How I became the Empress of Hell

3.15: Preparations & ❤️Hey Look it’s that threesome I was talking about!!!

 Double chapter, cause, while I am a sadist, doing all the set up for a sex scene and then just stopping is just bad form. Enjoy! ❤️


After discussing the events that took place at the arena with my clan and showing them all the items that Gehenna had given me, Judas and Aeryn seemed excited to show us something. They led us down a staircase that I never knew existed and we came to a long corridor of doors. Judas opened the first one we came to on our left and motioned for us to go inside. We walked in and Judas and Aeryn followed behind us. As we looked around at the room we were in, we all gaped at the massive cave system we had entered. I scanned the walls and immediately recognized the smooth cave walls coated in a very fine layer of webbing; it was a near identical match to Aeryn’s spider caverns except the floor had our clan symbol lightly etched into it every fifty feet or so. The others looked around and I could tell that the original members of the clan recognized the caverns as well.

“So… why are we back in your creepy-as-fuck spider cave, Aeryn. I had enough of this place the first time…”

We all turned around to face Aeryn and Judas, but neither of them was present.

“So… that’s not ominous at all…”

We searched the area for a few seconds to locate our missing clan members but there wasn’t a single sign of them. Before I could suggest a course of action I heard the faint sounds of chitin scraping on stone. I would have drawn my weapons and prepared for a fight had I not known what was coming next. As we saw the giant chitinous legs of one of Aeryn’s giant spiders, I heard Bray shuffle and grumble loudly behind me.  Riding atop a second pair of spiders were Judas and Aeryn and they stopped as they drew closer to us.

“So, whatcha guys think?”

“What are we looking at, Aeryn? This seems like your spider cavern, but I can see the clan symbol on the cave floor, so I know that this is still the castle.”

“The more I thought about people challenging our clan, I realized we would each need special rooms to meet challengers on our terms similar to the colosseum Mellic fought us in. Not only would that make each challenge other players would face unique, it would also give us a sort of ‘home-field advantage.’ I also came to the conclusion that each room should have a pair of clan members in it should people wish to challenge us in small groups. It would have to be someone that compliments our skills the best and can work well in sync with us. Judas and my fighting style work well together because while I have the close combat and summon skills, he has the ranged fighting that I lack. We need to sit down and discuss with each other who we feel compliments our skills the best, and decide who is going to get their own ‘rooms.’ All this comes with the caveat that as sort of the Big Bad Boss, Allie gets her own room and probably doesn’t partner up with anyone. No offense, Allie… but none of us can even come close anymore to your power levels. What level are you even at now… I know you’re not actually level 40 like it says.”

After the recent fight against the angels and archangel I had shot up 17 levels. I recalled my conversation with Gehenna about levels and smirked at him before opening my character menu and showing the rest of my clan that I was now level 203. They all stared in shock and I gave an awkward chuckle and closed the menu. I wasn’t sure what to say to fill the silence so I was super grateful when Emelia spoke up.

“I agree with Aeryn’s idea of each of us having our own rooms, but I think we need to make it slightly more… fair? I think we need to have that effect that makes level difference irrelevant be an option for lower level challengers… or something to that effect. Like… I don’t want to totally neuter the power of our clan, but I also don’t want to scare would-be challengers away with our extremely high levels.”

“What if we used a sort of set Power Limiter like Allie has that automatically adjusts depending on who we’re facing?”

I turned towards Nialla and nodded my head.

“I really like that idea. It’s variable enough that it both scales your guys’ levels to match your opponents but also doesn’t completely ignore all the grinding we had to do to get those high levels in the first place. And because it’s something you have no control over, it wouldn’t require as strong of an enchantment like my own Limiter. Another thing that I think we should do is incorporate some sort of  factor that pits the enemy against one of us at random. That way neither side gets to pick who they are fighting. I think it should be three timed rounds against three clan members besides me, then one round against the fury of the Demon Overlord Allexus.”

“You said timed rounds… Why timed?”

 “As much as I’d like to give both sides ample opportunity to fight the full battle to its conclusion, if we have a lot of challengers we need to limit the amount of time spent per round. If we use a sort of point system we can assign rewards based upon that. Like… 5 points for surviving the full round but 10 points for killing your opponents. We’d have to switch it up for teams of competitors though…”

As Aeryn and Judas dismounted and motioned for us to exit the room, Emelia spoke up loud enough so that everyone could hear.

