against Jade playfully.

"So what, you two thought you'd ask the resident expert lesbians for advice?" 

They both blushed furiously before Jade glared at Emily before exhaling loudly and nodding her head. I could tell Emily was debating on teasing her roommate and her new girlfriend further, but her rational side won out and she spoke softly as she leaned against the car next to Jade.

"You've both had sex or masturbated enough to have at least some understanding of what you like… Right?”

Both women nodded.

“Then just do to each other what feels good to you. Watch each others’ reactions. If one of you responds well to something, keep doing it. If one of you doesn't respond or responds badly, switch it up. More than anything, communicate with each other about what you both like. Do it while you're having sex. Just have fun with it. You're both going to make mistakes and things can easily get awkward. Just laugh about it together and enjoy being close to her. Finally and most importantly, don't focus on making each other cum… Focus solely on making each other feel good and the rest will come naturally. Pun intended."

“Jeez… I feel like we should be taking notes… that’s so much stuff to remember.”

“No. That’s just it, Jade.. Get out of your head. Don’t think about trying to make Tiffany feel good, just make her feel good.”

“Allie, did you… did you just Yoda me with a there is no try only do?”

“No? Yes, actually. Fuck. Now my ADHD brain is driving the wrong way. Emily, anytime you wanna chime back in would be great, babe!”

“No, no… I think you’re doing a great job all on your own.”

I glared at her playfully and thought about what I was trying to say before Jade put her hand on my arm and smiled at me.

“I get it, Allie. I need to stay out of my head and just go with the flow.”

I nodded and smirked playfully at my fiancée again. She winked at me and turned back to Jade.

“You’ll both do fine. You already seem pretty smitten with each other. That helps a lot.”

Jade grinned and nodded before both she and Tiffany gave me and Em a hug. After they both got in Jade’s car,  I could see them chatting, before Emily and I climbed into her car and started heading back to the campus. 

I stared in silence out the window as I considered what Jade and Tiffany had said about this ‘in-game event’ that they wanted me to do for them. As I pictured ways I could set things up, a random thought popped into my mind. The idea of being an in-game boss defending her castle from would-be attackers actually sounded entertaining. As I considered this more and more, an interesting idea began to formulate. If I was the big bad evil demon overlord ruling her castle, then my clan mates would be akin to my mini bosses that challengers would have to go through. When me or my clan managed to beat other players, we would get access to their gear and the XP for beating them. If I were to offer up something as an incentive, I’m sure I could definitely get players from every server interested in trying to challenge us. I’m just… not sure what would be incentive enough to make people willing to risk attacking us. I know Judas could always craft-

“Penny for your thoughts.”

“Sorry, got lost in my head for a minute. I was thinking about what Jade and Tiffany had said about doing something in-game. That led me to considering how cool it would be to have other people coming in and challenging our clan to battles in hopes to get… something. I was about to run through ideas of what that something could be but I hadn’t come up with anything.”

“I love how your mind took the idea of a sex role-play and turned it into a full blown PvP challenge event that involves the whole clan. Your brain is so chaotically beautiful, my love. I do think it would be fun to have random people try to challenge us. Our clan is badass, plus the fact you have a fucking demon army. But what’s the end goal for us? Are we farming gear? XP? I feel like those reasons are too… basic. We should absolutely do it, but come up with a much better reason for what we’d get out of it.”

“Hmmm… Let’s bring it up to the rest of the clan and see if any of them have any suggestions.”

“So, in regards to the ‘in-game activity’ with Jade and Tiffany… What are your thoughts about it?”

“In what context? Like… What do I plan to do or what’s my opinion on having sex with them?”


My fingertip brushed against the tip of my nose a few times as I pondered everything.

“So… I have varying opinions on the sex aspect. To me, both outside and inside the game, sex is sex. It is a biological function same as eating or drinking. There can be emotion attached to it, but there doesn’t have to be. Sometimes it’s a matter of just fulfilling an urge and making you and the other person feel good. In our case, sex not only feels good, but because I do let emotion into it, I feel closer to you in mind and body. But… where it gets complicated is the friendship I have with both Tiffany and Jade. I already have an emotional connection with them… so it makes the whole ‘emotionless sex’ much more difficult.”

“When you explain it like that, it makes a lot of sense… Does that mean you can’t do it?”

“That’s why I said I have varying opinions on it. While there may be an emotional aspect to our relationship that Allie has to them… Demon Lord Allexus and her demonic instincts do not. It’s… hard to explain beyond that. I mean… since you became a demon in-game, have you felt any different? Anything like that outburst I had with Tesrif?”

“Yes. A couple of times. The first was during the clan battles, at one point during the first team battle I could tell that we had the other team soundly beat. I could have let Judas or Tesrif finish off the enemies they were fighting on their own… but I ordered them to stop so I could have the glory of killing them myself. The second time was when Nialla came to the clan hall to… be corrupted. I felt disgusted by their presence and angry that they would dare set foot in the same room as you. I remember wanting to drain him… or… her I guess, of every ounce of life.”

“Yeah, that’s why I have conflicting opinions on everything with Jade and Tifa. I think as long as I let my demonic instincts take charge it's doable… but I don’t want things to get out of hand and do anything that Mellic would have done. I also… feel weird that it’s Jade and Tiffany we’re talking about.”

“I’m not going to try to convince you what’s right and what’s not. To put it bluntly, if you decide not to do it, realize that not only will Jade and Tiffany likely not be able to join us in the Realmshift event; that will also signify you aren’t willing to use Allexus’s corruption powers for the clan’s sake and only use it at your discretion. On the other hand though, if you do go through with it, you’ll have to deal with the possible emotional implications of having sex with them could bring, to say nothing about having to keep your demonic side from going too far. In other words… you’re fucked if you do and fucked if you don’t. Pun intended.”