“What about something like 20 points for surviving as a solo competitor or as a full team. For any of the team challengers, if anyone on their team dies but the rest still survive the round, they get 10 points. For every clan member they kill, they get a max total of 30 points. Meaning that if it’s a solo match, if they kill the clan member they’re facing, they get the full 30 points. In multiplayer matches each clan member would only be worth 15 points. Basically, the max score any challenger or challengers can get per round is 50. Against you, Allison, challengers would get 50 points for surviving, 25 if anyone in their group goes down,  and 100 points for beating you. So, after four rounds the max score any challenger or challengers could get would be 300 points. We would give rewards based on the total number of points regardless of how many rounds they finish. I think every competitor should at least get.. something. If we had more of those Level Up! items I would suggest using those, but there’s a high chance if we do this correctly we’ll get far more than 200 challengers. Before the clan battles I hadn’t even heard of items like that, so it must be something only boss-level NPC’s like Gehenna have access to.”

“Gehenna did mention she wanted to stop by at some point. Maybe I can convince her to spare us more of those to use solely for the purpose you mentioned.”

The others agreed as we all walked back towards the clan hall. Just before we were going to go in, Nialla grabbed my shoulder gently.

“Hey, I just wanted to say a couple of things first. Thank you for including me in your clan. I know I’m sort of the outsider cause I don’t actually live near you guys, but I’m still happy to be here. I’m still astounded at how quickly you are leveling up… When I was an Angelspawn I grinded and grinded with the sole intent to surpass you in level. It seemed like no matter how hard I went, you were always two steps ahead of me. I realize now that I will probably never surpass you… but that doesn’t bother me as much anymore. I uh… I don’t have a lot of friends. OK, I don’t really have any. I just graduated high school and all the people I was even remotely close to either stopped talking to me completely or moved away. So I’m really happy that you guys invited me.”

“Wait… Nialla… How old are you?”

She blushed for a moment and looked down at her feet.

“Uhhhh… 18. Is that a… problem?”

I adamantly shook my head and grinned at her.

“No. Not in the slightest. While I may now make jokes about you being the baby in the group, it truly doesn’t bother me. It does sort of complicate how you got that body though…”

“How so?”

“Normally I only have sex with people who are around the same age as me… I guess I can make an exception for cute teenage catgirls…”

She let out a small squeak that was absolutely adorable and blushed furiously. Her feline ears were folded down slightly and she hung her head so that her shoulder length white and blue hair covered her face. I would have thought she was upset except for the fact her tail was thrashing back and forth and she was slightly rubbing her thighs together. She muttered something unintelligible and then went to grab the door to the clan hall. I reached down under her chin and lifted her head up to me as I pushed the door to the clan hall closed with the other.

“I’m truly glad to have you in my clan, Nialla. Your fighting skills are second to none and your unique character makes you a most welcome addition. My high level is actually due in no small part to you… as it was the siphon shard created during your corruption that let me reset my character and gain a shit-ton of levels in the process. So… in a way… I owe this ridiculous power I have entirely to you. While you may not surpass me in actual levels, take pride in knowing that it was only because of how powerful you were before you were corrupted that allowed me to become as powerful as I am now. More than any of that though, I am more than happy to call you my friend, Nialla.”

She stepped back slightly and grinned at me before literally pouncing on me and kissing me fiercely. I used my demonic strength to remain upright and caught her as she jumped into my arms. I accepted the kiss awkwardly at first before leaning into it slightly. We began exploring each other’s mouths with our tongues when we both heard someone clear their throat loudly. We broke apart at once and both turned in shame towards Emelia. As I lifted my face towards hers I could see a very faint smirk masked by a facade of anger. She held up her hands and the entire room felt like it dropped over 100 degrees at once. I felt ice flow over my legs and as I glanced briefly at Nialla. The lower half of her body was already encased in a thick layer of near-translucent ice. Emelia lifted one of her hands and the blue and white striped catgirl rose up into the air slightly.

“You thought you would move in on my mate?! You have a lot of nerve, little girl. She’s MINE!”

I realized I could easily slip out of the ice if I wanted and I saw the smallest hint of a naughty grin on Emelia’s face, but the absolute look of sheer terror on Nialla’s face made me realize that she had no clue that Em was playing around. While I ran through the options of what to do, I opted to let my demonic instincts take over and see what would happen. I reached up and grabbed the clasp on the Limiter around my neck. I was nearly overcome with a rapturous orgasm as the choker came loose, but I fought against it and tensed all my muscles. The ice that was snaking around my legs shattered at once and I ignited both of my hands with Corrupting Fire. I burst across the room and in one swift motion pinned each of Emelia’s hands to the wall. I could tell she was trying to phase through my grasp, but the fire surrounding my hands was preventing her from doing so. I could actually hear the sound of her flesh starting to burn but I could tell that the pain would be minimal and she would heal quickly.

The crash of ice cracking and breaking apart sounded behind us and I spun in place, still holding one of the small Snow Demon’s hands in my grasp. I moved quickly focusing on both strength and speed, and just before Nialla could fall to the ground I caught her with my free hand. I released my grasp on both of them, but as they started to descend to the floor I placed a hand on each of their chests between their breasts and pushed them both down to the ground. They both landed hard and I held them fast in place as I knelt down and growled at them.

“Emelia is indeed my mate… but you are both mine to do with what I wish. I am your Demon Overlord… you will both submit to me. NOW!”

Both women looked at me with masks of shock mixed with an extremely healthy dose of desire. I released them both and they moved towards me at the same time softly kissing me on my cheeks, one on each side. I turned my face towards Nialla and kissed her deeply before turning to Emelia and doing the same. My kiss with my future wife lasted slightly longer than when I had kissed Nialla, and I could tell she was grateful for that. I pulled away from her slowly and rose to my feet while looking from one woman to the other. When I was fully standing, neither of them moved as I stepped over both of them and started walking towards a specific destination I had in mind. I knew that what I was planning was probably skirting the bounds of what Em had said was allowed… but right now my demonic instincts were in charge and I wasn’t fully thinking of anything besides what was going through my mind.

I moved quickly through the halls until I arrived at the destination I had been seeking. I opened the door and then walked into the room that contained the bed that I had used to corrupt Nialla. I opened my minion menu and selected Emelia’s portrait. I waved my hand and the air shimmered as she appeared in front of me. She gave me a questioning look and I fought back against my demonic instincts to regain a little control. I could see just how turned on she was, but I knew that was in no small part because of the Bond of Corruption she had with me. If I was going to do what I planned I needed her consent. If she was against it or uncomfortable with it in any way, what I was doing would end right there and then.

“Em. I know what you said about having sex in-game and it being used for the sole purpose of-”

Emily moved forward and kissed me before I could continue. She smiled at me and I could see a look of intense lust in her eyes.

“Allie… shut up and get her in here before I change my mind. Maybe it’s this Corrupted Bond I have with you, maybe it’s the fact that seeing you overpower me so easily and claim both of us really got me going… but at this point… I don’t fucking care. If I need to see my demon Overlord fuck one of her minions into a blissful stupor, then I’m all for it, especially if I get to be involved. Just remember who’s really in charge when you take this headset off, Mrs. Raynier.”

I moved to close the slight gap between us and kissed her deeply before summoning Nialla with one of my hands. I continued to kiss Emelia for a few seconds before she pulled away from me. Nialla was shuffling her feet nervously and looking down. I could smell just how turned on she was already, and her pressing her thighs together tightly confirmed it. Her split ended tail was thrashing back and forth in a frenzy and her ears were quivering slightly. Emelia moved closer to the other girl and did the same thing as I had by lifting her chin upwards so she was looking at the Snow Demon’s face. Instead of saying anything to her, Em pulled her close and pressed her lips against the catgirl’s. The two passionately kissed for a minute and I ignored my own aching desire as I watched them. As their hands started exploring each other’s body, I exercised more of my control that I had over both of them by waving my other hand and making their clothing instantly disappear. Instead of being surprised at their sudden lack of clothing, the pair took the opportunity to touch and caress each other in a much more sexual manner. Emelia tweaked and played with Nialla’s nipples while the taller catgirl used her nimble fingers to prod and tease the Snow Demon’s sensitive outer folds. As I walked across the room, I waved my hand in front of me slowly, and my clothing dissolved more and more with every step. By the time I made it to the bed I was fully nude, and I sat on the edge gently.

I quickly turned around as an idea popped into my head, and I figured I would try and experiment with what I had in mind. I pictured both of them laying back on the bed while pleasuring each other, and while keeping that image in my mind I waved my hand and focused on summoning them onto the bed in front of me. My idea worked to perfection and both women gasped in momentary surprise before going back to what they were doing. I watched in eager fascination as they fingered and fondled each other, but the longer I sat back and watched the more I felt like it was taking everything I had to contain my demonic instincts that were telling me to take both of them right. Fucking. Now. I gave in the slightest bit and spoke out loud, using that magic that gave me a small bit of control over both of them.

“Both of you stop for a moment. Emelia… Lay back on the bed with your head towards the door and spread your legs slightly.”