“You’re forgetting one more thing, Em.”

Her eyebrow rose and she gave me the side eye as she continued to drive.

“The way Jade said you could be there during everything if you quote ‘want to make sure your fiancée is behaving herself’ sounded more like her covering up the fact that maybe she actually wanted you there.”

Emily sighed and chewed the inside of her cheek.

“It’s one thing to have a threesome with my fiancée and an NPC like Gehenna… it’s another to sleep with one of my best friends who is also my current roommate. I think I can be involved up to the point of actually having sex, but past that… I’m not sure. Sort of like you did with Nialla. I can help get Allexus’s playthings to her and make sure they submit to her, but I don’t know if I’m ready to jump in yet. I’m not saying that it’s out of the realm of possibility, just not sure how comfortable with it I am.”

“That makes sense. And if I decide to go through with this… No… When I decide to go through with this I’d definitely appreciate your help with my um… playthings.”

We both laughed and she gave me a glance again.

“So, you decided to go through with it?”

I grimaced slightly and nodded my head.

“Yeah. I still need to talk with Jade and Tiffany a bit more about it all, but what you said about using Allexus’s powers for the clan’s sake and not just at my own discretion helped me put things in perspective.”

She nodded and flashed me a quick smile before looking back to the road. We drove in silence for a moment until she sighed softly.

“Allison, are we crazy for going all-in like this?”

I felt a lump form in my throat and I drew a breath in sharply. I felt panic start to creep in and Emily could see the look on my face. She placed her hand on top of mine and lifted it up to her lips and kissed it softly before placing it on her leg.

“Relax, babe. I’m not having second thoughts. Quite the opposite in fact. After you told me you quit your job I’ve felt this… certainty that we’re on the right path together. But me… being the overthinker that I am, thought that maybe I’m love-drunk and seeing what I want to see. I think maybe it’s because… I’ve never had something… or someone in my life who makes me feel like you do. You are my wildest dreams come true, Allison, and I have to keep pinching myself to make sure you’re real.”

That was the single sweetest thing that anyone had ever said about me in my entire 28 years of living. I was so moved by it that my mouth hung open in shock for a few seconds before. I felt my eyes brimming with tears of joy and after a minute I managed to clear my throat enough to speak.

“Pull over. Now.”

Emily looked incredibly concerned as she took a sudden turn into a nearby parking lot. She pulled into a spot and looked at me with a look of worry. I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved my body as much as I could in her small car towards Emily, and pulled her into the tightest embrace I could and kissed her with a ferocity that could only show a fraction of how much I loved her. If we weren’t in public I’d be inclined to maybe take this further, instead I let my fingers run through her hair before grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers and pressing my forehead against hers. Both of us were breathing in short, rapid gasps and I knew her well enough to know that she was just as turned-on as I was.

“I love you, so so so so so so SO much Emily. Every time I think that you can’t get anymore amazing, you say or do something to prove me wrong. You know… before I met you, my self-esteem was basically non-existent. I mean, I never thought I was unattractive… but I never considered myself much more than average. I always thought my gaming skills far outshined my appearance in every regard.”

“Seriously?! This whole time I’ve always seen you as this gorgeous woman who is the literal definition of everything I’m attracted to. Your body is slim and lithe, but not in a way that is overly skinny or bony. I love how every part of your body has freckles. Your face is both cute and sexy. I love your cute slightly upturned nose, and your eyes… good gods, Allison… your green eyes are like two emerald stars that suck me in and never let go. I love your long curly hair and how it naturally frames your face but also looks completely untameable. Your skin is softer than the finest silk. Your lips… oh don’t get me started on your lips… they always have a little pout to them and they are so goddamn kissable. Your tits… babe… they have a magnetism in their own right. They are the perfect size for my hands and make my mouth water every time I see them. I can keep going if you want…”

I was so engrossed with her beautiful descriptions of how she saw me that I had to blink several times to bring myself back down to earth. 

“From the moment I met you, Em, I have always thought you were ‘way out of my league.’ You had this sort of ethereal elven beauty to you that made me feel plain and ordinary. Your pixie cut made you look both fearless and sexy. You may be only a couple inches taller than me, but it’s just the right amount to feel wrapped in your embrace when you are behind me cuddling. Your curves are my opinion of what is the epitome of feminine perfection and make you a walking wet dream for men and women alike. Your boobs… you’ve seen the way they hypnotize me every time I see them. I can honestly say no matter how many times I see them they will always mesmerize me with their perfection. They are full, and perky, and the envy of every woman in existence. Your deep brown eyes are like pools of moonkissed shadow. And no… I have absolutely no idea what that means… it was just the best way to describe them that I could think of.”

It was her turn to stare at me in shock with a grin painted on her face. 

“Huh. We really stood no chance…”

I cocked my head to the side and lifted an eyebrow.

“We stood no chance of not falling in love with one another. We are each other’s exact type down to a fucking T. You are everything I have ever wanted and so, so much more. I’m just waiting for some talking animals to show up or a fairy godmother to pop in… cause this is a picture perfect fairy tale romance.”

“Does this mean I need to watch out for enchanted spinning wheels or old ladies bearing gifts of fruit?"

"You're a gift of fruit."

"I'm your gift of fruit."

We both cracked up and I gave her a light headbutt with my forehead against hers.

"I love you, Em. Come on… Let's head back before the others send out a search party."

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