As she did as I instructed, I moved across the bed and focused on my demonic strength.  I lifted Nialla and turned her so that she was now facing away from the door. I eased her down slightly and I saw Emelia grin up at me in understanding. Nialla gasped as her sex came into full contact with Emelia’s lips. She leaned back slightly as she savored the feeling and then laid down on top of the raven-haired woman and started eagerly licking at her clit. I shifted across the bed and summoned my demon cock by visualizing it sliding out of me. The feeling was unlike anything I had experienced, but as I caught Emelia’s eye I could tell she found the whole display to be just as alluring as I did. 

I placed a hand on both of Nialla’s hips and pulled her back slightly so that her ass was at a higher angle. I looked down at Emelia and gave her a final questioning look to make sure she was OK with this, and she simply nodded her head once and resumed licking and sucking the other woman’s outer folds. I lined myself up with Nialla’s entrance and she moaned loudly as she felt the head of my cock pressing against her. I felt Emelia’s tongue brush against the underside of my shaft and I savored the sensation as I rolled my hips forward and slid into the sexy catgirl. She literally purred as the wide head spread her tight walls apart, and as my legs rested against the backs of her thighs she started humping back against me. I took that as a sign that she was ready for me, and I pulled back slightly before slamming into her. She was so tight and warm that it was like the softest velvet was gripping every sensitive inch of my cock. 

As I started thrusting in and out of her at a more rapid pace she began to let out small yowling sounds of pleasure. While it would have seemed incredibly odd from a voyeur’s perspective, being hilt-deep inside of the gorgeous white and blue haired woman while she was making those sounds was one of the most erotic things I had experienced. As I pistoned in and out of her at a constant rate I realized I had accidentally let my demonic instincts take over completely and was focusing entirely on my own pleasure. In that moment I was even more thankful that Emelia was underneath Nialla doing her best to give the lithe catgirl a brain-melting orgasm. As I felt the white and blue haired woman flutter around my length and her legs tremble I could tell that she had just descended from hitting her peak. Instead of slowing my pace, I allowed my demonic side to take back over as I could feel a slight bloom of heat in my core.

Both of the women beneath me shook from the impact of my quads hitting the backs of Nialla’s thighs, and I began to move at a much more frantic pace. A low growl filled the room as I felt my orgasm build within me, and I tightened my grip on Nialla’s hips and slightly extended my claws so that they dug into her skin. The effect was instantaneous and even through my own orgasmic haze I felt all of her muscles tense up and then release after a few seconds as she was pushed over the edge. When her pussy clamped down on my length I let out a small grunt of exertion and hilted myself as deeply as I could go and came in an explosive rush that left little white stars in my vision. We remained motionless for a moment as we descended from the sexual high we had been on before I pulled out of her. My demon cock was still rock-hard and I grinned down at Emelia as she saw that I was still ready to keep going.

“Nialla, lay back on the bed against the pillows and spread your legs. Emelia… I’m going to take you from behind… you know what to do.”

Both women moved at once and despite her legs still quivering I could see that Nialla looked ready for more. She laid back against the mountain of pillows near the headboard and spread her legs wide. Emelia sat up and crawled forward until her face was inches away from the taller woman’s freshly fucked pussy. A small trickle of my cum flowed out of her along with a steady stream of her own arousal, and Emelia moved down eagerly and began lapping at it like it was the nectar of the gods. I could tell that she had positioned herself in such a way that showed that she was more than ready for me to fuck her just as thoroughly as I had Nialla. I ignited my hand in Corrupting Fire and smacked her ass hard. She hissed in pain but I could see from the way she reacted afterwards that she absolutely loved it. I did the same thing with my other hand on her other cheek before extinguishing the flames and moving right behind her. I lined myself up with her entrance and before I could even get the chance to tease her I felt her rock backwards and pushed my entire length into her all at once. She gasped loudly and lifted her head and looked back over her shoulder and spoke in a voice that dripped with lust.

“Please fuck me hard, Demoness Allexus.”

I growled and gripped her hips tightly as I did as she requested and began fucking her in earnest. She moaned and her eyes rolled back into her head as she let a wave of pleasure wash over her. When she opened her eyes I stopped moving only long enough to lift a hand and point back to the woman in front of her. She bit her lip and turned her head and began to eagerly lick at Nialla’s clit. I resumed my thrusting and it wasn’t long before I worked into a steady rhythm. Instead of allowing my demonic instincts to take over this time, I focused on giving Emelia just as much pleasure as she was giving me. I dropped one of my hands from her waist and slid it down over top of her leg and then brushed my fingertips across her clit. Her tight walls clenched around me as she came hard from the stimulation of me rubbing her sensitive bud. I held her tight against me with my other hand and continued to plow into her with the same smooth quick motions. I could feel the pressure within me building rapidly and I started to move at a much quicker pace. Emelia’s entire body shuddered and bucked as she came again. I moved my hand off of her and grabbed her other hip and began fucking her as hard as I could manage. After a minute I felt that tremendous pressure release all at once as I came in a torrent of extreme pleasure.

All three of us sighed almost in unison and we collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles. I moved slowly so that I was laying on my side against the pillows and felt Emelia snuggle up against my front, her voluptuous backside pressing into me. A wide grin spread across my face as I felt hands wrap around me from behind and gently stroked Emelia’s side. I sighed blissfully and pressed my head against my fiancée’s back and I felt Nialla nuzzling against me from behind.

“That was… Amazing… And totally unexpected. Thank you, Emelia, for sharing Allexus with me.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Nialla. If you hadn’t literally jumped her bones I wouldn’t have reacted the way I did and she wouldn’t have gone full demon lord on us and then subsequently fucked us both into oblivion.”

Emelia turned to face me and moved as if she was going to kiss me. When her lips met mine she instead phased through me and then through Nialla, who shivered against my back. It was my turn to switch to laying on my other shoulder and move almost face to face with Nialla. I watched as the ice demon adjusted her body on the bed so that she was spooning the sexy catgirl from behind.

“Whoa, that was weird. Oh. This is nice.”

She started purring contentedly and then looked up at me with her big feline eyes. She gave me a playful wink and started rubbing her backside up and down against Emelia.

“You know I’m not the one with the magic demon cock, right?”

“Can’t blame a girl for tryin’ though, right?”

“You are just as insatiable as Allie.”

Emelia propped herself up with her elbow and spoke softly.

“ So… 18 huh?”

“Yep. I guess I’m the baby of the clan.”

“I’m only 7 years older than you… so it’s no big deal. I think Sabrina and Tiffany are pretty young too. Oh, sorry, that’s Areandra and Tifa. Allie’s the old lady in the group. She’s 10 years older than you.”

“Jeez… she’s practically ancient.”

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips in very obvious mock anger.

“Listen here you… I’ll have you know back in my day sexy teenage catgirls knew better than to mouth off to their Demon Overlord. Kids these days.”

We all laughed and Nialla let out the most adorable yawn that involved her stretching out her lithe body and extending her claws slightly as she stretched.

“Nialla, I’m curious… what you just did was super catlike… are you consciously choosing to do that?”

She wiggled her nose for a second and blinked rapidly as she considered what I had asked.

“No. I didn’t even realize I did it. Wait… please tell me I haven’t been doing other stuff like that?!”

“I mean… can you not hear yourself slightly purring right now?”

The faint noise she was making stopped suddenly and she blushed profusely. Emelia stroked the younger woman’s hair softly and gave me a naughty look.

“I mean… I wasn’t going to say anything cause it was super hot at the time, but you were yowling like a cat in heat when Allie was fucking you.”

Nialla buried her face in the pillow and curled up slightly. I opted to not continue teasing her and instead gently stroked her face.

“I personally find it super adorable outside the context of sex and ultra hot during sex… so you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Look, if this game can make me into a demon-cum guzzling slut one second and then go on an uncontrollable murderous killing spree the next, you acting like a cat when you are literally in a catgirl body is practically normal.”

She relaxed a little and her ears perked up and she turned back towards me.

“I mean… when you put it like that… I guess that’s true. It’s crazy the amount of control this game has over our emotions.”

“Hey Allie… Aeryn wants to know when our lesbian orgy will be over.”

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

“I’ll message him that we’re on our way and that I just needed to put some of my minions in their place.”

We all moved towards the edge of the bed and enjoyed the sight of each others’ naked bodies once more before standing and reequipping our gear. Before we moved towards the exit Nialla turned to both Emelia and me.

“So… Is this going to become a regular thing? If so, I’m definitely going to have to manage my time better so I have time for awesome demon sex and level grinding.”

Emelia growled softly and gave her a half-grin.

“We’ll see. Don’t push your luck.”

The younger woman stuck her tongue out at her and sauntered out of the room. I turned to my fiancée and raised my eyebrow as if to ask the same thing Nialla had.

“Oh, it’s definitely gonna happen again… I just didn’t want to tell her that. Can’t let her think she can have the mother of my future demon children breed her whenever she wants.”

With that, she smirked at me and rushed out of the room before I could respond.



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